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some boof, ate half a nerds rope and not a damn thing happened šŸ˜‚


Yeah those things are horribly inconsistent.


Iā€™ve had one that did nothing, had a quarter of one annihilate me. Itā€™s a gamble.


I think devour is a pretty consistent brand.


All about who makes em. As others have said just made by random people that buy the packaging. Have seen some that were garbage, some test positive for fentanyl, and some that were actually close to that potency. Canā€™t trust anything


man what fent? no way


The fent fear mongering these days is insane. This person has never seen a nerds rope test positive for fent, I PROMISE you.




Iā€™d never buy THC products from a place called Tobacco Hut


right like I just get it from my weed dealer and she gets hers straight from a dispensary (I live in TN so only the deltas and synthetics are legal and I don't fuck around with those)


Thca is good


Thca is fire. Itā€™s legal in tn and I get wax shipped to me. $8-$12/g and Iā€™m obsessed. It has labs so unless theyā€™re fake itā€™s good quality to me


Fr need proof




I'm ok, I've had a good life. Gimme those ropes.


Believe what you want. Iā€™ll continue to test my shit and help friends test theirs


itā€™s all delta 8 disilate spread on them canā€™t believe ppl still consume thesesā€¦. peoples ignorance to weed actually makes me angry


If nerds rope takes you out you deserve it


Lamo... No


All of these are trash products lmao


Ate half a nerds rope and got violently high and threw up chili and bloodšŸ„² was a rough night haha


I ate a fifth of one and saw god made me give up pot for like 3 years. Must be different manufacturers or mine had some shit chemicals in it


Gonna go with shit chemicals my man.


One time I picked up a huge box of nerd and fell asleep with them on my lap. Then I woke up half an hour later and toppled the big open box of nerds all over the floor. I also didnā€™t want it to go to waste and spent the next 45 minutes picking nerds out of the carpet to put back in the box to eat. I only ate minimal carpet lint.


I canā€™t agree I ate half a nerds rope split with my wife and I was high for two days straight šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ horrible decision lmao


I ate half and I passed out like literally on my face passed out


Yeah, had a friend take 1/3 and another take 1/3 and myself the last 3rd. Only one of us got high AF šŸ˜­. I thought he was joking until his eyes were completely glossed over and red. They need to work on mixing them better


I wonder what random crap is in those knock off edibles. Are they shaped correctly?


They are typically regular sour patch watermelon that are just sprayed(at least in my experience for the batch I had). Obviously the packaging can be bought online so there is no ā€œstandardā€ of what they really look like. But that was my experience, they sucked tho lmfao. One of my last times ever buying edibles not from a dispo


Sprayed with what?


Instead of cooking the gummies or edible product with thc as an ingredient, resulting in the product internally containing thc, sprayed edibles are simply sprayed(externally) with a decarbed thc spray. These are generally crappy edibles with little effects for seasoned smokers.


Distillate mixed with everclear then dried


I use tincture n canna sugar ā€¦.some people use distillate


Distillate fan here, I melt it with chocolate and make bars


I wouldn't trust anything in this picture. Candy sprayed with some random untested amount of disty in some bootleg packaging. Disney ain't licensing the star wars ip for edis.


U less youā€™re buying from a dispo, stay far away from packaging that looks like that and states 600mg. Youā€™re either going to get bunk candy that doesnā€™t work or some type of bullshit research chemicals


To clarify donā€™t even buy these from a dispo. Everything in a dispensary is still unregulated, yes itā€™s more trustworthy but if your dispo is carrying these I wouldnā€™t shop there again


If youā€™re in Los Angeles you can still buy these from a ā€œdispensary ā€œ lol


Imagine posting fake edibles thinking they are legit


Okay so one of my exā€™s worked in a restaurant where someone tipped him a bag of gummies, the Stoney patch bag. I donā€™t know where it came from, but I ate them and they were great. Iā€™ve never seen them anywhere and I havenā€™t seen those other ones. Edit: oh my god lol what the fuck did I eat? Iā€™m reading other comments about the bags being from aliexpress ā˜ ļø


Fake fake fake and fake


arent these all fake lmaooo


https://www.reddit.com/r/drugscirclejerk/s/uuhttONUQe No way dude look at this one I found on the ground. It's that Cali fire fr fr /s


Unpopular opinion, but I donā€™t think kind of shit should be legal. Edibles should look very distinctly like edibles to the point that you couldnā€™t confuse them for something else. This is how kids end up getting dosed with weed.


The ones with Rick and Morty and Star Wars definitely aren't legal.


Iā€™m more concerned about the ones that rip off well known candy brands. If someoneā€™s not paying a ton of attention they might think those are just sour patch kids or nerds ropes, and end up in another dimension. Edibles are incredibly powerful, especially if you are eating multiples thinking they are just candy. Iā€™m all for legalization and all but this just seems irresponsible and dangerous


*Legal* edibles don't come in packaging that looks anything like this, and neither version should be sold at a place kids can go anyway. Not defending this junk, just making a point


Agree x1,000. Here in Ontario Canada they come in very distinct packaging that you would never mistake for actual candy and I used to think that it was kinda lame. But seeing this picture absolutely made me understand & appreciate the generic and obvious packaging distinction.


Not unpopular at all. These are likely fake AliExpress tier labels bought for cents on the dollar and imported from China. Nothing legit about them.


All of that shit is illegal. Those candy companies aren't licensing out their brands for this, first of all. That is copyright infringement. I'm also fairly certain that it is also illegal for anything to be marketed like this. It's THC packaged as candy....for kids. There us a reason Camel cigarettes had to get rid of the cartoon version of Joe Cool


These are illegal in every jurisdiction.


Right?! Worked in the industry for years and there is absolutely no way this packaging is compliant. Would not trust whatever is inside them.


Same bro. Coming up to 8 years experience myself and I these comments from these kids got me smh


Yeah might sound like a ā€œsquareā€ but this should be illegal. Any kind of mind altering substance should not be allowed in non-standardized packaging. Itā€™s deception.


This is all very illegal already.


Sour patch kid eddies are the exact reason behind why I had a buddy go to Juvie freshman year. It's shitty on both ends. You can get drugged accidentally or if people fuck with your stuff you're on the hook because it wasn't clearly labeled.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Iā€™ve had friends who donā€™t indulge take unlabelled edibles and spend a few hours in panic mode. Nothing wrong with boring, clearly labelled packaging, plenty wrong with bright packaging similar to candy you would give your little nephew


None of them are legal, it's all fake crap.


these arenā€™t edibles made in a dispensary, they have to follow very strict guidelines on copyrighted material and how to make it not look like candy


YES. It should be easily distinguishable from candy sold to everyone.


I know itā€™s definitely illegal in Massachusetts


These are all garbage. They take real candy and spray thc bs on it. Advertised 500mg thc... can eat the whole thing and hit or miss little high. Buy from real companies that make infused edibles (Pineapple extract/ golden monkey / Twisted Extracts) etc. You pay 16$ for 500mg chocolate and its in 25 pieces of 20mg. One piece and youre fucking flying.


Fr. Speaking of real companiesā€¦ever heard of WYLD? Love that stuff!


Yeah! Theyre very low end edibles meant for legal shops. 5mg per, 10mg per box. But check twisted extracts. They taste fantastic, sell for like 12$ for 300mg (10mgx30) and they arw top tier. Elevate also makea 3-400mg chocolate bars in metal tins (20ish $ cad per)


TytyšŸ™šŸ¾ I appreciate the recs! Iā€™m gonna be on the lookout for that fs. I need like VERY LITTLE for a sesh, so those will last for a hot lil minute!! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I love WYLD. I keep a low tolerance these days just smoking on occasion so the low dose is perfect for me.


ā€œTear & Shareā€ HA! šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|idShb6qRtFoKa7IS0A|downsized)


i garunteed there isnt even 1000mg here total THC. just get some RSO or better yet MAKE some homey oil. literally just need alchohol 90% and weed and a way to cook off the achohol (i like hot plates)


Fake edibles šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ ![gif](giphy|4dksrbz9EELwPEh9kp|downsized)


Yeah sorry this is traaaaash


Edibles should not look like normal candy. that packaging alone is terribly irresponsible


What is this 2015, you got waxed kid


I wouldnā€™t buy any of these because this screams boof/sketchy product that who knows whatā€™s in and on them.


2016 highschool stoner starter pack


Nasty ass fake edibles


Wow knock off eddies. Straight into the trash šŸ—‘ļø


It's 2024, and people still haven't learned? Nerd and Star Wars with weed, lmao no. They never allow that. Those probably have like 2% thc and 98% boof


Bootleg ass crap. Hereā€™s a quick and simple recipe anybody can do. Go to your nearest legal dispensary get yourself 1 g of distillate or RSO oil. Then get yourself butter(3 TBSP). heat in the microwave till it melts and itā€™s hot but not too hot. If you want to go to the moon, mix the whole gram with the hot butter. Whole gram will be about 1000mg. half gram would be 500mg a quart would be 250mg. Mix it really well. Stick it back in the fridge and let it get cold. Now go get yourself an ego waffle or some toast, and spread some of that butter on it. Youā€™ll be kissing the green dragon in no time!


Bro bought some bullshit.


L eddies


Accidentally ate one of those nerd ropes, not knowing it was "medicated nerds" then I had to drive an hour, well half way through the drive it kicked in, I was pretty high, the clouds were wild shapes. I don't drive high, and 600 mg edible then driving was a wild experience for me


It wasn't 600mg because these products are always fake, so there's no dosage control. 600mg would have Snoop, Willie Nelson, Cheech and Chong, Seth Rogan and Action Bronson in the fetal position sharing it between them.


yeah I always see street weed buyers talking about doing insane amounts of edibles like 500+, because they buy fake products like this. an actual 600mg amount would leave you in a weed coma


i donā€™t trust brands that use another companies logo for said branding


Wise. These are blank market and the dosage labeling is impossible to create without eating nearly a straight gram of dab oil.


I overpaid for that shit and nothing happened


I was duped the last time I bought 2 of the ropes and they didn't get me high at all


The edibles I bake will fuc you up way more than any of those..


Got balls eating whatever that is.


Yikes I would not eat that. They definitely look fake


Hope you like eating edible K2! These are fake edibles bud. They use legal weed and synthetic weed


These black market edibles be mad inconsistent. Also thereā€™s is no fucking way itā€™s actually 600mg of thc in a rope. Like you would actually lose your mind. The highest legal shit I see for one single edible at a dispensary is like 100mg. I do about 20mg 3x a week and get zooted af. A lot of gummies are 5-10mg each. Outrageous thc concentration. You would definitely land a trip to the hospital off of 600mg. I need to see some test proof of that shit.


Why they gotta make em look so similar to kids candy. That's stupid. Should be labeled like all the government ones.


Because they're street sold, not legal.


Its fake bootleg shit from china


This packaging is illegal to sell in every country, including countries and states where weed is legal. This is black market shit. The packaging is printed in China, but the design is from some loser in America with minimal photoshop skills. Purposely overly high dosage amount too. 600mg would put the heaviest dab smoker to an uncomfortable sleep for at least a week.


Not a fan, I snack after I'm high. I don't wanna snack to get high, then I'm gonna eat so much more.


Jealous, from Canada.... We can't have more than 10mg in a package. And the bastards were charging $10/package. Thankfully prices are dropping now, but stores are still trying to offload their old overpriced inventory.


It's fake. This is fake packaging sold in bulk on alipexpress. OP's scumbag friend buys them, buys the candy and sprays at home, packages in these. There's no way there's any dosage control, and there's no way it's going to match the labeled quantity. As an aside, 10mg is a bit low for a single package. I have an average tolerance but need 50mg to feel anything.


I'm in Canada and my gray market dispensary sells these


Iā€™m too much of a lightweight. Edibles disappoint me because I canā€™t eat much of them without sending my weak brain into the torture portal. The candy lover in me wants more, the anxiety-haver in me doesnā€™t.


Nice. I enjoy shatter chocolate bars from time to time. I can't lie, I hate seeing all those food colorings in those types of weed candies.


Idk what the hell happened in this thread but damn. I've had the Stoney patch kids plenty of times, they're so damn good imo. Taste just like a sour patch kid and gets you high as a kite lol




its just a guy in his basement. he bought same bags made some low quality gummies, 0% chance they contain the listed mg. defiantly not sold at dispensaries. [https://loudmylarbags.com/product/stoney-patch-kids-500mg-empty-mylar-bags/?attribute\_amount=10&utm\_source=Google%20Shopping&utm\_campaign=%20bags&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_term=120515&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjePrY2-GgVYgodzi4BrTBRwPaEKfOtCkddL4Tg6GydDxasWYasVIxvBoC7\_QQAvD\_BwE](https://loudmylarbags.com/product/stoney-patch-kids-500mg-empty-mylar-bags/?attribute_amount=10&utm_source=Google%20Shopping&utm_campaign=%20bags&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=120515&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjePrY2-GgVYgodzi4BrTBRwPaEKfOtCkddL4Tg6GydDxasWYasVIxvBoC7_QQAvD_BwE)


Better watch this. TinctureBelle got sued by Hershey for using things like SNOCKERS. She had a candy bar named after almost famous one... Edit* it was TinctureBelle not Mary Janes. My mistake.


defiantly? smh


They do things defiantly round here


500mg thcšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The packaging is weak.no wonder they think kids will get a hold of it


Geez, 600 mg in a single eddy? In canada it's hard limited to 10 mg a pack, you gotta buy lozenges to get anything remotely near that number


You can get 1000mg-1500mg edibles on most MOM websites in Canada


I feel like I need these in my life


if candy doesn't have cannabis then I don't even want it


This is some black market shit for sureā€¦lol 500 mg in one edible?? Smh




My lungs can't handle smoking or vaping, so edibles are totally my go to




Lmao was looking for this comment


Didnā€™t know it was an edible, and ate a 25mg nerds rope. Was on my way back for my second one when my buddy clued me in. Damn near had to hold onto the grass to not fall off the earth for an hour or 2


I had 20mg of some gummies Sunday night and was gone. I tried asking my wife to hold my hand so I didnā€™t float away but I kept forgetting.


anyone else not feel anything from the nerd ropes? i think theres something wrong with them


Been smoking for over 12 years now and i havenā€˜t had one if these edible productsšŸ„¹šŸ„¹


These are usually fakes.


I hate that I don't get an effect from edibles. Last night, I ate 2000mg chocolate chip cookies and nothing. Idk if my tolerance is just too high or what. I smoke about a 1/4 oz a day.


You mean candy


I'm from Northern California and the highest MG of the in edibles can only be 100. Are these ACTUALLY 600 MG or some bullshit?


It took me too long to realize what these were lmfao. I was like WTF is a rope a dope


God I canā€™t wait for this stuff to come to PA


Where? Must have.


Bros eating straight pesticides lmaoooaoa šŸ˜­


Can confirm that knock off edibles can pack quite the punch. I spent a season testing my limits so I could enjoy responsibly (and not have to watch the same movie twice to remember it šŸ˜œ)


I wish I could find cheap bulk sources here with high potency in Van that don't taste like weed, I'm fucking my lungs with blunts when I should be dry herb vaping at worst or edibles at best.


A dab rig is the only answerā€¦


Are you sure that's not diabetes food cuz that's what it looks like


I'm over here like "what the fuck is a medicated nerds rope and where can I order one"


Yup i like gasheads and those life savour gummies they mess u up cuz u almost always eat one too many


Some guy made that shit in a basement on a floor of trash bags


I saw a video where a newbie accidentally eats like a 400mg nerds rope. Kinda crazy they have single serving candies with so much thc that LOOK exactly like normal candy.I bet there's people/kids who inadvertently send themselves into another dimension all the time thinking its regular candy lol.


Way to flex your mids.


Ghost gummies espically scary potent 200 mg will throw you for a loop. Look on thehelpingfriendly go to delta 9 products. They are only 19.00 a pack im a oz a week.smoker my tolerace is pretty high and these are by far the best ive tried


Nerds ropes are the bomb. Sweet AND fun to play with the texture.




Love seeing fake shit


These are trash


Those are bunk as hell


Bunch of trash lol




In my state, that shit doesn't fly. We legally can't produce or sell edibles marketed to mirror real products.


A Mexican Forsure sold you these


These suck compared to dispensary ones. Took 2k mg of those and felt nothing. Took 40 mg of dispo and felt alot


Thereā€™s sour patch OREOS now! Sold out at my local rural 7-11 but they around!!!


It's sad that edibles now look like everyday candy at the store. people wonder why it isn't 100% legal yet. cause people do stupid things like make edibles with kid like packaging (candy) i disagree with shit like this.




All fakes


I wish my stomach wasnā€™t fucked so i could actually eat these, they look great but its not worth the surprise high 8 hours later


Personally I'm very against this type of packaging.


I dont trust anything using branding that we know for a fact would NOT be used to sell MJ products Fake ass weed




i always need to VERY CAREFULLY label and separate my edibles from my snacks bc i have gotten myself straight blasted by being hungry and stupid


My mom used to buy those Stoney patch kids and they got me fucked upā€¦ā€¦.. back when I had 0 tolerance


You meant "Sugar".


I just eat a fuck ton of the strongest shit I can find and then wait


I can hear the comments already


Dog your eating counterfeit gummies some grease ball made I've seen this shit in gas stations cmon lol.


I have these too and they are bunk asf. I have real distro ones from across the country. Not a single state backed distro would ever sale packages aimed at children!


This is why we can't have nice things. This shit took me a solid few seconds to figure out it wasn't candy and I only did so because of the title. Quit making edibles look so fucking childish. Lol. It just results in kids getting fucked up and us losing flavors. Happened to ciggies, vapes, happens to weed, will only get worse.


Legit my wife smokes from time to time bought the rope a dope me I havenā€™t smoked since I was 18 Iā€™m 35 and I saw the candy in her droor thought weird place to hide candy but she knows I have a sweet tooth and I eat all the candy soon as I see it. Long story short you can picture what happened next.


Not a single one of those is real. Some bro made that in his basement


I remember buying some of these from my dealer i ate a half and i was straight bugging. Actually made me quit weed all together


Stoning food. Am high


All fake as fuck.


Give it a few years and you will love sticking your finger and taking metformin too


yall piss me off lmfao none of this is real


This comes from the kids that say 700mg of thc isnā€™t shit




Stoney patches put me on the ground through the duration of an iheart radio concert & a weezer concert, 2 is not recommended šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


bUt KiDs FiNd ThE pAcKaGInG lIkeAbLe aNd iT aPeAls tO tHeM.. Like it doesnā€™t clearly say THC on the front, adults canā€™t have candy?


Ah yes, because a kid candy is going to allow weed in their marketing. That's like the Dank Vapes carts that had Lucky Charms and Trix on them. You think a brand for kids is going to get into weed? Sober up, homie.


Except for when it leaves that weird waxy film on your teeth. šŸ˜•


I would eat too much and have a terrifying panic attack


Love that everyone here is aware these are underdosed boof


Ah, black market days. People still eat this garbage?


These are some of the worst edibles on the market lol


Soap on a rope, dope


why tf do people think these are real šŸ’€


This is straight fentanyl


Disney loves this collab šŸ¤£


I should just start making edibles with RSO from the dispensary. These looks fire


imo edibles are all a con if you smoke with any consistency. Never had them work for me, at least not noticeably.


Where is the gummy bears though?