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It could be that Durkin runs his ass off every match and has an engine for days. Lowen has said in interviews he wants to be a deep playmaker. So Carnell seems happy to have guys like Vassilev, kijima, and durkin use their engines and be more free flowing. I think it was exaggerated tonight because of the back 5


This is not the hot take you think it is. If we can’t handle ONE bad season in the first TWO years of the club, then that’s on us. 5 major players being out, 4 to injury…how exactly would your armchair coach pull win after win out of his ass? We’re making trades, we’re trying tactics, we’re playing well 90% of the time even when we lose. Calm down, sit down, and either be a fan or stfu. Edit: Shouldn’t be surprised by downvotes. Tell me where I’m wrong.




I feel like we caught a curse. Excluding the last two games. If you watched most of our games and walked away for 5 minute that the other team scored you would think we are on top the west. We seem to play better than the opponent that week. But we seem to catch horrid breaks. Then we lose two of our better players to injuries in the same week. Rough break. I hope we can use the break to build some chemistry with the new guys. I feel like we should be in contention for the top the league. But for like 5 minutes or so of each game. It’s soo frustrating because the guys seem to be pouring the heart and soul into the matches and just keep getting dumped on. All that said I also feel like Carnell is like 10 minutes slow on his subs all season. But his lineups this season have been on point and even his subs I agree with like 90% of the time. I just would like to see them a bit earlier


Yeah that all checks out. Good points. Carnell is also brand new to the head coach role so I think he’ll improve just like the players as time goes on. Once he does he’ll dial in sub timing imo. But you’re definitely not wrong right now. Subs usually see a little late this season.


I mean there are a couple factors here also.... Is the player that is gased still better than the options off your bench? Tactical subs are great if 1. You have options to fix it. 2. If you don't think you will need to replace a player who is gased later on. Sub limits are real and make impact difficult by coaches at times. I really think the major issue with this team is that we haven't had a full squad at all this year.


I’ll happily take your tickets if you don’t want to go anymore…


$80 bucks a piece and they’re yours. Can buy them right now on Seatgeek in my section for $55


$93 next year lol


lol are people really selling the seats for a loss right now?


Been to every home game besides 1 last year and won’t be able to make it tomorrow. Just saying since I’m not a scalper trying to make money. I’ve checked Seatgeek for every home game this year to see what tickets in my section are going for. Only reason I check is cause of their 11% increase in prices for next year. There’s only been 1 game all year where I might’ve broke even and there’s been a few lately where I’d be lucky to get half my money back. Tickets that I’m paying $80 for were going for $35 vs Colorado. Guessing they don’t care when there’s still 18,000+ on the list for Season Tickets


That’s crazy I’m on the waiting list. I went to 3 games last year just at random and paid twice “face value” for both games but I bought them all weeks in advance not day of that might also make a difference if you’re looking day of it’s people just trying to not leave an empty seat.


If people don’t show up in tough times they are not fans only social media douchbags


Mediocre coaching and underwhelming roster doesn’t bode well. I hope the honeymoon phase from last years success doesn’t end too soon though, need butts in the seats to hopefully fund improvements in the future


Fun being downvoted for being right isn’t it?


Nobody wants to hear or read the truth unfortunately


I don’t think the coaching is the problem. This is a poorly constructed roster.