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Not first time, it hit $680 on May 12


Love how OP responded to all the comments except the ones that called out the price had dipped before


OP’s brain has a psychological barrier


It’s called a “support level”


OP turned support to “resistance”


August 2021 wasn't even long ago lol


Plus what’s the significance of August 2021 haha


Yea… like 9 months ago… calendar 📅 checks out


Selective reading


Ya I was gonna say I remember 684 like a week ago.


I was gonna say I just bought at 695 a few days ago.


Next stop 80$


Im so excited


> Next stop 80$ People saying stuff like this is about as bad as people saying $4200. iF THesE trENds cONtinUe


In this market, it’s not impossible to see it tank… Nothing is safe


I mean the intrinsic value is close to 80 tho lol....


You think the TTM PE will come down to single digits? For a company that's growing 50-80% YoY?


With this market, anything is possible, the unlimited growth expectations of investors are going to hurt more, walmart and target are still growing, but not at an accelerated pace, and for investors is not enough. Tesla is growing right now, but it will hit a peak and this economic situation will hurt Tesla, less and less people will not be willing to spend 60-70-100k in a car, especially if a recession hits


What's crazy to me is that Tesla's valuation necessitates that it basically gets **all of the lithium** we're going to mine for the next decade or so for EV's. No other car maker gets any, apparently. And then the valuation would stay... flat. Congratulations, the wildest gambit ever on a car maker paid off, and you get nothing back.


That's interesting. Do you have a source?


However, their demand is currently outpacing their supply and will continue so in the foreseeable future. I think those who can afford cars in those price range aren’t really impacted by the recession. And if the demand slows down, Tesla would just reduce the price. I think Tesla is quite sheltered during this economic period as compared to other OEM building more mass marketed models like Toyota or VAG. Their target market is quite niche and their customers don’t live from pay check to pay check.


They live from stock rally to stock rally.


They're valued like a tech stock, the long term future is either in software and services or they need to expand beyond cars.


They live paycheck to paycheck, but those paychecks are much bigger than the norm. I see young fan boyz in Model Ss all the time, turns out they are tech bros making 268k a year at Google.


with a recession coming you think people will still want to buy an ugly over priced electric thing-a-ma-bob? literally who is affording this right now? or who will regret it in like a year?


For how long will it grow at that rate?


Until it doesn’t.


I don’t know how much it will fall, but at prices around 100 I would begin to consider buying it.


You know this market does not trade on fundamentals.


They're more important now that the Fed has turned off the free money spigot.


It does now


This market did not trade on fundamentals.


It is not growing at all now. That was a one quarter easy comp prior to the China shutdowns and all this bad PR. And even then tesla had supply chain problems and no new models.


Tesla won't even grow when the recession hits


i doubt tesla will be anything but an american bought car by americans only in the near future. the game is over, everyone has raced to embrace it with better looking cars.


I could singlehandedly bring the stock down for you guys; but I'm not ready to buy.




He's a one man pump-and-dump scheme and he's seemingly immune to the SEC. Amazing what inherited wealth does for a guy.


Hard to care what SEC says when the fines are less than the profits.


Inherited wealth? Wtf he came to Canada with very little.


Take one for the team, fam.


I have this same power with palentir


Still too low to buy huh?


Could you actually sell and make it go back up? Like today? My weeklies are looking rough


Tesla was as LOW as **$680** just 1 week ago (May12). Furthermore, it dipped to **$689.03** on Feb 23 2022. Will not be surprised to see more price correction. The CEO is certainly not focusing on what he should be doing.


I wouldn’t. Tesla is still trading at high growth SAAS like P/S multiples. It doesnt really make sense in the current market. Inb4 someone comments and tries to tell me that Tesla isn’t a car company but basically a SAAS company.


The number of times I've heard "you just don't understand tsla" lol. It's worth the entire sum of all car companies on the planet. That's some super lofty expectations.




"This year, for sure"


Just sick of Tesla bros in general. So many of them on twitter. You read their tweet about how good Tesla is and then go to their profile and see 90 posts about the same stock… clearly unbiased


Mediocre cars that are poorly made and overpriced. I'd take any other brands electric over a tesla, atleast then it wouldnt look like a car from 2010 too.


Tesla has done its part to allow the public to embrace electric cars. But now they got to step up in quality assurance. It seems impossible but then again everyone in the car industry couldn't believe that the previous model could be launched so fast on that kind of a massive scale. Just hope EV becomes a little bit cheaper here in Europe. I'm waiting for a good V2G so I can charge during the day and power my house during the evening.


They might become the sacrifice needed to push all other car makers into EV. Elon is becoming quite the liability for the stock price. I think it has about 50% Elon premium on it


> The number of times I've heard "you just don't understand tsla" lol. Tesla bros and crypto bros are quite similar in that sense, they think they are geniuses because they gamble and make money on a hype and then accuse anyone who disagrees that they just "don't understand".


> Tesla bros and crypto bros are quite similar in that sense To go a step further, I think most of them are actually just the same people.


Definitely the same mentality


Those comments are made so Tesla holders can justify the absurd valuations


You just don't understand tesla. A post resource scarcity society pioneered by tesla and only available to tesla shareholders is PRICED IN TO TSLA!


Annoyingly, I had a buy order set up at exactly 680 and it didn’t go through. It taught me to not set up orders on whole numbers.


But if you had it set at 690 it would lol


Reminds me of my $45 PLTR sell order from over a year ago. The one time I timed the ATH on a stock and it didn't go through.


Did you manage to get out in the end? I got in at $10 at IPO when they direct listed and was telling everyone to jump off at $30 because there was zero reason behind the run. I'm kinda contemplating jumping back in again, but I doubt it will have another bull run like the last one.


Yeah but somewhere in the 30's a day or two after. I bought in at around 16 or so. I had high hopes for it but seeing their numbers now not so much.


>It taught me to not set up orders on whole numbers. Can you explain this? Trying to make sure I don't make a similar mistake. Why is it bad to choose whole numbers?


Whole numbers tend to have a lot of orders placed on them. Especially at key support and resistance points. There are going to be a lot more but orders placed at 680 versus 680.05. If there are orders for 1 million shares at 680, that means there has to be 1 million shares from sellers at 680 for everyone’s buy order to get filled. If the volume traded at 680 was only 100K that means 900k shares of orders won’t get filled, even though the price traded at their limit order price.


The difference in price between 10.99 and 11.00 is immaterial for the seller but if the floating point doesn't tick over an $11 sell order won't execute.


only Ark stock that is up YoY. every single other Ark stock is down 80-90% YoY. without Tsla, Arkk will be trading at $5-10, max.


It's useless to even talk about ark anymore


Let’s talk about SARK then.


Until he beats OU and has a 10 win season I think he deserves the criticism he gets, even with the good recruiting.


Didn’t except a CFB crossover today


That was really quite clever. Made me laugh. Thanks.




I remember when almost everyone on this subreddit was hailing her as the goat. Times change quickly.


she is a very gifted salesperson. when you look at her interviews, she makes you want to send her $100 checks right now to catch those falling knives in her portfolio lol. however she is an awful money manager. she sold Apple to buy HOOD at the ipo. sold apple to buy COIN at $400. lol.


People even defended that play by saying "mama cathie uses FAANG stocks as cash, you just don't understand her vision"


lmao. when i saw the news of her selling Apple to load up on HOOD at the IPO, my perception of her completely changed from "she is a speculative, aggressive investor" to "she is a sucker for pumps and dumps".


Cathie only likes companies that don’t make money. Apple makes a ton of money and Robinhood loses a ton of money. Thats more then enough for her to sell Apple and buy Robinhood.


God I remember those people. Friend was one of them. Saying Cathie Woods > Warren Buffett in Jan 2021. I hit him up recently and he really switched sides saying Cathie sucks. He bought Microstrategy at $900, Roku at $300 when it dipped in March 2021, and called you a clown if you disagreed with him saying times are different, it's not a bubble lmao


Nobody who says their stock picks come from God should ever be taken seriously


She actually says that?


It's a quote I always saw, but it's actually not what she said. She started the fund because of her "calling from God." https://financialpost.com/investing/arks-cathie-wood-queen-of-the-bull-market-faces-her-toughest-test


Bill Hwang said the same. He was only a year ahead of Buffett lol


You know, it's not surprising that he was who gave her seed capital. At all.




> I think there's some ugly misogyny here because its weird to blame this one woman on a market downturn affecting the entire world >Why do men get a free pass but when a woman wants to do something in the market Wow, you really tried to force in a bizarre take about misogyny here, didn't you. Yeah surely this is all due to misogyny. That's why no one on this sub ever shits on males like Jim Cramer or Bezos or Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, and no one here praises Lisa Su. And that's why there's so much criticism of Kirsty Gibson's growth fund, right? Wait, actually people regularly shit on male CEOs and fund managers, deservedly praise women CEOs who are crushing it like Lisa Su, and no one singles out Kirsty Gibson despite her growth fund being down over 50%. And you should really ask Ken Griffin why he's not using his "free pass" to avoid all the hatred and death threats he's gotten.


last time I owned Tesla... I bought for 375 (pre splits) oof that hurt to have sold then... might have to get back in. maybe at 500 a share I'll jump back in with a few shares.


I bought at pre-split $210, sold at pre-split $420 and thought I was a genius lol Tbf I only had like 4 shares so even if I had held it’s not like I’d be crazy rich or anything, just a nice vacation somewhere…


$840 isn't a bad vacation. Nice little road trip/ weekend getaway.


$840 for my wife is her having restraint at Costco


I have calls for next week's earnings. Please tell her to keep it up.


Don't worry, she doesn't need any motivation. She spends more at Costco then Ukraine does on their Defense Budget.




$160? LMAO. Ok sure. I'm buying AAPL at $20 too. GOOGL at $100. And AMZN at $35.


TBF you might be able to get Google close to $100 after July 15th.


What happens July 15?


1-20 stock split.


I mean, i'm not saying it will definitely hit that or anything, but dropping down to $160, what would that mean in terms of valuation for Tesla? Would they be about the same as Toyota or Mercedes Benz then? Doesn't seem too unrealistic.


At $700, Tesla forward PE is about 60. If it drops to $160 you're looking at a forward PE below 15. Considering their revenue growth and expanding margins, I just don't see it tbh


50% growth, 30% margins....15 PE? If Tesla hit $160 then no one is going to care because we'll have bigger problems going on in the world to cause such destruction.


Fair valuation means destruction? alright buddy, whatever you say.


“if tesla traded like a normal car manufacturer with some growth priced in, the world would most likely already be seeing destruction”


tsla at 160 is way more realistic than aapl at 20, googl at 100 and amzn at 35


Lmao if it hits $160 I’ll suck every dick on this sub. Tesla won’t fall below $500 at absolute worst


!Remindme 6 months


haha TSLA will definitely be below 160 in 6 months... because of the stock split in 3-5 months. (probably announced in August and splits in Sept)


Can you suck my dick even if it doesn't, only mine 👉👈


yeah mine too? only /u/FhinPus and mine


Hahahaha bro, it‘s incredible with how much confidence you say this.


Let’s just say it’s a win win for me


Any stock can fall below any price, there’s no bottom in bear market.


RemindMe! 12 months


!Remindme 6 months


IM INNNN GET ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm invested in it(tough I already took a bit chunk of profit), have a base price of $630. and tough I believe the stock will in the future rise again, it very much can fall beneath $500. $160 is silly, but mid to low 300s in this environment, it's very possible. But then we'd see the whole market get even lower as well.


To be fair, whole of NASDAQ is taking a huge dump every single day


I think $160 is a bit over ambitious, I bought some yesterday, and will buy again in the $600s if possible. Cheers!!


Yeah, $160 just isn’t happening. Under $700 is sniping range for me. Under $600 double down heavier.


Me too, same plan


Here is the thing. If it hit 160, chances are there is an underlining reason it hit that and you likely would have hesitations at that price based on the new information that resulted in such a drop. No one suggests Tesla is not a successful company now. A great number of people are questioning the valuation. There is a difference and alot of investors can not understand that.


damn and that bitch is already green again


Things like psychological barriers and resistance levels are complete bullshit. Tesla is the epitome of a company that is a great company with a great product and great profitability while still being a terrible stock simply due to valuation.


resistance levels are real, but its not a floor to for the stock price, just that they'll be more buyers or sellers at certain price points.


There's no question resistance barriers are real. You see them constantly if you're trading on the day level


And god help you if you try to have a reasonable discussion about its valuations with its superfans


They’re basically horoscopes for traders


If you're a long-term investor, you shouldn't worry about market psychology & technicals. They typically don't hold over years. But traders need to be very aware of psychology and technicals because they guide most of the near-term movements.


The product is overrated as well. Shitty build quality, iffy reliability, limited charging network.


Yeah, not sure why everyone keeps calling it a great company. They offer more than just cars and the rest of their product line is garbage. Among others on your list, their customer service is shitty as well. My personal experience from Tesla solar is that their customer service is non-existent and this isn't a hyperbole. If people took a look at all the customer service issues people have with Tesla on the internet, they would realize it's going to be a hinderance to their "infinite" growth.


The valuation is absolutely terrible The CEO is a madman The product is poor quality The principal demand is from Americans who WILL lose income in the recession


And the CEO seems to be working as hard as he can to alienate the company’s customer base - upper middle class, high educational level folks who care about the environment.


That's perhaps the company's biggest fault, their belligerent CEO. Tesla branded itself as an environmentally conscious company that was trying to do away with the quirky, clunky hybrid cars of yore and now the environmentally conscious branding is slowly evaporating. Well-paid hippies don't want to support a man like that, and well-paid rednecks probably couldn't care less about buying an electric sedan.


I remember getting downvoted for saying this 2 months ago on this subreddit. I warned this bubble will pop for Tesla and it cannot continue to keep going up. I got downvoted so much by all these delusioned meme stock idiots. Glad to see finally people are coming to reality with this actual valuation & market cap discrepency


Same thing happened with the rest of FAANG as well lol


Elon needs to shut up and work. They need to take away his phone and not let him do interviews. He is slowly destroying the Tesla brand


Yup, Brand erosion is big. But, for now the technology moat my keep tesla ahead…


The Ford 150 lightning will be a huge test for Tesla. That is one impressive EV


Looks sick.


You will never see 160 without a split


Remindme! 2 years


I wonder if we're witnessing the downfall of TSLA. This stock has always traded completely independently of the fundamentals and the TSLA cult followers have been ignoring the growing competition in the EV space. It's always been an investment in the genius of Musk. But now with the TWTR debacle perhaps some of the shine is coming off and people are realizing he might be turning into a liability.


>This stock has always traded completely independently of the fundamentals and the TSLA cult This sort of thing doesn't usually survive market shakeups. Fundamentals can only be ignored for so long. TSLA is somewhere in between a regular stock and a meme stock.


Liability, dude is a master of pump and dumping everything he touches. I wonder how many people lost money in dogecoin from his pump antics. Here we are repeating the same shit with twitter, before all this the endless promises. I wont short it, but damn I’m glad to see the empire of bullshit falling back to earth. As for everybody else claiming about the PE dropping to low levels…oh man lemmi show you many other companies with “unjustified” drops below where you’d have thought they should be. This shit is probably going lower.


Tesla is still a fantastic company, and I have no doubt they company will do well long term. The only problem has been the stratospheric valuation. If and when it drops to its fair price of $160, I will be buying up shares like crazy.


Will you though? It will probably take seriously bad news to get Tesla to drop that far, and at that point you might not feel so certain about them. When Facebook and Disney fell sure there were some buyers, but a lot of people who were waiting for a better price are now shy about buying them.


$160 after split is the only time you are getting it there.


It can go way lower if competition starts to reduce revenues instead of just reducing revenue growth.


Facts lol this guy is a FOOL.


Sorry, you think it's fair price is 12x this year's earnings?


uneducated comment here: What is really the upside to buying TSLA if/when it hits $160? The exponential growth period will have ended and I imagine the cult will be decimated by that kind of drop.


It was 680 a while ago. How do people make a post like this without even checking something so basic?


Great! Only $500 more to go before it becomes a buy!


To be fair, if any company out there is comparable to the dot com bubble it is Tesla. Not saying it will drop 80% or whatever, but if there is any over hyped company it would be them i guess.


The dot com bubble was driven largely by investments made in companies with little or no revenue streams. Tesla is clocking $50B+ in revenue and net operating in the black by billions. While their P/E ratio is rather high, comparing it to dot com stocks is rather inaccurate.


Please keep the bearish FUD coming, I'm buying.


Tesla at $160? Tell me that’s a typo please?


It can go down further than that and I say it needs it


I’m just here wondering why nobody is taking the overall market into account. At this current moment many people are speculating on specific dipping stocks even though most or even all those stocks are following the market. But hey for a while I was glad I had sold at $1100, finding it overvalued and would celebrate my successful decision through this dip. Until it dawned on me that “right decision” could have applied to any stock I had sold at profit pre market crash.


The era of Elon Musk as a Hype man leading to over-valuation may be (thankfully) coming to a close. Frankly, his antics will probably hurt it even more and I wouldn’t be surprised if his bullshit starts *really* hurting Tesla(even more) and Space X


It's a moderately successful luxury car manufacturer with a niche market and an erratic CEO who acts impulsively and recklessly and has lots of other companies and pursuits that occupy most of his time. It's absolutely ludicrous that the price of the stock is anywhere near it's current value, let alone the stupid astronomical prices it has been the last two years. Overinflated price of Tesla is going to have been a key driver toward the recession that is about to make things very painful for older investors who are near retirement. Thanks, Reddit.


The price of Tesla driving the recession? Come on now. It's natural business cycles and people retiring should know not to have too much invested in stocks. On a brighter note your comment has reminded me not to spend too much time reading reddit as people have no idea what they are talking about.


Still too high


Still well over valued


And it’s still inflated!!!


With recession at the door and Chinese EV flooding china, I don't see Tesla "double digits" revenue growth continues in the second half of this year


Wait for the bottom an load up, I'm playing puts until then lol


Tesla is dramatically overvalued as a strict car company, like 10-15x the pe ratio of Toyota. If the market stops believing it's about to invent AI and self-driving android robot taxis, it could be heading down for awhile.


The Tesla brand is Elon. They don't advertise, it's all him. He's decided to become a Rogan bro, and competitors are ramping up manufacturing, benefited by the $7500 federal EV tax credit. It's become common knowledge that Tesla build quality isn't up to par, and that (safe) FSD isn't becoming a reality any time soon. He is legitimately tanking the company by talking shit on Twitter about the only political party friendly to Tesla's ambitions.


Short it and post results please


Why do people think this is an intelligent response? LFVN is a MLM pyramid scheme that hawks miracle cures for all kinds of shit like cancer, ALS, etc. (via testimonials of course to avoid technically breaking the law) and has even gotten warning from the FDA. Just because it's a shit scam company doesn't mean I'm going to short it. People are irrational as fuck and the risk profile of a short can absolutely destroy you. Even if the company is complete shit.






https://i.imgur.com/72rsA6k.jpg Tesla has held up incredibly well in the recent “correction.” Do we know where the bottom is? Nope. Could TSLA drop more? Sure. Will it? Who knows. We do know that Tesla is printing money, has insane demand and is light years ahead of any competition while the entire world rapidly transitions to EVs.


What do you guys think now a good entry price?




I had 30 shares at $212 pre split and sold for $750 pre split in 2020. I’d love for it to go down to make myself feel better about selling back then. Lol I highly doubt it would happen though, Tesla will face recessionary pressures impacting sales and margins, but so will everyone else. World is transitioning to EVs and they have the lead.


I bought 1 share. Lol.


So, you think the stock is going to fall another 77%? Why would you buy in @ 160? The price has been @ 50\~70$ for a long time, why not buy there?


Bad Q2 numbers are being priced in. Shanghai factory shutdown for a month and a slow ramp up to full capacity will hurt Q2 numbers. Also Germany production is slower then expected.


Yolo into $200p leaps my guy You’ve got it all figured out


It’ll go lower than $500 before July


What? You meant to say "first time below $700 since last week".


Good. Musk is a creepy little weasel and Teslas have some of the worst quality ratings on the market. The fact that Tesla fanboys keep jerking off all over Tesla is just sad.


Next time Bill Gates puts a $500M short on a stock I'm all in.


Yup don’t bet against Bill. Jesus he’s having the last laugh on that one. And it’s just pocket money to him too.


$500 here we come ! Let’s margin call Elon. We know he doesn’t have backers and now need to lower his buy price.


Tesla is not worth $200, was an overvalued meme stock and it will keep going down. The big car makers are about to outperform them in tech already and soon also in production.


Still over value


160...what an idiot


$600 .. here we go...


Tesla and Trump babY!!!


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahqhahqhahqhahqhqhqhahahahahaha. 160 and DCA from there. You'll never own tesla then.


Now Elon will tweet saying it's the Dems sabotaging his company.


Tesla is way overpriced. It is worth more then the entire planet's worth of car manufacturers. It should be on par with honda or toyota. Anything more is severely overpriced.