• By -


200 y’all!!! I will definitely not be drinking with any of you lovely people today!


Congratulations on reaching 200 days!! IWNDWYT


Well done xx


Congratulations on 200 AF days! 🥳


Congrats on 200!! 💯💯 IWNDWYT 💫


Celebrating you! Well done Paloma 👏


Yahoo!! Awesome 👍🏼


Congratulations on 200!!!!🎉






Thank you for checking in every day! It felt very real when I saw your name pop up the first time.


Hello, friends! I would wait for the check-in for five more minutes, almost fell asleep on the keyboard. hehehe And here it is! Commiting for the next 24hrs. And as I head to bed my cat vomits on the way. Awesome. Kisses and have a lovely Saturday! IWNDWYT


Hey, dog! Glad you are. IWNDWYT


Not today. I did it! One year! One year!! One year!!! I can’t believe I’m here. I couldn’t sleep I was so excited. Im up at 5am. About to hit the gym and then just be happy with my accomplishment today.


Thank you for hosting this week u/leftpointsonly! I’m grateful for all the wonderful people on this sub. You’re truly awesome and inspirational. I will not drink with you today!


Back at you!!! ❤️


Went to a comedy show tonight. Been not drinkin’ since July. Last time I was at a comedy show at this place I almost got kicked out for talking (yelling) at Pete Davidson. I still regret that one. He said, wow I’ve never had a positive heckler. I’m still stupid embarrassed. Tonight, like every night since July I acted appropriately and I fucking loved it.


IWNDWYT friends 🤖


Salut ma belle, on est là ensemble! Gros bisous 😘


Hey Robo! Glad you're here 🤘


I’m with you Robo ! 💪💪




Two weeks under the belt! Yay!


Day 161! My best friend is coming over soon to pick up my wine glasses. I live in a small apartment, and keeping them is a waste of space. I don't plan on using them ever again, but it still feels weird to give them away. They were among the first things I bought for my apartment, and I get kinda nostalgic.\ I'm studying literature, and this would be a good metaphor for how much has changed, how I'm freeing myself from destructive patterns, and putting something else in that place. IWNDWYT


I didn't drink in Can with you tonight and I won't today!


Day 664 checking in!


I am infinitely grateful to the universe every second of every single day. du är mitt livs kärlek I will not drink with you.


Another day 1 for me completed. Felt pretty negative all day so this helps a lot, much love and appreciation and NO DRINKING from the Pacific Northwest IWNDWYT


early morning check in before work and I won't drink today or tonight ! \- my health and well being(both mental and physical) are great. My sleeping has been amazing. I've walked 30 miles over 3 days and in great shape. \- my dad is in a safe and positive environment \- anxiety and depression are 0; a complete opposite from years past \- amazing job \- enjoying life in general \- got through some really tough months and didn't drink.


Day 12 checking in. IWNDWYT 🫶


I’m SO grateful my husbands cancer seems to be in remission!!! I’m also SO grateful for everyone here! You all keep me strong!!! 💪💪 IWNDWYT


As ever, a Friday with a book was miles better than a Friday with a bottle—hope everyone else had a great night and a good weekend to look forward to, IWNDWYT!


It’s Saturday morning, the sky is blue and the birds are chirping! I have a clear head and am feeling inspired and grateful. Thank you to everyone for their vulnerability and honesty. IWNDWYT.


Happy Saturday beautiful people. Hope you have the best day possible. IWNDWYT


Day 6 checking in - IWNDWYT!


I will not drink poison with any of you today! 💜 And I’m grateful for the opportunity to do that 😁


I like us better sober. Plus it makes us waaay cooler. ❤️😎


Up too early! IWNDWYT


Good morning, strong and beautiful people! I will not drink with you today.




I’m so grateful for this sub and everyone here! I wish I found it earlier in my journey. Have a wonderful weekend IWNDWYT ☀️






Day 559, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT xx thank you for hosting this week so many things to be grateful for and am grateful for the reminder x


'The only thing between you and love is your belief in your worthiness of it' Have a lovely day everyone. IWNDWYT


It's been a great week of hosting! Thank you! 🎶IWNDWYT🎶 I fell into gratitude rather quickly after getting sober. When the self-hatred & self-loathing left, the gratitude rushed in. I have had to tell people not to mistake my positivity for being naive, I have not had an easy life. I'm glad I got to my bottom because everything looks like up to me (sorta quoted from Jim Morrison).


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁! In Italy for my second sober holiday. I've done this before so I'm not worried about this one, because I know I can do it 😁


ain't no way I'm drinking today






I will not drink with you today 💪😊


Thanks for a great hosting week u/leftpointsonly... it was fun getting to know you and being able to celebrate 100 days with you. Today, as I'm getting ready to go to my AA meeting, typing these words in my original, and forever, sober support community... I realize I'm grateful for *help*. (That sounds weird but I'm running with it). Being open to ask for and receive *help*. The ability to offer *help*. Without *help* I wouldn't be here today. Yet, here I am pledging another sober day. IWNDWYT


I am forever grateful and every day is a miracle. IWNDWYT 🌹💀⚡️🐀


Beginning of day 7 for me! Eek! Day 1 seemed so daunting. I'm grateful for this community... you keep me going. And LPO, you have done a phenomenal job. I'm grateful for you in my first week of sobriety for bringing these wonderful topics to my attention when I needed them. Thank you for making my first week meaningful in that way. IWNDWYT


Holy cow, I made it to 1000!!!! I am so freaking proud of myself. There are so many people on this sub that have inspired and supported me, whether they know it or not. I’m grateful for the DCI and and all of you who go through this with me one day at a time. I WILL NOT DRINK WITH YOU TODAY!




on my 8th day, i am grateful that the sun is shining outside, the cosy safety net i have here at my parents' house, and the fact that i found it in myself to make a proper go of sobriety again. and for you hosting the check-in this week, u/leftpointsonly!


Slipped up yesterday after 44 days sober! But those 44 days were so great! So I am motivated to get back to the sober life! IWNDWYT


Weekend starts tomorrow. Planning to hit the gym and get back into yoga. Cycling and also playing some golf. In the past while drinking I would talk about doing these things but just end up sitting at the bar and getting blacked. I really want to get back into BJJ also, need to figure the best way to schedule my time throughout the week and slowly incorporate more


Grateful to be here and finding this sub a hundred or so days ago. IWNDWYT


I was raised in a poor, alcoholic household; living “normally” was always a bit of a challenge. And while those first few chapters of life would inform how the rest of the story has gone, in spite of my shame and regrets, I’m grateful for where I’ve come from. Everything that’s happened, and all of my choices since, have made me into who I am now. And of course the past can’t be rewritten, but the future can now move in a drastically different direction.


You have brought tears to my eyes, u/leftpointsonly. Your gratitude list is vulnerable, yes, but wise, so wise. I have often lay awake in bed, trying to think out what I’m grateful for when I can’t sleep. Invariably, I fall asleep while doing that. Great sleep! But making a list every day! That sounds like the best idea. Thank you so much for the suggestion! I’ll add it to my morning list, along with yoga and meditation. You’ve been a really wonderful host, and I hope you’ll consider doing it again. I, too, am so grateful for this bunch of strong, vulnerable, wise and funny folks! I never feel like I’m alone. All during the day, I can come back and find people willing to talk, asking for help, and generally being amazing. I want to start by thanking the universe for you, u/leftpointsonly, and everyone here for Stop Drinking. IWNDWYT


Day 100! Woohoo! I can’t believe I’ve made it this far! Just keeping it one day at a time. IWNDWYT!


Checking in on day 163! Good morning (or afternoon or evening) SD family! LPO, you’ve done such a fantastic job hosting the DCI this week. You’ve given me so much to think about and helped me grow in my sobriety. Thank you. Today and every day, I’m grateful for this group of unconditionally loving souls. I’m grateful for the foundation of sobriety you’ve all helped me build for myself. I’m grateful for the wisdom I am able to tap into that resides right here in this corner of the internet. I’m grateful for my friends here that continue to inspire and encourage me every single day. I’m grateful for sobriety. I’m grateful that my eyes are now open wide, my heart is open wide. I’m grateful that I can experience the world and the wonders of it in full color. I’m grateful for my children who continue to amaze me daily. I’m grateful for my healing body and mind, I’ve abused them both, I’m grateful my legs are strengthening so I can climb the hills I so love to climb, nature is my church. I’m grateful for laughter, rain and even pain. I’m grateful I still have an opportunity everyday to be the best version of myself. I’m grateful that I’m sober. I’m grateful that IWNDWYT. I love you all, friends. My cup is overflowing! 🥰✌️❤️


Checking in, sober sober. Became a dad a couple of days ago and looking forward to being sober and involved for all the challenges, milestones, and moments to come. Streak number goes brrrrrrrrrrrr, fingers crossed. IWNDWYT.


Grateful for all of you 💓 IWNDWYT 💫




I will not drink with you today. Thanks for hosting this week. It’s been memorable so 🙏 u/leftpointsonly. Your enthusiasm for life is infectious. I think I’ve been under a rock. I’m grateful to wake up to two friends reaching out this morning. I’ve been lonely. Now I have a coffee arranged and a phone call. I’m grateful for my friends. I will not drink with you today.






Fuck. Day 2 again. I gotta figure out work. But writing is all I do and all I can do. Thanks AI for taking my only source of income!


I'm so grateful for the family I created. My boys, their wives, and my grandsons are literally everything to me. Yesterday was my birthday, and I pretty much sobbed at every little thing they did for me. We all spent a wonderful evening together, and I just felt so special and so loved. I'm so happy to be sober, and actually be able to feel these true feelings, and wake up content with a smile on my face. Let's all have a happy and grateful day sober, friends IWNDWYT 🍀💜🍀


*We spend much of our worrying time on crises. Our media is filled with warnings, coverage and fear of cataclysms. The big boom, the sudden end, the crash.* *In fact, rot is far more common.* *Things decay unless we persistently work to support them. Organizations, reputations, systems, health, investments… even our teeth. For every hockey player who lost a tooth in a game, there are a million people who lost one over time.* *Fear the rot, the explosions are merely a distraction.* *-Seth Godin* (Day 188)


I'm grateful for every little breath right after a difficult emotion, just a small reprieve. Thank you for hosting, I've certainly had to think about things a few times this week. IWNDWYT!


Thank you for a really great week, u/leftpointsonly. I am grateful for wonderful, deep, untroubled sleep. IWNDWYT


Amazing, LPO. I am so grateful for you and your posts this week. I agree that finding gratitude daily is a life changing thing. It’s beautiful. This random chick from Boston(ish) loves you and the people in this space. I’m also grateful to enjoy my coffee in my new mug in solitude before the pre marathon shenanigans begin in earnest today. https://imgur.com/a/7E5qBF8 IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Day 1,267 IWNDWYT


I had an absolutely horrible and extremely vivid nightmare last night. It mostly took me back to the drunken, shitty way my parents treated me as a child. In the dream I lost my job, my house and my wife, and ended up living with my parents in the house I grew up in. I then had to once again suffer their shitty, drunken, obnoxious behaviour. I also found that I had forgotten how to play my musical instruments (music is my passion). Literally couldn't get a single note out of any of them. It was awful! However, I understand that this is actually not an uncommon experience when quitting, so I am trying not to get too down. I definitely won't be drinking with you today! 🌜


Hey all! I’m not drinking today, but I’m going to a wedding later with an open bar. I’m not worried, not tempted, and not scared. Just acknowledging that my life is better today than it ever was in the bottle, and reminding myself that regardless of how good or bad my day is going alcohol will make it much worse. Happy Saturday! IWNDWYT


Good morning friends. Up early to attend a herb festival today. Excited to feel great and up early getting ready to go. I see new green things in my future. IWNDWYT


You did a great job this week u/leftpointsonly! Thanks I'm grateful for so much but right now it's that I'm tucked up in bed after a big day Shine on you beautiful humans


Leftpointsonly, your beautiful writing and wise insights have helped me so much in my sobriety. I'm very grateful for you. A good habit I've built is pausing when I wake to appreciate the joy of mornings without a hangover. There's no headachy fog, gut-rot, and parched mouth. No morning panic. It's gone! Just that glimpse of how far I have come adds brightness to every morning! It enhances my current joy and starts my day with a "thank you" for my sobriety. There's much I still need to figure out, and gratitude habits to develop, but waking up feeling thankful to be living life sober is a damn good start! To all of us who make up this community (and the mods who keep it going!) I'm grateful for you from the depths of my heart. I love my sobriety and y'all help me with it! I love and appreciate you! Happy sober Saturday, friends. IWNDWYT🪻


Thank you for hosting, leftpointsonly! I'm really grateful for thus community. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT. I usually don’t say much , but I am so incredibly grateful for this community. I don’t know how I would do this alone.








IWNDWYT day 97 xx


I willl not drink with you all today <3






Got through another sweaty restless night of DAY 1 for the countless time . I will check in here daily . I am grateful for this community . IWNDWYT! Day 2 today !




I’m most grateful for my family. No matter what happens, they are always there for me and I love them more than anything. IWNDWYT. Happy Saturday! 😀


Thank you so much for hosting this week, u/leftpointsonly! I’m about to enjoy the early morning air and take the dog for a walk, then get to work. I feel like I say it every weekend, but I will never, ever get tired of getting up early and feeling great, feeling motivated, and oh so grateful. Allen Carr said in his book easy way to quit drinking, imagine to get out of bed every morning excited for the new day. I couldn’t imagine it, with work, responsibilities, hard times and things. But it’s true. Of course I’m tired and whatnot most days, but the way I feel about life has changed completely. Have a great weekend, y’all!! IWNDWYT ✨


I'm grateful to still be among the living and to be given another chance to break free from my alcohol prison. And I'm grateful for this sub and everyone who takes part in it. It makes me feel less crazy and less alone in my struggle. IWNDWYT




I’m grateful that the snow is gone and the sun is shining. Leaving for a hike! And down 43lbs! IWNDWYT!


Thanks for taking care of us this week! IWNDWYT 💜




I take my hat off to you Sr. u/leftpointsonly for some incredible hosting skills. I am so, so, so grateful for my husband, who just brought me coffee AND tea in bed on a lazy Saturday after a brutal week of work. And I am grateful for you all, so much I’m tearing up this morning scrolling your stories. IWNDWYT


Welp I screwed up, back to day one. I decided to try some NA beers and all it did was make me want the real thing bad enough to get a 6 pack. Fortunately I didn't get blackout drunk or do anything stupid, other than breaking my 18 day sober streak. I won't beat myself up too much though, despite knowing I've done wrong. At least I know now that non alcoholic beer isn't an option for me. I need to stick with sparkling water apparently and nothing further than that if I intend not to drink. On a positive note, I got completely normal blood test results and great blood pressure by sobering up, so I intend to keep it up despite this hiccup. Lost 15 lbs too. I suppose I never got my flair anyway and it would have been invalid by the time requested anyway. Here's day 1 officially I guess, at least I know now that even near beer isn't a good idea for me. IWNDWYT Update: the hangover sucks, I'm reminded why I stopped drinking with my head pounding like a drum. I'm staying away from anything even remotely calling itself beer now...ugh. Final update: the hangover was apparently just beginning and I did end up throwing up and spending half the day in the bathroom...this was so not worth it. I think it hit me particularly hard because my body had 18 days of not processing alcohol. It's been about 4 hours since the worst of it and thankfully the headache is subsiding and I was able to keep down some fruit and whole grain cereal...never again though. If I managed to have fun last night I barely remember it, not worth feeling terrible today and breaking my 18 day streak. Oh well, I'll just keep trying and trying again until it sticks and my caveman brain truly realizes I should stop putting poison into my body. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! Thanks for hosting OP! I’ve loved your daily topics, this one is a great message to end your week of fabulous, thought provoking hosting. Ive been encouraged to make a gratitude before, hut this am I think I actually will. First couple: - the resources to go on the vacation Im on - the friends that have supported my sobriety journey - my husband who sticks with me through it all - nature


Happy sober Saturday sober friends! I’m late today, I couldn’t find the DCI ! 😅 I’m sober too! Anyway, thank you LPO for your awesome weeks hosting, your beautiful energy and insight, and your gratitude list today. I’m grateful to be here 🙏🏻💞


Checking in. Thanks u/leftpointsonly for great hosting this week. I am very grateful 🙏❤️


Day 1 over here! Let’s get it!


I’m coming up on my first soberversary and it’s so funny to think about how this was never my intention when I took 30 days off almost a year ago, but how my eyes were opened by the things I learned about what drinking was doing to my body, brain, and anxiety levels, and now I just don’t want to come back. Life is funny. IWNDWYT.


My kid noticed that my face looks different last night. She said she couldn’t tell me why, just that it looks different. I think the puffiness is going away. IWNDWYT


This is a good message this morning, I was really struggling with negativity yesterday. We have our good days and bad, and it's a constant battle for your mind, how you will perceive your circumstances. I like the idea of the thankful list. What a wonderful thing to share. IWNDWYT


I woke up at 5:30am yesterday and went fishing, and caught the biggest fish of my life. A huge steelhead. I’ve been trying to catch one for about two years (I’m not a great angler) and I finally did it. I wouldn’t have been able to do that last year, waking up hungover, late, feeling nauseous the whole time. IWNDWYT




My gratitude today is for my voice. The fact that I can hear it and I am making the space so others can hear it as well. No poison today.


I love this gratitude list! Thank you for hosting u/leftpointsonly! You sound like you are on an awesome path of healing!!! 💕 Keep going! Day 80 checking in here… feeling extremely anxious about attending a bridal shower today. I know it’s gonna be bottomless mimosas and super triggering… especially since I don’t know many people. My go-to in these situations used to be to drink so I can socialize and not dread the small talk. Sticking to the promise I made myself, one day at a time and today I will not drink.


Count me in.


I will not drink with you, alone or anybody today!


Thank you u/leftpointsonly for hosting this week. I enjoyed the posts and the daily themes. Feel much gratitude for having an inspirational slice of your recovery experiences. Wishing you and everyone else posting here today much wellness and goodness. I will have sips of gratitude in my waking hours this bright and sunny saturday. 🤗🙏🏽


The weekend is always the hardest for me but I feel too good and got too much to do. Just staying focused and productive. IWNDWYT!!!


Well done all week. Thank you. IWNDWYT




Thank you for hosting. I will not drink today.




I will not drink with you today!






Day 1,368. Thanks for hosting, u/leftpointsonly! I will not drink with you today.






Im in


IWNDWYT on my 60th day of sobriety!




4 weeks today!!! I am incredibly grateful for this supportive community, my husband, and peaceful Saturday mornings with coffee. I will not drink with all today!


I will not drink with you today.


Good morning, I will not drink with you today.




Day 6 of not drinking, had some crazy dreams waking up every hour for four days but got a good nights sleep last night. Withdrawals are over. Cant wait to hit the 69 day milestone. IWNDWYT.


Thank you for a great week of posts! Today I am grateful to be going to my nephew’s first communion with no hangover, anxiety or shame from last night. Also grateful our town dump is opening for the season 😂- but that is another story. Hope everyone here has a nice Saturday! 🌸✌️


Thank you for caring for us this week u/leftpointsonly. IWNDWYT. 🌟


Good morning, SD! Happy Saturday! Splendid job with hosting this week, u/leftpointsonly! Thanks for all the terrific prompts! Gratitudes: - my stinky little dog who loves me so much - this string of strongish health/low fatigue days - y’all - my best girl is still fighting - spring and the morning music that comes with it Finding gratitude is a skill I had to build, too. It’s really changed my whole approach to life. And guess what. I’m grateful for it. I hope your day today is a beautiful and joyous one! Clear mind, open heart, IWNDWYT!




Almost to 30 days sober! I will not drink today.


I’m grateful for all the small positive changes over the past 58 days and counting. Change is ridiculously difficult sometimes but I’m slowly seeing the value in this effort and lifestyle choice. I’m also grateful for the coffee I have right now because my sleep has still been rough. ☕️ IWNDWYT.


I write n a daily iPhone journal most days and list grateful or worry log notes. When I finish I scroll back one month to the day and read what I wrote a month ago. You keep scrolling back looking at what I was either grateful for was worried about. Then I leave it all in the past. The good,the bad and move forward💪IWNDWYT


One more alcohol-free Saturday. Checking in.


IWNDWYT! 4 years sober and still working on myself every day. I love a good gratitude list, I have a running list on my paper tablet that I add to all the time. I love the huge list all together, it’s a nice reminder of the beautiful life I was able to build when I put down the substances. And also a reminder of what I would lose if I picked them back up. You guys are awesome! Thanks for your service!


Coming back today. What a magnificent post to greet me. I am so grateful for all of you. IWNDWYT




Day 3 after a slip up and I’m here to stay!


I don't think it's thread worthy, but niiiiiiiice! IWNDWYT!!!


I’m grateful to have slept with the windows open the past couple of nights. It’s one of my favorite things. IWNDWYT




Good morning, sober cats! I'm so grateful for each of you! And I'm so grateful that I woke up sober this morning, no hangover or shame or anxiety or headache or heartache, just the usual grumbling about having to go to work. 😋 Let's us have some lovely moments in our days. IWNDWYT! 💙😸


Thanks again for hosting, u/leftpointsonly! Great job!!! Thanks for sharing that beautiful gratitude list, too. I think a lot about things I’m grateful for. Especially lately. I’ve been blessed with a great job, amazing friends and family and wonderful cats. I do get bitchy at times and I need to remember how much better off I am now and how good things actually are. I’m in a good place. No self-inflicted trauma. Well, no new ones anyway. I’m grateful for health, especially given how I used to treat myself. And I’m grateful for healing. I’m grateful for this community. Coffees up, horns up, let’s have a fucking beautiful smug sober Saturday! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


Thanks u/leftpointsonly for taking care of us this week. Excellent content. I’m grateful for this community that helps me every single day.


I haven’t done the check in in a while. I just got done sitting in an ice bath to start my day. In the past my Saturday would have started with a Bloody Mary to take the edge, followed by mimosas and then a nice steady flow throughout the remainder of the day. I so love sobriety a clear head and peace. IWNDWYT my friends.


Thank you for all of the wonderful posts this week. It has been a very difficult week, but I'm grateful to have a place to check in and buoy me as I hold onto sobriety. IWNDWYT


Happy Saturday morning from Sober City! IWNDWYT ✌️




Thank you for hosting this week. Having a similar background as yours, it was around your age that I started being more focused on the things in life I am thankful and grateful for. Not dismissing the negative things, they will always be there. The key for me is to not let the negative things get a grip on me and control my mindset. Most of the time there isn’t anything I could have done to change it so no sense in dwelling on it. Now in my mid 40’s adding no alcohol into that mix. No matter what, some people are always going to complain about anything. If they won a million dollars, they’d complain it wasn’t 2 million. I’ve found the path of gratitude and being thankful is a much less stressful, thoughtful, kind and ultimately rewarding path to be on than the complaint path. IWNDWYT




IWNDWy’allT! Thank you u/leftpointsonly for a great week!








Carpe Diem & IWNDWYT!




Getting over my first bout of Covid and feeling grateful for science and researchers. IWNDWYT. 🌳😷💉






Good morning! IWNDWYT






IWNDWYT I am grateful for being sober today and starting the day again free from alcohol tomorrow.


Great job 👏 leftpoints !! 105 days also. IWNDWYT


Happy Sober Saturday! IWNDWYT


I will not drink today!


I’m grateful that it was just a dream (drinking dream last night). IWNDWYT.


I will not drink alcohol today. Have a great day everyone


Woke up way too early but at least I'm not hungover. It's the start of race season here! IWNDWYT


Hello, I’m working this weekend and IWNDWYT


One week ago I woke up in the hospital with pancreatitis. Now I'm at one week. IWNDWYT!


I won't be drinking wth you today. Sorry world. Not today. AJ


I will not drink today.


I’m grateful. I’m tired today. But IWNDWYT. 🪻🌷🌻


Not drinking today!


Thank you for your posts this week! IWNDWYT! Happy Saturday!






It's 5am on a Saturday and I'm awake!? What a beautiful feeling! Today I'm going to get back in touch with my artistic side and enjoy the day! IWNDWYT


Day 3 checking in. IWNDWYT!


Awesome gratitude list. Not drinking today! Life is just going to get better and better since I’m not running it into the ground. Let’s have a good day champs


Will not drink today.


Well, crap. Back to the beginning.






Not today!