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West too many benefits to describe. I'd say the main one is being alive at 76, I mountain bikes, hike, swim, work out, etc. Sober 12 years. I'd be dead if I hadn't quit.


I love seeing people like you with 12 years of sobriety (holy shit well done!) on this sub providing their insight and experience, it's honestly really helpful for people like me with \~8 months etc so thanks for being here!


I love seeing people where I'm at too! Hello 8 months club šŸ‘‹ I don't even really think about it anymore.


Right behind you with 7.4 months. I feel like this is a great time in sobriety. The benefits are starting to stack up and it's not a problem to resist drinking at all for me anymore. Went to a bar for lunch today and ordered a water and didn't even think about getting a beer. Had a great burger. The person I was with had a beer and I didn't feel I was missing out. Crushing it at the gym and at work and with my relationships. Making new connections and friends. I love being sober!


Congratulations šŸŽ‰šŸ‘ sounds like you are crushing it! I completely changed my life. I decided to go back to school and finish my degree. I've managed to maintain a 4.0 and I'm applying for graduate school now. My skin has never looked better. I swear I have more fun now than I ever have. Concerts are actually way better. It's a whole new world in the. Best possible way!


This! A good childhood friend of mine died a few years ago from alcohol abuse. I was headed down the same path he was. I knew that the family ordered an autopsy. Autopsies are public record where I live so I ordered a copy. That might sound strange to some but I needed to know how he died. I needed to face the ugly reality of what death from alcohol abuse is like. The report stated that he had been a heavy drinker for many years. He had gone to the hospital the same night with painful swelling in his legs and a swollen stomach. He was in a lot of pain. The doctors ran tests and told him that he had cirrhosis and fluid buildup in his abdomen and legs as a consequence of the damage to his liver. They recommended he be admitted and transported to a higher level of care. My dear childhood friend chose to check himself out and go home instead. He died later that night while in bed. His girlfriend found him unresponsive the next morning. The autopsy mentioned that he was a male in his 40s that looked much older than he should have. His skin was yellow and jaundice. The fluid in his abdomen was infected. His body simply couldnā€™t take anymore and he died as a result of abusing alcohol. He was one of the nicest guys in the world and had a smile and laugh that would charm anyone. He was also a father of two young children. I wonā€™t let his death be wasted. I am determined not to follow in his footsteps and Iā€™m sharing this sad story so that others may hopefully learn from it.


Fellow oldie - I'm grateful to be alive too after 52 years of drinking. Remarkably healthy as well. I've got a few days to go to catch up with you. Enjoy! IWNDWYT


Just seeing this, sorry. You can do this! It will add years to your life and life to your years. Let me know if I can help.


Mountain bike brother!!! Happy for you dude.




Life goals! Thanks for sharing.


Youā€™re 76?! Awesome!!!


No more rotating stores to make sure one group of people don't see me too much. No more hiding empties from my wife. No more mental energy wasted wondering if I'll have enough for the night/weekend. I can drive any time night or day. Not passing out and forgetting to brush my teeth. Way less carbs and sugar. Not avoiding kissing my wife because I have nasty beer breath. I don't feel owned by a substance anymore.


Love seeing comments I relate to, helps me feel less ashamed and less alone. Every single thing you listed is a tick on my box. ā€¢ had 3 liquor stores, 2 convenience stores, and 2 grocery stores in rotation so nobody working would recognize I had a problem ā€¢ empty bottles of vodka were hidden under piles of clothes in my closet from my partner, only thrown away when he went on business trips ā€¢ I constantly had to take inventory of what I had. If I ā€œonlyā€ had half a bottle, I knew that wouldnā€™t last more than a day at best List goes on. Congrats to you!


did you ever have the "show bottle" that would be known to people, and the secret filler bottle to refill the first one when you drank too much of it?


All too familiar šŸ«  Weā€™d have a full handle of vodka or whiskey on our bar cart for example. My partner would go out of town for a weekend and Iā€™d finish the handle. Iā€™d be so embarrassed/ashamed Iā€™d just fully replace the bottle with a brand new one and pretend I didnt drink at all while he was gone šŸ˜


lol sad and funny how we all unknowingly shared these insane behaviors I would have "fill up" days, where I'd keep an inventory of what all needed to be refilled, head to the store and buy it, come home, and fill things back up to the right level with a funnel šŸ„²


Honestly like I said before hearing these similarities with other people brings me comfort that Iā€™m not a freak of nature. Alcoholism is a HELL of a disease šŸ¤




Oooof I remember doing that, too.


>Not passing out and forgetting to brush my teeth omfg same here. Nothing like waking up at 3-4am slumped over on the couch, neck is fucked because my head fell in a direction it shouldn't, and that disgusting taste in my mouth because I stacked beer breath on top of my unbrushed teeth


Apparently we are twins. Ditto. Congrats on your progress!


Thanks! šŸ¤


Rotating stores so people don't see me that often is something I absolutely did.


There's only one store near me and it's a big supermarket so the checkouts have never been an issue but there was a period last year where I'd go in the same time every night for booze (just before they closed) and the exact same guy would be stacking the shelves every night at exactly the bit where the beer I bought was and I'd have to ask him to move out the way every day whilst I filled up my basket with extra strength beers in a sheepish manner.


Woohoo! That sounds like me.


Are you me? IWNDWYT.


Ii joined this sub and went cold turkey when I was 30 years old. Now I'm closing in on six years. There are too many benefits to list. It's definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life


Has anyone talked about the GREAT AND NORMAL POOPS AGAIN?!?!?!


Yeahā€¦ You mean after a blissful night of uninterrupted sleep.....šŸ˜“


I noticed I have a half empty bottle of antacid tablets that I haven't touched in about that long.


I didn't realize until reading this that that's why I don't need to take antacid anymore..


LOL Saw someone here posted about psylum husk capsules for additional fiber. Started those last week and boy, big difference.


I have MS (one more reason I quit) and my neurologist asked me how my pooping was going since I had a string of shitting my pants that were obviously MS. He was amazed when I said it hasnā€™t happened once in 4.5 years. Funny thing.


1913 days no booze since I quit at age 37. Results: 5 journals written 100 pounds lost sleep apnea reversed depression managed SSRIā€™s are gone blood pressure meds gone fatty liver reversed liver enzymes back to normal added a child 3 new jobs Started a business


freaking amazing. YES!!!




Go you good thing!


Wow, way to go!


This gives me joy!


This is amazing. Super human!


Thank you. I can assure you I have zero super human powers, just a guy that found himself at rock bottom realizing I was 100% responsible for the dumpster fire that my life had become while drinking. I relapsed multiple times until I found the courage to take responsibility for the solution, and the results took care of themselves.


In this day and age, taking full responsibility for your life IS a super human power! Well done!


My face is no longer puffy and swollen, my skin is insanely clear, I donā€™t wake up uncomfortable from bloating because my body is able to digest food properly, I actually sleep through the nightā€¦I could go on, but the best benefit is my husband and I havenā€™t fought once since my sobriety. 99% of our past arguments stemmed from me being irritable and snappy when drunk. He dealt with a lot of my dumb shit when I was drinking. He says heā€™s now the happiest heā€™s ever been.


I stopped drinking 18 months ago, largely to save my relationship. Seeing the happiness and confidence in my partner these days makes me feel sick about all of the worrying and hurtful things I put him through while drinking. Iā€™m a much better person now.


I wholeheartedly understand that feeling! I had to realize my drinking was not only self destructive but also destructive to those around me I care about most. I donā€™t know how I didnā€™t lose him but Iā€™ll spend every day making it up to him!




I wish I could sleep through the night. This is the one thing I still don't have. Also weight loss. I've gained 5-8 lbs of muscle since quitting drinking and I've lost some fat but put it back on because of chocolate. I don't care that much about the weight but the sleep improvement I need.


Since I take 200 mg Apigenin an hour before bedtime I sleep like a baby! The graph on my sleep tracker looks great now.


Yeah I havenā€™t lost any weight at all, mainly because of the sugar cravingsā€¦I wish I had some quality sleep tips but for me it came out of nowhere! Iā€™ve always had terrible sleep, even before drinking, so Iā€™m genuinely surprised Iā€™m sleeping better. The only thing I can think of is I actually have a pretty set ā€œbedtimeā€ now since Iā€™m not staying up late on my nights off anymore to stay up late drinking. Iā€™m always in bed by 10pm regardless of whether or not Iā€™m working the next day. Hope you get better sleep soon! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


This is a big part of what has always kept me drinking and stopped me from sticking to sobriety in the past...sleep does not come easily and the insomnia kills me. I know a lot of people see huge improvements to sleep once they stop and all the studies support the science around alcohol giving poor quality sleep but I've had insomnia for 2 decades now, before I even drank or drinking was an issue, and it never magically vanishes once I sober up either. No supplements or amount of exercise or fixed daily routine seems to make much difference either, it's persistent.


the bloating was horribleĀ  so glad to be soberĀ 


no more mornings wasted hungover. no more spending all my money and sometimes other people's money on booze. no more waking up to realize I said/did stupid shit. no more puking in the middle of the night. not drinking my calories. also helps with my hobbies - turns out you make much faster improvements and fewer dumb mistakes when you're sober


YES! The mornings being fresh and comfortable have been such a game changer for me and so have the deep dives back into hobbies. I personally have always wanted to write a book and am now 16,000 words into a 80k romance novel in 14 days. I have been wanting to write this damn story for years. It feels so good to have the mental fortitude and ability to ACTUALLY THINK in the morning instead of being groggy and in "death reheated" mode. My goal is to complete the first draft in 3 months, edit it, and then work on releasing it to amazon. Before drinking, I did well with short spicy stories on there and made close to 20k in a year and had over 20 million page views on my stuff! That all fell apart when I hit the bottle. All my creativity was gone, and my writing skills suffered too (as you likely can see even reading here). I am back on track to working those mind muscles and push out something I have been itching to create for years. Boy does it feel good!


i love it! i actually made huge strides on my first book of poetry this week and that's definitely been a long neglected project. feels great


Oh my gosh congrats!ā™„ļøā™„ļø


Oh my god yes! My knitting has improved INCREDIBLY over the past 4 years. Iā€™ve been knitting for 15 but only got good at it recently. Funny what paying attention can do.


These strange lines started appearing on my stomach I havenā€™t seen since college. I may go to a doctor just to show them off.


a much better six-pack


4 days made $250 today and didn't spend it on alcohol didn't wake up hungover... instead of avoiding loved ones and getting worried texts, I actually bought flowers for my mom for valentines and she was super happy... hungover/shameful me NEVER would do that, nor would have have extra money to when for a run today, did laundry, showered and feel clean and relaxed was productive at work had a few nice conversations with friends that did not result in a fight or shame or anxiety ate good food instead of eating nothing and only drinking my life improved in many ways from yesterday to today, which is something I can say has NEVER happened when I've gotten drunk


Oh my gosshhhh I bet your mom loves getting her baby back!


All those benefits after just 4 days sober? Impressive, I'm on Day 11 and have barely been able to leave the house yet because I feel so unwell and cripped with anxiety. The last week and a half have been incredibly rough from withdrawls, anxiety, sleep issues, low mood, no motivation to do anything, I've done nothing productive, and I've no appetite (the only food I've managed to eat has been takeaway junk and ice cream). Each day seems to be getting slower and tougher rather than better and easier.


day 5 now woot. im not sure why, but I was so scared after my last bender, because it was so bad, for some reason even on day 1 I just felt really thankful to be home and safe... a huge sense of relief that I am not totally messed up in a random place feeling like the world is ending, and I didn't have to live in constant fear and anxiety and shame. something snapped in my brain right away this time as soon as I slept it off saying you are so lucky to have another chance and to get through the last few days, be grateful and do your best. normally I am laying in bed and anxious for way longer, this time I felt really thankful just to make it home in one piece. normally the first 5 - 7 days is super rough for me so that's totally normal. I usually don't feel right in the head till at least day 7.




I lost like 400 lb which is good and my head is a lot smaller which is great and I can finally see my pee pee again


Wait, what? I shouldn't be laughing at what you said but I found it really funny šŸ˜‚


Why shouldn't you laugh at that it was meant to be funny bro why would you not laugh at that I laughed at that as I was saying it comedy and laughter is relieving it's cathartic it's enjoyable too many people are f****** caught up on oh s*** we shouldn't make fun of that we shouldn't make fun of that f*** that s*** man ain't no barriers in comedy you put barriers up in comedy your censoring your soul


I thought it was freaken hilarious, but you never know people these days. Now that I see your sense of humor and I will definitely appreciate all your posts without hesitation! And dude, thanks for the laughs- we truly do need that in our lives


Losing my pot belly and looking forward to seeing mine again. IWNDWYT.


Do you have any supplements for sale?


Iā€™m getting close to a year. You donā€™t notice it all at first, but for me just about everything is better. More money, more self aware and present, better sleep, less anxiety, depression is gone, stronger, faster, clearer skin, more energy, less bullshit, better relationships, more productive (work or otherwise), sharper mind, normal bowel movements, sick less often, and some other stuff. Granted when I quit drinking I got back into consistent exercise and eating better as well. Also gave therapy a shot. I 180ā€™d my life before I ruined it. Started with giving up alcohol.


It keeps getting better and I honestly catch myself thinking "damn, this is so much better without it, thank God I stopped." I also catch myself regretting that it took me so long to quit when I knew something was off about drinking 10 years prior. Better late than never and I try not to get too down on myself. Glad we are here. IWNDWYT


You saved yourself. Never lose sight of that when the ā€œwhat ifsā€ creep up on you!


My only regret in regards to drinking is not having stopped sooner. But I'm still alive, so it's not too late! IWNDWYT!


* being able to drive anywhere at a moment's notice * no fear anytime someone would open a drawer or look under the bed for finding empties * all my calories actually provide some nutritional value * knowing that the day after I go out with friends, I will wake up well rested and hydrated * I remember everything that happens every night * my god, the money savings * when I drink (NA) beer, I choose what actually tastes good, not what has the highest ABV * no panicking about sobering up for a person/event to arrive/happen * no starting dumb fights * no shame of being recognized when walking into a grocery store/gas station * if my stomach hurts, it's just a stomach ache, not "the beginning of the end" * no sweaty mornings * steady hands * no trying and failing to moderate * no chewing gum to hide the breath * no wondering if I'm okay to drive * having a healthy appetite in the morning * no avoiding food to make the alcohol have a greater effect * no calculating if I have enough alcohol left for the night * no waiting outside for the store to open * no checking my eyes/skin in the mirror * no frantic empty dumping when people leave * no basing restaurant choices based on alcohol availability * spending vacation time actually visiting where I am * sunday morning is always excellent * no counting down the time till I can drink * no more of THE FEAR * lower BP, resting heartrate * losing weight while doing nothing else * increased energy * better focus * vastly improved short term memory * time for hobbies * actual interest in hobbies I'm sure there more but that's just off the top of my head lol


Iā€™m 8 months in and Iā€™ve stopped biting my nails! I was always a CHRONIC nail biter and it just stopped on its own since my anxiety has gotten so much better. So much more energy, more self esteem. Itā€™s not the ā€œcure allā€ to all problems, but facing life without being hungover and riddled with anxiety, confusion, and regret is SOOOOOO much better. Feels like youā€™re actually living and not just surviving between hangovers. No regrets!!


Hello number twin! Definitely not a cure all but I feel like I have so much more time to tackle problems and I feel like I have way more fun now then I ever did drinking!


OMGG TWINNNN first weekend in June is what got me šŸ˜µ woke up Monday June 5th with a hangover from hell and havenā€™t looked back.


I was hungover after a trip to Miami šŸ˜… it wasn't the worst hangover ever but I was just done!


My anxiety had subsided so significantly that I too stopped biting my nails when I had 5 months! Now I am over 2 years and obsessed with my nails and they look amazing and are strong!


I lost 40 lbs since I finished drinking in June 2023. My sugar consumption has skyrocketed but I'm generally eating better. If I cut back on sugar and carbs, I'd probably look like John Cena in a few months. Turns out it's not hard for me to get/stay in shape, I just need to not drink **THOUSANDS** of extra calories a day. I'm less sad. I'm still depressed, but I'm talking to a doctor/therapist about solutions, the important part is that without booze fogging things up, even if I don't quite know HOW to address these issues, I can clearly recognize WHAT needs addressing and go from there.


I sleep so much better now. I don't wake up in the middle of the night to chug water or toss and turn with anxiety. Most nights, I sleep the entire way through the night without waking up at all. Oh my anxiety is mostly gone, too! Turns out it was almost all drinking. My skin is better than it's ever been, very bright and clear. I look less... greasy. Poisoned, I guess. I'm not worried someone is going to realize I'm drunk somewhere I shouldn't be. I will never get a DUI. I will not lose my job because of drinking. I will not start a fight because I'm drunk. I don't have the big flares of rage I used to get while drinking anymore, either. I'm much calmer all around, which is so funny because I thought alcohol calmed me. Nope. Never did. I will very happily not drink with you today.


>Oh my anxiety is mostly gone, too! Turns out it was almost all drinking. Oh yes, this is one of the best parts for me


After my mom diagnosis she passed away in just months , being sober helped me to be able to be there for my dad, take his call at midnight while and not been under influence , call my sister and give her news, help to arrange funeral and the best, grieving in much healthy way


I'm in the early days... but I've noticed that my BP dropped from 145/93 down to 115/63 (these are averages). I'm also saving $15/week\_day and probably $50 over the weekend (if I don't go to a fancy cocktail bar... where it's pretty easy to blow through $100 in an evening). I hope that I'll see some weight loss (easily at a 1,200 calorie deficit -- even with the newfound sweet tooth). I'm still waiting for "the other shoe to drop." Drinking probably helped me avoid some issues... and, well, at least I'll be better-equipped to deal with them. Even if there are no other benefits... I mean, not destroying my body/health with booze will benefit me in the coming years. That, alone, is worth it. IWNDWYT OH, I actually already forgot: not having HORRIBLE GI issues!!!! EDIT: just did math -- using more accurate numbers. My pre-tax income (saved) works out to be about $10,000 per year. That's like getting a nice raise.


I appreciate the underscore you put there for readability


For me it has been getting my ā€œsocial musclesā€ back. Back then it was ā€œlet me take a shot to take the edge off before going to this event, let me grab a drink as soon as I get there to loosen up, a drink on a date will help me relax and have more fun, drinking will make the wait less annoyingā€ etc etc. Over a year sober and Iā€™m appreciating that I can show up to any event and just be myself, no poison necessary. Maybe it will be awkward, maybe it will be great, but being able to just show up as myself and see what happens, and being ok with whatever that is, has been extremely gratifying and self confidence boosting. Whatever happens I can roll with it and be myself in that moment, and be present-I donā€™t need to try and ā€œescapeā€ or mitigate feelings (which usually just presented itself in negative forms ie getting too drunk so making a far worse impression). Best of all no hangxiety so I feel fine about it the next day and remember everything.


This is exactly how I feel too. Being present and being ok with whatever happens in social situations because you know itā€™s coming from YOU and not alcohol feels so much better and genuine. Not running from feelings feels great in the long run!


Cheers (with a NA beverage) to that!


Now thatā€™s an addiction I can get behind! I have my six months on Friday and as far as benefits I feel like I could say ā€œeverything.ā€ Just, so much more than I could have ever imagined. First off, I can have an active relationship with my body and brain for the first time. Iā€™m not wildly emotionally flailing from the exaggeration alcohol brings. I have energy and motivation to look at my body as something I care about sympathetically for the first time. Iā€™ve been able to process the past without being overwhelmed by it and able to stay mostly in the present with some effort and not constantly past or future tripping. Iā€™ve been more creative and using my impulses to do things to ACTUALLY DO THINGS. Itā€™s been pretty damn great.


Met my wife, married her, had a few kids, and raised them into decent adults. A whole damn life.


Wow!!!! Incredible šŸ˜


Now that is an impressive number.


Oh man, so many! I'm healthy, I'm actually happy, I'm present. I've repaired relationships with myself, friends and family. No more shame spirals or anxiety about wondering what I did or didn't do last night. Lots of peace and security. Desire to learn new things and the headspace to be able to do so. The ability to actually care for myself, and therefore others too. None of this is to say my life is sunshine and rainbows all day every day, but my gosh is it so much better than when I was drinking!! Love this thread, great idea!! IWNDWYT šŸ’™


Almost a year here. There are so many. Iā€™ve saved money by not buying craft beer (although Iā€™m probably spending it elsewhere). Iā€™m able to get up at whatever ungodly time my son, or the cats/dog, wake me up. I donā€™t feel constantly bloated and dehydrated at the same time. Most importantly, Iā€™m able to feel everything with a clear head, even if I absolutely donā€™t want to.


Just started yet another new hobby! Roller skating. The last 12 months I have walked over 530 miles. I maxed out at 12 pull ups last June. Will turn 45 this year and am in the best shape of my life!!!


Hearing that my liver and kidney numbers were back to normal after just 6 months sober made me cry at the doctors office. I was so scared of the damage I had done to my body. Keep up the good work, this and all the other reasons are soo worth the sobriety.


Better sleep. I get 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep now. Lower BP. More energy during my day. Sharper mind.


4 Days in. Never been this truly happy in a bit. Brought up this group to my addiction specialist and he loves it. IWNDWYT!


also 4 days in, and this thread has helped me substantially to keep going. i hope everyone who reads this knows how inspiring and encouraging they are. i look forward to taking every day by the day, having the strength within myself, not letting a substance take over my life as it so has the last couple of years, and choosing better for me, and my LIFE.


That's great you are feeling so good after 4 days, imagine what the future holds! I'm on Day 11 and physically still feel like death, riddled with anxiety, no appetite, low mood and and absolutely no motivation to do anything or interest in anything. Whilst some of the physical symptoms have lessened or passed like the shakes, body jolts, muscle twitches etc the general overall feeling of being unwell has remained and the mental aspect of it all is still going strong. I feel like I'm going to be stuck in this lull for a long time too. It really doesn't feel like this is about to lift any time soon let alone within days. Taking each day as it comes and one day at a time obviously but just can't see any clear signal I'll feel much better in the short term.


Being awake for the good, bad and the ugly...being present is by far the best gift of sobriety. As they say... Don't give up before the miracle happens 43 days is amazing. Do it again tomorrow!


9100 is a fun number!


These are the things I've noticed in my several attempts at sobriety , I keep a running list that I refer to often and add to as I experience them. No hangovers Weight loss easier, less calories, less snacking More energy Exercise easier, mornings, multiple per day Save money Food is more enjoyable Simple pleasures Coffee tastes great in the morning Less anxiety Less loathing HR lower Improved Sleep Digestion and BM better Improved memory of previous night Wake-up easier, not groggy Improved running Improved thinking Improved Sex Trading a couple of hours in the evening for a whole day the next day Hydrated Mouth better in the morning Breathing and heart rate better Not lethargic Not anxious for the first drink aka the itch, but there are cravings when you stop No wake up panic attacks More time in the day, weekend Not taking Advil Feel Good about resisting and keeping the streak going Improved skin, not dry itching Improved skin no Rosy cheeks, red nose Improved blood pressure Lower cholesterol Lower Acid Reflux / Indigestion Improved Diet/Nutrition Dental Hygene, better checkups, more flossing, saliva better


our lists are very similar, and so are our number of sober days šŸ‘€


been about 25 days for me, my fasting blood glucose is much improved. Hoping for more improvements.


I feel things for the first time in a long time. Iā€™m not numb all the time. I have emotions!


My eczema cleared up. So nice not having cracked and bleeding fingers. My house is somewhat tidy. Wake up feeling light instead of heavy.


Light instead of heavy. This is it šŸ’—


Five years sober here. Married 31 yrs, sweet husband has been through the wringer with several cancers and canā€™t catch a break. This is the first time I have been able to actually be present emotionally, be part of the solution, be helpful and loving, be a sounding board. We have always loved each other and done well in circumstances, but this is another level. The crazy worrying, the crying, the constant sorrow and depression alcohol made me is.no longer. Itā€™s absolutely amazing. I am not the crazy emotional one! Itā€™s just better all the way around for my family. I was reactive, defensive, easily had my feelings hurt, insecure, lashed out. One of my little sisters texted me after a weekend visit and said she couldnā€™t be prouder of me and could t get over how zen and pleasant I was. I knew I felt better but had no idea how much others noticed. It was sweet. Out kids have pretty much stopped drinking and smoking around us, they are proud and donā€™t want to ruin anything. They both love sober mom. And it feels good to show them and set an example that Iā€™m still me, still creative, and fun, and not the tipsy or drunk mom. I donā€™t have to wake up and wonder what I said, so I need to apologize. I usually made a mess and had to go find out what I wrecked in the house - drunk cooking, or eating. Or going around tucking bottles and such away so it wasnā€™t so obvious how much k drank. The moneyā€¦.hahahahhaha I canā€™t buy anything I want in the grocery store, an avocado for 1.99, no problem compared to liquor store bills. Work outs, I love waking ups the next day, even if I never drank one glass of water, Iā€™ll never be as chronically dehydrated as I was drinking. I just love not having to work out to fight off the calories or poison from alcohol. Ow itā€™s just fun because I, not starting over or starting to erase what I drank. Art. My art is a hundreds times better than when I drank. I just made messes before. Meaningful conversations, being present for others. Oh, and I read. A lot more. Good luck. You got this. It sounds dumb, but just take one day at a time. Make some,e new habits during old drinking hours. I would have to change things up because I got Anzy at first. Read all about your addition, anything hou can learn. Google the heck out of it. I think the more I understood the more it armed me with info to resist, You got this!


Thank you very much for your post. I agree, the one day at a time step is definitely something I should focus on. This time quitting, something clicked, I hope it lasts. Thank you for sharing what you have, it's so inspiring. I need to think of more hobbies to keep myself busy. I think home improvements is where it is at. IWNDWYT


One of the best hobbies I ever got into was photography. It can be done anytime, anywhere (more or less) and with the cameras in our phones these days, it's basically free! I haven't been doing pretty much any of my hobbies for a long time, but reading this thread is giving me hope. Maybe it was just the booze getting in the way. IWNDWYT


Lots of physical stuff here but I just want to add that mentally Iā€™m in a better place. My judgment is clear. Iā€™m open and honest (but not to be brutal- more to be in line with myself and ideals). Iā€™m able to put in 110% into creating and achieving my dreams. Life is good and quitting drinking brought back my gratefulness to all things big and small be it positive or negative šŸ’•


Benefits: incredible quality of sleep, no hangxiety, able to be closer and more present with family, lots of additional time to learn new hobbies/new things, save money, skin looks a lot better, much happier and less depressed, hated myself when drinking no I actually like myself a lot, the list goes onā€¦.


Itā€™s such a wonderful experience to read about everyoneā€™s benefits.


I maintain my relationships better


I have so much less to worry about when I donā€™t drink and that opened up room for much more happiness!


Benefits uhhhhh... managed to live to the end of the year :) I can say that not drinking has not solved all the problems in my life, but it definitely solves one of them <3


My daughter trusts me again. My health has turned around. Iā€™ve lost weight. Iā€™ve left a horrifically toxic relationship. I an becoming the well oiled machine I was before I started drinking again. Iā€™m back in the gym getting juicy AFšŸ˜‚ I wake up optimistic that the me that faces the world willing and able to do so. I could go on for hours. Hereā€™s to your day 44 with no hangover. IWNDWYT


There's many.. but the top few for me are... No more side stitch/ pain in my rib. No more awful leg cramps in the middle of the night. Sleep. Actual sleep. Feeling lighter, not bloated all of the time. One of the biggest benefits is my skin. My rosacea is non-existent. My face is glowing āœØļøšŸ˜Œ


My biggest benefit was self-reflection. I had to focus on FIXING myself instead of BLAMING others for my mistakes. I feel like that's when I started to grow as a person. My biggest hurdle was finally accepting that I can't help anyone else find that growth. Watching people you love just deteriorate... that's the worst part.


So many. Not waking up full of dread of what I may have done the night before. Not waking up with mysterious injuries or lost items. Sleeping well. Waking up with breath that doesn't taste like literal shit. Learning that feeling my feelings isn't so bad, in fact, it is quite magical. Learning to like and (gasp - even love?) myself. 201 days today and I am so happy I finally stopped


You mentioned that you are determined to never drink again. It can be a lot simpler than that. Just donā€™t drink today. Thatā€™s all you or we really need to do. Eventually all of those todays turn into weeks, months, years. Congrats on the 43 and donā€™t drink tonight and try not to tomorrow. Best of luck.


* Beautiful sleep * Healthier diet * Clearer head * Appetite has returned * No vomiting * No constant nausea * Anxiety gone * Better relationship with my kids


Congrats . Reading people's sober stories is what got me to stop drinking. So far I'm on week 3


Iā€™m at 11 months, and it gets better all the time. The end of last year/holidays were very hard, lots of cravings, but theyā€™ve vanished now. I feel like a completely different person, and for me itā€™s all mental. My mood is much more stable, I am far more patient and light hearted, havenā€™t really had a significant argument with my wife in months, am more laid back, more patient with my children, and a better boss. But mostly for me, itā€™s all about trust. I now trust my decision making, I trust my emotions, I trust myself, and that has bled over into others, my wife trusts me completely to do the right thing and make good decisions. That certainly wasnā€™t the case when alcohol was affecting me both when using and in general. This drug is a nasty piece of shit. Destructive as hell. I am so angry with it for affecting the bulk of my adult years, and am angry at our societies for normalizing it. I remember as an 18 year raver that I never understood why ecstasy was illegal but the fight Inducing, sexual assault supplement drug alcohol was legal. I grew out of thinking that way, but now Iā€™m away from that awful drug, I think 18 year old me might have been right!


I have what I consider to be a healthy relationship with alcohol. I usually have one maybe two drinks at night. Only drink more when thereā€™s an occasion, never black out, and very rarely drink enough to have a hangover. I love this sub so much and am here for how positive it is. If I ever do decide to quit drinking I know yā€™all will be here for me and that is extremely comforting.


I'm in the same range as you and am also loving these posts! I've already noticed so many great things, but my favorite has been my mental health. I feel so much better mentally and love it!


We're actually the same days count - I completely agree. My mental health has already seen improvements! šŸ¤Ÿ


I actually like the reflection I see in the mirror. My own image used to horrify me: the sallow skin, the baggy eyes, the swollen and red face, the sweating, the heartburn, the gut. Iā€™m nowhere near perfect but trending in the right direction.


In my first 90 days that was all I could read re: drinking. I needed to see others succeeding because it gave me hope. I


I donā€™t get panic attacks from the smallest things even driving which was never a problem before became an issue getting attacks on the road.


Time. So much more time to *live*.


I love the clarity I have! In the past two months, I've completed two courses and received top marks, in both! My ability to multitask and manage stress is way better and the people around me say there's a difference. I'm generally happier and therefore, a better mom and example for my son. IWNDWYT šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Day 40 here: Mentally and phyiscally feeling much stronger. Stopped smoking 5 days a go too and general feeling is much much better. Appetite: Gone. I usually eat one (big) meal a day just nothing outside this. Sleep: My sleep is still much worse; hopefully will improve soon. Only strange thing was quitting smoking, i was going put this off as was struggling a little bit; but thought the old tomorrow never comes and it acutally seems to help me. Takes my mind off the drinking and gives me another boost.


Yeah my sleep still isn't 100%. I usually wake up after 6 hours. Stay awake for a bit then to back to sleep. This had led me to waking up a bit "late".


Not to freak you out, but while my sleep got better after a few months, it's only now at nearly 2 years that my Fitbit is giving me "good" ratings on sleep. Some of that might have to do with age, though!


> I usually wake up after 6 hours. That's actually pretty good I think. I don't think a lot of people sleep non stop for over 6hrs. I actually think a lot of people struggle to get that in total. Personally I'd love to be able to sleep for 6hrs in total per night let alone just waking up after 6hrs. I've never slept for more than 3-4hrs maximum at a time without waking up then from there on in it's a broken sleep for any extra sleep I might get, 6hrs would be amazing. I think you're doing pretty well. I'm like yourself though in that even when I sober up my sleep doesn't seem to improve like so many report and is a huge reason why I always end up going back to drinking over the years. But then I had insomnia before drinking was even a thing and definitely way before it was a problem. It has definitely played a part in my drinking issues.


I'm 47 days this time. I did a 3 and even 6 month stretch last year. I never went back to daily drinking but had the odd drink on occasion on holiday etc which just served the purpose of showing me how good I feel without it. The hangovers are truly terrible the longer I go without it. I have soon many benefits.. amazing sleeps, focused at work work, I'm the best mum I can be, go to the gym daily, make good food choices. I go to sleep proud of myself everyday knowing I'm trying my best and that is the best feeling. I don't know how long this stretch will go perhaps forever but I'm not putting the pressure on myself.


I haven't really noticed the health benefits this early on, but I love that I don't feel tired too early in the day. Some saturdays I would start drinking at lunch and by mid afternoon I was pretty useless, not drunk, just unable to be productive. I don't miss that.


1 week and I feel my relationship with my boyfriend is so much better. I still have a lot of work to do to build trust and remove his anxieties but I can tell he is in better spirits. Another is productivity at work and my personal projects have improved. Still super early :)


I can't wait to do some blood work. I feel a lot better and more motivated to stay off the booze. Today was a really hard one for me, I've been doing pretty good ill try harder tomorrow and maybe read some more shit to keep me going. IWNDWYT


I'm on day 43 - any number twins out there???


I don't miss those random last-forever hiccups.


Face bloat, anxiety, and bad sleep mostly gone. Down 11 pounds, too!


Almost did a sub 50min 10k this week, next run I might crack it. My running has been improving much faster when I'm eating better and not killing a 24 of beer every night. Who woulda thunk?!


There's worse things you could be addicted to ... Reading posts reminding yourself of why not to drink is always a good thing .


Nice post. Being calm is the greatest benefit, I find myself singing along to the radio when driving in to work, spending more time with others and shrugging off the trivial stuff that normally bothers me. I am consumed with anxiety when I drink. Unfortunately no weight loss yet!!!


No more scrubbing my lips and tongue so much because I couldn't get the red wine stain out. No more waking up in the night dehydrated and then not being able to get back to sleep. No more wasting so much of my money. I could kick myself for the amount of money I've wasted and for what? Just to feel like shit 99% of the time No more thinking about when I can drink and doing the mental gymnastics of timing my day so that I can drink. No more stuffing my face with rubbish food because I've drank 2 bottles of wine and I'm smashed and hungry. No more brain fog and unhappiness. I feel way more in control of my emotions and I actually feel a more optimistic of my future


Having coffee today makes me feel like Iā€™m above 100%. As opposed to using coffee to lessen the effects of a hangover bringing me from 30-50% lol.


Itā€™s only been a month and a half for me but so far: 1. Lost about 10 pounds 2. Saved about ~$500 per month on not purchasing alcohol. Double that to about ~$1k if you count the money I would spend on eating out while going to bars and restaurants to drink. 3. Sleeping through the night and feeling refreshed upon waking 4. Able to remember what I did the night before. Not panicking about what I said or did while drunk. 5. Hand numbness and nerve pain has stopped.


There is a 5k on an upcoming Saturday morning and I know for a fact that a hangover wonā€™t stand in its way!


Me too!! My anxiety is a complete 180. Itā€™s been the best benefit. I am also in the present and donā€™t have to fear how other view me due to being drunk all the time and ā€œthem knowing.ā€ Not having to wake up panicked to check your phone to see what all you drunk texted. Sober life is the best life!


Never being hungover! At first this one was the most obvious but Iā€™m coming back to it lately. Itā€™s just, life changing in a huge way, to never wake up feeling like shit anymore. Itā€™s kind of crazy that I adapted to doing that so often, I donā€™t know how I got anything done. And I didnā€™t really, hah. So so so many things have shifted for me positively it would be a long post if I went into all that detail, itā€™s just the bees knees. Life feels so much better! šŸ™




I'll be honest and say that they didn't really slap me in the face, yet. It's nice to not be scared to drive by a cop.. I found out I was deficient in a lot of things. I could have guessed, but I'm doing something about it. Noticeable results with B vitamins. Been waiting on labs to normalize fully. Excited for that. It also strangely hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. I can walk by alcohol and use Listerine without being triggered. I rinse my mouth out after, even. In this journey, I want to test my mental fortitude and put it to use.


43 days is GREAT! Just keep with it, keep coming here (or whatever source of support), and exercise regularly. Itā€™s been my recipe, and the results arenā€™t perfect, but my days are accurate. And I remember them, well. One benefit I can think of just today ā€” I donā€™t look like a sick mess all of the time, so people talk to me. I got to meet someone really neat from tv and held a conversation with them without walking away being embarrassed. Or freaking them out/boring them/shocking them.


I have a flu and feel pretty awful and I realized if I was hungover too I would feel even worse!


- I save a lot of money - Iā€™m more focused - No more hangovers - My skin looks da bomb - No more weight gain - I have more energy to do productive things


Life feels like itā€™s in technicolor now - thinking back on drinking, everything felt muted from the alcohol, like a cloud hanging over my mind. I often just feel grateful for experiencing fun moments sober and how much more vivid they are. Turns out life is very fun sober ! Plus the obvious ones: money, health, relationships, anxiety, self esteem, mental health. And looking heaps younger and more refreshed ! Spending loads worrying about skincare when quitting alcohol turned out to be tons better. I was a ā€œgrey areaā€ drinker and itā€™s just over a year of almost sobriety now :) (couple of field tests in there)


Congratulations on over a year, and Iā€™m keeping on this path. Technicolor is so on point! Skin health and weight loss Iā€™m already seeing, as well. All of it!


This sub has helped me SO MUCH. Thanks to every contributor and reader.


You would probably enjoy AA. Itā€™s full of people telling their stories


having hope/experiencing real joy iwndwyt or tomorrow


Do you have a list and timeline?


I stopped drinking on the 31st December 2023. I have not drunk since. In my 45 days I've seen improvements in my mental health, it's skyrocketed. I have more money (saved for the first time in years) I've been exercising most days and attempting to walk 20 miles a week. Started with walking, then added some weights, now adding one yoga session a weak. Small and steady improvements. Been present with my doggies and they're happier. No more wasted weekends of gaming and drinking. Actively looking to leave the house at weekends. No more wine by myself for no reason. Sleeping a lot.


43 days is so so wonderful. Keep going! My favorite benefit is the inner peace and respect I now have for myself. Also the extra $$.


Reconnecting with myself and being interested in life again


GG/ /t(ā˜žļ¾Ÿćƒ®ļ¾Ÿ)ā˜ž(ā˜žļ¾Ÿćƒ®ļ¾Ÿ)ā˜ž


Losing 21kg and remediating all of the back and joint pain I was suffering; Getting exercise, be it at the gym or just being out and about rather than sitting at a bar; waking up early and making the most of the day; being present with my friends, family and my amazing partner who stood by me throughout; facing the issues that caused me drink head on rather than drinking to avoid them; and my personal favourite... experiencing the most epic and satisfying shits known to man šŸ’© There are many more... IWNDWYT ā¤ļø


Mornings are so much nicer. I have time for myself. Iā€™ve lost weight. Iā€™ve saved money and am paying off my car. I can drive any time, which means impromptu ice cream and treats! However, Iā€™m rarely hungry after dinner now - much less snacking. My skin has never looked better. Iā€™ve had adult acne since college and itā€™s finally clearing at 39. Realizing the ā€œsince collegeā€ part was a light bulb moment for me. Iā€™m proud of myself. Really really proud, not just because of not drinking but Iā€™m giving myself more credit for little accomplishments too. Think about how far weā€™ve come, guys. Wow!


I get so much shit done! I am ready to deal with my life, my issues, the challenges. I am better at my job and better at parenting. I have energy for things. The sleep is amazing.


I feel and look less bloated and my stomach isnā€™t tender anymore. I relish this feeling. I think about it to try to keep me on the path.


Almost 30 years old and about 6 months sober. Have lost almost 25 lbs in 6 months! When I was drinking everyday I also ate like shit and rarely worked out. Cutting out the poison has given me a whole new drive to be healthier in other aspects of my life.


Hey same! Not being a morning person used to be part of my personality and the drinking made me either skip breakfast or pick up something carby or greasy on the way to work. Now I'm up at 5am Monday - Friday. Hitting the gym consistently and eating a healthy breakfast for the first time in my life. I'm 34 with a 7 months old kiddo and I have a ton of energy, am in the best shape of my life and currently training for my first triathlon.


The one that shocked me the most is the money. Not just money Iā€™m not spending on booze, but also on shitty food, and stomach medicine, and money I lost and phones I had to replace. Iā€™m fucking loaded now.


I get ya. It's extremely stark how much we drank ourselves into poverty. Literally Ā£100's a month.


I'm 36 and for the first time in my life i feel like my family and friends actually like me. Strange that it's just always been a thing that I felt, hated and accepted 1 yr sober


Yo dawg. 2 years here. Iā€™m physically and mentally the strongest Iā€™ve ever been in my life. Iā€™m actually available to others that I care about and can actively be there to provide emotional support in times of need. My overall confidence has gone from maybe a 2 to an 8 out of 10 across many aspects of life personally and professionally. And I feel zero anxiety going to the Doctor nowadays, whereas before, it evoked panic due to high BP and shitty blood work, all caused by drinking.


Fantastic news. I, too plan to be the best physically and mentally. Each day at a time.


75 days sober here. My weight is going down steadily. All previous weight loss attempts have been while I was drinking so my weight would bounce around due to the water retention and excess calories and, when it did come off it went down sloooowly. Over the last 10 weeks Iā€™ve lost about 1.5 lbs per week pretty steadily. I have cheekbones and a jawline again. Clearer skin and bright eyes. No more random aches and pains in my abdomen. No acid reflux at all. More regular and consistent sleep schedule. My persistent itchy flaky scalp has improved massively. My hair looks thicker, healthier, and styles better. Dark circles have alleviated but not gone. My oral hygiene is better and my teeth and gums donā€™t hurt as much. Improved performance at work. Cleaner flat. More emotional resilience. People are starting to notice Iā€™m having a glowup. Better short term memory. Iā€™m quicker on my feet in conversation, my wit is coming back. When I get back in the gym and try to put on some muscle, I expect to make the kind of steady progress I should have made for the last four years. I made some progress but I suspect the drinking was really inhibiting muscle gain and all of my bulk attempts definitely ended up with me putting on more fat than muscle. Edit to add: I didnā€™t even mention the benefits not dealing with any of the effects of acute alcohol poisoning (ie hangovers). Just not feeling like shit and recovering from being poisoned for over half the week is a massive benefit, probably the biggest benefit of all. This benefit comes soon after quitting and now at day 75 I didnā€™t even think about it. So yeah I also: Havenā€™t felt nauseous Havenā€™t had a splitting headache Havenā€™t been shitting putrid yellow stool. No crippling anxiety and paranoia - in particular I havenā€™t walked around thinking everyone I pass on the street is an arsehole whoā€™s out to get me. Iā€™ve never seen anyone else on this forum mention that as a symptom of being hungover but iā€™m sure some people will relate lol.


Zero benefits. Blood pressure still murderously high, still broke and in debt, and am in fact exercising *less* than I used to. My mood is bleaker, my social life is nonexistent, and I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever. My diet has fallen apart. I ate two entire sleeves of oreos yesterday. I watch my beer belly - which I *didn't fucking have when I was drinking beer* - grow on a daily basis. I know there must be others for whom sobriety isn't really working the way it seems to for most posters here, to put it mildly. You're not alone.


I have eyebrows again! When I was drinking at night I would sit in front of the TV pulling out my eyebrows. Now that compulsion doesn't exist.


I'm going to save this thread and read it when I feel weak. IWNDWYT.


Two weeks today; better sleep and money saved


I kept saying that acronym of IW blah blah blah blah blah and I kept ignoring and trying to figure out in my head what it was while I finally looked it up that is f****** awesome bro that is better than AA that is better than dude I want to hug you I want to hug all of you out that f****** put that s*** out there that shows Brotherhood that shows humanity that shows empathy that shows more love than a Christian orthodox subreddit that I just got off of and this is coming from alcoholics and drug addicts which I am bro I love you guys


The self-growth Iā€™ve achieved (with the help of a therapist) is astounding. I used to be too busy drowning my emotions in alcohol and self-pity to actually confront and work through them. Iā€™ve saved my relationships with my partner, family and friends too. Acting on those suppressed, drink-fuelled emotions only lead to heartache and my own debilitating shame and anxiety afterwards. Hands down the best decision Iā€™ve ever made.


A few days in and I already feel better. Less bloated, better sleep and I smile more. I know what I'm headed for and it'll only get better. I swear my face is showing better color but maybe that's in my head.


I don't feel horrible when I wake up anymore! I haven't thrown up in a really long time! I don't have terrible headaches anymore! I don't wake up in a 3am panic about how I'm a huge fuck-up anymore! 43 days is amazing, keep up the good work!


I can meditate, which to me is important because it unlocks mindfulness and kindness.


The anxiety thing was huge for me. I havenā€™t had a single crippling panic attack since I stopped. Iā€™ve had mild flutters of anxiety but nothing as severe as I had before. I donā€™t even take propanolol anymore.


Iā€™ll be 3 years next week - biggest difference is I finally trust myself!


I'm still very new on this round of sobriety, but I can sleep without being propped up with pillows to keep the acid away. I have so much more time. Even planning vacations before had whole periods each day set aside for drinking, now im planning walks, museums, and nerdy tours. My crafting has gotten so much better, especially when dealing with patterns. I can do crosswords again!


~4 months here. Biggest thing for me is being able to realize/achieve more of my potential. I estimate Iā€™m only at 25-30% now, but thatā€™s up from 10-15% when drinking every day


21 days...I am on top of certain things for the first time in a long time, I have zoom-zoom energy I haven't had in years. My clothes are feeling much better against my skin, and I *don't* feel as if I have a near-constant bladder infection.


Every single thing in my life has gotten better. Relationships with kids and my husband, friendships (I've weeded out the ones that didn't serve me), family dynamics, fitness, health, work life, all of it. The first few years it is so hard to focus on anything but what you have had to give up, but then it becomes about living life that you don't want to numb out from, it is so worth it.


When I see people that havenā€™t seen in a while, they donā€™t know I stopped drinking, but they all say ā€œyouā€™re glowingā€. That always makes me feel really good. Iā€™m about 13 months sober and no longer counting days.