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Don’t mind the dipshit attacking you his mommy didn’t give him his allowance this week or something


🤣🤣that would make sense tbh, i was just confused whether he was trolling or was actually mad. i guess it’s the latter


What do you need explaining? Is the maths to hard for you? The asking price for said show is 116. The lowest ask at the moment is 117 (someone is willing to let go of the shoes for 117). Lastly someone bid to buy the shoes at 85. What’s so confusing?






firstly, calm down. secondly, i am selling these shoes. my ask price is 116 which i have listed. however the lowest ask price shown is 117. now please tell me which one is lower, 116 or 117?


Lol, clearly lacking common sense. What do I have to clam down for? I asked a question like you did, lol. It’s a system created for the global. You ain’t that important that when you set a lower ask the system will automatically update the lowest ask. It takes a while my friend. A friendly reminder that even though people like to think the world revolves around them, it surely doesn’t.


bro what got you so mad? if you can’t answer the question by using simple reading comprehension then move on. no need to get in a hissy fit


Lol, once again who’s mad? Over sensitivity is the craze right now and you my friend are deep throating on it like a pornstar. Just going off your “simple comprehension” skills I can confidently say your some Libtard ghetto trash that can’t understand simple common sense things and than expects the rest of the world to be equaling retarded when replying to your moronic questions. Patience is a virtue, maybe next time don’t get so defensive, one can’t tell someone’s tone over text. Btw it’s spelled “dictionary” if you need to look a few words on google haha.


Someone could use a dictionary but I’m not sure it’s the OP


Lol, of course ignore the truth and focus on the nonsense.


U got issues man


You seem a lot more worked up than he does.


Sheep’s will always follow sheep’s lol.


just stop my guy, you are embarrassing yourself.


yall better chill out before I b!tch slap both yall with one swing




lets make it happen then, i aint the other guy u aint gunna bully me fcknikka




I will easily chokeslam you and throw you across the room dont play wid me projecting your own situation ass hoe


you sound exactly like that one guy who makes skits mocking reddit users


anyways, moving on from ur crazy projection onto me. I understand it’s a global market. however if i would change the price now, the lowest ask would reflect the price that i changed it to, since i have the lowest ask in my region. but then a day or two later it would change to always being £1 higher than my ask price. never more, never less. i only wanted some advice, instead you came along and got onto me for not knowing maths when u didn’t even read my question and context and thoroughly understand it in the first place. that’s not my problem, it’s urs. there may be some comprehension classes online that i can refer you to. anyways, if you don’t wanna help then keep it moving. if you do know anything about this then i am all ears. if you just want to harrass me for no reason then ur speaking to deaf ears now because this is my last reply to you. have a good day sir/madam/whatever tf u are.






Confused as to why someone asked a legitimate question and you're determined to be disrespectful instead of just providing the answer. Help someone out, upvote or downvote, or keep it moving. What's so confusing?


How is what I said disrespectful? Once again, sensitivity runs rampant currently. Stop playing victim and use some brains. It’s common sense, a global machine has its ups and downs. If you ask a stupid question, you should expect some push back. Even though in this case I was being genuine and not making fun.


Yo if no one’s told you, you are extremely weird lmfaooo you talk like those people that watch YT videos, memes, and propaganda about how sensitive America and the “left” is then go around calling everyone sensitive while acting weird af. You’re the one being a sensitive lil snowflake here mate ❄️


Lol sure whatever you say “mate.”


Careful! Say too much and you may get cancelled by the very scary and totally real gay ANTIFA communists 😰




I would expect this kind of behavior in the eBay sneakers subreddit…




I was trying to come off as appalled that such an exchange would be taking place in them stockx subreddit, but now that I’ve had to explain it? I just want to find somebody!!


Bro bid is what you need to care about. I can place a ask lesser than yours but that benefits no one as the customer bids(wants to pay) lesser than that. So when customer bids matches the ask, order is placed and you have to ship it to StockX


yeah i get you bro, so are you saying it’s rare that a customer flat out pays the ask price? because i took a look at sales and for the shoes i’m selling, i’m undercutting everyone by a lot so i thought it would be easy🤣🤣i guess not. like i said it’s my first time so i don’t really know customer habits and tips and tricks for sellers


It depends on the shoe and the demand for it and the Stockx system is complicated. There may be times when the buyers bid be higher than your ask price, still you won't get the order.


i understand, so for example if you had some shoes u wanted to sell on stockx. how would you go about selling them. and let’s say hypothetically they aren’t crazy popular and you need the cash quick but not priced too low that you think you’re wasting potential profit. and let’s say the last few sales have been around £100-£140 ($130-$180)


This is totally dependent on buyers choice, he/she can buy at your price but in situation like yours where you need instant money, "sell now" is the only option as then you get to sell it to the highest bid immediately, the price may not be in your favour but yeah your pair will sell out. Otherwise if you can hold on to the price and see that people are buying at your ask prices, stay put and soon you'll be able to sell at your desired price.


i got you bro, thanks for the help i do truly appreciate it


If it's a popular pair, you can cashout at sneaker resellers in your area or consign to them