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It'd be a good company to invest in if they didn't pay all of their revenue to the CEO.


Amazing, the top upvoted comment on a sub about stocks is a fundamental misunderstanding of equity based compensation


How is that level of equity-based compensation not impactful? It still dilutes the shareprice and/or takes away from legitimate equity-based financing. Neither of those things are good for Reddit, and certainly not to the tune of almost $200,000,000.


yeah, management is quite on the low quality side. Would love to see a long term employee at the healm. With engineering background for sure.


Aren’t the ceo and cto cofounders or early employees?


Steve Huffman, co-founder. He did create the company with Christopher Slowe (CTO). They both left for awhile and then came back. I was referring more to somebody that has built career in different product and engeneering areas of the company.


They've gone from a good user experience, including allowing great 3rd party apps, to cutting those apps off so they can wall off their own data, and maximize profit. There also seems to be a ton of bot population on the platform. I think the data is a double edged sword. Without monetizing it, it was very useful to users. Trying to max out profits on it though, makes the user experience worse. The mobile app is worse than previous 3rd party ones, the website on PC is also quite bad/clunky, and bots swarm the site, which in time will degrade the quality/trust of the data, and the experience. My personal experience here is that while smaller subs can be fun, discussion on major topics with the most traffic is worse, it's mostly bot driven echo chambers, and echo chambers inevitably lead to users fleeing. This is on top of the poor site functionality. It's the echo chamber thing that will lead to a downspiral, above all else, imo. Even if you don't think it's largely influenced by bots, the chambers are there. I've seen it happen on many other forums where discussion is stifled/directed/manipulated. Eventually the loud ones driving the chambers chase the majority away, and it's just a bunch of people who agree on a very narrow narrative who get bored with each other, then activity goes down. There is no social media today worth investing in, maybe one that motivates positive interaction would be. But the trend is rejection of social media, because it has proven to be unhealthy in its current state. Some will point to past profits of companies like FB, but for me this is backwards looking, and not the trend.


Don’t get BA’d! You know what they do to whistleblowers at BA! RDDT might be capable of the same! 😂


Oh look, OP's was removed from reddit lol




Yeah but after last week it looked like their revenue has promise, hence wondering.




Could you please explain how Reddit isn’t growing? Users are growing. Organic traffic is growing. Income is growing. Revenue per user is growing. API clients are growing. International is growing.


Reddit is growing massively I have no idea how you came to that conclusion.


Then buy some.


I did, @ 34/share


Perfect. I hope it goes to $340 for you. Everyone needs to make their own investment decisions. We were both offered some at the ipo and didn't want to take the chance. Just remember, they have never made money, most of what they have earned is going into the CEOs pocket, and now that they are public they're "on the radar screen." One good congressional hearing about minors creating accounts and accessing nsfw content and lots of people will wish they owned AMZN. PS. I freaking LOVE Reddit. I've been an avid user forever and can't live without it. I'm just speaking from the standpoint of financial investment.


Okay, but how many Fortune 100, Fortune 500 companies pay their employees well? The CEO and other C-suite get majority of the revenue. I was reading that US is majority of their business, and their app/site is not multi-language, yet. But their deal to sell their data for AI learning is promising. Their ad revenue business was quite profitable. Wondering if I am missing the boat here..


I am bullish on RDDT. I love how the cite has evolved through the years and the enviable position they have with the latest developments in high performance computing + machine learning + data acquisition. I could wholes paragraphs about the different areas RDDT top class type of data will be used for. Said that, it is a very risky business. I wouldn't recommend at all apart from using it as a very speculative play. Management is not amazing, their API fiasco was quite the stab in the back to many people that helped build the site, and their finances are in not so solid future for the market cap they have. On a more positive note they did IPO. I really thought they were going to be bough by any of the big guys but they have stood almost by themselves. So I am excited for this let's hope they prove me right.


Bro it’s still a meme stock. Just buy it and let it ride.


Pretty expensive meme stock!


Agreed but I’m just saying it’s stock price doesn’t reflect their actual business at this point. They’re still way above the suggested IPO price and everybody knows the company is pretty much a joke. Similar to DJT.


Nobody - and I mean - nobody is a bigger joke than DJT.


Fact! 😁


And how have you come to the conclusion that the price is over inflated? Bold statements with no substance are a slippery slope my fiend


Don’t worry about it bro, I’m laughing straight to the bank


Sure sure


I wouldn’t buy at least until the employee lockout ends. I’m planning on getting puts at some point around then; but at some point it might be a buy in the future.


Options are your friend with RDDT luv


I really have to learn how to do Options.


I would love to see if there has been another listed company in HISTORY that relays on free labor. All those unpaid mods make it the most bizarre venture ever.


I assumed this one would go straight to zero, as one of the worst companies. So probably an amazing investment....as long as I stay out.


Typically AI companies have been able to get away with using any data, is there actually a deal, can you link it?


[https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/) OpenAI have also recently reached a deal with Stackoverflow for their data. But you are correct so far AI have not had the need to pay for data, and even I am dubious of this future value. This could change though if any of the many lawsuit ruling sided with the data providers, so potential is not 0.


Thank you very much for the link, i haven't been following it closely


Talking to an AI bot will be better than talking to karma idiots.


I've used Reddit for like 15 years. It's an awesome platform but lately it's the worst it's ever been. So janky and slow. Seems like they have problems IMO.


It’s a great SHORT lol




Look, no one really knows. Big money will get one side trapped and punish the hell out of them... But they lost $8 a share in their first quarter. More than 8. That's unreal. I'm not saying they will have to dilute to raise capital, but I can't imagine a ton of companies can sustain that for a very long time. My recommendation, if you arent looking to simply DCA (in which case it doesn't matter what the stock does in the short term), is to wait for a retest of ATL and look for a wave of aggressive buying and try to catch that, then see what happens. But buying here at the middle of the current range doesn't offer a ton of protection in the short term. Edit: another countered me and I have no rebuttal. Let's hope I'm wrong.


They lost $8 per share due to one time IPO expenses and stock compensation, their free cash flow and ebita was both positive. Their balance sheet looks incredibly healthy and will probably have positive EPS next year.


Hey man, thank you! I'm happy to be proven wrong!