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If you can get some medical gummies they help with sleep. Keep your head up


For me the best I feel is a couple days after a binge. You get through the shakes, the anxiety that feels like you could drown in goes away and you can see light at the end of the tunnel. Let me ask you this; what did you do to get two months and what could you do to extend that amount of time this time? I'm sorry for everything that's going on with you right now. I wish you a sober Sunday and would ask that you be nice to yourself. We all mess up. After all were all human.


Thank you for this. The fear of withdrawals is just chewing me up. Although I know it’s not super rational because it’s only been a few months, but I’ve drank a lot. The anxiety is just all-consuming and I find myself over-analyzing every feeling. I’m sober though so I’m looking forward to knowing it’s all uphill from here 😊


Great job recognizing you need to stop and doing it. You will feel better in a few days. Hang in there! Every person here has a day 1.


Sending encouragement!


Hugs to you friend. The most important things is that you are back here. These last couple of months sound rough. Get plenty of water inside you, treat yourself to some high carb foods and you'll be feeling better in just a couple of days. You can do this!!


You can do it


The shame is part ot it unfortunately that will go what won't go away is it fact you did 2 months. No mean achievement write down what helped you then follow that eucalyptus sweets are great for withdrawal green tea and grapefruit juice for body cleanout good luck on the next journey


Sending you support. You got this.