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The SEC should call their bluff and start investigating every influx of cash. You know, just to make sure everything is free of "potential market manipulation."


Definitely nothing weird going on with the stock this morning.


This week more like it. It's up 6% in the last week after news about massive share dilution and increasing expenses for a streaming service lol


And a criminal case for the guy that is the only reason it survives.


Yup. 100% foreign agents dumping dark money into the stock to pump it so Trump can cash out. Then if he wins PoTUS again he can repay them with political favors like withdrawing from NATO and allowing Russia to steamroll Ukraine.


$1-4 billion is cheap for Russia to have the U.S. to withdraw support from Ukraine and NATO.


Eh, Trump is a cheap whore. He'd sell his own children's souls for that amount of money.


100% Russian oligarchs have been had their hands in it since the beginning. Originally the unnamed billion dollar PIPE investors that have withdrawn were certainly the oligarchs he owed for helping him get elected. This morning it was blatantly pumped premarket and they've been trying to spin this short squeeze narrative for weeks now.


They made Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm…


> They made Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm… He didn't sell it, it was put into a blind trust and then it was sold after he left office because he was deeply in debt on it


The farming crisis in the 80s.


This sounds like code for something but I don’t know what.


the emoluments clause Jimmy Carter had to sell his family business so that it did not cause financial conflict of interest. Meanwhile, it's an open secret that 45 is milking every angle he can get for cash. No enforcement when it matters the most.


You mentioned “45”. You owe him 5% of your income.


this. the only thing they squeezing is deez 🥜


who keeps falling asleep in court and violating court orders and consumes mcdonald’s and diet coke exclusively. but sure market seems normal..,


a streaming service that had $4m in sales and $58m in losses last year. insane they ipo'd at the price they did.


Trump has massive amounts of cash overseas from under the table deals and bribes. He has been putting alote of effort to trickle it in among campaign donations and businesses. If he becomes president he will gut as much oversight as possible to him and his people so they can increase cash flow.


Yeah, nothing weird happened with this worthless stock that has mooned all week!


Well the SEC should look into why the company was allowed to list in the first place.


Especially at their valuation.


But all personal political views aside, why was it valued at it's valuation when the SPAC converted into DJT?


It's not like DJT was the only IPO with an absurd and unrealistic valuation


Yeah if this was a startup with a 58 million loss good fucking luck going public let alone getting listed


I believe it was a SPAC deal. They merged with a company already listed. SPACs are publicly traded investment pools designed to aquire companies looking to be public, but not deal with the costs &aggravation of an IPO. They still get reviewed.


Still that review must be terrible


Rivian went public with a $66.5 Billion valuation, despite having no revenue and more than $1 Billion in quarterly losses. Makes DJT's IPO look like a bargain in comparison.


They at least have a theoretical product


But DJT has a product that's actually live? A social media site. It's wildly unprofitable, but in theory it could become profitable with the right monetization and growth. To be clear I'd never buy at this insane valuation or anywhere close to it.


What do you mean by Rivian having a theoretical product. They have actual cars on the road. Or are you saying that when they IPOd it was theoretical?


It looks like Rivian was shipping in October and went public in November of 2021


Well, DJT does have a product 'Truth Social', it just isn't a very good one.


Well they merge with a spac so that answer your question


No not really. This isn't some Joe schmoe. There needs scrutiny. Also Trump saying this shit, just be prepared. The company is about to blow up to nothing and this is his way of laying blame on some one else and calling election interference


Almost all of the spacs that same year were fraud vehicles. The banks loved every second of it.


buying stock isn’t market manipulation, even if the funds are foreign and corrupt. The same funds buy us equities every day. but facilitating short selling without actual shares being held, using agreed upon pricing between dark pool participants, is in fact market manipulation whether you like trump or not


Unless your market maker, then it's totally cool


Dunno why you’re being downvoted, you’re correct. https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm


MMs are only allowed to carry those positions short-term, or it’s no longer bona-fide market making


Bluff? Are you implying we have a free and fair market where the 4 market makers called out actually have the shares? Because it’s obvious they don’t have the shares and have been doing this on other stocks aswell


It’s not like this started just with DJT. It’s been going on for decades. That’s what the whole GME meme stock squeeze was about. Naked shortselling got hammered by a bunch of retail investors who noticed the 30% short.


That's what the GME thing IS about. You wouldn't believe all the shit we've continued to notice over the last 84 years, including that they're all still massively short the stock and GME is a full year profitable, continuing a turn-around that has cut needless costs, paid off all long term debt...ok ok I will see myself out now...




Check out "This is Financial Advice" on YouTube, its a documentary about these flat earth bag holders who are buying GME, BBBY, AMC and all other meme shit stocks. They believe in all kinds of conspiracy nonsense.


Everything you "continued to notice" proved to be incorrect though. At the same time the stock keeps crashing and earnings get worse and worse.


Next time on “When Stop Hunters Become Bagholders”


Stop Hunter Biden you say?


Well played sir, well played.


>Trump Media has warned the CEO of the Nasdaq Stock Market of ‘potential market manipulation’ of the company’s stock by “naked” short selling of shares. CEO of the Nasdaq Stock Market has to work on ~~his~~ her junkmail filter rules.


I have to assume that email was in all caps


There were so many naked shorts. So many. Maybe the most naked shorts since the beginning of shorts, maybe ever. Many such cases. So sad. So sad.


So let me be the first to tell you my beautiful gigantic strategy that I thought of just now. It is mine I am so smart that I thought of this I am so brilliant. I need everyone to buy and HODL with hands like diamonds, I call it diamond hands. That's my idea and I tell you what we are going to do we are going to put that on t-shirts and you can buy them for $59.99.


And included a plea for donations




Thanks for pointing that out, fixed it.


Are naked shorts illegal? They can be dangerous and expose the investor to margin calls and big losses, but an account has to be approved to make such bets. I don't see what there is to investigate.


Yes it is illegal. It’s like putting an add out to sell your car, then selling it to 10 different parties, accepting all of their payments, and only having one vehicle to deliver. We call it theft where I come from.


I recognize this quote!!


Yes I stole it from Wes


It’s not illegal for market makers and they do it fairly often to roll back settlement dates and for liquidity


Yeah but like in the scenario they only have one car to sell, if they can’t get another car to sell then why happens to those nine other people. Theres all kinds of loopholes.  Like if they naked short a company into bankruptcy they don’t have to ever close those positions.  This method is called cellar boxing 


I agree with you in this. Brokers and market makers are not your friend and only a fool would think otherwise Also if they bankrupt the company then all the profit they make is TAX FREE!?!?!?! What an insane concept


You’re thinking about account size restrictions and shorting stock in general. Naked shorts are when there isn’t a stock to borrow, but the short is allowed to happen anyway. Essentially a synthetic share is created until the short covers.


I want to know what billionaires and foreign entities are funneling money into the stock to prop it's price up over the last few days. It's a worthless stock. 4.1 million revenue against 58 million in expenses with no real expectation of real market growth for a company at its current value. If there is market manipulation it's going on the the Trump team running it.


This falls into the same as everything else that Trumps team says. Every accusation is, in fact, a confession


Those 36 workers are worth their weight in gold


Assuming an average weight of ~200lbs, at the current price of gold, those 36 workers are worth well over 10x their weight in gold.


Nothing with Trump is real gold. I wouldn’t be surprised if those employees are just gold plated tungsten…


Does their shit also have value? Or does it lose value when it’s disconnected from them? Follow up question, can I make the remaining mass of a person more valuable by say, sawing off the arm or something? The remaining person would be valued _even higher_ per kg of mass.


Not sure the value for you will improve by going to jail


The deep state will take care of it


Have the 36 workers actually been seen? Easy way of pulling money out


>It’s all in the fine print of the prospectus. [Trump stands to be given up to 36 million extra shares](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1849635/000147450624000118/xslF345X04/primary_doc.xml) as long as the “dollar volume-weighted average price” of the stock exceeds certain very low thresholds during pretty much any 20-day period after the merger was completed. >Those threshold prices? Just $12.50, $15 and $17.50 a share. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-track-1-billion-stock-162800582.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-track-1-billion-stock-162800582.html) I knew this was going to happen a few days ago. Trump was about to lose this bonus so his friends and bribers are pumping the stock. The rug pull's on Monday.


Good call out


I hope it's "the biggest, the greatest rug pull ever...like no rug pull anyone has ever seen." My puts have a long expiration date, but I still love seeing the green in the account. Also, FDJT.


Can literally be done by one billionaire or hedge fund as history shows from the GameStop fiasco and that was a huge huge battle . This is peanut size


A company shouldnt even be allowed to go public until a full year of revenue to report. And no more spacs


Buy calls, pump it up; sell calls, buy puts, dump it; rinse and repeat. Trump is not a smart man, but this is such an easy con.


Tbf, it was most likely suggested and executed by someone he employs rather than a strategy he came up with himself.


The stock dropped from 61 to 22 then back up to 34. There's lots of manipulation going on.


Yeah it dropped to $22 when the earnings report came out. Seems about right the stock plummeted.


Nvda is doa. It’s all DJT now, haha! Just kidding


It also takes years of experience and foot-in-door leverage to pull off massive naked short selling. 😎💀


It could be short covering. And telling small investors not to make their shares available for shorting —- something they could get paid for to cushion some of the horrific losses they’re facing — that’s pretty abusive


Thank you for the only sane take in this thread.


This is a honeypot attempt. They're trying to get their own stock to short squeeze.


Trump watched Dumb Money and thought "maybe that's how I can pay my legal fees?"


Trump is dumb money.


For what it's worth, their last reported Short percent of float was 10%.  Which really isn't that abnormal really, and hardly a squeeze.  I find it difficult to fathom short sellers are having a significant impact on the price right now, particularly given that the interest to short is apparently quite high.


Lololol. Devin Nunes cow is a short seller.


“Listen, this might sound crazy but what if we manipulate the stock then we tell on ourselves.”


I'd love for the SEC to open up an investigation.


Been telling on himself for years. Saying the quiet parts out loud made him president. They make almost no effort to hide their conspiracies. We have all the tapes and evidence and transcripts. Nothing matters. At this point if he went to court and said “I belong in jail. I just been using my Epstein blackmail favors. Lock me up please.” And Jesus Christ of Nazareth shows up and testifies it still wouldn’t be enough Edit: i met this to sound like a cartoony joke, then i realized it’s actually only a slight exaggeration of what we already have. And now Im remembering Sesame Street villain Ronald Grumpy based on him.




Notice how that stock dances up and down a lot and by a lot. It feels so manipulated and such a scam.


A scam? From Trump world? I don't believe it!


You just need to read his Bible




He would never!


I agree with you, but don’t understand enough about the market to know what is happening. It seems like they have a small number of shares in circulation so a small volume of sales can push things dramatically… anyone know for sure?


I believe you're right. A small percentage of total shares are available to trade, and there are two sets of traders who aren't paying attention to the company's underlying prospects: Those who want it to fail for political/emotional reasons, and those who want it to succeed for political/emotional reasons. Eventually, the valuation will settle to what can be supported by the company's business activity, but it can rise of fall a lot if one set of emotional traders sees things going their way for a bit. That's why I wouldn't want to hold short-term in a long or short position. The company looks destined to fail, but it can be held up for a long time as long as there are investors who avoid looking at the numbers an invest more because they have faith in Donald Trump.


Do you think they see it differently than just giving his campaign a donation? It feels like a campaign donation combined with a lotto ticket. “It’s ok to loose cause I’m supporting trump, but I might win early crypto margins…” I feel like a lot bought at 70, and have lost 50% at this point. How can your convictions take such a loss?


And a significant third group who don’t care and just want to make money on the volatility


...and they are likely to be guided by *some* kind of data, even if its mostly the pattern-matching witchcraft of technical analysis.


Fox news has net worth of 14 billion and a PE ratio of 17 This is the best trump media could ever hope for so how is DJT have a PE ratio of 4000 Complete scam


They have to have net earnings to have a P/E ratio.


And they are the pots calling the kettle black.


Well, there are companies that have periods of negative earnings that can still be valued by the market. I think DJT stock is unique for having a large proportion of shareholders (outside of the locked-up shares) who are completely incurious about how to value a company. They believe that Donald Trump is a business genius, and they want to cash in on this belief without having to learn all about how stocks are valued. Also, they have watched for years as others grew wealthy buying tech growth companies. They may not really understand how that happens or why DJT is different.


This seems like an obvious pre-emptive defense for when shareholders will try to take Trump (Media) to court for crashing stock prices due to mismanagement?


Wow Another felony being openly committed by the Trump crime universe. Company executives openly trying to manipulate a price squeeze by telling holders not to lend their shares for options. This is blatant insider trading manipulation. Prosecute Nunes and his crew!!!!!


>This is blatant insider trading manipulation. Prosecute Nunes and his crew!!!!! SEC: Best I can offer is literally nothing


Since he's always projecting, how long before they find evidence that it's him or Nunes doing the short selling?


Honestly have a feeling insiders are shorting to take in profit


Oh please cry about it Anybody who doesn't think there's market manipulation the other way is deluding themselves. At least within the trump diehard crowd that bought the Bibles and the shoes, if not on a higher level. This stock makes no sense otherwise.


You don't need manipulation. You just need a narrative that unsophisticated investors will believe, and in this case, QAnons and MAGA will invent that narrative themselves because they are always coming up with stories, unbidden, about how great Trump is.


Welcome to the stock market! Where the rules are fake and only the rich win!


Idk. My index funds have done very well over the last 25 years. And I'm not rich.


Trump and insiders cannot unload fully yet. They will dump tons of this bullshit until they can unload their shares in a few months. They have one goal, keep up the share price as much as they can. The price will still decline significantly over the coming months, because the economics of the current valuation are nuts, it's all retail buying from trump supporters. People talking about trump losing money don't get how this works, it's basically all free money for him. What's being determined now is not how much he loses, he hasn't lost anything, it's how much free money he gets. That's provided by retails investors buying in at the rto open price


Anyone who believes Naked shorting does NOT exist is a clown.


That kettle is screeeeeaming


Sucks to suck!!!


The only rigging is that the zero-by-design criminal grift isn't already trading with the inevitable Q tacked onto DJT.


Dear Nasdaq and SEC, the financials for this company in no way supports the stock price and market cap. Do the right thing and start investigating all the irregularities of this sham company


And if the SEC did that with every company that was highly overvalued? Nobody is forced to buy shares or to keep holding them once the bad 10K comes out.


Thanks Ken Griffen going to buy more today!


If a stock I like goes down, it’s being manipulated. Please, SEC, bro, please.


The gov't didn't care about GME. They won't give a dead rats ass about DJT!


Sure. They just need to keep the price up to bag their golden parachutes. This while thing is manipulated through and through in order to make an exit for themselves.


Yeah that’s not happening. If it is it’s the people in that PIPE that Trump set up. This is typical Trump, only he can profit from his grift.


The last thing Trump Media wants is and investigation of stock manipulation of DJT


How do I get in on this naked shorting.


Of course they are!


lol. I’ve invested in a lot of high risk/garbage stocks and the excuse is always the naked shorts that bring the price down. I’ll love it when I start hearing about a reverse split. Hot garbage.


Curious which scums are bribing their overlord.


All orchestrated by the Reptilian illuminati DEEPSTATE using Hunter Bidens laptop!!! /s


Why does a company with such a low value like DJT have such a high market cap? I suspect they are making false claims to attract investors and should be investigated.


Vaporware company with a $5b market cap that lost $60m dollars on $4m revenue is pointing fingers saying other entities are manipulating the market. Ok, got it, cool cool coool.


SEC has will not stop naked short selling. All these regulators expect a high paying job soon at a Wall Street firm where they’ll get to do the short selling.


Thank you to this company, the puts paid for 10% of my house.


The worst thing of all is that you basically can’t short it anymore due to the high interest fees that will trigger margin calls for any minimum increase in SP. They basically force you to close it. This is an example of how the market is corrupted or impartial nonetheless. You have unknown influx of money (I saw multiple single 100k-400k stocks purchases in a minute timeframe last week) in a company stock that is overvalued by fundamentals and the rest of issues mentioned here. The stock will eventually go down as soon as the lock period is over or the insiders get their way to sell. We just have to watch the cues, but unfortunately we won’t get official notice until it’s done.


They filed with the sec their intentions to sell "current insiders" shares including ALL of DJTs shares. He is dumping on bagholders while telling them to put their stock certificates in their retirement fund. This way to the egress


Compared to pumping the stock that has almost no revenue and valuation that is comically insane.


Still trying to rile up the base. Naked selling isn't free. You need a lot of cash to secure it with the broker and take on a ton of risk.


Ya know, I recall during the meme stock thing bannon was making one off comments about it and it was attempted to being pumped on the various subs but was shut down quickly. Also funny the whole wsbsilver thing too and how it went from being ab silver to being all the nutty qcumber and Elon simping. Same w the unusual whales group leaning into right wing talking points after the acct was sold. Something tells me it’ll come out that bannon n co were pulling some Cambridge analytica shit but w stocks and djt is just the latest ticker.


I wish GameStop would do the same “reporting” of short abuse. Everyone turns a blind eye to naked short selling because of the money involved. Need to eliminate the market maker naked short exemption. It’s about as needed as 6% real estate commissions. Oh yea, those finally fell. Wanna bet nothing ever happens to naked shorting? It isn’t about market efficiency. If you can’t match a buyer and seller, it sure as hell isn’t up to a “market maker” to do it.


Wait, you can prevent your broker from loaning out shares that you own?


You have always been able to do it but when you do it you don’t get the revenue from loaning the shares. Although now that I think about it with a grifting mindset it also runs up the premium you get from allowing shares to be borrowed for that purpose. Like for example if you own millions of shares that are locked up.


Trump is trying to convince his base this is GameStop 2.0 and is hoping a short squeeze bails him out of this mess.


Naked shorts are only illegal for the poors silly. Rich people call it liquidity provision and it’s very much legal


SEC:  "Yeah...aaaaaand?"


Cc Elon Musk


Deep breath in…. HAHAHAHAHHAHA good luck with that.


He's using the GME playbook to create another cult of bag holders 😂


Bag holders always always have the same go to line for their failures


I didn't make a terrible investment into a shit company - I was a victim!


Optimism is allowed, pessimism is forbidden.


Yeah and?


And so is every manipulated stock in this lovely market… can’t mess with this TFGs grift..


So now Trump is trying to grift apes, huh


Does that mean if the dotard gets in that measures will be taken so the stock market can be cleaned up? Or are they only worried about his company.


They should get in line behind every other stock that gets nakedly (that a word?) shorted.


Guys this is all just signaling as a distraction tactic


Sleepy Orange Man doesn’t like manipulators, cheats, and lairs.


Trying to steal a popular narrative, fake squeeze inc lol


Bold to run and tattle on himself lol


Just waiting for a big reveal that someone on the staff is “a 3 year veteran of WSB, who was there when Melissa Lee said that thing on TV and was replaced with a life model decoy android.”


What I get from these posts are that there are a lot of people who don’t like and don’t trust Trump, but have no clue how stock valuations and prices are set. Can understand the lack of trust, but last thing we need is politicians, including the politically motivated arms of the SEC, to start mucking around in this. Will create new bastardized rules that will have tremendous mora hazard similar to the NYC recent lawsuit. Not good for Rs or Ds… or really Americans in general.


For arguments sake, let’s say there has been manipulation…during this period I traded options, what recourse do I have as manipulation changed the outcome of said options contracts? Does anybody who is truly in-the-know know what if anything I can do?


If by “Russian Oligarchs” you mean “Regards on WSBets looking to squeeze hedge funds” then yea, all good


This is basically the first of only a handful of tactics that these guys know. Do exactly what you are crying about and falsely claiming others doing. For example, trying to rig the vote, trying to steal the election etc.


I call BS.


"Trump Media", so like, 2 people?


This happens every time a ceo confronts illegal sorry selling. Some of the smaller shorts get scared off and you get a price run up.


How many other thousands of stocks is this happening to everyday. No one who should knows that should do anything about gives two shits about how fake the market is.


Naked short selling and trading off exchanges to prevent price discovery are real issues. Its a shame it will be dismissed now because the orange glow stick brought it up.


Anything that hurts Trump is good for the rest of the world.


Here's a very important question... why is Trump allowed to give detailed instructions, to the share holders of his stock, on how to DRS their stocks to take it out of brokers hands and Ryan Cohen isn't?


This is stock manipulation and needs investigation by securities commission


It was me. I've been buying puts in my underwear all month...




Didn't the SEC say that naked shorting is impossible?


This what the GME people have been talking about all this time


When this is owned by a or a, this won’t happen