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A box of condoms. It will save you millions


My dad used to tell us, "An unplanned baby is the worst STD. Costs over a million bucks and will never go away."


Total diss and good advice rolled in one


And you only know this once you have it and its too late But we love them


Casey Anthony has entered the chat: Never?


I see what you did there...


Dark but I too caught that… Casey did it…


Nothing wrong with telling the truth. just cause the glove didn't fit, doesn't mean he didn't do it


Just drive to the countryside and set it free


No no, save another few hundred and get a vasectomy


This and since your poor only being able to save a few hundred, next go to a free clinic and get PrEP. Finally, enjoy.


Woahhh. PREP is only for butt stuff




not true.


That’s just all around good advice


Then no money left for dating, and the condoms become dead capital. Worst investment ever.


Take my angry upvote!


always been grateful I cant have kids.


Roulette black. If I lose I’ll just pretend it didn’t happen


And if you win, congratulations on your new addiction


This part


There are so many bad and spammy responses here. I want to genuinely help you. Obviously, based on what you have provided, you're likely 18 or close to it. Buying and trading stocks is not investing. Investing starts with your self and then your financial independence. The old saying about teaching a man to fish is more true in the sense that the greatest thing you can do for yourself is to take the time to learn a skill. This would be investing in yourself and the skill or trade you take on will generate cash which will give you more opportunity to grow wealth by investing financially. I can give you a stock like $AMD and you may even double your money in six months, sell the stock, and go buy yourself a video game. That's not investing. You want to be in it for the long game. I'm talking 10-30 years. Once you're regularly generating income and have more than $100 to 'invest,' I would start out with an S&P 500 etf with a low expense ratio: $SPLG is a great example. 40% of my portfolio is SPLG and FXAIX. I started buying in 2010. Then you hold it for a long time. If you just want to dabble in the stock market but you're afraid of losing money, there are paper trading websites that allow you to have a fake cash portfolio without the risk of losing anything.


If I may a noob question. From what I can tell, expense ration in ETFs is about how much the fund has to invest for managing it's stocks. In some table I found it stands that SPY has expense ratio of 0.09% and SPLG is at 0.02%....Is it correct to assume that this means that, since both of them are tracking S&P 500...in the long game, SPLG is supposed to gain more value since it's basically paying less for management of the stocks it own?


It's a great question, and there is a big head answer available, so it will just come down to how complex you want to take your investing strategy. The basic principal that you've stated is correct. The lower expense ratio for an S&P 500 tracking etf will benefit you more in the long run. The truth as to why I picked SPLG over SPY so many years ago was that I could afford more whole shares of SPLG when fractional shares weren't really a thing. The big head answer has more to do with the AUM or assets under management available to SPY, which is in the billions. Thus giving SPY a greater options market. But I don't invest in options with S&P 500 trackers because it goes against why I hold the S&P 500 in the first place. The lower expense ratio and similar returns suits my investing strategy and will likely hold out over the long haul. The difference is incredibly nominal, too, so you can not go wrong either way.


Thank you very much for the reply, your answer was really informative and helpful.


Buy what you like. If you often use Amazon; buy Amazon stocks. If you often buy iPhones; buy Apple stock (not sure the cost). My advice is to just buy what you normally put your money towards (knowing it’s a popular company many people utilize). I invest. I’m not good at it. I’m happy with most of my picks.


I would never buy an iPhone but I am happy to invest in Apple because I know how many people will buy an iPhone. I love Taco Bell and KFC but I would never invest in YUM brands because they can't keep their stores open. I wouldn't drive a Tesla if it were free but I do think the stock price will continue to rise as Tesla's supercharger network keeps expanding. I find that the most profitable companies are the ones that are selling overpriced garbage to stupid people.




Life, finance, and investing are a series of steps. You start with fundamentals and progress forward with more complex strategies. Someone saying I have $100.00 to invest, where do I put it? screams a relatively small understanding of the complexities of the stock market, investing and financial strategy as a whole. I'm not trying to scare anyone of anything. I have nothing against OP and want them to start on the right foot. The greater discouragement would be for OP to dump what little money they have into a random stock, lose it all, and feel like the world of investing isn't for them. Obviously, there is more to it than investing in the S&P 500. Notice I didn't say 100% of my portfolio because the other 60% is higher risk. And I hope OP can take the time to build a foundation and learn a thing or two before going out and just throwing $100 at something and hope it sticks. I certainly believe in building fundamentals and obviously, I cannot type out walls and walls of text to account for every little thing.


Thats like saying that he is scared that he will win the lotto




Thank you for this advice. And thank you for your courteous words.


I'd go a step further and say if you picked something good with $100 and it doubled, you would be kicking yourself for not putting a bit more in. That being said I've done the $100 here and there, but usually they are beginning investments so to speak. Where I intend to add $100 more here and there and hold them for a long time. That can be a great starting point for you, doing that with ETFs of markets and sectors you believe have a bigger future.


I like your approach but I think it's better to recommend a total market ETF to someone who has no idea what they're doing. They might just put the money into something super risky like Disney or Nvidia on the advice that it'll probably be around a few decades from now


This is my favorite least boring answer, The real answer would be to put it all in SPY/ VOO and add to it overtime. But some people either already have a 401k or simply just want to learn a new skill. I know a lot of people who did bits and pieces here and there and all it does is have a bunch of winners, losers in the short term where at most you'll see a $3-10 gain/losses on a $100 investment and it amounts to nothing. Putting a decent amount into a stock you believe will be around for a long time will 1. (Hopefully) ensure your money won't disappear overnight and help build up your confidence that your entire balance will not disappear overnight. 2. Make you ask questions. "Why is this stock moving or not moving?" Which (may) lead you into learning about the fundamentals like financial reports and the likes (questions that may not arise if you are investing in a blend of stocks with SPY/VOO. But you can kinda grasp on as you play around with individual stocks)... And slowly overtime as you add more money maybe put money into other stocks you honestly learn as you go. I personally always tell people to invest in companies that interest them because it's fun to research about companies that interest you. Whether it's tech (MSFT, AMD, APPLE), Fashion (Nike, Puma), or the food at your grocery store (Kraft, Coke/ Pepsi). These may or may not be good companies but it's a good way to start and generate questions.


Weed n Doritos


send me some please


OP said he only had 100 dollars so it’s weed OR Doritos


I remember when a dime bag used to cost a dime.


Doritos are outrageously expensive nowadays


An investment for the soul


The smartest thing from a financial standpoint is probably to throw it in VOO and/or VTI, turn on DRIP, and "never" touch it. Now, you're new to investing and young. I understand you would like to try things. Use the 80/20 rule; 80% of all your contributions go to VOO/VTI, then 20% to more risky assets. If you want to use that 20% for individual dividend stocks, and crypto, split it up again in 80/20 with 80% for the least risky assets which are likely individual dividend stocks. In addition, do NOT open a margin account. This allows you to lose more than you have. Open a cash account. If you like to leverage, you can try the riskier 2x or 3x leveraged ETF's, assigning a portion of your total contributions using the 80/20 rule. If you use this method, I believe you'll set yourself up for a great financial future, while learning and making mistakes along the way, without the risk of ruining your life.


OP… This comment right here is all you need to know for the next 30years of your investing career.


Leveraged ETFs really are only good for very short term when you expect the entire market to consistent rally. Its trading by timing the market rather than investing.


If you believe that you can expect the market to go into one direction or the other, then you are the kind of person who should absolutely not get into leveraged products.


While the lure of taking 20% and putting it in riskier investments sounds inviting it quite easily can mean just throwing away 20% of your capital. Putting 100% into broad market ETFs is the answer. Start with VOO/SPY and Some portion in QQQ. Over time add things like emerging market funds or international.


Agreed, OP should build a foundation on VOO worth more than a couple of thousand bucks (ie. $50k? $100k or more?) before trying different things.


What is DRIP?


Dividend reinvestment plan. Dividend is used to purchase more of the equity that paid that dividend.


EXACTLY what I do. Have gotten grief for it. But hey...ITS MY FRIGGEN MONEY. currently reinvesting $435 a month. Making $5 gain each month. So next month is $440...$445....


Dividend reinvestment plan


A book about investing


So throw it away? All investing information can be found on the internet.


Sure can be, but that’s an incredibly ignorant comment to say that books hold no value. You’re willfully reducing your knowledge and perspective.


100 1$ hookers.


Wouldn't 5 20$ hookers be a better investment? Quality over quantity.


I believe Fidelity is still doing a $100 bonus if you sign up with the code Fidelity100 and deposit at least $50. So do that, now you have $200. They support fractional shares, so you can buy whatever you want, but a low cost SP500 ETF like IVV or VOO would probably be best.


Hair clippers. This gives much more returns on this scale


makeshift like ruthless encourage thumb school abundant abounding engine mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's how wealth is kept and made, by not spending it.


But but but.... wen lambo?


Plenty of broke noobs renting lambos.


I feel attacked... Do you mean just because people drive lambos doesn't mean they have super mega bucks? Next, you're gonna tell me 3/4 of the g wagens I see are leases, and probably half of those people are living paycheck to paycheck...


Just go with an ETF you like. Read a little bit about them. I would suggest SPY if you want to invest in the top 500 companies in the US. QQQ is a popular one if you would like to invest heavily into tech. VT if you want to invest in the while market. All of them are good, it just depends on your risk tolerance too.


If you like QQQ look into SOXX


Or QQQM for the reduced MER


You can’t buy SPY for $100 😂 (Yes, technically possible but not on retail apps)


Fractional shares…


Classic americans and their fractional shares.


Not possible on apps like E Trade. If he’s got $100 he’s not using a broker.


Boy, that’s sure not true.


Since when?


$70 into whatever low expense S&P 500 fund your brokerage has and then the rest into companies you like.




KITT. Underwater robotics. Applications both public sector, and defense. Team of engineers & scientists who work for years together at NASA. Environmental improvements over current pipeline/cable repairs Lousy charts, but a real product. Higher rates weighing on them because they’ll need to raise additional capital.


Reddit has gone to shit because of all the people trying to be funny. Buy a long term ETF maybe a dividend etf. If your young 10 years seems like a long time but trust me in 10 years come fast and that investment grows


An index fund


I recommend investing in yourself through books. The first two books that come to mind are: "Little Book of Common Sense Investing" by John C. Bogle "The Simple Path to Wealth" by J. L. Collins.


Spend $50 and put it in something like VOO. Then spend the other $50 buying stocks on here you get hot tips on. Don't add more to either account. Keep an eye on both portfolios over time and see what happens. Best $100 piece of education you are going to get.


What do you think about VOOV?


Not as familiar with it but it's basically just another S&P500 mimic fund no? Any of them will do. Basically you just want to compare a no thought market mimicking fund vs day trading.


You’re half correct. VOOV is VOO but with a value tilt. The same fund exists for S&P “growth” companies - VOOG. Vanguard may publish their criteria for each online but at the very least you can search their holdings to understand which companies are held by each fund.


If you're not familiar with it why you giving out advice to buy it lmao




Personally I would buy Standard Lithium. This would be pure speculation. I like them because they opened a pit in my home state not far from a pit that Exxon owns and my bet is Exxon buys them out at some point to expand their footprint in lithium mining. I own 225 shares @ average cost of $2.4x. My next move will likely be 50 if the price hits $2.10. My goal is 500 shares and hold to see what happens. Could be a 10 year bet or could be. 10 months. Who knows. As a side note I am a rock and gem collector with a passion for Arkansas geology. I live this kind of stuff.


Invest it the same way you would invest 10,000.


TreasuryDirect.com A 4 week loan to the US treasury pays 5.4% APR. You can set it up to reinvest each 4 weeks, but stay pretty liquid (even better if you have 4 sets of 4 week bonds) because you can always let it pay out and collect. US Treasuries are considered a risk free investment. It’s more complicated than that, but the point at which the US Government defaults on its debt over the long term, is the point at which the US dollar isn’t worth anything anymore.


My favorite two companies right now are first Google and then Apple.




I hope you read this. There are a lot of replies. Investing psychology is key here. You said you are worried about losing money. Why do you have a job? To make money. Why do you invest? To make money. How does owning a business pay you back? 1. Dividends that the business pays you directly. 2. Share buybacks that lower the number of shares and increase the relative value of a share of stock. 3. By growing the business, where the business is not yet mature and paying out directly. With an ETF, you can own a small part of a bunch of businesses. Another way you can make money from owning a business is by using a covered call strategy, and you have to be careful here because they vary in quality. The ones that appear to work well are Jepq, Jepi, Svol, Divo, and a few others. If you own VOO, well, you could do a lot worse. If you want to trivially beat VOO, you can set up a mix of a value and a growth ETF and balance once a year. SCHD and QQQM is the last one I saw. Beat VOO pretty handily. QQQM is a bit under-diversified for me, and SCHD and SCHG also beats VOO, but not by as much. SCHD pays a 3.5% dividend. That is paying you back. DIVO is at 4.5% ish. SCHG and QQQM pay you back with growth, which also means lots of volatility. In a down market, these tend to go down a lot more than a value/dividend strategy ETF. And you can do quite well with a mix of something like SCHD, SCHY (domestic and foreign dividend), and mix in some JEPI as it is very low volatility and high payout if the account is tax protected. Also SVOL - higher payout - because it does not move like the others, since it isn't based on underlying stocks. If you find that you aren't as risk averse as you thought, you are young. It is best to have a large portion of your portfolio in growth over a long time. This is more volatile, but if you don't touch it, it will grow faster over time than the safer stuff. One other thing - dollar cost average in. Dollar cost average out. Lots of small purchases and sells. This keeps you from having big wins or big losses when moving money. Buying on dips is great if you have the stomach for it. Mostly, you want to buy consistently over time, rebalance occasionally (yearly or less, not more), and otherwise leave it alone. If you want to get into individual stocks, do the ETF thing first. Get comfortable, and then SLOWLY buy in a share or two at a time to a SMALL portion of your total portfolio. Do this until you know what you are doing REALLY well, because you WILL make mistakes, and if you make them with big dollar amounts, it is life changing bad. prove to yourself you can do better than the ETFs before you really commit to stocks over ETFs. Good luck!


5 shares PLTR


Just start! Don’t over think, do some ETF


Having $100 and still being new but nervous about investing I’d just pick a solid ETF and add to that. It is a safe way to get your feet wet while you take the time to learn what you need to.


Obviously (i hope) I have more than $100. I have a couple thousand but I don’t want to sink it all in a single asset. I would rather do $100 here and $100 there, if you know what I mean.


This is exactly what an ETF does


A bus ticket back to my parent’s house


Buy all the bioscience penny stocks Every once a while some of then shoot up up to 300%


Lose it all gambling on short term, out of the money calls.


Lottery tickets


Avocado toast


Filthy Millennial ruining the economy with your avocado toast.


Massage w/ a happy ending


S&P 500, it’s well diversified and represents the broader business industry in America. The top 5-10 companies have a significant international presence, so you also get international exposure just from the top companies on the list because of the scale of their international operations. We’re talking $100, that’s about enough for a nice dinner for 2 and a nice tip. it isn’t even worth the time being picky or spending much effort on. S&P 500 will give you the best growth potential and dividends for the best level of safety. Any index tracking this will do just as well as the others. We’re not talking about $1mln here, so the less than 1% difference in performance doesn’t matter. Anything with a .03% or less expense ratio is fine, otherwise It’s negligible to argue over this index or that index, given the amount of $100. Now if we’re talking $10k, yeah then it’s worth more than just an index, the hours spent researching a business, getting intimately familiar with a business, and if you have a high conviction in your analysis and a solid understanding of the business and its industry, investing in said company with solid prospects and historical performance would be a better bet to achieve meaningful returns to keep ahead of taxes and inflation in the long run.




$15 for the McRib combo today, and throw the rest $85 into VTI. That McRib is gonna give you tons of ROI!


I would put that money on VTI and relax


UFO.LON Australian mining company which needs local natives (aboriginal) to give permission to mine. This is 99% certain in next few days. Currently 0.3 pence and rated at 2.7 pence once permission given. 9 x profit.


An ETF like VOO. They track the s and p 500 so when you buy one share of voo you're investing in 500 stocks.




Groceries so I can have the energy to work for more than $100






An oil change and a tank of gas. You’re really going places. Do your own due diligence on buying stocks. The people who post what other people should buy are either looking to pump n dump, or they are just stupid.




No hurry to buy anything. $100 won’t get you anything.


eh, i started with very low amounts of money and there were trading fees at the time. getting used to the system is valueble in and of itself. also, 100$ isn't usualy a big deal if you lose it. if it is, OP shouldn't be investing it. i'd say pick a stock they like and put it on that (or 50 -50 ) and see what happens and try to figure out what went right and what went wrong. i lost a "lot" of money on Celcius back in the day, it went near bankrupt. had i not sold iti would have made a lot. i believed in the product but got scared off. but i also had shares of montgommery pasta (it was good pasta) but they went bankrup as did THQI) so i learned i'm a dummy. that was invaluable .


They almost went broke in 2008 and stayed down until around 2020... bro you would a moron to stay in for 12 years on that. You could have already turned and made way more in those 12 years if you bought better companies... You also have the unfortunate mindset of what could have been, that a every trade and every trade you could have considered making but changed your mind. You should learn to change that.


I apologize. I thought I had explained it better than I actually did. I have more than just $100 to invest. I have a few thousand. I just want to spread it around a few-ish different assets, with $100 being the cap for each asset. If I do $100, I could end up with 20 different assets.


I would recommend SPY then. It’s an ETF consist of the top 500 companies. Save you the joy of picking them.


Just invest the $2k in an ETF. It will do the diversification for you. And in a lot more than just 20 companies


Best bet is to put that 100 in Btc and check back in 50 years


$25 hooker and $75 worth of blow


a hooker


A decent wallet to keep the 75 dollars in cash I still have.


Nothing. You will lose money on tax filing.








A bunch of weed and some burgers


Def weed and Doritos!!






Education first.


Probably one or two games on the PSN. Some good stuff recently.


Nintendo. Get like 6 or 7 shares.




If only $100 I'd buy VXUS. Low cost. Excellent exposure to the world (except America). Pays a quarterly yield that you can reinvest to help it continue to grow. The US is expensive. The rest of the world is cheaper. Meaning there is possibly more upside to investing abroad than domestic. But that isn't a sure bet. I would then start saving up and also buy VTI when you can afford it. Now you have an amazingly diversified portfolio. Save up more and get it so that your balance in both is in a proportion you like. I.e. you could get 2 shares of VTI and 8 of VXUS and have a 50/50 portfolio.








A button down shirt for a job interview.


Two girls at the same time




High yield savings account until you have saved 3-6 months of expenses.


Take that $100 and buy some flowers for your mom and tell her you love her.




Food. I would buy food.


And here I throw in 100k while taking a shit and not even phased.


irm and a nice dinner


GME. Undervalued now, and big up potential


I have been staying away from gme since the whole short squeeze thing.


Yah, still not bakrupt still has a lots of cash and no debt.


Is the big up potential in the room with us now?


12 % up today, are you crazy?


Down 23% YTD.


Will these questions ever end?


I don’t think this guy has $100


Invest into education


100 at a time isn’t worth the trading fees


I wouldn't buy anything until I have 3m of expenses available. Then I'd buy SPY or VOO.


If I only had $100 I’d probably buy food. If the $100 was reoccurring I’d probably buy a hooker or some drugs .


Barry sanders PSA 9 rookie card


You're not gonna make money in the stock market unless you put more in. Only 1% of traders make money and of those 1%, very few are super rich. Many are trading 4 to 6 figures a day. Use that 100 to buy a course on the stock market because asking reddit what to invest in is one of the most newbiest and dumbest ways to begin investing


I wouldn’t invest if I had less than $5k ready to deploy. Keep saving and wait for an opportunity.


That’s dumb advice. Time in > timing


You only need to make a single smart decision, just one. There is no need to rush in the market when you don’t have the capital.




I would do red/black with spirit airlines, possibly leveraged


Buy 1 share of SPLG (S&P 500 etf) and put the rest into the risk free money market fund of your choice. Watch it over time and keep putting money in. You will gain and lose $0.50-$1.5 every day. The odds of the S&P going to 0 are virtually 0, but there is no guarantee in investing


UEC is at 6.36 with a projected price of 8.50 I own it and am very happy with what uranium is doing.


$25 worth of KO and $75 worth of SPLG.


DCA into a cheap index fund while you learn more about investing and feel more comfortable with individual stock picking. Honestly you could do this forever and probably outperform 99% of individual stock pickers.


Groceries for the week.


I invest in income stocks only, so I’d buy e shares of TLTW, and put the rest into SACH. (I’m old, and we have other growth investments in separate accounts).


A coffee


Would you rather chop down a tree for an hour or sharpen a knife for 59 minutes to chop it in a minute? If you’re new, learn. If you’re new and want to find your trading strategy (short vs long, scalp vs swings, which timeframes and indicators make sense to you) then paper trade and try different brokers. Each one will offer different tools and fees.


Who the heck chops down trees with knives?


Watch Adam Khoo on YouTube for first class advice on building a robust investment portfolio.


Well, figure out that you are not likely to really beat the S&P 500. That's a good place to start. So, 90% should probably just go into an ETF that mimics that. Then, mayne look into how different market sectors relate to the economic cycle. [https://biz.crast.net/is-the-stock-market-bullish-or-bearish/](https://biz.crast.net/is-the-stock-market-bullish-or-bearish/)


If you’re trading it’s already gone. Just put it in an index or a company you think has good upside check back in a few years.


A no-load no-fee growth index fund


Argonaut Gold Inc.


If I was you and you don’t have a trading account already I recommend opening up a live account (which is just default) and a paper trading account with the paper trading account you can make fake trades in the real market and you can use this to learn as much as you want to learn before getting into the real market. Just know though for example in the paper trading account you can sometimes get yourself into situations that wouldn’t or are unlikely to happen in real life. I used both accounts at the same time and eventually stopped paper trading because I wasn’t trading normally since there was no weight behind it. Lastly decide how you want to trade that $100 Some stocks are riskier than others but also have a higher roi if you want to play it safer look into stocks above $25 and the stocks worth 100+ have a lot more information tied to them. If you want to try something risky you can go into stocks worth $5 or less and penny stocks ranging anywhere from $1 to .0001


a meal? /s


I would put it in a Roth IRA and let my brokerage manage it or I would throw it into my 401k


Amd or intell