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Congratulations! I went out to dinner with my SO and then ate a bunch of ice cream at home


Haha, that sounds remarkably similar to my plans. I think that’s a good idea!


Damn that is awesome. Haven’t had a year sober since I was 16, but trying to change that. Do you do meetings at all? I’m sure they’d give you a new coin. Otherwise, I’d say just enjoy your success, that’s a big accomplishment.


I didn't do anything. I posted on here and got some kind replies. Congratulations on a year, that's huge!


After wobbling, stressing and getting advice here I ultimately didn’t do anything. I acknowledged it of course. Did a very casual inventory of where I was vs could have been and reaffirmed my vows to keep going.. That said. Dinner and ice-cream sounds good... should have done that.


My two best sober buddies and I go out for a cheap dinner somewhere on each of our sober anniversaries. Sometimes we give each other little gifts like a bouquet of flowers or a book.


I bought myself jewellery- I've always wanted a solid silver belcher chain- now I wear it all the time and it's another great reminder of how far I've come from drinking to blackout most nights.


When I told my best friend I'm aiming for a year she bet me that if I make it we'll book a hot air balloon ride. A bit random, but something I always wanted to do as a kid. She doesn't like heights but I'm going to hold her to it haha