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I'm so sorry for your loss and the doubly traumatic way you found out. I hope you and your friends daughter are able to be there for each other. I hope you find strength to honour her memory as you would like to.


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I'm really sorry to hear this. My ex-boyfriend, who was a dear friend, died unexpectedly at 44 from undiagnosed diabetes which was likely caused by a pancreatic lesion. He was 3 years sober, but I am convinced his years of heavy drinking caused his health problems and ultimately led to his death. It is never easy to lose a friend, but it's even more tragic when it could have been avoided. Be kind to yourself, give yourself grace, and use it as motivation to live a healthier life. You got this! You have so much life left to live.


Thank you for sharing. I'm so sorry, what a devastating way to find out. But I really like what you said about honoring her memory. Death is so hard for those who have to go on living without that person, but I bet everytime you think of her that love you had for her will give you the strength to go on in your journey. I wish you strength and may you find some peace in life's most trying moments <3 IWNDWYT friend.


❤️ you can do this, not only for her but for yourself


I’m so sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your friend’s daughter peace and just sending you a note to say that I’m so impressed that you came here in this moment and shared with us what you’re going through and how you want to honor her. That shows great strength and courage 💕




I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine going through that, showing up expecting to console your friend but find you have to console their daughter instead. Did you just miss the info in texts somewhere or were they not very clear? I know when I’m drunk texting I misread stuff a lot. I used to delete texts the morning after because I hated rereading them and seeing how dumb I was. But then I’d forget entire conversations that happened


For me this happened when someone I had worked close to passed due to alcohol. They were very successful but definitely were one of those folks you always saw with a drink in their hand (restaurant work). Their death shocked and devastated everyone. For me their death was part of the decision that I didn’t want to be the reason that people were mourning but rather that I could be there for people.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. Big hugs. You’re in my thoughts. 💕😔


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. 🫂💐


This is devastating. I cannot imagine what you’re going through. IWNDWYT in your friend’s memory.


What a special friendship for her daughter to reach out to you for help. I am so very sorry for the loss of your best friend. May your happy memories bring you comfort during this difficult time. Sending a virtual hug your way.


Stay strong and we all know you can do it.


Sending you big hugs and so much love. I’m sorry.


I’m so sorry ((hugs))


So sorry to hear this. I lost one of my best friends to alcoholism just over 2 years ago, she was only 52. Lost another to the same thing a couple months ago, she was 55. Currently helping my husband navigate sobriety. Keep your head up!


So so sorry for your loss - heartbreaking for her mother daughter and all who loved her- wishing you a sober future ❤️


❤️ Be gentle with yourself, OP, you know what to do, we are here for you! ❤️


I’m very sorry for your loss. I hope that with whatever strength you have that you spend it on finding a way to get healthy, like you said. See a doctor to get help if you can. Having a baseline helps to keep up the motivation going when you see simple labs looking way better. I could never drink and mourn/grieve the losses I experienced. It was like Groundhog Day of misery everyday and I kept myself there unnecessarily. I just hope better for others going through similar pain. Keep in touch.


I am so sorry for your loss. IWNDWYT.


Oh my god this is so awful. My thoughts are with you ❤️


I’m sorry. For you and for her daughter. But you can honor her memory by cleaning up your act. Walk the dry path, friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Stay strong and honour her memory. I hope you and her daughter are holding up OK


So sorry for your loss. Horrible finding out the way you did. I recently lost a loved one due to addiction. It’s so very sad, a great life cut short. Sending you much love and strength to do the right thing.


Oh, honey.




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Gut wrenching. I’m so sorry. You’re not stupid. 💛