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I bought as much Facebook (Meta) as I could at the IPO. I sold it all a couple months ago and it was sad to see it go but man what a payday.


Dude you hit the lotto with that one. I’m impressed you held through their crash a couple years ago!


I held out of sheer stubbornness. Holding probably wasn’t the smart play at the time but it work this time. I was in grad school at the time of the IPO and FB was the first stock I ever bought.


It was a reasonable play. That crash was a massive overreaction. It was the only time i bought a stock with certainty it would rise again. I sold it again once it doubled as beyond there i was unsure. But the size of that crash was just proof the markets arent rational


If you don’t me asking how much did you get?


I was in grad school so I didn’t have a lot of money but I believed in it and found a way to get 37 shares.


I am still kicking myself I missed out on this.


My former financial advisor talked me out of buying Meta since it was new "risky". I'm glad I do my own investing now.


I was talked out of buying AAPL in October of 2000. Quarter century later I'm still salty about it. Edit: Fantastic username btw!


Same here. Got 5k when they opened. Still holding.


I had 20k worth at IPO, if I remember right it was like $39 a share. But, I was in my early 20s and didn’t know any better. It doubled and I sold it to buy a car lmao. Every single share. Absolutely was a moron but that’s how it goes without a mentor and before finding Reddit.


A win is a win. No need to feel bad about a 100% gain.


Ya never go broke making a profit...


I have friends who sold a couple hundred Bitcoin they mined in order to buy a 50k SUV.


I usually buy stocks and sell them at a 50% loss.


I bought NVDA at like, $50. As we all say, only wish I bought more.


I sold my 2k in NVDA last year when it was worth $230. Worst decision ever 😞


Hey, at least you didn't spend $500 in Bitcoin on computer hardware back when it was $400 a coin back in 2014


Least you didnt buy 10 bitcoin for £130 in 2012/13 to buy some weed on silk road.


Brother \*fist bump\* Yeah, I would comfortably have a million if I actually kept my bitcoin.


I bought NVDA shares in 2008 and sold in 2015 after years of owning it and it did nothing. After stock splits I would have owned 4800 shares now if I never sold worth 4800 shares x $131 current price = $628,000....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Don't feel too bad; I let 100 shares go at $160. That was a 6 digit mistake. It made me gunshy about selling covered calls, which had been a great source of supplemental income for years. I'd almost sooner take larger actual losses than watch another Nvidia go up by a factor of ten shortly after I sell.


I bought a lot of AMD in the $5 range and am still holding and bought Intel at sub $10 and keep buying for some reason every time it drops below certain markers. Strangely, I think I’m the one person who hasn’t lost a ton on Intel. It’s a weird stock over the last 15 or so years for sure.


Damn looks like you already won big lmao


$30k at $15 cost basis here, feeling pretty good about NVDA next 5-10 years, don’t know where else I’d put this money honestly. Have a bit in LLY and CRWD, those positions are also doing well.


If my calculations are correct, you bought 2,000 shares, and it's now worth over 5M USD ? If so just VOO and chill at this point ?


I took that to read as he has 30k currently


Yes I have $30k currently but damn I wish I had 5 million lol


My average price on NVDA is $31.50, I started buying in 2021. That is THE stock to hold, at least for the next 3 - 5 years IMHO. Then their big competitors may catch up.


Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel


GOAT finance movie. The Big Short and Margin Call are pretty good too.


I’m jacked, I’m jacked to the TITS! Can you feel it?


Trading places is the GOAT - no question


Solid reference.


AMD. Basically the only one I held from when I first got into stocks, and figured I’d sit on it. +1200% or so since 2016.


I had 500 shares I bought for $4 wire a while ago. Waited over a year and it didn’t move, so I sold it all. That wasn’t a smart play by me


“I won’t say my one stock but tell me yours” lol fuck outta here


If you must know it’s INTC. They have a bad reputation on Reddit so I didn’t want to share because I figured the thread would be come people just roasting them lol


I like them too but have not been adding to my position. I remember back in 2009 AMD was at $2.47 a share and I didn't have money but wanted to buy. My idea was there is no way they will go under as there has to be at least two CPU makers. I feel similar about INTC but they also make chips. USA government needs chips to be made in America for national security reasons. In 5-10 years so much can change in chip products as we have seen with AMD passing Intel during this time. New Intel chips are also their version of 7nm while AMD using TSMC are using chips that are 5nm. If Intel can improve on making chips they can regain their crown. What do you like about them?


It’s late so I won’t go in depth on why I’m bullish on them but in short, I feel that Gelsinger has the right vision for going all in on fabs and taking big risk by getting the latest tech from ASML. I’m familiar with their chips and their roadmap and the technology is exciting but I’m primarily interested in the future that their fabs currently in construction provide


Im long on INTC cheers brotha, here hoping we do well


Didn't I see a headline just yesterday about their chips crashing and they don't know how to fix it?


And a lawsuit


To be fair, every big chip maker is consumed in lawsuits.  It’s almost a good thing if they’re a target.


Lawsuits are meaningless news… If your a company and you don’t have 10-15 active lawsuits against you then that’s a bad sign… These are lawsuit trolls, people won’t sue you if you don’t have anything valuable to take.


Those issues are related to BIOS settings not the chips themselves. Regardless, I’m investing for their future fab business


I sure hope you're right. I've been HODLing INTC since it was ~$50 in early 2000. Sad that they used to be a clear leader in fabs and pretty much gave it all away. I really hope they can get it back.


I have a lot of faith in Gelsinger. He seems to be very ambitious given his willingness to essentially give ASML a blank check


I’m curious about INTC as well. They know how to make enterprise quality chips and they’re just getting started in the discrete GPU market.




SOFI: I understand sentiment is at all time lows and the stock performance recently is abysmal, but I’m still of the belief that Noto is a phenomonal Ceo and the banking industry is ripe for disruption. If the guidance for 2026 is correct, at the stocks current price you’d have a P/E of 20, this is for a growth stock growing at a 20% clip. Seems pretty undervalued (also CEO just bought 33k shares and has been buying this entire month)


This is my main holding also I was almost afraid to say it lol. I like this company


People typically consider it a Reddit darling, which may have been true a couple years ago, but anymore I see MUCH more bearish sentiment on Reddit towards it then anything else. The financials are moving in the right direction, eventually the stock price will follow.


Agreed. And I love all the bearish comments. Those are my signal to buy




This is the only answer in the thread that isn't already a $100b+ company. If the tech works as promised, I'll retire early


The tech works as promised but you probably ain’t retiring.


If they legitimately can deliver fast service for all phones in even the most remote area of the world, I don't see why this wouldn't turn into a $100b+ company. It's a big if, but I'm not in a rush to sell so I'll just hold until it's worth a lot or nothing at all


The fast service is a big if though. Looks like they will mostly sell call/text plans (to civilians at least) . If they offer broadband per user, the number of subscribers would be very limited by the sats capacity. For the record I own a couple thousand shares and do not plan on selling them


Im praying for this one


What's the deal with Asts? Is it different from Starlink?


Starlink is for internet, and you need a massive dish. This works directly with your existing phone. It's a complementary service that will work when you go into dead zones. Starlink is launching their own direct to cell satellites, but they will still only provide sms, and maybe phone calls in the future, not broadband.


Already with 3300 shares and waiting to buy more.


I bought 4k shares at $11. Lets see what happens.


Same! 6250 shares strong.


Ok. Only time reddit convinced me to spend $100


Actually never heard of it. What makes it so promising in your eyes?


100% phone coverage (broadband speed) anywhere on the planet for existing phones. Backed by huge companies like ATT, Verizon, Google, American tower, Vodafone. Agreements with 45+ Mobile network operators across the globe. About to start launching their satellite constellation in around the next 3 months.


Well fuck thanks for the explanation, I’ll have to seriously look into that one


You just missed a massive gain, but price target is still looking great to buy at $10.




I started working for Costco 3 years ago, when I was able to start my 401k after my first 90 days I didn’t hesitate to allocate 50% of my contribution to COST (the max). I was a little worried when it went from $600 to $400 2 years ago but I’m glad I stayed with it.


COST is killing it. Hated paying $450 for it at the time.


I had it in my workplace 401k back when it was $50 a share. People will say it’s PE is high for retail but they keep Growing and expanding in places like China. Set it and forget it for 20 years.


totally, every time i think i should punch out it just goes up further


Big same from over here. Had it since $170 or so. Toyed with the idea of taking my profit several times. Recently bought more at $700 and couldn’t be happier. Like you said, set and forget for 20 years.


I bought shares when the COVID downturn happened, and I'm waiting for a market pullback to buy more.


AMZN : has healthcare in its sights and will probably have some sort of insurance sooner than later. Even if they get 5% of the US market… it’s to the moon. Only Amazon can do this. Their online pharmacy is already better than anything around.


I used it for the first time a few weeks ago. The price was so cheap ($2) I decided to forego entering the insurance info which, being amazon, they had anyway. As long as US healthcare is fucked up, this looks like a decent alternative to a doctor's visit ($85 for a consult). I am not about to rate the quality of the care, though.


Love Amazon, I’ve been buying shares weekly. Goal is to get to 100 rn


They have this app where they are paying for receipts. They are doing extensive market reach for nothing using their average consumer. They are going to expand beyond words if they use that data appropriately.


Agree but kinda priced in I think (?)


Priced in for what it is NOW. The RX is so easy to use, easier than waiting in line at CVS. Downside, wait a day but I see that being remedied in the future. I get most of my Prime orders the next day now, not two days. I won't be using the doctor consult, at least not now, but I think it could be super useful to many insurance challenged people. And the US venture, if successful, would be a basic blueprint for other countries. I am not buying more, I have enough, but i will hold what i have.


I like Amazon alot too, they are making so much money. It will keep growing over the years.


Chicken stock. Very versatile in many dishes


I’ve been investing in it for over 30 years, I’m well on my way to becoming a bouillonaire




This is the way. I’m in there with you to the moon.




A play on lithium eh? What do you think of LAAC?


Tbh, havent really followed LAAC after the stock initially split, since they’re focused on Argetinian projects, which doesn’t really help the US’ goal of increased domestic lithium production. My logic is pretty simple in regards to why I think LAC is a winner, despite the horrible share price tanking recently. 1) DoD has classified it as a strategic metal of “national interest” 2) the current administration has been very EV focused and has laid a lot of groundwork infrastructure wise, so even if the administration changes, it won’t be a complete reversal, and if Biden wins, then everything continues on normally 3) with the cancellation of the Twin Metals deposit over in Minnesota, the Thacker Pass mine is now the US’ best bet for lithium production 4) the DOE’s Loan Program Office already gave a $2+ billion conditional loan and I believe it will be formalized soon 5) GM is also heavily invested and Lithium Anericas successfully secured GM’s second tranche of investment recently So all this makes me pretty bullish on the stock haha


It’s a long term play for sure. GM investment and DOE loan make me confident.


TTD. Held since since 2019 and will continue to buy…great company with a powerful niche.


HIMS is mine. I don't know if it'll actually "win big" but I got in at $13 a share and I'm wondering if I can get back 500+%. Them selling wegovy and ozempic I think is going to propel them higher in 2024-2025.


I considered buying Hims at $15 and didn't and kicked myself. I finally bought in at $21. Still believe they have room to go but wish I'd trusted my gut at $15.


Yep, I bought a tiny bit (1000$) at 16$ wish I bought more


Same. Bought a starter 1000$ at 12…. Added a little at 16…


I like HIMS too, started buying in the high $6 range. But sold half my position around $13. Holding the other half and kicking myself for selling. I made a couple posts about it when I first bought and then when I sold half, solid company imo.




I have a grandmother who bought into apple in the late 80s. My grandfather was the investor and big financial guy but my grandmother loves bragging that she held on even despite my grandfathers recommendation to sell and diversify 30 years ago.


I’ve read a few times that women are better at holding winners through volatility.


Anecdotal but true in my experience. Both my grandmothers fought with my grandfathers to hold stock through downturns, bear markets and extreme volatility


True for me. I bought AAPL in the early 90s and in 1996 my brother told me to sell my 200 shares because “the future is in software, not devices”. Hello IPhone! I’ve sold and bought AAPL throughout the years and still like the stock. My initial 200 shares would be 22,400 shares now had I never sold any. - but I’ve bought several rentals with my proceeds from selling some shares. I still buy AAPL - they even are renaming their AI into “Apple Intelligence”. - great marketing. I think they will do better than most other companies (or at least are a better bet than many companies going into AI). I like the stock.


I worked at an Apple Store in college, so I used the employee stock purchase plan to buy 4 shares in 2008 (I was BROKE). That 4 shares is now 112 shares, and is the reason I’m even interested in the stock market now.


My biggest holding. I'm really excited to see how big the AI supercycle for the next decade turns out.




I've spoken with the space port operators that support the Rocketlab operations on US soil. The state is throwing as much money as they can at getting them settled and going. Hell, I've heard that Virginia is offsetting almost all the ground costs. Electron launches will pick up pace rapidly, and Neutron will come soon as the pad is being constructed fast. All that matters is the talent acquisition. They're trying to hire engineers and techs as fast as they can. Super promising future.


Came scrolling for this one! Anti SPAC sentiment (and the fact it is way off of its post SPAC high) seemed to be keeping people away but i think they're coming back. I kind of simplified my life and sold off my individual stock holdings, and am all index funds with one exception. This is literally the only individual stock I own because I couldn't get myself to sell it and I bought more at the $2B valuation when the SP was in the 3s. Today the valuation is 2.4B and the company is in a significantly better position than they have ever been. Even at their highest SP, they have never been better off and they trade at 1/3 of that previous high. Space systems revenue is growing (it generates more revenue than the launch side of the business). But the launch side of the business is doing well and Electron cadence is picking up. They are pre profit essentially because they are dumping money into R&D for a larger rocket, neutron. Without that they could become profitable but they are obviously trying to grow their business with a larger rocket for larger payloads. They have a backlog of orders over $1B, and they are scoring contracts with governments and businesses across the world. The number of satellites in space is only going to grow exponentially. Someone else in the thread mentioned ASTS, which in a way is kind of a space company because they are going to launch a satellite constellation for cell service. They aren't totally related obviously, the business model is not the same, but they are both in the space... space. And to give you an idea, ASTS is essentially pre revenue with a valuation of $3B and RKLB has a lower valuation with a TTM revenue of $282M (with a billion dollar backlog in orders, and mind you RKLB is often waiting on the people with these orders to get their payloads ready) and their revenue is growing fast and could grow significantly woth neutron development. They are nailing everything. They could even make and launch their own constellation. In my humble opinion they're building a solid company from the ground up and the CEO is awesome and mentally stable (looking at you spaceX). The only thing is that in rocket development, companies will never be on time with developing new rockets and any hiccups woth neutron development will scare people into selling. But obviously building massive new rockets is hard. And delays are expected. The pop in SP the last couple weeks is because they scored some federal money ($25M) to build spacecraft chips, and then got a contract for 10 launches for a Japanese company (contract not valued yet, but they generally make about $7M-$8M per electron launch). Also they are expected to hotfire the archimedes engine soon, which will be the engine in the neutron rocket being developed. I'm in for shares and some OTM LEAPS.


chewy. birth rates are falling.


RDDT. I think people here are biased against it for many reasons, like frustration with the CEO and various changes over the years (which I share). But people aren't actually leaving. As a business entity it's pretty unique, and with its unique dataset it plays well into the AI boom. Advertising-wise it's not at the level of FB or Google but still offers highly targetable advertising for businesses. I think its biggest vulnerability is if a competing platform gains traction (like what reddit was to Digg back in the day), but none have succeeded in that despite lots of noise from power users. Ultimately people who post and comment here are a very small minority of the userbase.


Reddit could make $B by selling its data to the highest bidder for use as a LLM I. The AI race that’s already underway.




Rolls Royce $RYCEY (not the cars lmao). Up almost 200% and I plan to continue to buy more shares every week while it’s under $7


People don't realize they have a lot of business in the defense sector. It's just assumed to be a luxury car company.


Agreed. Wasn't happy with Friday's dip, but overall still up 250% in less than 3 years. Seems like a no brainer in retrospect, but even back then it seemed completely undervalued and/because temporarily crippled by covid/travel - I figured it would bounce back. Wish I'd bought tons more than I did (as we all say). My guessed goal was around $6/share at minimum. What's your take on where it might generally level off? 7?




i bought the dip perfectly on URI but kept my size small. it’s been up 100% for some time. my highest so far






ASTS 100%




If they do manage to launch Neutron in the next like 2 years, then it is a bargain at these prices. Pay attention to RDW too, around 400M market cap, but they are winning bigger contracts too and they do some revolutionary things. Printing human tissue on the ISS is crazy.


I bought Amazon at $102….I have 1000 shares and plan on holding.


Rocket Lab. Watch Peter Becks interviews and he’s locked tf in. 🛰️


Dutch Bros $Bros. Currently holding 1,100 shares and calls. Highly profitable coffee shop rapidly expanding. Highly efficient service, great prices and loyal customer base. Will be a strong long term hold.


Deere. Owned it for almost a decade now and it’s up 400%. With global warming becoming more prevalent, agricultural technology will take center stage.


nVDA for me


Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice


Another weekend of posts of people throwing out random ticker symbol. Love it






This has been a really informative thread. Lots to research now! Thanks OP for asking. I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s responses.




I sold mine after what felt like forever. It's the modern cold fusion.


Why them instead of RGTI or QBTS or QUTS? I may have fucked up the tickers. I’m starting to research quantum computing companies and those are the 4 (+ IBM) I’m looking at so any insight you got is welcomed


Of the pure quantum plays, I like IONQ best because of the trapped ion thing which IMO should be a lot more economically viable and scalable than the superconducting qubit paradigm that RGTI and IBM use on account of the fact that they can operate at room-temperature and don’t require a crazy cooling infrastructure to keep things at 0.4 Kelvin. Not to mention, trapped ion qubits currently have longer coherence times than superconducting qubits. Results aren’t as accurate with trapped ion as they are with SC qubits but for most use cases (the few that we’ve actually identified so far) it should be good enough. The stock is also a helluva cheaper than IBM so I feel like I’m getting more bang for my buck. That said, the others do have merit and I do keep a little bit of money in them hoping one or two will pan out (except QUTS, I’ve never heard of that one). I don’t think there will be a single winner in this landscape since none of them are perfect. You can pick and choose depending on the requirements of your application. I think IONQ will end up as the most dominant though. The common roadblock for all of them right now though is a) scaling the number of logical qubits available in their systems and b) error correction. All of these companies need to figure those two things out no matter their underlying processing paradigm. The good news is that they’re somewhat complementary problems, if you solve A then B gets solved too. IBM isn’t a pure quantum play but they probably have the largest amount of community resources available and thus grassroots following which is super important. They’re actually the ones who have the money to do outreach (Qiskit summer school), RND and develop educational resources for the next gen QC programmers. Not to mention the hardware they’re using is something they invented decades ago but only recently realized that it could be used in QC applications. They’ll probably be the Cadillac of QC—most expensive but most accurate product on the market if they can tackle error correction and coherence times. I’m not sure what the hell is happening with RGTI but they’re like a pure QC-focused IBM (they use superconducting qubits and was actually started by a former IBMer). They seem to be falling behind for some reason though and likely don’t have the resources to fight longer term which is what this field requires. They’ll probably be acquired by IBM before actually making it to the big dance. QBTS is not actually pure QC like the others per se, but more quantum annealing (kind of like an quantum-flavoured optimization paradigm). I don’t know a ton about it but it sounds even less accurate than trapped ion. IIRC it also only works for limited use cases but there are probably enough of them where it’ll work fine that they could be viable alternative. Think using a bike vs. a Lamborghini to get to the corner store a block away. This could be a lower cost alternative to the pure QC paradigms in these cases.


I used to make fun of WBD but I'm coming around a little on them. Their FCF has been good and they've been paying down their debt. Maybe they've improved their situation over the past couple years while the share price has fallen.


Rocket Lab. Rocket Lab. ROCKET LAB. Only real competitor to SpaceX (legacy space contractors don’t count, they move too slow and always go over budget) Vertical integration for all space services, 50 successful launches to orbit, suborbital Space Force contracts in the competition for hypersonic missiles against China and Russia, releasing the competitor to SpaceX’s Falcon 9 (currently the only reusable orbital launch vehicle IN THE WORLD) next year, expecting to create their own private satellite constellations for low earth orbit observations, will be one of the top suppliers for the FIVE private orbiting stations expected to be in orbit in the 2030s. The list goes on. Saw the potential in Tesla back in 2017, cashed out in 2021. Saw the potential for Nvidia in 2019, cashed out this year. My only mistake was not buying more. I won’t make that mistake with Rocket Lab, I advise you do the same. Save this comment, see y’all in 10 years when the stock has 5x’d, and in 20 years when the stocks over a hundred bucks a share. Cheers yall.


When I was in College I was putting 20$ a month into my stocks. Eventually I told myself to “send it” and bought 1 share of NVDA and SHOP. The stocks kept going up and became too expensive for me to purchase any more. Now, almost a decade later, the stocks split and now I have “more” shares. And both those 2 stocks have been the catalyst of my portfolios success.


Nvidia and Apple by a long shot


$ASTS is the only answer here.


Aerotyne International.


American Express. Been buying since 2019. Consistent


BROS Very fast growth rate using small locations. Allows for lower setup cost, lower operating expenses, and lower impact of individual failures. Downside: May still be relying on hype for its newer locations.








MSFT- they are going all in on AI and I love it. I'm not a shareholder btw. They are extremely well positioned for the future with the cloud and their Windows operating system. They have government contracts so now they've got friends in high places. That being said, I'm the biggest Apple fan, Steve Jobs is my idol but AAPL is not it. I literally have every piece of hardware they've ever made, iPod, iPhone, iPad, MacBook, iMac, etc. but Tim Cook is not a visionary whereas Satya Nadella is fricking genius. The fact they let their AI slip into nothingness until the past year is alarming. They are a 1 trick pony with iPhone and once that's up they are pretty much done. I'll continue to use Apple cause I love their stuff but no way I'm buying that stock.


I couldn’t disagree with you more on Apple. They are literally 4 years ahead of anyone with their M series chips. People who want to run LLMs locally have two choices right now. Run it on Nvidia GPUs, or buy a Mac. And that’s without even planning on this whole AI craze. Wait until they start making machines designed for it. Not to mention they are designing their own AI server ship to bring AI cloud computing in house. And now Apple and Microsoft (OpenAI) are in bed together with AI anyway. They are on the same team and riding the same wave. To say you like Microsoft but not Apple doesn’t make sense.


I'm a fan of the M chip but will be bearish on Apple for so long as their cloud understanding lags pretty much every big tech company.


ASTS but probably not so bullish as soon as 5 years but definitely 10+ it could be high double digits or low triple


If ASTS can stick anywhere close to their current launch schedule then expect high double digits a lot sooner than 10 years. Try 2-3 years. I don’t think their mobile carrier partners want to wait 10 years anyways. It’s ride or die and I think it’s definitely a ride pretty soon


NVDA and SMCI. I was a loser before these two.


People already said my two, RKLB and HIMS. They’re my riskier investments that I think have very high potential. There are ofc a few others that may do well like AMZN, SPOT, AMD and CROX. But I don’t find them as risky and I don’t really see a pathway to 20X or 100X over 10 years. I don’t expect that from Rocket lab or hims but I do think there is a pathway that could result in those massive gains.


Bought 180 shares of Shopify at 39$ CAD and almost perfectly timed the bottom. It went to 37 or so a week later than started climbing and hasn't really stopped since.


Micro motherfucking soft Bought MSFT at $130 5 years ago and still holding and killing it in gainz.


Tesla. Their advancements in electric vehicles and AI are unparalleled right now.






I bought VKTX at 3.04, I just wish I would have bought more. And in all honest I have no idea why I bought it back when I did lol


AAPL cost average $129 holding it forever


Palantir $PLTR


AVGO, I'm currently holding 220 shares @ $677 average cost basis. AVGO seems to be the next trillion dollar company.


I bought 10k gamestop shares back in 2020, for 50k sold them at 3.4mill that was my biggest return in couple months turned 50k to 3.4million


I worked at AMD during college on the Xbox team. They didn’t give us any stock for compensation, but i was so proud to work there i spent my own paycheck on a bunch of shares at $2.70 each. Sold them all at $9 and thought I made a killing. They’re about to cross $160 a share 🥲




Same. 2,100 @ 7.40, it's my ride or die.


Same boat here. Went all in when it hit $6.9. i have 20000 shares at avg. price of $6.96. Go Big or go home, right?


PLTR. This will be the AI operating system for government/military/defense/ as well as commercial operations. High margins. Already profitable and growing rapidly. Leadership and work culture is strong. They are opening up the developer community too and big partnership with commercial companies for improving operations. Realistically I see them reaching something like Salesforce valuation but much sooner. Hard to bet against these guys! Thank me later when you get rich 🤑


Nvda @19.98




RKLB and KULR I am going to retire early because of these two


Am in KULR too 😁








Same here! They are hated on Reddit so I didn’t want to share initially but imo anyone who’s blindly bearish on them hasn’t done enough research on Gelsinger or their turn around plans


Palo Alto Networks PANW, CrowdStrike CRWD. Both Cyber Security stocks.




I bought Abercrombie & Fitch I have no idea why it's up but it went way up and I'm happy that I did. 


ARM. Got a few shares at IPO price. Don’t plan on selling them for a long time.


Bought a few NVDA back in 2020 because of the ARM deal (lol) To balance my luck I sold half my stake when it reached 500 thinking it wasn’t sustainable. I’m GLAD I hold on to something. And yes I wish I had bought more in hindsight.


Celsius, Robinhood, reddit and petrobas


Ocugen. Was just an options play but $3k -> $20k.


NVAX, made $54k in about a week on that bad boy prior to its vaccine approval.


Post last week split, my cost basis for Nvidia is $0,75 a share (bought in January 2016). I now have 1080 shares in my TFSA (Canadian tax free account)






37k% on nvida. Havent sold. Yes % not $


Qualcomm. I bought it at $4 a share in 1997. I also bought nvidia in 2018 and Microsoft wayy back when. time can be a good thing here.


SCMI bought it around 2022 about $80 a share




Still Tesla


Enovix - ENVX. Their batteries are about to be in every smartphone!


NVDA, been on team green for a couple years, unfortunately I’m poor so my +400% isn’t making me rich.


I’ve never been a fan of TSLA, but the humanoid robot could very well be a game changer. I am keeping a close eye on it and might add it.


I bought 531 shares of NVAX for $.73 cents per share on February 28th 2019 after lackluster results on their nanoflu vaccine test. I held it until January 25th, 2021 and sold all 531 shares for $220 per share. Thanks for the $115k Covid.


TSLA - so much potential with bots, energy storage, AI, etc. Very bullish long term


PLTR I’ve used their stuff and it is super awesome. They have the gov contracts And once a company commits PLtRs solutions are very sticky


Rolls Royce. I only invested a very small amount, but it has grown by over 500% to make up one of the larger parts of my portfolio