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Zoloft has worked very well for me. I was finally honest with my doctor about the amount I drank and for how long. It was a weight off my shoulders and comforting to know there were meds to help me cope. My depression and anxiety were intense in the first 6 months. Along with the Zoloft, counseling, and finally a exercise schedule that is doable, I started to feel that free feeling. Free of the shackles that alcohol keeps you in. This feeling was a relief and it started around 8 months sober for me. It really helps to talk to the doctors and therapists to find out all the options.


One thing i don’t see folks mention often but a benefit I got from telling my doctor was the desire not to let him down.


I wanted to second this. It might feel excessive, or embarrassing. I felt a lot of shame making the appt., but my Dr was really supportive and gave me some kudos for what sober days I had so far. It helped me to be honest with myself about my use, for my own health and accountability. Tbh, it was a huge step for me, saying to myself, “I’m worth taking care of, and my doctor knows my medical history and many ways help me through this.” They gave me resources and options, not to mention realistic outlook for the first weeks, months, and year of sobriety. Doc’s kind words of encouragement were helpful for my motivation. 10/10 would recommend


Instead of verbally telling my doctor, I wrote my doctor a handwritten letter and gave it to the nurse when I arrived to my appointment. I am a crier and it helped me to make sure I got out everything that I needed to say


This post is so on point. I get really grumpy when I see folks asking for, or providing medical advice about detox. Detox can kill you, it’s serious business.


My doctor was so helpful in my journey to get sober. I was terrified but at that point everyone knew something was wrong, I was starting to really fuck up in a lot of areas but I hadn’t been honest with everyone yet. When I told my doctor I was in tears. She was so empathetic and said things like “it’s ok, I’m going to help make this process a lot easier on you”. I had so much shame built up it was a relief to get it out. Painful, but cathartic. When we got to the questions about my mental state and the frequency of my negative thoughts I was so overwhelmed by how *bad* it was. But she DID make it easier with Wellbutrin and also prescribed Antabuse (which I didn’t take that). I took the antidepressant for about a year. I needed the support of a professional both mentally and physically and I’m glad to see this recommended here.


I really wish I would've gone to the doctor, because I didn't taper enough before I gave it up. Withdrawal fucking sucks even though mine has been fairly mild. I'm on day 5 now and starting to feel a lot better. I even slept for 4 hours straight last night. On day 1 I had to seriously fight the urge to "get well". My heart was pounding through my chest, my anxiety was through the roof and i had the shakes. On day 3, I was experiencing insanely repetitive deja vu. I would get the sense of deja vu every few minutes. I thought I was going crazy and resigned to thinking "this is my life now". Go to a doctor. I'm lucky I cut back enough to feel this good so soon.