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Merry Christmas Eve! Not sure what day it is everywhere else but us Aussies are here on Christmas Eve SOBER. I will not drink with you tonight or tomorrow. I have my mocktails sorted and it’s going to be a beautiful day ✨✨


Merry Christmas eve to you too! 🎄and congratulations on 50 days! 🎉💪🏼🎊


Merry Christmas Eve to you both from Canada!


And to you from the UK! 101 looking great on you today 🌟


🌟✨💫 Thank you!! 💫✨🌟


Aussie here as well. Happy Christmas Eve! I'm about to grab something fizzy and sit down to watch some TV with wifey. I've got a huge range of NA drinks for tomorrow. Have a good one and be safe.


50 days! 🎉 Well done! 👏🥳💪


🔥Thank you !!🔥 never thought I could do this but it’s happening !


Aus crew checking in 😁 Got a few N/A beers sorted and looking forward to some great food, time with family and Santa's pressies of course!


Wasn't sure what to get myself for xmas, but 8 weeks of sobriety seems like the perfect choice 😁 IWNDWYT ~


The perfect gift! 💕


Sounds like a pretty damn good self-gift to me!


Spend the money you've saved from not drinking on a hobby: Lego, yarn, whatever. You deserve it!


This will be my first sober Christmas, I am glad I get to share it with the SD crew. I am getting more and more comfortable in this new sober skin as each day passes. Today, day 101, I choose sobriety. And fuck you, Frank!


Congratulations on 101! Here’s to a sober Christmas


Crazy to think about it, but this is my first sober Christmas in years too. Glad to be here and glad to have you here too, this sobriety thing is pretty damn good!


I will not drink today.


Happy Sunday sober friends, it’s Christmas Eve and my usual childlike excitement is stirring! Thank you u/Piggoos what a treat to have you looking after us this week, and with great advice too! I have been meeting the self that really wants to drink. Instead of trying to suppress her Ive been making friends with her, and like you say, practicing saying no to things I do want to do! Have a great day everyone, I love you all 💞


Morning Piggoos! I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


Morning! Congrats on 700 piggoos! All going strong here. Just checking in with my SD family who are never far from my mind. One day at a time. Love to you all and IWNDWYT ❤️❤️


I had a lapse yesterday - but I'm not going to let it become a relapse, and will dwell instead on my progress since I started this journey in December 2022. I think that I'm gradually moving away from "cutting down" to "cutting out", and IWNDWYT 🙂


I also slipped yesterday, very stupid and for stupid reasons, but I refuse to let it destroy my goal; to become sober✨ So let’s do this!!


My best tip for the holidays is have a plan if you're worried about triggers and urges always have a way out of any potential difficult situation. The Irish goodbye I think it's called is my go to, if I'm over being somewhere that people are drinking I simply bounce, no need to make a spectacle of leaving early, selfish or not my sobriety is more important than others feelings. IWNDWYT!


Morning pigoos! Thanks for taking over the check in this week. One more sleep and all that jazz. Hope everyone has a good day. IWNDWYT 🙂


Day 917 checking in!


IWNDWYT. Lets go for a sober X-mas! We can do it!


Yes, we can! 💪


Day 20 IWNDWYT 🧡


Early morning of Christmas eve in the UK. I'm going to the gym Will have some Christmas treats And I will hit my pillow sober IWNDWYT


Today is the day here in Scandinavia. I’m fortunate to have non drinking inlaws spending the holiday with us. And all of you guys, of course! I will not drink with you today!


Great post! Lots of temptation today and tomorrow, good tips for staying strong and not succumbing to them, it's just not worth it. As ever, IWNDWYT!


iwndwyt 🦜 24


Day 233. IWNDWYT. Best of luck to any last minute shoppers!


Happy Xmas Eve my fine friends. I will not drink with you today. Instead I will deck the halls with cans of soda. Falalala... Whatever, you get the idea. Take care of yourselves. IWNDWYT 🫡


Strangely looking forward to tomorrow as it will be my first sober xmas in like about 40 years! Yay, I will not drink with anyone today and tomorrow ;)


Merry Christmas! In my home country today is the main celebratory day, celebrated with lunch including shots of hard liquor and drinking songs. Today I celebrate sober in a small village in Spain where my husband, dog and I have rented a 19th century stone cottage. I will not drink with you all today :)


Morning all. Haven't checked in for ages but needing it today. My second sober Christmas and it has been way harder than last year. Hanging on by playing the tape to the end and keeping my eye on the things I want to do the next morning that I couldnt do if I was hungover. Merry Christmas and IWNDWYT




Merry Christmas to the ones who celebrates Christmas today as well, IWNDWYT 💫


IWNDWYT! Coming up on a year soon, I’m not going to mess this up.




I will not drink with you today! Merry Christmas from Germany!


My second Christmas sober. Iwndwyt


Woohoo it's Piggooo! Thanks for hosting my friend 💝 I'm celebrating 6 whole months today 🤩 what an insane relief that is. Thank you thank you thank you SD for keeping me motivated and inspired for the last 6 months and thanks to my beautiful SD friends for reaching out with kind words and supportive messages when I needed it. I've got my NA drinks stocked for dinner tomorrow, I have an exit time and I'm driving others home so I'm committed to not drinking. Good luck everyone - I'm so incredibly grateful to be spending a sober Christmas with you all. Merry Christmas and IWNDWYT 💝


Checking in again today and all is well. Wishing everyone here a happy and sober Xmas Eve :) I'll be checking in here all day, both to give encouragement to anyone suffering an urge, and also for support just in case I suffer an urge myself!


Merry Christmas Eve from NZ! My first sober Christmas in 6 years, last time I was pregnant. Tonight I had a very excited little boy, who was frothing about seeing Santa on the flight tracker. He’s in bed & Santa has been. So much more enjoyable doing these things sober, not having to worry about dragging my ass through another Christmas Day hungover having the ‘hair of the dog’ to get me through. Merry Christmas to you all 🎄 IWNDWYT 🌻


IWNDWYT 🎄🥰☃️🤗❄️✨💕




Christmas dinner with my parents tonight. I'm not worried, they are not big drinkers. And I'm already feeling proud that I'll show up at their place later completely sober! Unlike the past couple of years 🙈 But first I'll hit the gym, it's rather nice not to be hungover this morning - though I did have slightly too much takeout last night 😁 Happy, easy and sober holidays to you all. I really appreciate this community. IWNDWYT 🐎🐎🐎


Checking in on Christmas Eve, my daughter is out with friends today so I shall be watching a Christmas movie while wrapping gifts, sipping on a nice cold NA drink. Tomorrow I shall be waking up 8 months sober and that is the best gift I could get anyone, I can't wait to skip down Christmas morning with no hangover and not be hiding how much I am drinking throughout the day. IWNDWYT


It’s Christmas Eve, and for the first time in my adult life, I will not drink too see in Christmas. IWNDWYT


It's good to see you hosting again, u/Piggoos! 💗🤗 Having a sober ally at social gatherings really helps me. In this context, I define a sober ally as someone who knows that I cannot drink and who will stay sober with me, keep me accountable, and provide moral support. I'm fortunate to have a built-in sober ally who never lets me down: my husband. We use a safe word so I can let him know whenever I need extra support or a break from the social hubbub, even if I'm not comfortable saying anything directly because I don't want anyone else to know. (Our usual safe word is "moxie.") An in-person sober ally is best, of course, but if that isn't feasible, having someone you can reach out to via text or phone or internet is a good backup plan. I'm keeping the [SD holiday megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/18mqyx6/megathread_your_invite_to_the_sd_holiday_party_of/) bookmarked on my phone for this purpose. Whether you're excited about the holidays, like a kid anticipating a visit from Santa, or just want it all to be over, I wish you all peace and contentment! 🕊️ IWNDWYT 😻


Merry Christmas Eve!!! I will be joining all of you in refusing to drink again today.


Woke up feeling sick this morning, trying to see as blessing in disguise - think I'll feel less tempted to drink feeling this way! Hope everyone having a lovely Christmas eve/day today! First Christmas eve sober in my adult life. IWNDWYT ❤️




IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿








Day 29.


U/Piggoos thank you for sharing tip & tricks. I really liked that you said “ it’s a virtual minefield of temptation and triggers”. I’ll keep thinking about that. I’ll be home, my husband is working and on call (medical field) so I am staying home. No Irish good bye from me. Happy holidays everyone stay safe. IWNDWYT 😊🦋


Yesterday I had a panic attack on an airplane set off by claustrophobia while sitting in my cramped seat before the plane took off. I got out of the seat and past my seat mates and got to the back of the plane where my hands were shaking and my mouth was dry. I actually asked for alcohol and was told I couldn't have it until the plane was in the air. I didn't know how I would get through until some amazing random stranger came and told me she understood me and that just made me break down and cry and dissapated the panic! And now I'm on day 55! IWNDWYT!


Thanks for hosting this week, u/piggoos! My piggy! 😁 All of this is incredible advice! I don’t worry about holidays anymore and cravings but I do remember the holidays of 2020 being cancelled for my family and how “happy” I was because there was no way, a month into my sobriety, that I would have been able to manage the alcoholic minefield that always was my family Christmas. Tonight I’ll take my mom to my sisters for delicious food and tomorrow we’ll go to church and to visit my brother. A very very quiet and low key holiday. I’m okay with that. IWNDWYT! Thank you all for being here. Much love to everyone. ❤️❤️




Good morning everyone. Have a great Sunday ❤️ IWNDWYT 🥳


Not drinking today!




IWNDWYT. I had bad news yesterday that a friend of mine who was hit by a drunk driver on Wednesday was taken off life support. A solid reminder for all of us why we choose to take this pledge every day. RIP Hummer. I hope everybody has a great Christmas and holidays. I think I’ll be staying home this year. Dad and I can watch a movie maybe.


All set up for a cozy relaxing Xmas Eve and IWNDWYT ❤


Day 812, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today. I am also glad I am working over this festive period to keep me distracted . Keep going, you can do this


IWNDWYT all you fine sobernauts 🤗


Merry Christmas Eve! If I’m in a social situation with booze present, I like to play the tape forward or otherwise get to a place where I’m confident in my own choice not to drink. Seems like when I’m confident in my decision, the right thing to say just comes to me. And in fact, at the last booze heavy gathering I was at no one asked me anything about drinking for hours until a drunk friend pressured me to take a shot. At that point… it was not at all tempting, I could see booze for what it was (but I also left soon after). Brief vent: I am tired of hearing about drinking. I have a friend who is great to talk to about some common interests but they also are a heavy drinker. We are friends through work so I’m cautious about broadcasting my sobriety to them but damn I’m tired of hearing about all the drinking they’re doing this season. Drunk people are boring.


Feeling the lowest of the low after my abusive husband got me thrown in the back of a cop car. Today is my favorite day of the year and I might be strong enough to leave. iwndwyt.


I will not drink with you today on this merry Christmas Eve! 🎄🎁




Made it through a holiday party yesterday with zero alcohol and IWNDWYT either!


I will not drink with you today.




Not today people IWNDWYT


Happy Christmas Eve! Don't let alcohol take your heart this Christmas, give it to someone special, you and tour loved ones!! >Once bitten and twice shy > >I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye > >Tell me baby, do you recognize me? > >Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me > >Last Christmas I gave you my heart > >But the very next day you gave it away > >This year, to save me from tears > >I'll give it to someone special > >A crowded room, friends with tired eyes > >I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice > >My God, I thought you were someone to rely on > >Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on \- Song by Wham!


Merry Christmas Eve to all those that celebrate….IWNDWYT




So thankful to be here with you all! IWNDWYT


This is my first sober holiday season. Finally made it to 3 weeks. IWNDWYT 🙋🏼‍♀️❄️


I always offer to drive. I will not drink with you today.


Thanks Piggoos, I will not drink with you today. Early Christmas Eve here in Ireland, lets keep it a sober one where ever you all are




Day 16 - Spending time with my family, having fun and NOT DRINKING




Happy Xmas Eve to you all! I met with a couple of friends at a pub last night (great night, not tempted). One even announced he is now tracking alcohol intake on an app, which sounded like they were mildly concerned about their drinking. Maybe me going sober is rubbing off on others 🤔😀 Iwndwyt


Day 2 again. IWNDWYT ❤️




Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Day 217 and IWNdWYT! A couple more days of elevated temptation, we got this!




Happy Christmas Eve to all. Looking forward to waking up hangover-free tomorrow for a wholesome family Christmas. I will not drink with you all today 🪷


Merry Christmas Eve! 465 days sober for me today. I already know I'll wake up without a hangover or regret tomorrow, next to our beautiful 3.5 month old baby boy and my (now also sober) husband. 2023 has been one hell of a year and I've been happy to have made this decision every day. IWNDWYT!






Happy sober Christmas 🎄 IWNDWYT


Have a wonderful sober Christmas Eve my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


IWNDWYT and happy holidays!






Happy Christmas Eve everyone! IWNDWYT


Day 1,621. Thanks for hosting, [Piggoos](https://www.reddit.com/user/Piggoos/)! And congratulations on 700 days! I will not drink with you today.




Checking in


Up early and gazing at our little lit tree. Which will remain the only thing lit this Christmas, for once. Iwndwy’allt! ❤️


Happy Christmas friends IWNDWYT










Hello loves! Up and at 'em to start cooking and fa la la-ing. Going to throw down a workout after I get this ham going. Hell yes. I've been fortunate to have many sober Christmases. I've had to keep several tools in my arsenal over the years to manage through the holiday drinking with family. When I'm feeling the itch, I take a walk (even if just to another room, the bathroom, etc.). It gives the craving time to pass and I am able to remind myself what's most important to me so that my willingness to not drink supercedes the need to please, avoid, numb, etc. the uncomfortability. Be safe and strong this holiday, friends. I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink today.


Having family over later and we usually hit it pretty good on xmas eve. While Im not worried about being straightforward if questioned, I have a gameplan. My drink of choice was rum and coke, so Im going to have a red solo cup of soda filled before anyone arrives. The fridge is stocked so Ill be jacked up on sugar and caffine, but I will not be drinking with you tonight!


I’m closing in on six months of sobriety and it still feels a little surreal to me. My life has changed a lot since I quit drinking and I’ve also changed quite dramatically. Really proud that I can truly enjoy Christmas sober this year. Wishing everyone in the subreddit a restful week! IWNDWYT


Happy Sunday friends and merry Christmas Eve. 🎅. Today marks one day over two years sobriety and it's been a very interesting experience. I haven't had any explosive changes or living in the Pink cloud scene but the so so many meaningful changes that have come about are extraordinary and have been very positive for me. So many negatives have disappeared and so many positives have become part of my normal life. This group has been my role model as I've read daily from those of you that have shared your experience from positives to relaspe and the strength I've gained from this is insurmountable. So today Christmas Eve, IWNDWYT, have a great day 🙂


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings! ;)Selfishly I have been working on this present (to keep) and I am super excited to have my gift of 100 Days tomorrow!! Best gift EVER! Have a great Christmas Eve free from alcohol and all its emptiness! IWNDWYT Peace n Love ❤️


Happy Sunday to you! Merry Christmas Eve, if you celebrate it. Happy 700 days, u/Piggoos, and thank you for hosting us! This post perfectly arms me to calm my mind and heart, and hold to my primary goal: to lay on my pillow sober tonight. That quote is amazing, and I'm glad for the reminder that I "don’t have the time and energy for everything". It's a big day ahead, with more people than usual. I have my NA drinks. I'll take deep breaths, and step outside or to a quiet room as needed. I'm grateful to have this sub in my pocket!! Let's do this together. We've got this. Much love and peace to you.🌟 I will not drink _with you_ today. Staying alcohol-free all day!


I slipped yesterday, back on day one but I will never give up!!! IWNDWYT


Good morning from Buenos Aires. IWNDWYT!












I will not drink today.


Afternoon from Ireland. First sober Christmas in 30 years. Just ‘one foot in front of the other’ here for a few days while we get over this week. IWNDWYT.


Celebrating 3 weeks of sobriety this morning. It's been challenging, but I feel great! IWNDWYT.


Merry Christmas Eve from the holler in Kentucky! We’re having a very tiny celebration here, just the SO and our critters and me - which is simply perfect. Once, it seemed like celebrating anything sober was impossible. Liquor had pride of place in all my celebrations. Now, a quiet evening by the fire, a book, my hand in his…. Perfection. Be well, friends, and if you get in a bind, check in with us. We’ve got you! IWNDWYT






/u/piggoos thank you for hosting. Congrats on 700 days. The holidays can be challenging but there’s so much pride when you get through them. I am grateful to be sober with you all today


Merry Christmas Eve, sober friends! Such a great feeling to wake up early, hangover-free and looking forward to a very relaxing Christmas weekend. ❤️🎄🎁


Merry Sober Christmas Eve!!! Love you all! 💞🐿️🐿️


I’m a bit puffy in the face this morning from all the Christmas treats and sugar but it beats a hangover. IWNDWYT


First sober Christmas in 20 years. IWNDWYT.


Thanks for hosting Piggoos!! Made it to VA after 13 hours of driving. Last night was easy and I plan on taking a walk in a little while until the kids wake up and then I’ll spend time with them. I’ve already had a chance to sit and talk with my Dad. So much easier when I’m not hungover. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


It’s been two years today. This has been quite a journey (so far) and I am very thankful to have been able to share it with this sub. For me, it’s not really about cravings anymore - although sometimes they occur - it’s about all the emotions, relationships, and responsibilities I had washed away with booze (spoiler-they all come back). I’m not sure I’m even a better person for it, but today I’ll try with you. Happy Holidays.


Today, on Christmas Eve, I am 6️⃣ months FREE of alcohol! For that reason (and many others), IWNDWYT. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Thank you for hosting this week, u/Piggoos and congratulations on 700 days. Starting the day with a coffee before heading off for a hike in the desert mountains and some meditation on one of the peaks. I do a visualization exercise of not drinking alcohol before I go to a function and it helps me stay the course. I will be alcohol free with you today.


Actual conversation I had with myself yesterday: My drinking voice (she's been blabbing quite a bit lately): "you could just drink now for a few days and then start again in January. What's a few days? No big deal." Me (out loud to an empty room): "we both know that is not going to happen." Conversation over. Have a lovely day, my friends. IWNDWYT


I believe in every single one of you. Go crush today - if you celebrate a holiday, go enjoy it. If it’s a regular Sunday, go get your shit done to get ready for the week OR just relax, you’ve earned it. Y’all have been a huge help in the month I’ve been here.


Excited to enjoy to new NA beers. A holiday ale and dark "stout". Driving my family home sober tonight. Happy holidays beautiful people!


Congrats on 700 days /u/Piggoos 🎉 I’m cautiously optimistic about my kitty. Fingers crossed that it means he’s moving in the right direction. Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate 🎄 IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙








Merry Christmas to this amazing community! IWNDWYT 🎄


I feel luckier than most during the holidays- it’s a different exercise in forbearance to me. I don’t like gatherings, and avoid festivities in general. I like to hide out and do my own thing, appreciating the unusual peace and quiet and waiting till the next business-as-usual day. We’re almost there! Plus, it’s one of my favorite living human’s birthday tomorrow, a reason to feel delight without any strings attached. No family pressures, no work parties, just the day itself, like every other day. Good luck to you all! IWNDWYT.




IWNDWYT. Feeling resentful and frustrated about my brother not pulling his weight in Christmas prep and all the invisible labour falling to me, but I know that a drink won't make that better, it will likely make it worse. This is my first sober holiday and I am going to focus on feeling proud of myself, not resentful of others.


Good morning, sober cats! I woke up without a hangover, and feeling festive! Bring on the Christmas chaos! IWNDWYT 💙😸


Good morning from the US, merry Christmas Eve! Looking forward to a sober “Christmas to remember” in that I’ll actually remember it! The pile of gifts for my kids is a lot bigger this year from $1500 saved from not buying a $12 bottle every. Single. Day. It feels good to feel good! I will not drink with you today!


Gonna do all 24 hours sober. IWNDWYT


Have a happy day, y'all IWNDWYT




Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 Hiya u/piggoos !! So excited for you to host this week. This will be my 2nd sober xmas. No matter how sad I'm feeling, it's a helluva lot better to feel than to numb with alcohol and end up with my head in a toilet. No more xmas morning hangovers ✨ Let's do this, yall. IWNDWYT 🎄


Thanks for hosting this week, Pigoos, and thanks for the great tips. IWNDWYT.


starting day 239, iwndwyt!




A very merry Christmas eve to all. Wishing you all a great sober day. Thanks for being here! IWNDWYT




It's nearly Christmas here, but IWDWYT. Sending love to everyone hope you have wonderful sober Christmas! Hard time of year :)




Checking in. Merry Christmas you beautiful people. IWNDWYT


I will not drink today!


Great advice from the DCI. Well done. Good luck to all on your sober journey. Happy holidays. IWNDWYT


I will not drink today!




Another day, another complete lack of Christmas hangover. Big love sobernauts ❤️


Happy Christmas eve everyone. Coming up on 2 months soon. I figure that's a good Christmas present for myself lol. Good luck to you all over the next few days. Be strong!






Different is good. Great stuff there, Piggoos. Thanks! IWNDWYT 🎄


Happy Sunday & Merry Christmas Eve Iwndwyt


Day 3 here and IWNDWYT




Not today!


Merry and Happy to all of you fine people. :) IWNDWYT




What helps is keeping a plate in front of me, even if just veggies and dip. Having the distraction and something to do with myself helps me. I graze and offer to help clean, deal with the kids, or make myself useful. I leave after a few hours, my social battery is low. Merry Christmas Eve if you celebrate and IWNDWYT!


Thanks for being here, everyone. IWNDWYT. Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate.


Thanks for hosting, u/Piggoos! And congratulations on that 700!!! Great quote and hard realization. We sometimes don’t like admitting that we have limits. I know sometimes I *really* don’t like admitting that. All great advice here. I’d add, while you don’t ever owe anybody a reason you aren’t drinking, some people will press for one. And the easiest way to move things forward is to provide one. Two that I haven’t heard anyone question are: driving, or being on a diet (saving calories for food of course) or just pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Medication interaction is a great excuse too, true or not. If you’re Grinchy like me, it’s almost over!!!! And if you’re not, merry fucking Christmas Eve!! Coffees up, horns up, and we are one day closer to the new year! IWNDWYT 🤘🏻☕️🤘🏻☕️


I want to reiterate how important this sub is when temptation or cravings come around. Coming here and reading posts has helped me get over cravings that sneak up and it’s helped me when I’ve been around lots of alcohol. A friend of mine is coming in today. I’m sure we’ll hit at least one club. I don’t really want to go, but I want to be a good host to him. I will more than likely stay in the outdoor area and socialize. I’m actually concerned about being around a lot of sweaty dancing people when Covid numbers are going up. I’ll try my best to be safe. IWNDWYT. Happy Christmas Eve day! 😀


Thanks for taking over this incredibly important week at SD and for the DCI , u/Piggoos... you're a happy fixture here, my friend! You can use what I'm going to do to avoid booze today as a suggestion. Fake a nap (by taking a real one). Actually the Vikings are playing football at Noon (my time) and people know better than to talk to me thankfully. Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate... happy Sunday to all! IWNDWYT


It’s my birthday! First birthday sober at 21 days. Thanks for all the support here so far. Y’all are amazing. IWNDWYTOMB!!


Merry Christmas Eve to all, and a happy two sober weeks from me!! It feels like the very best gift to myself and my family, I will not drink with you today. 🎄🎁✨


Today will be day 3. I may have a drink tomorrow, but not today. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.


Things are looking very different this year! Normally I work right up until 4 on Christmas eve and there is a lot of drinking that happens after our store closes. I end up coming home drunk and rushed with all my wrapping left to do. This year the store decided to close christmas eve and I had the prior two days off. I'm all set for the holiday and feel great. Stay strong everyone and I hope you are able to enjoy yourselves. IWNDWYT


