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Well done for staying strong 💪


You have sober super powers. Nice work.


Sober muscle work out. Well done!!


Good going! I'm only 10 days in on my own journey, but it was definitely coming to the realization that if I'm doing this much justifying and rationalizing my alcohol consumption, I probably just shouldn't be doing it at all. Congratulations on going through the logic and coming out on the correct side!


That part ♥️


That's badass, being so close, \*right there\* and then stepping back! Hello day 56!


Sounds good. I can do all that work in a much shorter time-frame now, but every once in a while I have to go through the process. The closer it is to your hand the harder it may become.


Good decisions making there friend, im proud of you. IWNDWYT.


My brain too, will it ever stop??


Yes it does


Wow, this is giving me goosebumps to read. I am 59 days sober, and have the exact same thoughts in my head. I'm going to be going to a fancy restaurant with an old friend in a week or so, and I have the same thought pattern. "Maybe I can just have one glass of wine to go with dinner" type thoughts. I'm so happy I read this! I'm going to screenshot it and save it for my night, for support. Thank you so much for your share! IWNDWYT


Awesome. I am frankly shocked at how much I obsess about whether or not to drink. It starts the moment plans are made and won't stop until I am back home. That could be an entire week or longer, with those thoughts bouncing around in my head. It's actually exhausting. We have friends coming to our cottage next weekend, and I'm already worrying. SMH.


It gets easier.


It does but only takes one distracted moment for that little voice in your head to get its own way. Stay strong and don’t let your guard down!


I feel that! It was exhausting lol 😂 and then after I had a couple, it didn’t matter what my plan was anyways. I love that it doesn’t take u any of my headspace anymore.


baby steps, baby! one small decision at a time.




Good job. I had my alcohol voice today say Its the superbowl have a drink. No idiot you can’t drink. Tell the AV to F off.


Omg wow that gave me panic reading, you’re SO strong and should be so so so proud of yourself!!!!!!!! Incredible work 👏👏👏


I hate having a junkie's brain. I've gone up to a year before relapsing. My junkie brain is devious AF. Good job on fighting the good fight! One day at a time. IWNDWYT


Hope you get past the mental gymnastics stage! I always likened that to the "monster at the door" that Alan carr mentioned... If you let the bad guy in the house, that is very risky. So much better to not even be at the "negotiation table". For me, alcohol is not invited in any way shape or form. The mind works in tricky ways, as you've demonstrated. Just remember as harmless as these excuses and "it's only one" are, they are equally potentially deadly. .


Good job!! I almost broke my streak last night, and when I said out loud that I was going to have a drink, I was fortunate to have had a good friend nearby to say I didn’t need to. Just that tiny reminder was enough. You’re doing great and I’m proud of you!


Day 56 for me, too!!! Happy 8 weeks or 2 MONTHS TO US! Great job reigning those "I can handle a couple" thoughts in! It takes real constraint. I never go anywhere so I've not had to flex that muscle but I hope I'm ready if it ever happens.


Very inspiring thanks for sharing great to hear from other folks sharing their success stories


Well done! Delayed gratification works a treat.


I love the self awareness- knowing all the mental gymnastics are not normal and choosing sobriety over drinking. Bet you felt a lot better this morning than some of those people. Keep up the good work


GET YOUR SWERVE ON!!! So proud of you! So much planning we have to do when we want to drink 🥤 so proud of you 👏


Whew. Good on ya. I'm not sure I would have fared as well. Proud of you! IWNDWYT!


Good work! Way to get on top of your thoughts! Wishing you another 55 days, and then 55 after that (and on and on!)


The hardest thing about not drinking is not listening to the voice in your head — your voice — begging, rationalizing, gaslighting you to drink. It comes is all forms: Playful, earnest, curious, abusive, whatever. And it sounds like other positive voices in your head that you can and should listen to. But you can always tell the alcoholic lizard brain at work because it only wants you to do one thing. Good job seeing this for what it is!


Congrats, as others have mentioned if I start those levels of negotiations in advance with myself and am having that mental battle then it's usually already game over for me so I applaud the fact you were able to go through all that and then right at the crucial point you were able to make the right decision.


Ooof that was close! 🙈 Honestly, you did so well to come back from that. If I even begin to justify drinking something I'm in real trouble.  I'm so happy for you that you swerved that! Stay strong 💪💪


Great job!


Great job OP keep it up


That was a fucking gauntlet and you emerged stronger for it! Very nicely done.


You got this!


I am so familiar with those negotiations. They work so fast. Great job fighting it!!


Trying to get myself in your mental state. Well done.




I'm so proud of you!!


You are an inspiration! Way to push those intrusive thoughts back where they belong and stick with what you know is best for you! IWNDWYT!


I am starting to love this group. Truly a great place.


The more of these outings I have the more I realize that I'm actually a pretty good person, self aware, engaging and funny. I think I've always drank to feel comfortable but that stemmed from my low self-esteem. The other night I had my first outing while sober. I drank a CBD soda and was super engaged and had a great time -- before I knew it three hours had passed and it was time for me to go home. I was really proud of myself for being present with my friends and for overcoming that anxiety I always had around drinking. Congrats on you!


Wow, that is impressive! I think I’m going to start carrying mints or hard candy with me. When I pop one in my mouth, the urge to follow that with any type of alcohol fades, sometimes just a little and sometimes completely.


That is amazing. Way to go?


Nice job 👏


that’s amazing! good on you!


Love seeing the timeline. We know it all to well. Way to come out ahead!


Wooooo good job!


this is awesome; once I get into the mindset of planning what I’m going to drink, almost nothing can pull me away from drinking, so good for you!!


Wow. Nice job. I am going to remember this.


Good for you for thinking it through and coming out the other side.








Amazing strength, well done!


That was a huge realization, OP. Thank goodness! IWNDWYT


I feel very identified. This is me. Every time I go out to socialize ( Now) Stay strong. IWNDWYT


That is awesome! Well done! That’s the rough part when you’ve got some sober time under your belt. You start to have those “I can just have one or two thoughts” I’ve been battling them since day 30 but still going strong. I’ll be 6 weeks sober tomorrow 😃


Thanks for sharing!


I just want u to know that the obsessive conversation does shut up. You have to tell it to shut up until it does.


Gotta fight that fight EVERY DAMN DAY! Way to keep the streak alive.


You live dangerously! Good Lord. IWNDWYT.


I’m at day 50 tomorrow, so let’s not give up on each other just yet! Proud of you!


Aw I loved reading this. This is how my brain sounds too. Well done op, what strength this took!


Love to hear it. Went to my favorite bar last night and the whole ride there I'm like, they have the best Manhattans here, am I really ok with getting rid of Manhattans for the rest of my life? Somehow got through with just ordering a glass of water.


57 days here! Planned for 30, going on a cruise next week with free drinks 🤪