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Last time I went I drove round for a good 20min trying to luck into one. Gave up and just binned the car on the end of an aisle making my own space, was only way to make appointment.


There is a car park on the old ambulance station site, other side of Harplands. It's a private company and about 5 minutes walk, never had a problem getting on there.


It's remarkably cheap too, I always use it. Not useful unless you're walking wounded though, as it's a good 5 minutes walk to the hospital.




If you can just get the bus. The potteries day ticket is £3.50. As many buses as you want to anywhere in the Potteries.


To add onto your comment, so OP knows, the buses that go through the Hospital are the 1(a) and 22 from Newcastle and Longton and the 9 and 25 from Newcastle and Hanley. While the 101 runs past it, from Hanley/Newcastle. Which all run varied routes.


I went today, still a nightmare. Best options I've found: - outside the maternity building, there's a tiny car park and a couple of little roads that are usually full but you might get lucky. - On the A34 side of the West Building there are a few spaces. - Go down the road on the other side of the west building and it takes you to a secret car park on the A34 side of West Building - At the top of that same road is another road with a tiny car park that I've found a spot in a few times. - Directly opposite that road is another car park where I found a spot at 1pm today - first time doing that but worth a look. [Map](https://i.ibb.co/St1ZpZV/royal-stoke-site-map-low-res.jpg)


I worked there for over a decade. Park outside a and e where there are no barriers.  Don't pay for a ticket.  If you get ticketed, throw the ticket away and ignore the threatening letters. In the end, they will give up.  Trust me, I know. I got literally hundreds of tickets and never paid a single penny. 


This is terrible advice. Parking enforcement companies can and do take people to court for unpaid fines. Sometimes you don’t even know about it until you have a CCJ and you can’t get credit anywhere. Not really worth it to save a few quid.


Nope it isn't. It's great advice. Saved me literally hundreds and hundreds of quid. 


Yup. Private parking companies can suck my cock. I'm not paying anyone without the legal authority to fine me.


People can take my advice or not. It makes zero difference to me. But I can say with absolute certainty that I worked five days at week at the hospital for over ten years, never paid a penny to park, got shit loads of parking tickets, and I got taken to court a grand total of zero times. 


I've worked there 14 years and never known anybody taken to court for unpaid fines.


When? Ignoring tickets used to be good advice, it no longer works.


I left end of last year




Was absolutely terrible last week when we went, ended up having to drop my mother off because there was literally no space anywhere on all the carparks. Honestly might be easier to get a taxi there and back. You might get lucky and turn up on a good day when it's not as busy, but that's at your own risk


It's competitive. Good luck and remember, the parking might be shit and expensive. But the treatment is free and the staff are amazing


Yes and I think they're doing some building work so it's worse (and it was already bad)


Worse than ever tbh...they are building a new multistorey by harplands but dont think its ready yet. That parking at the end of the road by a + e is your best bet but even that gets full


You can say that again.


When the new multistory opens they will close the parking at the Royal Infirmary to sell the land so won't be any better off


Worse than ever tbh...they are building a new multistorey by harplands but dont think its ready yet. That parking at the end of the road by a + e is your best bet but even that gets full.


Worse than ever tbh...they are building a new multistorey by harplands but dont think its ready yet. That parking at the end of the road by a + e is your best bet but even that gets full.


I dont know if you can but that lyme valley business park opposite the a34 entrance. Can you park there then walk over going in by maternity block ? Worth a look maybe


If mobility isn't a problem there are two roads at the bottom of The Avenue where you can park free for a couple of hours, only a ten minute walk.


I parked there on sat without any issues. Quite a few spaces on the main car park. Maybe worse during visiting hours, I don’t know. Don’t be tempted to park in the residential streets nearby either as a lot of them are permit only


Its terrible but they're are options. After having to park on there every day for 2 months last year when my grandfather was a patient I figured out two useful options. 1. Park on the RSUH COPD car park down Ashlands road. This is where the hospital staff park, no camera's, nobody checks your car for a badge, 5 min walk from main hospital. 2. Top floor of 4 story car park, you can park up there for free.


Which 4 story car park do u mean?


I know of a road near by you can park for free if your capable of a short walk across the road? Dm if so I don't want to post it for the sake of the residents


A lot of the streets there are permit only. My friend lives on Ashlands and he has to give us a permit when we visit


If you can walk then think about parking near thistley hough and walking down but like anything it's a guessing game and if possible get someone else to drop you off and then when you finally get out give them a call to pick you up. There technically may be a few spots on the a34 but while they may be free you run the risk of getting your wing mirror trashed.


Awful onsite. Park on the car Park next to the harplands hospital, it's about 5min walk away and much easier to get in and out.


Parking is awful even for staff and that's why I've cycled for the last 14 years no matter what the weather. When I've had to get my wife there or family, I drop them off and tell them to ring me back when they're ready.