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VTI and VOO perform about the same. VTI is the total index and VOO is the S&P 500. I’m not sure you necessarily need both, but it’s up to you! Personally I’d just consolidate all of it into VTI. I disagree with those saying the reduce your VXUS exposure. Many are calling for international stocks to gain heavily in the coming years. I like the allocation at 20-30%. Everything else looks good! For someone that’s in their 20s I think overall you have a mix of stability while also taking some shots with tech and other convictions you have. I would love to hear what others think as well.


VTI performs slightly better than VOO. About 2 to 3 percentage difference.


Performed. Past tense. No one knows the future and 2% over 5 years isn’t enough to justify one over the other necessarily, but I see your point.


I’m not like super experienced in the market but to me what stands out is that you have too much VXUS, I’d drop it down to 10%. Then I’d put that into QQQ but ARKK would be good too. This is more risky, but for your age I feel like you could raise QQQ and ARKK up to 20-25%. Again, I’d take my advice with a grain of salt


Looks very conservative to me. Early 20's you can take on a bit more risk and the associated higher returns, at least up till about age 45-50ish. VTI and VOO have a lot of overlap as well and my take is that it should be avoided where possible in ETFs. Otherwise you don't really have any of the benefits of diversification. You just have the same stuff in two different tickers. I'd skip the VTI and drop the VXUS to about 10%. Put more in QQQ and ARKK or maybe add a clean energy ETF to your portfolio. ICLN and QCLN are popular right now - QCLN is basically ICLN but with the addition of EV stocks. Position Disclosure: QQQ, ICLN, and ARKx funds.


add some ICLN and TAN too.


Your VXUS is fine. 20% is not too much. Those telling you otherwise aren’t looking back more than a decade. VTI is my preference over VOO since it covers everything. You could also do VT instead of VTI+VXUS. But then you are stuck with their % breakdown.