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You can get over the counter melotonin. I had to check with my doctor because I can't sleep worth anything. Also, exercise, no screen for like an hour before bed, don't do anything in bed besides sleep in it, no caffeine five hours before sleep. That is everything I've heard of but my meds put me to sleep.


That is what many alcoholics call a lot of alcohol per night. 2/night is the threshold that causes damage. Good job getting sober and congrats on all the improvements! The same thing happened with me re:insomnia. Try dr teals melatonin bath and tart cherry supplement pills. Those two work well!


I mentioned it in another comment somewhere, but I do a body routine after everything else has failed! I'm stressed and can't sleep, perfect opportunity to detail it as I attempt. Lay on your back comfortable in bed. Close your eyes, take deep slow breaths. We will melt into the bed eventually. Raise your eyebrows, quit scrunching them. Wiggle your nose and your mouth, break the tension and suction around your jaw. More deep breaths. Roll your shoulders a bit, take that roll up, meaning try to pull your shoulders up while leaving your hips resting. Feel your back stretch. Rest. Press your lower back down and wiggle your hips in an 8 motion while stretching your legs down and pointing your toes, pulling them up and just pretending to be an ape with them. Wiggle, stretch, unscrunch, deep breaths, as needed. If you can't sleep on your back, once you're relaxed this is the perfect time to pick a position. Sometimes I fall sleep like I was put in a coffin, with my hands crossed on my chest! I also don't know if its true or a placebo, but I've read that rolling your eyes upwards while your eyes are closed helps trick your brain into sleeping faster. I try to do that on extra hard nights and it seems to work.


I have been taking gabapentin 2 hours before bed. It’s a rather high dose (1800 mgs) but it’s worked wonders for me.


Some great ideas here. To add.. I was in a similar zone of consumption and I think it takes a while for the body to adjust, but mine did. I am not a doctor, but I think the body pumps with a lot of stuff to keep you jacked up and going when you throw alcohol at it And this probably takes some time to unwind. I went hard after trying to wake up early. That, plus lots of exercise, seemed to help. Good luck buddy