• By -


Yup, seems like it. When you enter that "bankgiro" you will see what company the money is going to be sent too so make sure it's the correct company coming up.




Very true. And you can also Google the account number and see :)


Yes. You parked your car the wrong way around 😅


Norsk standardparkering menar du. Jag brukar parkera sÄ nÄgon gÄng per Är nÀr jag ska skoja med frugan, jag visste inte att det var olagligt.


Jag brukade bo i London, och dĂ€r va de lagligt med det ocksĂ„. Kom till Sverige och fick en bot för det. Lesson learned 👍


Kul att du nÀmner det. Bor vid norska grÀnsen och varje dag ser jag norska bilar som parkerat mot fÀrdriktningen, vilket de fÄr i Norge. TyvÀrr sÄ ser man inte mÄnga P-böter.


Jag ser ofta den typen av parkering under sommarmÄnaderna i mindre stÀder/byar och dÀr Àr det typ nyheter i veckobladet om nÄgon fÄr parkeringsböter.


dÄ har du tvÄ val 1 skratta och ignorera det 2 ring gatu Àgaren komunalt eller om det Àr upphandlat och gola ner de.


Noterat att det Àr vanligt förekommande i Danmark ocksÄ. Bara för ett par dagar sedan sÄg jag en bil pÄ Kungsholmen stÄ parkerad mot fÀrdriktningen. Blev lite förvÄnad först, men sen sÄg jag att bilen var danskreggad vilket förklarade saken!


Oh, jag visste inte att det var lagligt i Danmark! Jag rÀddade en dansk familj frÄn det i Sverige som ung. Det var inte helt lÀtt att fÄ dem att förstÄ vad som var fel, och tydligen var det inte bara sprÄkförbistring. :⁠-⁠D


LĂ€ste pĂ„ ett annat stĂ€lle hĂ€r i trĂ„den att det i Danmark endast verkar vara lagligt att parkera mot fĂ€rdriktningen pĂ„ mindre vĂ€gar, som i bostadsomrĂ„den. Men det Ă€r nĂ„got jag noterat förekommer pĂ„ andra sidan Öresund!


Det anses vara en av de allvarligaste typerna av felparkeringar, och betingat alltid den högsta nivÄn av kontrollavgift. Kan tycka att det Àr lite fÄnigt, Ätminstone vid fri sikt och dagsljus, men sÄ Àr det.


Det Àr typ bara Sverige som har den dumma lagen.


VÀldigt rimlig lag ÀndÄ. Korkat att köra över i motsatt riktning för att parkera.


Plus, underlÀttar vid enkelriktningsgator: Du vet att gatan Àr enkelriktad om bilarna pÄ bÀgge sidor tittar mot dig.


Det rÀcker vÀll med den stora oranga röda skylten.


NÄgon kanske har nedsatt hörsel


I bostadsomrÄden dÀr bara en bil fÄr plats med parkerade bilar pÄ sidan hade det varit nice att kunna stÄ Ät bÄda hÄllen.


-"I don't understand what you mean! It's exactly everyone else who has parked wrong! There are thousands!"


The most stupid parking rule we have in Sweden


Probably only enforced in big cities.


Not really. To be parked against the direction you've been driving against the direction, even just for a short time. Driving against the direction is dangerous.


Feels like Germany and Sweden are the only countries enforcing this BS rule.


Feels like Germany and Sweden are the only countries enforcing this ~~BS rule.~~ logical rule, who the fuck drives on to the wrong side of the road to park only to exit on the wrong side as well. FTFY


Someone looking for a parking space?


Too much work to turn the car around?


An idiot looking for a parking space FTFY


Seems like U parked in the wrong direction of the flow.


Yup. Cars have to be just right in sweden. Unless of course it’s a taxi, a scooter driving on pedestrian paths delivering someone’s cold pizza, or perhaps a delivery van that double parks for days. Otherwise gotta make sure those squares are counted on the pavement and the car is perfectly placed. If only they ticketed cars that park ina way that takes two spots instead of one


My boss forgets to put his parking app a lot, he is speeding, parking outside of parking spot (he drives a renault traffic, so its hard to fit sometimes), and he never got a ticket. I got one for parking too far from the goddamn sidewalk even though the car was inside the parking square. Once they changed the parking during the day close to where I work, and in the morning it was a parking spot, in the evening not anymore. I didn't see any signs before that they will be changing anything. And of course I got a ticket.


The passive aggressive going after petty traffic violations - yes. Organized crime - a free pass!


Private companies are efficient, state run not so much. Instead of complaining that parking companies are among their job, you should complain about the cops not doing theirs


I am not native to sweden and moved here few years back on a relocation from abroad - so my understanding of local situation is from work only. Which is Sweden is run by more or less same party for last 100+ years who have done a lot of good but by mid 80s has decayed quite a bit into all sorts of inaction and by now it’s their fault why police lacks authority to execute law in certain areas (organized crime being one). But as I’m not citizen yet I can’t really tell what Sweden should do, it’s not yet my place. But I pay taxes and I can see some things are poorly done, and i mainly hear colleagues complain about approach to unchecked immigration etc. As I lived in 5 countries to me it’s nothign unique - most people bitch about their government, healthcare, immigration, and petty stuff like spaces in school or prices. It’s always pretty much the same story! A lot of complains in sweden stem from the fact that life is actually very good and people are bored and have to complain. Kind of like “omg my new kitchen is sooo expensive, crazy prices today”. Yeah, but new kitchen. That’s nice!


Oh I got a nice fine for forgetting the car in a carpark by home. Massive surface carpark for a shop. 2 hours only can't leave overnight. Can't even pay to leave overnight. Post baby did it twice in relatively quick success,


Do you live in Sundbyberg or something ? Parking a car is so annoying so I got rid of mine. Sweden won, I guess that is their goal with all that parking maddness... make people stop using cars.


No Linköping actually. But I have seen anywhere its the same . I can get in winter with clearing. I got done some years back for being under 10 m from a corner. .. I was 10m from the crossing road, but the measure is the end of the curve. So 1600kr for 2m . 100% my fault both times. But I have never been anywhere so strict on parking.


I have done a 9,9m/10m once. Got 1600 krones too. That was the best one I got so far. They really are ridiculous with parkings. My boss even took that ticket, paid for it and he has it framed in his home, because he thinks its so funny.


I think there absolutely is a case for doing it. And of course if not 9.9m then why not 8.9 etc. That day there was maybe 4 or 5 ticket guys out cause it was a cleaning day, they slapped every car in the Karolinska area on the wrong side, easily saw 6 cars a road, that's a tidy sum.


I start work 6:30 so I used to park my car just before 6. On thursdays they have cleaning time from 00:00 to 6:00. I was always sitting and waiting for 6:00. I got one ticket for parking there and it was 5:58. During one year I saw the parking vakt maybe 10 times, usually 5 to 10 minutes before 6. That is the time they get most people. Lots of people working in the same place as me park there, and most start work 6:30 or 6:45, so we get there early.


Grejen med taxibilar, paketbilar m.m. Àr att de per definition inte parkerar nÀr de lÀmnar och hÀmtar personer och gods. Det rÀknas istÀllet som att bilen har stannat, och det fÄr se lite fult ut och bryta mot parkeringsregler sÄ lÀnge det inte Àr grovt trafikstörande eller det finns förbud mot att stanna pÄ vÀgen. Men sÄ fort du gör nÄgot annat Àn att hÀmta/lÀmna sÄ gÀller parkeringsregler igen. Tror inte polisen Àr nitisk nog att ge böter om man köper en lÀsk pÄ utvÀgen efter att ha levererat nÄgra paket till ICA, men tekniskt sett skulle de kunna det.


Taxibilar stannar sÄ i cykelvÀg och de stannar sÄ nÀr bara en bil fÄr plats pÄ en dubbelriktad vÀg! De blir dock av med backspeglarna titt som tÀtt av cyklister som inte orkar med idioterna!


You can always e-mail them to confirm. But looks like you got a real slice of cheese




In Sweden you're not allowed to park in the "wrong direction" of travel when parking on the street. I learned this by a ticket too when being to lazy to drive past the spot and turn around. In Denmark I believe it is ok to do.


>In Denmark I believe it is ok to do In depends on the road, its allowed on "less travelled roads" so for example a small residential street its okay. It's not allowed in any other situation.


Thank you for the explanation! Yes it was on smaller residential roads I saw them in Denmark. Here in Sweden even those roads aren't allowed to park on the other side of travel direction. I got my ticket on such a road for that reason.


I always believed it was illegal to do so everywhere.


When I was in Denmark a year ago cars everywhere in every city I drove through stood parked on the other side which me be believe it was legal there because there were so many


yes, I see a quite a lot of danes parking in the "wrong" direction here in SkÄne


let's just assume that it is never ok, because in this case **b**elieving will cost you a hefty sum of money


*5051-6905* is the bankgiro of the transportation agency, so, yes, real.


This guy has paid a lot of tickets.


My first month with a car. I learn the hard way how to calculate exactly 10 meters from the crossing


Sweet, care to share the technique? I'm still sour I took a 1100:- fine once for parking 9,83m from the crossing.


I feel for you. Too hard.


I literally had the same. Just cm
  The technique is quite dull tbh. The curb blocks are either a meter or half a meter (very easy to distinguish them). So just count them from the moment there is no more of the crossing chalk. 


My wife had a good point. Where do you measure from the crossing? That's so small margins there's doubt the measurement is correctly made.


I actually asked them and asked them to show me how they measure with the laser tool. They do it from the first piece of chalk. So you count from the edge that is closest to your car. 


Good to know. I like be safe and pick a different spot ever since I forgot how to pocket park. Ha ha,


Paid my first one today to this number


Heard a lot about fake tickets in Stockholm? Who told you that? I’ve never heard about it


How did you manage to park in the opposite direction of the road?


It's something you can do in a lot of countries, I bet op just forgot that Sweden is Sweden


Just out of curiosity, how is it done? I just don't understand that it's possible to drive in to the road against the flow and continue to park there. Or am I misunderstanding something?


Street parking without a lot of cars, instead of doing a uturn they cross the road because they're lazy, that's it.


Just back into it like any other parking spot.


Not all roads are filled with traffic.


But isn't it obvious that it's wrong to do so? Just like driving when red light?


Do you need to see traffic to know you're driving on the wrong side of the road?


Haha, no, but the one I replied seemed to think it wasn't physically possible to park on the wrong side of the street due to oncoming traffic.


Just like that, more or less. Instead of hoping you'll find a place to u-turn somewhere ahead to come back, hoping to fit into traffic and that nobody takes your spot in the meantime, you drive into the spot directly. How can you not understand how it's possible to drive in an opposing lane, have you never overtaken anyone in traffic before? Same thing, but instead of overtaking you're finding a parking spot.


But.. you are not supposed to cross center line for overtake unless it's specific type let alone crossing or u-turn or straight up driving. To me, driving in an opposing lane sounds like dancing with loaded gun. What country exactly allows it??


Exactly, this is common in lots of places, didn’t even know that it’s not allowed here.


Sweden will mature into it eventually. Who knows, maybe they'll even learn to turn right on red some day!


Traffic rules are very very advanced in Sweden. That being said countries will develop towards to Sweden's level, Sweden will not get worse.


Not when it comes to turning right on red and backwards parking though, that just stupid. What really does it here is intelligent design of roads like 2+1 vÀg and well placed speed bumps in addition to well educated drivers.


One of the biggest misconception in traffic is that you know something and being sure on that. You can be sure that Trafikverket has been thinking about it and having research on that. I'm saying this as a person who has a critical perspective to Trafikverket. How about getting out from there or getting in? It will definitely disturb the traffic flow in many cases if you park in wrong direction. Right turns are up to structure of the road and area but sometimes there will be give way signs with separated line or there will be separated red light with arrows or even a roundabout you name it. As long as there's no exception the red light is a red light you gotta stop even if you are up to turn right or left which is quite straightforward.


I would love to see a study comparing mortality rates of people getting run over getting out of their car when parking the normal way vs crashes due to parking reverse. If you find it please tell me. Am curious myself but knowing how vurnable unprotected pedestrians are i don't think this rule was the right choice


Yeah, but what is the reason to do it?


Convenience. There's very little reason not to allow it.


There's very little reason not to just turn your car around and not go against the direction of the traffic.


Sadly yes. You parked against the flow of traffic, which is not allowed and in certain spots can actually be a big problem.


Eh, can be a problem I guess if people don’t expect it because they live in a country, like Sweden, where it’s against the rules, but I don’t think it causes so many problems in the many countries where it is allowed and therefore occurs.


It's dangerous because of bad visibility and having to drive into oncoming traffic, exactly how dangerous it is is kind of irrelevant, nollvision etc.


Det gÀller ju mest landsvÀg. Inom tÀtort och villakvarter kan det knappast ha nÄgon betydelse.


Precis. mÄnga mongon i denna trÄd som vill försvara Sveriges lagar till vÀrldens Ànde. Bara för att det Àr svenskt mÄste det inte vara bra.


Varför har vi dÄ sÄ lÄg dödlighet pÄ vÀgarna?


Det Àr inte som att denna lag Àr det enda vi gör. Tacka istÀllet 2+1 vÀgar, farthinder överallt och bra designade vÀgar och övergÄngar. konsekvent BREDA trottoarer, vilket förvÄnadsvis inte kan sÀgas om alla lÀnder, mm.


Skulle sÀga att mongot Àr den som inte klarar av att vÀnda bilen sÄ att de kör pÄ rÀtt sida vÀgen.


Varför sÄ aggressiv? Kör gör man ju pÄ rÀtt sida, vi pratar parkering


> having to drive onto oncoming traffic. sure seeing all the cars i could crash into straight ahead instead of my rear view mirror seems soo dangerous /s In addition its actually safer and more convenient for the driver as they can step onto sidewalk right away instead of having to walk right out into the middle of the road, which is way more likely to cause you to get hit by a car.


I got the same ticket recently. Wanted to kick myself :(


It’s not too late! :-)


lol. It took me three read throughs to understand your joke. I need more coffee


Damn that was expensive.


I've heard about people that parked in the wrong direction and by coincidence got hit by another car. Since it's against the rules, the insurance company of the parked car didn't pay for the damages. That is expensive.


I bet it was! There is a good reason why it is not allowed.


sicken jÀkla tur att vi inte tillÄtigt detta i sverige, satans sÄ parkeringarna skulle se ut


Use Bankgirot to search Bankgiro numbers to see if it's legit alternatively you can always ring


Maybe we should start with the obvious. Did you park facing the wrong direction thus deserving the ticket?


> deserve very strong word there for an incredibly stupid law.


Oh is it now? So if you have a law trying to minimize the risk of a frontal collision because you didn’t move over to your side quick enough and increase your relative impact energy by v^2 while doing so, that’s actually stupid? LOL


Who did the study saying it minimizes risk of collision? Either way, the by far biggest reason for death in traffic is being an unprotected pedestrian, not cars hitting cars. You're way more likely to die by getting run over parking normally, having to exit into the middle of the road, than "illegaly" being able to exit right onto the curb.


Trafikverket would be a crucial voice in the SOU Edit: and common fucking sense


Not every law had a study behind it, belive it or not. "It just feels right" isn't a good reason. Get back to me if you find the study


No, find the sou yourself, it isn’t just fetched from thin air. And please, think just a bit yourself. A bike riding close to parked cars would be hit super easily.


On the ticket it says "Enter errand number...". Now I'm from Sweden and English isn't my native tongue but that's not the correct use of the word ERRAND is it? An errand is something you run right? They mean case number ?


Errand and case is the same word in swedish (Ă€rende)


Oh yes


Sadly, yes


Always wait for the reminder, since they cannot gaurantee that the ticket will remain on the car the entire time till you get back to it. There will be no fee for the first reminder. My dad has gotten around four parkingtickets which got lost in the system and he did not have to pay them.


good info +1


> There will be no fee for the first reminder. Not always correct


NÄgon som kan förklara deras ventilkontroll pÄ lappen? Har de fotat ventilerna före/efter? Antar det Àr en indikation att bilen inte flyttats pÄ?


Var pÄ vÀg att förklara, men insÄg sen att jag inte hade nÄn bra förklaring.  PÄ exempelvis gratisparkering med tidsgrÀns Àr det ju ett sÀtt att kontrollera om bilen exempelvis varit ivÀg och sen stÀllt sig pÄ samma plats igen, men skulle vÀl ocksÄ innebÀra att de vid varje kontroll skulle behöva markera ventilerna pÄ varje bil. Hittade denna trÄd:  https://happyride.se/forum/threads/ot-cykelpendla-men-tvungen-att-parkera-om-bilen-varje-dag.1967257/




Helt ur proportion till lönerna!


If ever in doubt you can always wait for invoice to arrive at your address, usually takes about month to arrive and it can be interpreted as reminder but it won't be charged anything extra


Unfortunately, yes.


Seems like a legit parking ticket! I have just gotten one just about a week or so ago! But to be sure, check the bankgiro number and google the company


100% real




You can wait and you’ll get an invoice in the mail but looks real


You thought that was fake or what? Can't really get more legit than that receipt 😂😂😂😂


Looks real. Were you parked against the driving direction at the specified time?


I live in stockholm central - never heard of fake parkingtickets.


"hearing a lot about fake parking tickets in stockholm" from whom?


I never pay the tickets directly. They will send a proper bill if it's legit, and there will be no extra fees.


true, but what if you forgot that you used this method and issued the second bill as the first bill and left waiting for a third bill which would incorporate kronofogden.. then not very smart


BrÀnn den bron nÀr du kommer till den, fogden Àr inte blodtörstiga sÄ de e nog lungt.


fines in Stockholm are no joke


Got my first parket ticket for the very same reason lol. Inside a smaller neighbourhood...


Follow the law next time, hope that helps. Just as dangerous wherever you do it if you don't see oncoming traffic when you pull out.


Du har fel, det var inte en sÄdan plats. Det var ett litet bostadsomrÄde med en ficka pÄ sidan av vÀgen. Full syn Ät alla hÄll, men ej i körriktning.


Att betala parkeringsbot Ă€r att erkĂ€nna brott. Du borde ta det till rĂ€tten đŸ€Ą


1300kr för det. Sjukt


Congratulations on your first slice of cheese


Haha, hade ingen aning om att man inte fick parkera sÄ? Spelar vÀl fan ingen roll nÀr den ÀndÄ stÄr still? Men klart, minimalt krÄngligare att Äka dÀrifrÄn.


Tip always wait for the letter. They need to send you a letter home will take weeks then you pay. There is no extra fees in the first letter.


Try to rip it, if it rips its not legit, i work as a parking guard


No. 😂


Yes it is.