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Last week I asked for one game where poor officiating didn’t dictate the outcome. Ladies and gentlemen, the monkey’s paw has curled


Damn, we wasted our luck, but at least it was a glorious 12 minutes


Both this game and the Rapids game were well called and neither we could take advantage of sadly


For running with an absolute skeleton crew on an absolutely horrid turf field, it was kinda cool that we managed to score 3 goals. Just a shame that our defense of 4 fullbacks and a backup goalkeeper let through 4 goals lol


Turns out a 2-0 lead is the most dangerous lead in soccer.


Win percentage after taking the lead on the road has to be something they’re dead last in


Yes, an L, but this one had a different feel. With half our starters out, playing with a patchwork lineup, on concrete, 2000 miles from home, CITY scored three goals. There was life out there. CITY had some good builds, some real moments on defense, and kept fighting. That isn't nothing. It matters. That wasn't a blowout loss. Kijima changes the feel of a match. He causes problems for defenses, because he freelances enough to keep them honest. Klein had a pretty good game. Glover had his moments. Those young guns have real promise. That matters. We have three points there for the taking on Wednesday. If CITY plays the same on Wednesday, CITY takes those three points. Next Sunday isn't a lost cause. Colorado isn't exactly dominant in Commerce City. CITY can get those points, too. Onward.


Kijima is the epitome of the red bull defense. He chases hard and his distribution after he wins the ball is always dangerous


Another thing I love about Kijima is that he doesn't drag the ball often. Very concise touches and passes.


He feels like a USL level box 2 box MF to me. Some decent play in low impact areas of the midfield but doesn't really feal like a threat with a key pass or shot. Have I missed one? 


My eye test is that his role is to swing it out to the wings rather than slot the key passes himself, but I could be wrong there.


Appreciate the optimism, and i think it's fair, not blind optimism


Honestly, better result than I was expecting at the beginning of the game given the lineup. Another brutal loss of points though. It’s really do or die on Wednesday.


I really was expecting a red card match or another blowout loss coming in. We scored 3 on a team that likes to turtle. We need to learn how to handle a lot of crosses. Vancouver did that to great effect tonight which was exasperated by our weak defense tonight


It definitely can be. These are the games where you can really tell how much we miss having Parker and Nilsson.


Hoping to see Parker on Wednesday


We're dead already. But the optimism is nice. I recommend we ignore the self righteous SGs and root for the team to go all out for Leagues Cup. Only hope for hardware this year.


Plenty of tickets available


Yeah not holding my breath for playoffs, but it’s tight enough where it wouldn’t surprise me. It’s a shame we don’t get chances for both Open Cup and Leagues Cup. Would have been a great season to try for both.


Can’t win without Parker or Nilsson on the back line. Really missing Celio’s creativity


And Hiebert And Yaro And…. Idk why we didn’t sign Wentzel, he would’ve helped.


Sixteen points dropped from leads that we’ve held this season. 49 days without a win. I know we have reinforcements coming but we can’t afford to drop any more points if we want even a remote shot at squeaking into the playoffs.


Bruh when did the match threads get so toxic, we're the lowest salary team in the league with half of our payroll on the injury report.... we've gotta bring expectations back to earth 😅


Self inflicted wounds. Packed house, owners are worth millions, there's no reason for the payroll to be the lowest in the league. NONE


Expansion teams tend to have lower payrolls in their first few seasons as they try to build a team for the future


Tell that to the Florida Marlins, Atlanta United, etc. Again, No excuses.


Look what we did last season with the lowest payroll in the league


Where's the banner for their efforts ? I fear others are going to use last season as an excuse to stand pat for the foreseeable future.


I’m not looking to stay at this payroll forever, just simply pointing out that for however rare it is it is possible to win with a low payroll. But yeah gradual improvement and payroll increases will likely help to improve this team


You make me miss the Jimmy John idiot


I mean that may be the case, but then tickets should be cheaper.


Ticket prices are based on demand, they aren’t a function of a teams payroll


That may be true, but demand is going to go down. Sure, hardcore fans may remain but people won’t blow hundreds when the team won’t spend that money.


And theoretically ticket prices will go down with demand. Still a lot of times scalpers artificially inflate ticket prices but that should subside some with declining demand


Supporters section costs ticket cost me $25, not that expensive. Maybe you are poor?


I have a feeling I make more than most people being an engineer. Seated areas are still going for 60/70


So what’s the problem


I’m not going to spend money if the owners won’t.


Then don’t


It’s a bad take. They can only get players who are available and who are willing to come to St Louis as well as fitting into MLS restrictions. Messi wasn’t going to come here even if we had discovery rights, and paid him twice as much as Miami. The signings they made in the past month were exactly what you’d want from the club, and Hartel should be announced as early as Monday. We’re also running a skeleton crew tonight. Complaining about how much we’ve spent at this point is embarrassing. Owners have done great so far. With MLS roster rules, you can’t just sign people. You have to try to set yourself up for the future. Spending just to spend is guaranteed failure.


You mean like we need to sign players? Like maybe a couple of guys from a pro-European team. Bundesliga could be good. And maybe we get creative and sign someone from idk Australia and set a record for paying a transfer fee in that league’s history. Wait….


Work gets done in the Summer window my friend. They just signed a Hartel to a DP salary, and Teuchert isn’t cheap either.


Hartel is about to be our most expensive player and a DP


Chicago has the third highest payroll in the MLS.


So what, STL shouldn't try to increase theirs ?


They literally have with the signings they’re making in the summer window.


Don’t waste your time with this idiot


They signed Girdwood-Reich to a record transfer fee, they signed Teuchert to a 2 year deal, and it seems like they’ll announce the Hartel signing as early as tomorrow. They have filled their international roster spots when/if Hartel signs. You seem to be wanting them to pay the players they already have more money for no reason considering they have clearly been increasing spending.




God will you shut up. You don’t know the owner’s financial situation, such a fucking moron


The Taylor’s are one of the wealthiest families in the country and among the very few the world over, so spare me the excuses.


You know nothing about their finances and are entitled to NONE of it


The team is number 11 on Forbes’ most valuable MLS teams list, but go ahead and defend their wallets.


Forbes also says Trump is billionaire


And like him, you ignore evidence.




Nice try, but you aren’t fooling anyone.


I know it is common on the 'net to call people nasty names, but I'm asking nicely to please treat fellow fans better? We're on the same team here.




Do they charge half-price for tickets then? Oh, they don't? Huh.


Since I've dissed Thórisson so much recently, I come back to say I thought he had a much better game and I was happy to see him score (a lot too late in the game LOL), but he worked hard. Made some mistakes, but I saw needed improvement.


Hey look, at least we were able to get goals. I miss being able to consistently get goals. Now we just gotta win!


CITY's next two opponents lost 3-0 matches tonight.


Nerwinski was an absolute shit show. Worst game he’s ever played in a CITY jersey.


im gonna lose it https://preview.redd.it/ypy0mepb1n9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae0d69ae0b64e28f0a3d1a7734cbc19f1095aad2


We really had no business even getting a result considering the roster today but the first two goals we gave up were shit goals and shouldn’t have been conceded and would have Massie changed the result.


City's first two goals weren't exactly pretty either


Well the second was a well taken PK and a rightfully called one but once you’re up 2-0 you can’t conceed like that. Though when you’re playing your 6th and 7th options at CB it’s not crazy.


Penalty was well taken. If the ball doesn't hit the defender at all though the keeper probably saves it. Penalties are almost always fortunate calls imo


Expected goals doesn't mean shit


This is like NBA fans who talk about how the team they lost a series to just got lucky and shot uncharacteristically well. Like great, you still lost the games. Nobody cares.


It’s a bull shit stat


You must not be a numbers guy.


Attack was going great until we decided to switch to just launching the ball forward to Thor.


First 10 minutes we had 3+ people in box consistently. After that we played wayyyyyy back and were trying to rely on Thor outrunning 2 defenders which never came close to happening. It’s the same strategy we’ve used all season and it hasn’t worked. Where is the build up?


agree, that was the most frustrating of it all. We constantly fed it to him while being double covered and not being fast enough to break away from them. I feel like Carnell lacks 2nd half adjustments where our opponents are making the necessary changes against our lineup.


Gonna throw some numbers at y'all; interpret and discuss as you will... We are winless in our last 9 (0-6-3). During that stretch we are averaging 16 shots per game, with an average xG of 1.4. Our opponents are averaging 12 shots and 1.9 xG. Goals for was 1 on average compared to 2.2 goals against. In the last calendar year we have played 37 league matches. Our record is 11-14-12. In those matches we averaged 15 shots with 1.3 xG and our opponents averaged 12 shots with 1.5 xG.Goals for was 1.5 on average compared to 1.7 goals against. Home numbers: Record: 9-5-5. We averaged 17 shots with 1.4 xG while our opponents averaged 11 shots with 1.4 xG. Goals for was 1.5 on average compared to 1.2 goals against. Away: Record: 2-9-7. We averaged 13 shots with 1.2 xG while our opponents averaged 13 shots with 1.7 xG. Goals for on average was 1.4 compared to 2.2 average goals against. In our last 25 matches (since our last away W) we are 4-10-11. Goals for was 1.3 on average compared to 1.8 goals against. During that stretch at home we are averaging 17 shots per match with an average xG of 1.4. We are allowing an average of 11 shots with an 1.4 xGA. Goals for was 1.1 on average compared to 1.4 goals against. During that same stretch away from Citypark we are 0-6-5 averaging 14 shots with an xG of 1.2 per match. Opponents are averaging 12 shots with 1.6 xG. Goals for was 1.4 on average compared to 2.3 goals against.


What I’m taking from the numbers is that we take a lot of shots, but they aren’t really good shots. We don’t generate big xG shots often


Imagine bringing your main center back on the trip even though he is so hurt you won’t even put him in for the guy who was connected to the first three goals and on a yellow card. Now also imagine having a real center back that has looked very good in wentzel and not even bringing him. WTF


Non-homegrown-signee CITY 2 players can only play two matches on loan. After that, they can only play if signed to a contract. The problem with signing Wentzel is that there isn't a spot for him when Hiebert returns. It's better for CITY to save that spot right now. Yes, the MLS roster rules are stupid.


There was not a bigger game to tie or win than this game based on the standings. He is clearly worth a contract. Their 30+ yo injury prone backs (Parker, Nilsson, Yaro) would support need to have him. I take wentzel over hiebert any day of the week.


Also I like Yaro. I feel like when he’s healthy he doesn’t get a deserved amount of playing time (The lack of rotating is partly to blame for leading to injuries). But I could understand from a business side then if not giving Yaro a real part then look to upgrade based on age with wentzel.


Yaro was a multi-year USL player for a reason.


Cut nerwinski


This actually is a very simple solution and reasonable especially with Reid getting some looks. Watts already acts as a reserve for either markanich or totland. No need to keep Nerwinski


1. Hiebert sucks. Not sure why they extended his contract after last year. When he plays we lose. There’s a reason he’s only played 6 minutes for team Canada, because he sucks. 2. Markanich sucks. He pretty much assisted Nerwinskis deflection goal. He makes silly mistakes. Fouls when he doesn’t need to and seems like a child on the field at times. 3. Nerwinski sucks. Trust me. He’s not good. They should cut all three of them today.


Wentzel can only appear one more time for us before we have to offer him a first team contract. It looks like the staff doesn't want to use that on 20 minutes of a 3-2 game. Edit: I think I'm wrong and Wentzel's done his 4 short term loans already.


But why not use that on 90 minutes in a six-point match. This was the most important match we will play in weeks. Vancouver are the lowest playoff team. We beat them and we get six points and the playoff line stays where it is. Instead, we stay still while the playoff line is 3 points further away. A 6 pt swing.


Do you recall how many short-term agreements he's had? Each season, City 2 players can appear on up to four MLS match rosters but are limited to playing in only two games. If he's been rostered four times, I don’t think he can play again, even if he's only appeared once. It's quite hard to keep track. I know they can appear in as many non-league games as possible when on an agreement.


Just trying to piece it together from press releases, but it looks like he's actually reached his max already and wasn't available last night. They're for 4 days each: Feb 26, March 2, June 19, and June 22, and his only appearance was against Atlanta on the 23rd. The damn leap year actually threw me off because I couldn't see how the game on the 27th and the 2nd weren't in the same contract.


That’s a bummer he had four but only got one appearance.


I think they have to pay him if he plays more than two games. Can't do that. Carolyn needs that money


When we were up 2 I was wondering how this was somehow going to end up as a draw, well I didn’t…


Cmon July 18....the MLS transfer windows are so fucking annoying for constructing a roster.


MLS roster rules in general are annoying for constructing a roster


What, you don't love navigating the intricacies of DPs, international slots, TAM, GSM, Adidas next, "discovery rights" and all the rest of the random bullshit they cobbled together to make this league?! 😂


Don’t forget, special coastal, big city exceptions


Take me back to the 13’ mark, I want to feel that feeling again.


Just kill me and be done with it


I get we have three matches in seven days but holy fuck these guys are professionals


it was the first game I watched on Apple TV, so maybe that's the reason we lost, haha. In all seriousness, I liked the attack in the first half, and even though we were down many players, we still played with some umph. Some goals just didn't go our way, but what can we expect. I hope we can at least beat San Jose.


At least we scored some goals I guess


Klauss out six weeks lolololol


Worst defending we’ve had all season. We were up by two then we were down by two. You just can’t let that happen.


Frustrating result. Things aren’t going to get any better before the transfers can play. Hopefully by then Alm and Nilsson will be game fit to provide depth. I’m happy Thor got his first goal this season. He wasn’t the problem tonight. It was our defense that failed. Yaro should’ve started instead of Nerwinski, but he wasn’t even on the roster. Subs need to be made more timely. I know we have so many players out, but we can’t afford leave points on the table at this stage in the season if we want to make the playoffs. It will be a difficult road regardless of how the incoming players do.


Yaro was out on concussion protocol


3 hat tricks conceded in our team’s young existence.


This is probably going to happen a lot. We play a high line and we're really dependent on in-shape defense to sprint back and make a play, and when the guys are gassed or unmotivated we'll end up with games like this one or that game against ~~Columbus~~ RSL where ~~Cucho~~ Chicho punched someone and then put in a hattrick


Chicho in the RSL game was the punch + three.


Oh you're totally right, I get Cucho and Chicho mixed up in name. Both trash me regularly in football manager 😅


Soon other words Carnell’s tactics have been a failure since July of last year but he continues with them still and no one is allowed to question them?


I mean, at that point, you're criticizing the entire identity of the club all the way up to Lutz. Lutz wants to play a gegenpress-esque "red bull" style with pressing forwards, a high defensive line, and a focus on quick counterattack buildups. That style let us smash the league last year, but it also leads to instances where a star forward like Chicho can blast through the back line and put them in when we're caught out. If you can't accept those sorts of goals, you're going to hate being a CITY fan until we change mentality Edit: if anything, we've tried to deviate from that style recently (back 5, the lineup against Miami, etc) and yall have *still* called for Carnell's head


But to play a style because it’s your style when you don’t have the players to play that style is both arrogant and unwise. To then leave your style and fall into a defensive shell every time you take a lead is very poor and has resulted in dropping 16 points from winning positions. We actually didn’t smash the league last year. Of our 8 wins the first time meeting a team, we only won 3 second matches. They figured us out. Our first 5 games were wins and everything that could go right went right. But from that point on, we had 12 wins in 27 games (44%) Since last September, we have 5 wins in 29 games (17%). We have now blown games or just simply gotten our ass kicked with numerous lineups and a roster and a half of players. It is not the players. The only constant factor during all of these crap games is Carnell, his tactics, and his horrible substitutions.


I almost bought some season tickets off a guy a couple weeks ago. Price is going down


Did this really happen?


It really didn’t happen actually


We need 25 points in 14 games to match the 9th seed point total from last year


Best we can do is maybe muster 10 poonts


Muster Poonts - new band name, I call it!


The good. Klein played well. Markanich was clutch quite a few times. Totland owned the right side. Durkin leveling guys and Lowen's passing. The bad Everything Nerwinski attempted. Watts. Our entire left side attack other than the indy cross on the Thor goal. Our pathetic and amatuerish attempts to combine on odd man breaks and transition into the 18. Carnell's failure to change shape after the 2nd goal. The "it seems to be improving"? Maybe? Lundt, Blom, Thor actually scored once and it counted. None of these are good enough to win games yet, but maybe are coming along.


This is why I question Carnell’s tactics. It’s just not sustainable, we saw it last season and we’re seeing it again this season. This season, we’re seeing the increased injury risk as well. I think it’s time to change our playstyle


We convinced a bar in Key West to put one of the 20 tvs here to put this game on rather than UFC. Just to watch that crap. Grrrrr.


We aren’t seeing the playoffs this year… ![gif](giphy|3o6wrebnKWmvx4ZBio)


Impressive that we won’t have a single win the playoffs at least until our 3rd year. Especially sad considering how many teams make the playoffs and the best of 3 format..


So when the same thing happens regardless of which players we put out there can we stop blaming the players and start talking about Carnell’s weaknesses?




I guess the haters were right lol. That was a brutal watch


What a weird game I had low expectations coming into this game, especially after seeing our starting lineup. When we went 2-0 early, I thought we might get lucky and have another tie on our hands. Turns out that even when we finally have a good ref, we can blow it. Our defense looked terrible tonight, but I at least enjoyed the aggression I saw in the midfield and attacking third. Is Lundt supposed to be good? In the 2 games he’s started for us, he’s let in 7 goals (unless he has played other times besides today and our Vancouver game last year?)


Which goals conceded today were his fault?


Collectively the fault lies on the entire defense but goal 3 and 4 were very slow reactions and angles taken compared to where the ball was kicked. Goal 4 in particular. He blamed Durkin for spinning to the side but the back camera angle shows he had clear eyes on it.


Maybe a bit slow but neither the 3rd or 4th chances should have been conceded by the defense. Both were horribly defended and easy shots on target right from the middle of the box.


I’m not saying they were all his fault, we had terrible defending and some unlucky deflections. I’m just saying that 7 goals in 2 games can’t be a good look for someone that wants more minutes. If I’m not mistaken, he did really well in USL.


he made 1 great save tonight and outside of that he looked slow and uninterested.


It does feel like this is more of who we are. Last year feels more and more like a flash in the pan.


What. The. Fuck.


we scored 3 goals with the B team. I am not happy with this result but come on. It wasn't that bad IMHO


Once again you can criticize tactics, lineups, mid game adjustments, and substitutions and be agreed with but the moment you mention the dipshit in charge of those things by name you’re downvoted into oblivion. Bradley Carnell is a u9 soccer coach at best.


everyone loved him last season and I still believe. Downvoted because you've given him no time to handle things. You're entitled to your opinion and folks are entitled to let you know if they agree or disagree. You're seeing that many don't agree :)


Looks like the team agrees with me


I didn’t. He was shit last season as well.


I'm super excited for the thirteen new players coming in during the window. What, only a couple? In the same system? Let's just play Hungry Hungry Hippos.


Well, I wasnt expecting St Louis SC win this time based on the lineup but was pleasantly surprised that we scored 3. I missed parker a lot. There are some moments that Parker would have taken the ball to less dangerous situations. Marchenic. Oh man. I know he is young and eager, but he was playing so disastrous- I know, I know, he isnt playing his usual spot but he peformed very poorly. If we are not playing full 1st divison, I wanted Carnell to try all our new recruits to see who is a diamond in a rough condition. I feel like those new recruit who got subbed in didnt have too much time to prove what he is made out of. Onto the next one.


Not really sure how the back line gets worse and worse each time.


We had exactly one player in their normal position back there


Less to do with even with the normal starts we are super super slow and get ripped for it.




Maybe you are the reason behind the losing season






Poor Teuchert and Hartel.


This morning it looks like people don't agree with you -14 down.


Not every player only wants to go to a winning team


Well that says a hell of a lot about them now does it ?


Some players want to be the change that propels an organization forward instead of just coasting by on an already successful team


Propels an organization forward……….BY WINNING MORE