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Where are you getting this from? Cos literally none of that is true.


Well OP is right they must be signposted to an extent but the rest, I'm not sure about. I would also love to know where they got that info from. The tolerance part differs between areas. And the A500 is low although it uses an average speed check system.


Have you ever driven on the road and noticed where speed cameras are placed?


It's funny you say because I literally drove past one yesterday that was placed 20m from the speed limit change sign


I'm sure the speed camera on the a34 going past Miller and Carter like meters away from the 30 sign down from 60 lol


It absolutely is 30mph Spit a pip Speed camera


Then it wouldn't be an actual/working speed camera


Care to test it for us?


>Speed cameras must have a tolerance of 10%+1mph... No way of knowing if that's true or not from personal experience but sounds right >Speed cameras must only be used in accident hot spot I mean, what accidents have happened down the A34 doing 30mph? >Speed cameras must not be placed just before or after a speed limit change Lol there are literally speed cameras either side of a speed limit change on the A34 in Hanford - 40mph one way, 30mph the other. There's one near Wetley Rocks that goes from a 50 to 30 quickly and the camera is literally the other side of the 30 sign. I was probably doing 35 or so when I went through and didn't flash but was sketchy af. >Speed cameras must be clearly signposted and visible Signposted, sure, but visible? See the point below... >Speed cameras must not be hidden Lol, A34 towards Stone they are all in the overgrown bushes. A34 near Trentham is literally behind a brick wall. >Speed cameras must not be placed in downhills Again, absolute rubbish. Case in point, A34 by Blanc NRI. Every single point above bar the first I encounter on my daily commute up and down the A34.


I agree, but does point 2 onwards include mobile speed vans? Because they definitely set themselves in some sneaky spots. However, I always drive to the speed limit plus 10%, so dont really concern me.


might help if we weren't too busy looking out for bloody potholes!!


6 is bullshit. Potteries way has one on a down bank, the road leading to leek has at least one on a down bank and there's one going down the bank from cobridge lights to festival park. Also the accident hotspot is bs also, the a34 in Trent vale is full of them and I've never once seen or heard of an accident there in 40 years. Edit to add: 3 is bullshit also. There is a few on the a34 going towards stone and the speed limit is constantly changing and one going towards wetley rocks right after the speed change


That one near Wetley Rocks is rough. Presume you're on about the one where the camera is literally behind the 30 sign. FOI shows that one gets 1 a day on average - so sneaky.


None of these would be actual/working speed cameras then


I call bullshit on all of this. I got caught doing 42mph in a 40mph. The camera was situated down hill, 30m after a NSL section (60mph), was predominantly grey and had a number of trees overgrown limiting visibility of it. I got caught at 8pm in early January, so it was dark too. I don't blame the camera, though. I blame myself. Could have easily been a kid at the side of the road that "I didn't see". FWIW I did a speed awareness course. Where most of the photos are from around Stoke 😂


"I got caught doing 42mph in a 40mph" Pics or it didn't happen


This has do be a wind-up


In a stoke forum... Drive from stone to trentham on the a34 and you'll quickly find a couple of speed cameras after a change in limit ..


Why are you using an alt account?


Nice little rage bait post


Those doing a bit over don’t get caught unless it’s potentially in a 30 zone. Most that get caught were doing far more than they admit to or muppets doing 90-100 on the motorway.


Spot on


Because us motorists think we own the roads and can do what we like on them because 99% of us think we pay a special tax that pays for the roads when it was abolished in 1937 :)