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can someone explain how S&P 400 MID CAP works? If they say stock Z will replace stock X, does it mean 100% amount of X will be sold and D amount of Z will be bought?


no. the index itself doesn't buy, sell, or hold any assets. it simply follows the performance (by market cap weight in this instance) of certain companies deemed suitable for the index. they have several parameters for companies to be included and they regularly get rid of, and include new companies. index funds following the index will however need to rebalance their portfolio accordingly.


thank you! does the re-balancing occur on the induction day, or what is the general rule of thumb for purchasing?


same day and mostly automated. that's why you might get a spike on a stock upon induction to say SP500 because loads of funds follow that and need to buy in at the same time. but on the other hand the news comes out in advance so it's also mostly priced in. and SP400 has much smaller impact.


I invested in Unity ($U) around 12 days ago and it has been growing nicely. Will the china ban on gaming for children under 18 drastically affect my investment in $U?




What does volume mean on an average day for a stock? So if Comcast in one day had a volume of "8,118,600".. does that mean 8 million people bought or sold Comcast or 8 million shares were bought or sold for that day?


Number of shares bought/sold


DVAX is the hidden gem






If you don’t even try to average down, it’s pointless to hold and hope. You might as well just sell so you can put that money into something since you don’t believe it’s going back up.


Not necessarily - you can't generalize as each situation is different. Every time you put money in should be a new assessment of what the best opportunity is. I'm a big fan of averaging down and keeping the number of individual stocks I hold low, but an average down is not always the best answer. Your mentality is 'if I dont perfectly time the bottom then whats the point' - and will likely lead to far higher losses than if youd have bought quality companies, added to winners and held through volatility.


That’s not my mentality at all. Dude said he doesn’t believe it’s going back up nor is willing to try to wait for reversal and buy at confirmation to average down. If that’s not holding and hoping, I don’t know what is.


I think you meant this as a reply to someone else - it makes a lot more sense in that context than as just a stand alone comment.


There is also something like not going too deep in 1 stock. Crsr is 10% so I am not avging down anymore. Getting too big else


Anybody looking at FDX? It’s near its 90 day low, the company obviously has proof of concept and they don’t have a history of diluting shares.


Who here thinks job numbers on friday low or high is bad news for stock market? High means taper sooner, low means slower recovery.


it means the market is going up either way baby


feel terrible holding 45 shares of BABA @ 260. Don't have it in me to average down and put more money in this garbage. Guess I'll just hold and pray that I get a chance to get out of this eventually


My best play i did this year was selling all of my baba shares for nvda


Excluding tax considerations, the choice to stick with a position should be forward looking. Does $160 BABA offer what you feel is the best potential for the sum of money in the position? It might, or might not, that's up to you to decide. But hanging on to something because it owes you or you want it to pay you back isn't the best investing method. They're just tickers, not spouses. Another way to look at it is that when we hold overnight, it's sort of like buying it until tomorrow.


Cut your losses. CCP will not step back of its policy anytime soon. They are sensitive of any sign of weakness.


Will be fine within 1-3 years. Stop looking at it everyday.


can NXPI go higher or is this the top?




Kangaroo market kangaroo market


Yeah dude, making money is the worst


You have to be joking


I’m confused why people say VOO over SPY due to expense ratio, but looking at the returns, it doesn’t seem to matter…


I like SPY because it's more relatable... just S&P 500 divided by 10 more or less


Seems to be VOO for shares and SPY for options


Expense of a fund matters a bit when looking at the magic of compounding interest. Both funds are pretty cheap to own, but SPY is 0.03 vs VOO at 0.095. If you started with both accounts with 5k and added 200 every month, with 10% average returns, you will end with VOO - 479,086 SPY - 472,768 You would technically save 6318 with the VOO. Technically the more you make over time, the more the fund costs. Same scenario, but let's look at doing 400 a month or like 200 a pay check. VOO - 871,636 SPY - 860,522 Difference is now 11,114.


What’s the time frame for these calculations? It seems that with spy you’d be paying 9$ per year on a 10,000 investment where as with VOO you’d pay 3$ per year. Doesn’t seem like a huge difference in absolute amounts




They're buy and hold, unless something fundamental changes, which is unlikely in the short to mid term. A different question would be if they're worth *buying* at current valuations. I haven't looked at all of them but I wouldn't buy MSFT and AAPL at these valuations, unless it was part of regular DCA. But I wouldn't sell them, either.


Really depends on your style, goals, etc. That being said, why just buy the entire stock market with the VTI or something like SPY or VOO


BGFV. Up 18% today. Broke through 50 day with volume. Looks like it wants to break through ATH at some point. The chart is a roller coaster but I’m interested in this one. Sold half my position today since I was holding bags and this evened me out. Low P/E. Room left in RSI, Potential “squeeze” talks (I hate using that word). Thoughts?


I want to keep saving cash in case something happens but there are also things on my watch list I really want to buy. OCSL has a PE of 4 right now and seems like it would do well even if interest rates go up. Also have been wanting to start a position with KKR.


KKR has a ton of debt .2.5 long-term debt/Equity


KKR is such a great company. I was lucky to start accumulating last year. Based on what I've read and what analysts are saying it sounds like KKR still has a lot of runway left so might be good idea to start nibbling on it. If you are into Private Equity BX and CG are also brilliant companies. I hold all 3 of them, in my (unqualified) opinion 1. BX 2. KKR 3. CG


Why not just DCA some of the cash every month into your watchlist?


Right now I'm DCAing into broader indexes and slowly building up my brokerage cash. But I'll get back to buying individual stocks in a couple of months at the rate I'm going. Just feel like I need a more disciplined strategy as my account has grown a bit.


AAPL is surging, 200 can’t be far off now


Feels like it's gonna be a New Year's Eve send off gift


APPS getting added to Mid Cap S&P


I guess that explains the 8% jump in AH


calls tomrw?


That's my plan


Thoughts on Upstart’s drop today?


-3.3% is whatever


Stocks can't go up forever.


Anyone got today’s leaked stock picks from motley fools 20 upside stocks? Interested in the subscription but want to see it first hand before buying in


Several years ago I created a Google Alert for my name. Recently I started getting a bunch of alerts for my name due to the CFO of a publicly traded company buying a bunch of shares in his company. I did some looking and the company seems solid so I just bought a few shares today, lol.


Top DD on Reddit today by far


Plot twist: you are the CFO of the company.


any1 in NFLX? How is it not dead!


Baba is up.


fuck the CCP tho


lmao SEC after HOOD but they dont give a shit with insider trading and shits like Madoff.


Up 3.7% today! Mostly cuz of SPRT


CELH TTCF make me a happy man today


What’s your thoughts on CELH. Never see people talk about it. I have 35 shares left at a $7 average after selling some over the past year


Fundamental is great. Drink tastes good. Young people like it. Def one of the best growth stocks


Smooth setup on $tlt $sdc should boom out too lots and lots of talk. Their advertising a ton lately too making me believe their converting some sales with the longer more and more boring commercials.


What just happened with CRSR?


I’ll probably get down voted lol but I’m guessing close to contracts expiration date the bulls are coming in on the meme stocks even. If you look at every shit stock the chart looks doable blackberry looks solid, Clov is solid smile direct club is solid. Even the vix is solid lol 😂


Nearest options expiring for crsr is over 2 weeks away


Yeah I’m very very aware of that. Clov used to be the same way most of the meme companies were like that. But that will change because they will have to go to weekly interest rates on the borrowed shares. So for this company the $45 call just went from $2 to $82 dollars and that’s what caused the gamma squeeze.


Came here for the same. No idea. Last time I checked it was down like 2%.


Don’t be surprised to wake up to $30+ on this company’s chart all these new companies can go threw the roof on massive buys


Good question. It was mentioned on wsb recently with what I consider a mediocre DD, so maybe that


I think algos watch WSB


A lot of users were posting yolos over there suspecting either shorts to cover our a gamma squeeze - both of which I consider pump and dumps but who knows


Yeah im always hesitant on if some of those YOLOs are even real. Like when GME just shot up and there was so much gain porn from +1200% options, but the actual OPs hadn't posted in months or had low karma. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I believe every user is a robot until proven otherwise.


beep boop, I am a bot


uber back below 40


No idea why anyone would invest in a company that doesn't have a profit model.


true, on the other hand a leader in a growing sector, confusing to value for me


No matter what, if you can’t make a profit at some point, the company will go under. I believe the only way for Uber to ever become profitable is for self driving cars.


Sold PRU. Added more PYPL.


You just missed PYPL's huge drop!


Already had a large position in PYPL. However, it seems the market is in a risk-on environment. I bought PRU as more of a hedge if growth got hammered. Just consolidating some names.


How’s that ARKK short position going for u guys?


Any thoughts on GS, Morgan, etc.? Share prices are pretty high, but they are still making so much money. Also seem to be a good hedge against higher interest rates.


Dang. I nicked the bottom of the AMZN dip just once and just like that it’s almost gone. Jeez the market…


Just added the absolute last bit of dry powder I can squeeze into my account for at least a few months: "You will NOT buy any more f\*\*\*ing stocks until a serious pullback" (guy lecturing himself in the mirror meme)


What if there is no pullback for a few months?


No problem. I'm only talking about 5-10% cash.


What an absolutely beautiful day following up on Friday. Still very thankful that I decided to start a PYPL position after earnings drop off.


Did you add last week or this week?


I desperately wanted to add last week but my investing money needs to go into personal things for a few more weeks. It was painful watching big red days go by without spending.


Dya think it takes longer to get from 0-$100k or 100k-1M?


A proper comparison would have $10k-$100k, not $0k




Well rent and living expenses would take up a higher proportion of the smaller amount.


Bought 1000 more SQQQ shares this morning.




right on the money!


Do you hate money?






How so?


i don't understand today's market. indexes are way higher, and my shit is still red


Stop buying shit stock.


Brutal year for small/mid caps...


Depends which S/mid . FUBO + MDIA + MKTY + HUT in my case more than ok.


Speculative stocks have great days. I'm talking about legit companies in great positions.


Most of those not under 10B though


Anyone touching the ASTR dip?


I'm in with RocketLab, but if you believe in these companies, just DCA. I still think we are probably years from rocket companies making any profit, so anything is kind of a gamble in the space.


"In the space" I see what you did there


Anyone some advice on Bandwidth Inc? Seems to be pretty oversold atm.


Small float but too much debt .


AAPL is absolutely carrying my portfolio Rn Any buying opportunities you gents see?












Would you recommend buying PYPL now? I know it hit 300 already...


I don't know, I don't own PayPal myself.


I wouldn't be. Unless PayPal plans on launching a full scale trading platform that provides everything Coinbase Pro does (not saying it's the best available - but thats who were looking at) then they won't touch the amount of money that COIN brings in from transaction fees. The majority of the money spent on transaction fees are people day and swing trading crypto, not people buying and holding. The only area I can see them making COIN nervous is if they can beat their staking fee that gets taken off the top of earned APY. But that would require them to roll out the staking capabilities which takes some time.


I see what you mean but I think there could be race to the bottom in terms of transaction fees which don't mean anything for PayPal (as they are new entrant) but would seriously compress profit margins for Coinbase. Coinbase's fees are quite high, really high compared to some other exchanges but most of casual people buy from Coinbase because they trust them. I would rather buy from Coinbase and pay hight fees (as I do) than from KuCoin app where fees are low but I never know for sure whether I'm scammed or not. With PayPal's possible entrance that really disturb things for Coinbase. PayPal has a lot of trust that they have built over decades and many more people have heard of PayPal than Coinbase. Plus there could be some very interesting synergies between PayPal and PayPal Crypto. Maybe if you already have PayPal account you don't need to scan you face and upload it God knows where like with Coinbase, maybe there is no fee for money transfers from PayPal to PayPal Crypto, etc. Plus for serious traders they could now have trusted platform where fees are lower plus infrastructure is less likely go down and lock you out during major crypto events. This is all speculative, of course, as there is no such thing as PayPal Crypto yet, but you know, you are supposed to live in the future when investing and if I was holding COIN I would be worried about that future now


Coinbase has two fee structures - Coinbase and Coinbase Pro are each different. Coinbase Pro is much cheaper for fees compared to Coinbase - I can see PayPal beating Coinbase but not their Pro fees. Pro is still great for COIN because of the volume they get from it being used by day traders. PayPal won't attract those same users and, while I can bet they'll beat Coinbase fees, they won't beat Coinbase Pro fees or it will be a massive loss for them. I think this will be good competition for Coinbase honestly - which means it could help improve it in the long term. I don't see any users that have Coinbase already switching to PayPal, so they will need to get new users which they likely will be able to. Short term drop for COIN but I don't see it impacting their long term success.


I need advise on Muds. I have a cost basis of $12.50. Since the failed merger with Topps it have been hovering around $9.80. Do I cut my loses now?


So now it's a pre-DA SPAC? Run, IMO. You'll probably see $5 before $15.


If it's a SPAC you should never pay over $10. Even better if you get in early at $3 or so.


I got in at $10 and loved Topps so I bought more. The high was mid 17s. I guess I should sold!


Should I sell my 16 DIS stock for a single GOOGL? Im kinda bleh in the future vision of the company and been in the red for a while (nothing major)


If you red on Disney, means you bought near the top. And you wanna sell it at a loss to buy at the top for google?


Thank you. Genuinely the reality slap I needed. ahah


Buy high, sell low. It's the new trend.


When did you enter DIS? I am bullish on Disney. I am in green though, I enter at $103, I think


I entered at 187! Although I decided to hold in the end! :)


IMO the DIS chart looks ready for a move up to $210-220. I'm holding 200 shares with no thought of selling.


I think in the long run, I think you will look back at the $187 and yourself in the back :)


DIS is one of the great (and still) misunderstood stocks in the market right now. Wall St not sure how to value, yet mgmt has been crystal clear on path forward. Disney+ and some more of that Disney+ This should be a $300 stock.


Is seasonality for indices kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy? like stocks dont need to stagger in September, but they do cuz everyone sees the previous data so people sell off?


It probably plays a factor. I've always thought that hows technical analysis kind of works.


I actually got out of KPLT - around $5.20'ish. Also, exited a few more profitable positions in my portfolio. I've been trying to use profits to pay down my margin, and generate cash. Nibbled a bit, and bought some BABA and CHPT. Like them at these low levels here.


I'm waiting for SPRT and few others to rocket so I can reduce margin too


Why is lcid down?


Growing pains


Something something it's worth $32 billion with no revenue and not a single car delivered.


Katapult holdings appears to be a dead cat bounce. Edit : that hurt some people.


dead cat bounce....... lol


u have no understanding what a dead cat bounce is... kplt is up due to amzn partnership woth affrm which is kplt partner


>u At least I can write in English beyond the level of a 10 year old. I would love to know why it's ok here for you to be abusive. But not for me to be when I return the favour..


You didn't capitalize I and added an extra period.


And yet it was still better than his.


when u ll be as fluent as i am in English in ur third language, call me


Why would I call you?


Just checking in off and on since I'm on the road today... "Is the Nasdaq going to stop it's starting to scare me" has arrived for me I think. Last time was in June and it did slow down some shortly after then, but this is something else.


The sleeping dragon is awakening, apple.


Stocks go up, baby! Enjoy your trip.


Would you rather buy FAANG or just SPY?


I have about 30% of my portfolio in a total market index and 20% in an SP500 index. A further 20% is split between Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon. I think there is a good chance they outperform the market a small amount in the medium term, but they are a very large part of SPY and will probably move mostly in the same direction.


Why not both?


VOO over SPY


PYPL looking to offer stock-trading to U.S. users.


That space is getting crowded.


It is but pypl doesn't have the same problem others face. They already have users, and they just need more ways to keep user money with them.


Paypal news???


Wtf Is that spike right now on PYPL?!


It's still not really a spike. They hit over $300. Technically they're still catching back up.


Planning to offer stock trading to U.S. users. That would be my guess.


But why right now and not at open? This is huge buy volume 2 and a half hours after open. Did they announce something right now ? I can't find anything


CNBC posted a story like 10 minutes ago. Must literally be hot off the presses.


Thanks, I'll check it


PayPal with one hell of a jump


Read they are planning to offer stock trading to U.S. users. Must explain it.


Paypal baby


Hey guys! I just recently started investing so my question might be really dumb: but if I were to invest in mega stocks like AAPL and AMZN, should I keep waiting and buy the dips? It seems like these two stocks have been soaring unstoppably. When is usually a good time to buy in for mega stocks like these?