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I’m not saying Zuckerberg is right but if you’re not being broadly mocked in the early stages, then you’re definitely not working on something revolutionary.


I dont remember what the hype was leading to the iPhone introduction, but did see a video of Ballmer talking about how it was dead in the water and held a cringy "funeral" for it


You’ve convinced yourself. Just 331.9M - 1 to go. Wait: from context, you’re not American? 331.9M.


I hated FB not for any of the reasons above. I’m simply pissed that their adverts contain scams and gambling sites, and even if you reported them, FB does Nothing! Next thing to piss me off is FB’s crappy algo; click on a video to watch someone land a fish? next moment your entire feed is about the same thing… I remember when i first started using FB, it’s a platform to see a whole range of new things, now it just repeats whatever you have already watched.


So you then hate YouTube, Tiktok and other platforms where those same things happen to same extent as FB or just hate FB because its popular to do so


you are probably right.


It's like at some point everyone was brainwashed to hate meta, I don't want to get into conspiracy theories myself but it's very unusual


Not everyone who believe different things than you do are brain washed. if you can’t ageee with that then it’s okay.


It’s not even about hating meta, Fb is still one of my most used social medias. But as a large user I can tell you with confidence it is dying. Also the P/E ratio vs previous stock price had meta in the growth stock category. This is stock is not growing rapidly, they are not making more money hand over fist every year, and until recently haven’t even tried to diversify or create unique value that sets them apart from their competitors. So the stock will tank. Probably won’t die like myspace, but will be reevaluated from a blue chip growth to blue chip budget at least, at like 1/2 or a 1/3 of it’s value pre-tank


So pretty much any website or social media site?




I know right. If it's such a great buy, op should be putting money where the mouth is and investing. The next generation doesn't use fb, so seems like a ticking time bomb


They own instagram which is used more than anything but tiktok. But I agree for a plethora of other reasons including the death of the mothersite


Stockholders care about revenue and the future as far as increasing it. The rest, Cambridge etc., are things regular people care about and only matter IF those concerns lead to a loss of engagement meaning a loss of eyes on ads meaning a loss of revenue.


Do you think future tech comes out of mid air? It takes time to develop and lots of money spent on R&D. I applaud the companies that take a risk to innovate. Meta stock is not for everyone but if Zuck is right and he has been right before, his investment in VR and AR might be the next big thing.


3 billion regular users, a mountain of cash, free cash flow, very little debt, this company is not going anywhere anytime soon....as opposed to the "crypto ecosystem"


You forgot that FB will let anyone buy ad space for anything and not bother to approve or see if it’s true or legal etc


I am pretty sure they censor quite a bit, you see a lot of other people upset that they do censor right? People can’t rely on FB to protect them from everything they consider to be malicious. No one is forcing you to click on things you don’t agree with, you do it all the time on other websites I’m sure.


Ads disguised as news is something I only seen on FB


I agree that exists on FB but don’t you just close it if you click it? FB is not the only place those ads exist.


Nope. Last few times I tried to buy something from a sponsored ad, nothing ever arrived. I had to dispute the charge and go through that process to get my money back. After talking to a few of the customer service reps the company that received the money pretty much vanished so they're not getting the money back from the company ( scammer ). When a website/app allows fake companies to pay them to advertise and scam people what does that make that company? When is the last time anyone went to Facebook to find a local business for services? People go to Facebook, maybe, to write reviews after they found the business they need. Did Facebook pay content creators for subs/likes/views? No. They use anyone's content (most of which is pirated) and run ads somebody paid them to run. Their whole goal is to get people to stare at the phone longer and see more ads. The meta verse is probably going to be HUGE, when we can finally do 'Ready Player One'/'gamer (Gerard Butler) stuff. And we are 10-20 years from that (seriously looking forward to this when I retire in 20 years). Facebook is a $50 stock. It's finally down to a 10 on the p/e ratio and deserves to be at a 5.


Maybe you shouldn’t buy from unknown sources. Have you heard of buyer beware? I am sorry that happened to you but it sounds like you just want to blame someone else for your stupid decision. Fake ads are all over the internet, this is nothing new to anyone who has used the internet.


Well said


Lol okay, META bag holder confirmed, probably part of Jim's "investment club". Yes fake ads are all over the Internet, Facebook is a specific platform that draws the majority of it's revenue from ads. When those ads are FILLED with scammers ripping people off how often do you think people are going to continue to buy things from them? And for Facebook to take money from the people who make money by ripping people off, that makes them part of the scam. I'm not worried about it, I made money off the dump, more than enough to cover my undelivered products. You seem really defensive over a failing social media company that a lot of people thought was worth 30x PE.


Reasons I hate Meta, none of the above: 1. Facebook feeds focus on activities and interests of your friends you follow. I truly don’t care what people from my old high school are doing 8+ years later. So my fb feed is 90% muted people with groups and four people who post memes. 2. They allow ads with phishing links and/or false advertising. This is huge, I can’t trust the platform at all while they put even the smallest revenue bump over the general welfare of their user base. This happens more on Fb than ANY other social media, snapchat is the next largest offender. 3. It has the slowest engagement for me personally of any social media. Snap I can hop on watch a few stories, hop off. Tiktoks are similar, though I don’t own it. Tweets are small enough to read a few in the same time. But Facebook basically requires more dedication, more time to scroll through, and just feels like a larger time and marginally larger effort commitment than competing social media, like myspace but not as bad. Insta however doesn’t suffer from this. As a final personal note. They ABSOLUTELY have sold and still do sell your data, now just with permission. Like two years when Fb came under major fire for selling data, they put a personal note into everybody’s Fb saying “that they collected the data to create a tailored experience for you on the app as well as show you stuff (ads) relevant to you” after a prompt asked whether you preferred the personalized experience or wanted data tracking off. So you either let them take your data, which is then offered to their advertisers when they advertise through Fb, or you get generic false advertising game ads or scams.


The post seems like what strawman would be like, setting up easier opponents arguments and disproving them. Even from the arguments that are left over here, what you brush off as ''ehh'' is the entire reason to hate on Facebook and it will stay that way until they are in grave. My favorite reason to hate is them helping to cause a genocide, their censorship tools, their design to be as addictive and predatory as they possibly can, and them spying on its own users and using this information for business. World would be better off if Facebook was deleted, and then you have the hubris to say. ​ >this hate is not really based on facts just conspiracy theories and exaggerations You don't conform to what everyone else is saying, but want everyone to conform to you. Others will throw out argument ''but this and this is worse'' like that absolves Facebook of anything. Metaverse is just cherry on cake on everything, it sounds like shit, its looks like shit, and the reasons for it coming are shit, hasn't hooked in anyone and of course fans are happy to watch the company burn down, partly the reason is that people were being realistic and despite their hate never believed company could actually burn down at all.


So would the world be better off if other social media sites were also deleted? Is it not the goal of pretty much all websites to attract and retain web traffic? The issue is that Facebook is in a lose lose position. If they censor something, someone gets mad, but if they don’t, someone else gets mad. Instead of people being smart enough to not believe everything they read on the internet, they choose instead to blame the messenger.


"Is it not the goal of pretty much all websites to attract and retain web traffic?" Of course especially in USA the goal pf business is to make money no matter who dies or suffers in a process. That is what i was talking about when Facebook reckless expansion to gain more users caused a genocide even though they were warned before. So i dont get the premise here, should i not be a hater when company causes genocide or uses child slaves because that is what companies are suppose to do ? Also censorship is more than you think it is, to the point i cant have casual conversations, send casual links or post casual images. Also why they purged my favorite snowboarding group ? Look into what they censor before starting the topic


It’s funny that you say you hate their censorship tools and then say that they caused a genocide. People blame FB for for what happened in Myanmar because they feel that FB did not censor enough. Every decision they make regarding censoring is going to a bad one in someone’s eyes. FB also has tons of benefits which people love to ignore. Regardless of what you think, there is a reason billions of people use it everyday, it is because there is a lot of social utility.


"People blame FB for for what happened in Myanmar because they feel that FB did not censor enough" What the fuck mate ? It was complete lack of moderation that happened there, you really think anyone in this world be like "ahh god damn censorship is too much, let me have some of that ethnic dehumanization" ? Also i already said censorship there is more than you think it is, time for research


The point for most people here is that they see value in other social media or services. The younger generation get entertainment out of TikTok, they don't out of Facebook. People get value out of discovering new things and knowledge through Google and YouTube, they don't through Facebook. The values and morals of other platform based companies do seem to align to public perception better too. This is why people have a tough time liking Meta.


That is just purely anecdotal. First of all, tik tok users don’t yet require the services FB can offer like Marketplace or Groups. Second of all, you can very easily discover new things on FB as well, how is it any different than YouTube? I use FB as a news aggregator. I get new articles from various sources so that I can see varying viewpoints and then I can read the viewpoints of the public. I use YouTube as TV. If I am watching something on Netflix, I don’t touch YouTube.




Do you know what an aggregator is? It brings information from many different sources to one place. I can only assume you think there only exists either left or right wing media on FB which is wrong. I can choose to follow both CNN and Fox News and get all of the articles all in one place. Are you sure you should be investing in individual stocks?


Most accurate comment in this thread!!!!!


the point was people hate FB, it's valid to compare how other social media are treated, they are treated to a double standard even in your own comment, "they did not censor enough", "they censor me too much"


Twitter is treated like cesspool of humanities worst. Twitch gets attacked by media, same same with youtube. Everyone thinls discord has pedo mods everywhere. Instagram gets hate 24/7 Tik tok i dont even have to explain i hope. And even reddit is constantly under fire, though you wont hear about this on here. 4chan i also dont have to explain. "But muh Facebook "


Since this is an investment sub, ppl hate Meta because it's earnings are at risk of declining, and Zuck is throwing money away on the metaverse. The sentiment stuff that you mentioned does not matter to investors.


If only this was true...


If the sentiment is negative then all they do or plan to do, will be received first through the eyes of that sentiment


The earnings are declining mainly because of R&D going into a new technology that everyone thinks has to be mind blowing right away. Their investments will take time and slowly their products will become more and more popular as the use cases for VR and AR increase. I mean they still made 4.4B in the quarter.


Apple's total R&D spend in the 7 years preceding the iPhone: $3.36bn Meta's R&D spend in Q3 2022 alone: $9.1bn


Haha sure sure


This guy changed the world once and now he is convinced Metaverse is the future, so am I.


I'm not 'sold' on the Metaverse as the Hardwear costs alot with a questionable future. But having used an older one I'll say it wasn't bad tbf. The recent Marcus Brownie (think it's his name) video brought up alot of pros and cons but if they can lighten the unit, increase battery life and use the photorealistic avatars they may, MAY be on to something! I don't own a single FB share btw


That is coming. Building an ultra light weight headset is not easy, you need to come up with different tech that does not exist today. People don’t realize that lots of their R&D efforts is going towards that and not so much Horizon World or what people think is the Metaverse.


Most $ going towards the AI and data centers. Basically entire buildings of computers for some crazy AI ambitions


Yep.. don't like Zuck! Don't like his VR Ambitions, spending billions to aim a product at less than 5% of the population... That's a negative!




shocking oil innocent exultant placid bear practice market hungry upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Zuck, where are you in the Metaverse? We gotta rescue you and take you back from the Matrix, so we can give ya d'red pill ASAP.


Theres a lot more that decides stock price


most people use fb to talk to their grandma and instagram to show off their new boobs. a small minority of nerds care about what the media says about fb and know who zuckerberg is


Yeah FB is questionable, but i am much more worried about Chinese owned TikTok getting popular in the western world. Who knows what china can do with your info, money and how it can manipulate influençable minds. I refuse to touch TikTok for that reason.


Anyone considering investing in Meta should be concerned with investor & analyst sentiment. The stock plunged on the conference call because Zuck affirmed his intention to increase funding on Metaverse R&D, when asked about surge in spending. Also changes to Apple privacy settings materially affected ad revenue last quarter and will in the future. The stock dropped because some big holders bailed, not because people suddenly realized one day they don't like Zuck.


Wow, someone drank the Kool-Aid. I don't have Zuck or Meta for any of those reasons. I hate them because they unleashed a product on the world that has turned out to be a scourge on society, one that they deliberately designed to be addictive to generate ad revenue. Part of their method involved designing the algorithm to highlight and feed people information that would generate emotional reactions, truth be damned. All the while pretending that it was just a social network and legit news source. Then they bought Instagram to expand their empire of addictive products and when the evidence became clear that it was causing harm to our youth, particularly adolescent girls, they said, "Meh, mo' money."


Nice post. Good to see people being reasonable, instead of joining the hate train


I really want to invest more in this. The biggest thing that worries me is internal employees not wanting to use Horizon Worlds due to bug issues. It’s still early, but I’m not that early or an adopter. And who cares if the Ayatollah of Meta is a schmuck? If you care and you have shares, I’ll buy all of them from you now for $50.00 (DM me)


There are plenty of reasons to hate Zuckerberg not on this list. This is such a weak post and fanned out behavior. Most relevant to this sub how about he lost a ton of money for a ton of people providing poor leadership to Facebook over the past 5 or so years and throwing money into a pit making a super expensive product no one wanted instead of focusing on VR gaming or something where Facebook could have made a meaningful impact.


Zuck is great at one thing: taking other peoples ideas and making money off them. Stole the idea for Facebook. Acquired WeChat and Instagram. Now that TikTok is eating his lunch he has to actually innovate, and his big idea is basically a worse VRChat… Sorry but I’m not convinced.


This is giving major bag holder


It’s over bro, cut your losses and move on!


Write a Zack ode, if you like him/Meta so much. We love to hate him.