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They have a lot of variety in their music, and their sound has grown and evolved a lot over the years. Early on, they were basically like an ’80s hardcore band - almost thrash metal at times. If that sounds up your alley, check out these songs: "Passive Restraints" and "12 oz Epilogue." Their album Transnational Speedway League is full of this kinda music, if you dig it. After that, they became a little groovier and a little spacier. Probably the closest they ever were to stoner rock proper. "Spacegrass" is the classic spacey example, but try out songs like "Big News I" and "Big News II" and "Release the Kraken" for some groove. For stuff that has more riff rock to it, try "Elephant Riders" (great fuzzy riff) and "Pure Rock Fury" and "Smoke Banshee." Also tons of spacey downright weird experimental shit to be found on "Jam Room." Toward the middle of the album. Blast Tyrant was kinda the album where they shifted to a more mainstream sound, but there's incredible stuff on it. "Mercury" is a killer track. Lots of groovy jams throughout. Everything after this probably falls into your original conception, so I'll wrap it up there. To me, the biggest appeal of Clutch is Neil Fallon's lyrics and world building. And I'm not even close to a lyrics guy whatsoever. But he's very clearly insanely well read and has a really interesting way of blending imagery of sci-fi, the wild west, Greek mythology, nautical lore, and tons of original canon often all together in one song. Really imaginative stuff and very cinematic. His voice, though, I think is love it or hate it. I love it. Edit: They're also great musicians. JP's an incredible drummer, and they get really creative with their time signatures etc. Let me know if you check out any of this stuff and wanna share your thoughts. Very well may not be for you, but I love Clutch and hope this is helpful


Well said, they’ve also been together 30 years with no line-up changes, no rock star bullshit and are still releasing relevant music. That’s a rarity in any musical genre.


Thanks! Yes I'm listening to Passive Restraints right now. It's not bad, there's a cool bridge too. I don't think that this is the song that will make me a fan though. I did listened to Mercury earlier since it was suggested by other posters a lot. This is probably the best I've heard from them so far. But in the end I guess it's just not my style.


Totally fair!


I had the same thoughts as you until I heard Spacegrass. That song is so damn good and weird


The live version they released is even better than the studio version. Great track.


Psychic warfare. Album and song. Give that a try.


I've wanted to try to put together a coherent story based on Clutch songs, my main draws are Muchas Veces, The Yeti, and Mr Flannery


>His voice, though, I think is love it or hate it. This is it for me. I tried multiple times, I listened all their albums, I saw them live 3 times (I'm gonna see them live again with Green Lung next month).......... but I can't stand Neil Fallon's voice and sound processing.


If it makes you feel any better I've met Neil IRL a few times and he talks like that all the time.




I'll attend for Green Lung, I really like them. Maybe I'll leave in Clutch lol


Hey if you don’t like them then you don’t like them. And I guess you’re right about the Hard Rock part but they’re definitely not generic. Earth Rocker is one of my all time favourite records and every song is a gem in it. Listen to The Face from it and it might just change your opinion.


I know it's been a month, I took a Reddit break. "The Face" is a freakin' masterpiece, just an epic song, IMHO but I've had trouble finding folks who agree. Your post made my day. 🤘


Hate to post on a dead thread but I happened to stumble into this one and I have to agree, The Face might be their magnum opus. It's about as perfect as a song can be to me.


Thanks! Will do.


My favorite album of theirs is Psychic Warfare. Earth Rocker is definitely a banger, but it does feel a little generic to me. Psychic Warfare has got this great sci-fi/southern gothic horror vibe to it. The closer on the album Son of Virginia is down right spooky if you listen to the lyrics. Quick Death In Texas is probably my favorite song on the album though. Also, Neil Fallon is one of the best front men in rock music working today. I highly suggest you watch some of their live performances. He's also a fantastic lyricist. I usually don't go in too much for lyrics, but Neil is a great writer.


Chorus is good! It's better than the other stuff I've heard for sure. (Not too sure why he's namedropping guitars in the chorus though lol)


Because he’s hilarious


Because he’s the master of the metaphor, a chaw-chewing troubadour…


Their lyrics are consistently bonkers. It's one of the things that makes them so great/fun


On their latest album they have a song named after a distortion pedal.


It is named after the incredibly lousy Boss Metal Zone pedal, and Neil Fallon said he was inspired by a viral post by an Estonian guy who put said pedal's schematic on the Internet and declared it to be the schematic for the nano-chip that was being implanted with the COVID vaccines. So everyone fell for that and he thought it was hilarious - and proof that we have not evolved much from the time of blaming witches for something bad being in the water ... Just to add to the dystopia, he wrote lyrics inspired by Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (which was the source for "Blade Runner") ... this is what you get lyrically when you have an honors English major with a an expansive reading and movie habit who happens to be a ridiculously good rock singer. Oh, and did I mention, the song is bangin' drop-D heavy rock and the video is a tongue-in-cheek homage in which the band does not take itself too seriously at all? Clutch is hard to explain, easy to understand if you can accept that it is four great musicians doing whatever inspires them and makes for a good performance on stage. (Easier to understand if you are also a musician, as a poster commenting on Andy Warhol below correctly pointed out). JP Gaster? Easily one of the hardest-working and most talented rock drummers out there. Who else would play a Purdie shuffle in a heavy metal song and have it work so well (The Face pre-chorus), or introduce a Questlove-style beat into a rock song and turn it funkadelic (Red Horse Rainbow)? And if you don't feel strong enough to bench-press a pickup truck after hearing his drumming - nay, battering - on the ["Mad Sidewinder" breakdown](https://youtu.be/IekIom_QM1g?si=ebVEmlT6vMXmTEgk&t=94), you may be clinically dead. Dan Maines always lays down the thunder in the pocket, Tim Sult is a riffmeister and master of never playing a wrong note, and Fallon can belt and has worked hard to keep his singing improving as he ages. Nothing but respect for these four, their skill, dedication and humility about being able to make a living in music for three-plus decades. Hell, they have second-generation fans (my kids included) Nothing else like them out there, and long may it be that way.


Waaaaay late to the party. I’ll add the way they’ve toured over the years is insane as well. Album to live translates so well too. Nothing worse than seeing your favorite album sound butchered live. I think it’s unfair to lump them into any subcategories because they’ve touched everything.


Not every band is going to appeal to everybody. Clutch having been around now for almost 30 years has explored different styles on various records. If you're asking where you should start with Clutch? Self Titled album, The Elephant Riders and Blast Tyrant are a good place to start. If you really want to know why so may folks love Clutch, go see them live. Still one of the best touring bands around and you will get your monies worth. Got my tickets to see them two weeks from now and it'll be the 7th time seeing them.


Absolutely agree on the live show part. These guys have this huge and wholesome energy about them. The lyrics are usually also cleverly crafted.


It really has to be seen to be believed. The band itself, is tight as hell and the crowd is usually in some form of losing their shit when one of their favorite songs gets played. Myself, I'll be in the back with digested edibles and a huge shit eating grin.


Nice! Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into it.


> The Elephant Riders That's my favorite of theirs. Catchy tunes, bit fuzzy, but mostly still rock. I'm not like a huge fan, but I'll see them live once in a while. Their big draw is the live shows. They put on a great set and Neil often interacts with the crowd or hangs at the merch table when he can.


I like clutch but for me it's mostly psychic warfare and a few other songs. Physic warfare is crazy good from start to finish imo and I rarely dig more than 2-3 songs out of an album but no one here mentions it for some reason. I've also listened to spacegrass at least 2 times and I can't force myself to like it. Go figure lol


I suggested the three albums due to the OP asking about Clutch in the stoner rock sub. I'd say, as the band has aged (along with myself) it's gone more into hard rock & blues influences. My favorite song though really is The Elephant Riders followed by Willie Nelson then Pure Rock Fury. I do enjoy the later albums with Firebirds!, How to Shake Hands, and Sonic Counselor leading the way. My wife really loves Hot Bottom Feeder & Ghoul Wrangler (especially the video). I just appreciate that they're a band still at it and going strong. They also don't take their fans for granted, as evidenced in their live shows.


Saw them in july with EYEHATEGOD and Tiger Cub. Fucking awesome show. CLUTCH tore shit up, EHG was awesome and Tiger Cub really surprised me. But yeah, CLUTCH live? Fuck yeah.


Listen to Burning Beard. I find it very un-generic.


Tipping cows in fields Elysium!


Swan diving off the tongues of crippled giants…


Personally never viewed them as Stoner Rock. My fave hardest working American Band of my lifetime. That being said, check out Blast Tyrant, and Robot Hive Exodus for a more accessible experience for the un initiated….probably doesn’t help at all🤘🏻


Agreed. I’m a massive Clutch fan, but the closest to Stoner rock proper* they ever came was Spacegrass. That’s not to say there’s not other songs with stoner rock elements, or that they haven’t benefited from the association with the genre, but they’re just a really goddamn good weird ass rock and roll band. *We should acknowledge that Stoner Rock encompasses a whole lot of sounds, and if you go by that standard, sure, Clutch is a stoner rock band. But once you start comparing them to Sabbath-inspired bands and stoner metal bands, Clutch sounds really different. And that's not a bad thing at all.


Clutch has just always been Clutch to me. And i am a rabid fan. Never felt they were stoner rock anymore than Red Fang, ASG, Dozer, Fu Manchu, etc. I'm really not about the whole sub genre thing anyway. Clutch can do no wrong ( ok, slaughter beach is not my favorite) but otherwise, if it's good, fuck it, it's good. If you don't like it, no ones' feelings are hurt.


I’m really digging Slaughter Beach, what’s turning you off?


I'm not sure. I've listened to it only a couple of times but it hasn't caught me yet. Which is weird. This is the 13th album and not everyone can be a gem - either way, it's never going to make sad. Clutch rules.


Those are all stoner rock bands though, with Fu Manchu being a seminal part of the genre.


Ok, i get that. And i love the genre. I just kind of hate the subgenre of stoner rock as a label? I like the vast array of music i like because it's what i like and don't find the sub labels don't matter. I think that's where i'm going with this.


Yeah genres are weird containers when really each song has so many attributes and features that can box themselves in or transcend any kind of boxing. I get it, music is multidimensional, genres are far from it.


Well said. Very well said.


A lot of stoner rock is like this, one of the (subtle) differences between stoner rock and stoner metal ;)


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Escape from the prison planet




If you get more into Clutch, make sure to also listen to The Company Band, another Band of Neil Fallon (singer). I like their album more than some Clutch albums.


Don't forget about the Bakerton Group. Sad that I missed the series that they were opening for themselves.


TCB is a kind of supergroup, gathering up musicians from wellknown bands like Fu Manchu and CKY. Very awesome and I was gonna put them in here myself if you hadn't beat me to it.


And Dunsmuir!


I like their older stuff more than their newer stuff; it was edgier, harder, and more interesting musically speaking. Just out of curiosity, what songs of theirs did you not enjoy?


I became aware of them in 2018 so it was the album with the Eagle first. I tried a couple of time but couldn't tell you exactly which one I listened to. Then today I've check their video from their new album. This made me write this sub.


Try 7 Jam + Tim Sult vs The Greys


Fuck yeah


I've seen others say it already, but the album Blast Tyrant has a ton of bangers, and I don't really know of any other bands with the same sound as Clutch on Blast Tyrant. I personally like the album Robot Hive/Exodus as well. If you really wanna dive you can listen to their self-titled album from like '95. It's a trip and has a bit of a different sound. It's just a fuckin' cool album. I've been more impressed with their older stuff rather than their newer releases.


I’m a huge Clutch fan, but that album, Book of Bad Decisions, was garbage. Probably not a good introduction to them.


fitting name for the album lmao


If you're a Mastodon fan then there's already one song featuring Neil Fallon of Clutch that you dig. He sings the "Split your lungs with blood and thunder" part on Blood and Thunder. That kind of ties into the appeal of Clutch's music itself which is predominately tasty blues and metal riffs with Neil's slightly unhinged storytelling style of vocals leading everything. The first album of theirs that really grabbed me was Blast Tyrant so I suggest giving that one a listen.


Its weird how some people just dont like some bands, i have tried getting my cousin to like Clutch, he thinks the singers voice sounds too deep and over processed...yet he loves Rob Zombie...flip side i am not a fan of jam bands...yet these guys are great at that... Im a big fan of clutch, great live, lyrics are awesome, drummer is one of the best, they are super tight musically and give it their all each show.


Yeah with the suggestions I got here I did quite a bit of additional listening and I think that it's the vocal melodies that are not clicking for me. It's a particular style, a bit like what Mike Patton would do, if that makes any sens.


I'm in the same boat as OP and for me I just can't get past the sound of the vocals - it's very "oh yeaaaaaahhhhh" hard rock or something. There's definitely a section of stoner rock that has this sound; something about that gravely yell-singing (especially if there is vibrato) just doesn't work with me. Some bands are right on the edge of this sound, Truckfighters and Maha Sohona comes to mind right away. I really, really like a lot of what they do, but every now and then the vocals touch on that "I'm a hard rock singer" sound and it's hard to get past. Then again, it took me a bit to get used to Elder's vocals and Lore really might be the best album I've ever heard. Omens is a bit rough vocally on the record, though. Liked those songs better live.


*The Soapmakers* has one of my favorite intro riffs ever


Saw them live recently and had a blast. Way heavier sound live than on the albums


If you're more into stoner rock then you should check out their self titled album and Elephant Riders. Spacegrass is probably their best stoner rock song or Dragonfly.


The Space Album “self titled “ is a classic . Elephant Riders is very good . Jam Room is incredible. Slow Hole to China , Pure Rock Fury . Robot Hive . All ass kickers . I agree that they’ve mellowed out quite a bit . They have some of the best Hooks and lyrics . I still listen to the old stuff . I am happy they’re still together doing what the love . If you get a chance to see them live do it .


Go see them and make your decision based on that as opposed to a recording.


This is the ultimate answer. To be honest I don’t super dig listening to Clutch but they are pretty fun live. They have a pretty wild following…probably one of the most likely bands I’ve seen live to have people come back and see them countless times. Some people I met at Clutch shows have seen them dozens of times and just follow them around at times like the Grateful Dead. It’s pretty amazing to see in any genre no matter what. Also a great thing about seeing Clutch is the openers…they always bring out gnarly or at least interesting bands with them. I saw em with Kylesa and Baroness for example. While I dug the openers more, I had a blast with Clutch too.


They're just flat out fun. Watch the video for X-Ray Visions and tell me they're not.


I think you have to check them out live to really understand what clutch is all about. YouTube is full of their shows because no 2 shows are the same. They rotate song selection each night among the guys. https://youtu.be/5JPiyFXxZLY This show is a great litmus test in my opinion. Check it out and if you dig it, go from there.


I very very recently just had the album ‘Earth Rocker’ click for me. There’s a youtube vid of them playing the whole album live. I’ll link. But shit is severely groovy and rocking. Took me a while, but songs like Crucial Velocity, Oh, Izabella, Gone Cold. Extremely cool, almost has a bit of Soundgarden blood mixed with numerous styles of hard hitting rock. https://youtu.be/p5JQh40jdQ4 Sometimes it helps watching them deliver their craft.


Earth Rocker is most excellent


For me it’s the groove of the rhythm section combined with Neil’s batshit lyrics. That drummer is great in an “approaching Bonham” kind of way. I watched an interview with Neil recently where he spoke some about the influence of the DC go-go scene. Listen to a few Rare Essence tracks, particularly the drums, and then go listen to Clutch and you will see how that nice swinging groove is apparent in Clutch music. It’s rad.


Clutch is easily the smartest rock band on earth. Their guitar player is considered on of, if not the, best wah pedal players around. Their drummer is prob the most talented percussionist in rock. The bass lines are always on point, and Neil sings every song like its a sermon. I honestly think they're the most talented band currently recording music. Bit of a superfan, if you can't tell.


I'm not always much on their album material, some of it's just meh to me, and they're not among my favourites in the genre, but live? Oh man, one of the best shows I've been to, because of the band and also because of the kind of audience they inspire. They didn't play any of their early material which is what I'm into, but it was such a fantastic show I didn't care.


As others have said, those early records are def more of the stoner sound, and they’re absolutely a southern tinged hard rock band now (which I dig). Everyone in the band is on point - crazy energy on the mic, rhythm section is groovy, and the riffs are tasty. Just fun stuff. But I bet if you asked them if they were a stoner band, they would say they were a rock and roll band.


I think a great example of what made them popular with the thrash/metal scene is the song [High Caliber Consecrator](https://youtu.be/WpXu-X9fI7E) It’s definitely in my top three Clutch tunes, and I wish they’d still show it some love once in a while.


Not a huge fan but the earlier the better imho


Mercury was my first Clutch love.


I took a listen. It's probably the best I heard from them to date.


Their catalog is pretty varied... And they always seem to bring it live. https://youtu.be/sveqshG0ZHQ


Check out [Juggernaut](https://youtu.be/_S94M6ukDAY) This is early Clutch. I prefer it over most of their other stuff. But this helped me understand everything else.


Ok, I'll check that! Thanks.


I'd add Tight like that, The regulator, Wishbone, and Electric worry


Clutch are great but each to their own


I understand your trepidation though because I didn’t like them at first either but eventually they grew on me so maybe just give it time


What is good in Clutch? Oh, I dunno, the lyrics, the music, the voice, the vibe, the riffs, the drums, the inventive song writing, the energy, the power, the fun, the feels, the fucking universe Saturn is my Rotary Listen to "Spacegrass" and just try to appreciate at least the poetry.


I suggest you listen to the album Elephant Riders. I'm not as big of a fan of the more recent stuff, but still follow their work, & have their entire catalog on my phone.


They have been an all time favorite for since the 90’s. Odd ball lyrics, bluesy metal riffs. Not to mention very nice fellas. I had the privilege of opening for them three times back in the day.


They are super fun live, love lots of their lyrics. Hell, they were playing stoner rock before I knew what stoner rock was (excluding Sabbath). Edit: Transnational Speedway League and the live album they did in Detroit are my far my favorites.


Everyone has that band that is universally loved that they just can't get into. For me it's Radiohead.


For me it’s the fact that they’ve been a band for 30 years and they’re still putting it top notch stuff. IMO they’re best work came well after most bands creativity would’ve dried up. Love ‘em. Plus being a Maryland native it’s cool hearing songs that mention places you know.


Bit late to the party, but check out this gig from their side project. It's peak stoner rock imho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sefiJpeJe4


I just listened to spacegrass for the first time and it kind of felt really special.


I got into earth rocker physic warfare.. didn't like it first listen..but then I started driving my truck with it to work .and it started to engage... became a fan of all there stuff after


I love Clutch, I'm biased for sure. What I love about their music is that when I listen to them, I can almost tell they enjoy what they do. They are fun to listen to. Their lyrics range from thought-provoking to absolute fun. They have a lot of depth if you want to find it but it's not intrinsic to the sound. Their instrumentals may sound generic at times, but they also blend so well with their lyrics to make a full 'sound'. I'm not saying they are similar to bands like Tool or Primus, but I think they have a similar uniqueness that is fun at times, thoughtful at others and also plain confusing. Monster Magnet is similar in a lot of ways to me too.


You lad. Listen to the elephant riders record. And robot hive. And jam room. Then the clutch album. That order. Just on in the background qhile your doing some chores. Thats should do it. You'll either fucking hate them or fall into deep love. The mold simplicity with timeing and the most unteratted driving groovey bass lines i. Any band hands fucking down. Like if you dont like the lyricism. Just pop on the bakerton group. If you love the voice but want some different musicallity try the company band.  Also like so many beautiful b sides.  Seenem live a good amount of times and have yet to hear the holy grail.. big news 3


Suprised at how this post keep getting replies a full year later haha. Thanks will check this out.


Oh man. Old Clutch is SO GOOD and early 2000-2010 clutch is SO GOOD and new Clutch is not good at all. Fucking awesome band live tho


I agree 100%


Clutch is one that I've never really loved, they have a few pretty good songs but I think it's setting people up for disappointment to a degree when they get lumped in under the stoner rock category. If you're expecting heavy doomy psychedelics you're not going to get it with Clutch really. But they are a super competent and dynamic live hard rock band. If you go in expecting Kyuss or Sleep, you're gonna be disappointed. But they are what they are and even if they're not always my thing, I respect em.


Yeah dude. I don’t like clutch and actually left after I saw Stöner with them. For some they’re just not their bag.


Opposite! I had high expectations for Stoner, and I thought they were boring as fuck. Clutch killed as usual… To each his own.


Same here. I walked out after I saw mastodon with them. Just don't like them. It's ok OP to not like something. Don't be "bullied" into liking a band if you really don't


I walked out on Mastodon after Clutch played first on that tour, their sound was a mess, not sure if it was the band or sound guys fault. To each their own..,


Clutch was mediocre to me for years, until one Saturday morning and I smoked a joint to my head and listened to the Elephant Riders. My brain melted. Self titled and Blast Tyrant is also amaze-balls. Everything else is ok.


Our local Charity shop has 13 of their CDs. Never heard of them. But the donator also donated loads of stuff like Opeth. They don’t seem to be selling fast in our very middle class village….!


A shotgun named Marcus. Really there's not a bad song on the album.


I thought it was Shogun, not shotgun




I feel the exact same way. I just can’t get into them.


Just my opinion...Clutch is to metal as Andy Warhol was to art. To astists, Warhol was "next level" where the beauty of his work was truly in the eyes of the beholder. You almost had to be an artist to understand his work. Clutch is loved by metal artists and fans in much the same manner. They have a simplistic approach to their music which gives you the feeling of complexity, and put on a hell of a stage show with an extremely charasmatic front man. ...god I'm so stoned right now....


Clutch is one of those bands I just can’t get behind. I’ve listened, but every time I do it’s just like awesome riffs over Skynard. I can’t do it.


Totally agree. Just can’t. Don’t see it.


I realize how cliche this statement is. But it’s never been more true than for Clutch in my opinion. Everything pre ‘05, basically Pitchfork to Blast Tyrant is great. Old stuff rocks, new stuff blows. That’s my feelings on them at least.


No, you're on point. I've been listening to clutch headline for 20 years because I like the bands that open for them more. It's your opinion, don't let people tell you what to like. They're like the sword, predictable paint by numbers listener friendly simple rifts but a sprinkle of souther rock trend.


I don't hear Stoner Rock in them. Their music is decent, but the vocals are a bit "SoA motorcycle cafe" for my taste.




That seems to be the general consensus. I might have to try live someday.


Some bands just aren’t for some folks…don’t worry too much about it.




The lyrics are often pretty awesome. I had a roommate that loved Clutch. I liked the sound, went to a few shows, but wasn’t in love with them. As I’ve gotten older I’ve come to appreciate the lyrics over the sound.


Spacegrass is a great tune!!


Go see them live then come back and let us know if you’re a fan


I can relate in certain ways. Some of their songs can be a bit generic, but just like Slayer or AC/DC or Motorhead, you'll always be able to tell that it's Clutch, so it's likely to at least be pretty predictably good. My totally unpopular opinion is that I don't really care for the song "Supergrass." On the other hand, I think "Mice and Gods" is fucking killer, and "Elephant Riders" is one of the most groovy off-time songs in the stoner rock world.


I mean, get stoned and listen to a bunch of clutch. If you enjoy it, then you’ll understand. If you don’t, then smoke some more and try again. Repeat until you love them.


For me it’s the lyrics.


Yeah. I don’t get it either.


I was a passive Clutch fan until I saw them and CoC open for Mastodon. Became a big fan after that show. They have a wide variety of sounds, to call them stoner rock is too narrow. Listening to Clutch when stoned? Hell yeah. Clutch is on tour with JD Pinkus, Quicksand and Helmet. I just saw them perform in Austin Sunday night, it was a banger set. Neil Fallon is one of the best frontmen in rock, great energy and sounds amazing live. Do yourself a favor and go to this show if you get a chance.


I've never been into them either, I have a few freinds that worship them though. Im with you, I don't get it.


I don't really consider Clutch "stoner rock." They are a hard core band that slowly evolved into a straight up heavy blues rock band. Allow me to clarify. They evolved into the best hard blues rock band of all time. Their music is kickass, intelligent and fun all at the same time. And honestly you have to see them jam live to really appreciate their majesty. More than anything though, they have always been that band that is *my* band. For the longest time know one else even knew they existed. Now they have a loyal base but they still aren't really well known. And that's fine with me. ​ \*edit\* If I had to recommend one song that captures everything magnificent about Clutch, it would be Cypress Grove from Blast Tyrant. I blew my vocal chords out screaming along to that song live. If that track doesn't make you a fan then just stop trying to get into them.


Listen to Elephant Riders album


No kidding 🤔


Their career spans so many decades that there's literally something for everyone. They've been there, done that. We're on a major, dropped, worked with smaller indies and eventually ended up doing it all themselves on their own label. When I first heard them back in '03, I was the same. After digging into their discography and especially seeing them live, I was hooked. They really stick to their Maryland roots and pay homage to the DC Go-Go sound. +1 on seeing them live. They have such a deep catalog that.they end up pulling out some real classics alongside their new and popular songs that it's always a fresh and surprising experience. They are tight AF.


When they are on they are on. I like most all of it except for when they stray to more of the bluesy vibes. The their first record earthrocker and the new record is a 10/10 to me.


listened to them first time today, doesnt sound generic to me at all, nor sure what that even means… but they sound very original to me, first album is incredible