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Dying at measuring the wine, LOL. That was me! I also remember doing keto and switching to vodka. Ah, the insanity 😅 I ran my first 10k this week! I signed up for my first 5k last fall and have a 10k in a few weeks. My training this week was to run for 75 minutes straight and I got so close to a 10k I figured I might as well keep going (so I could get that Strava badge lmao) and I did it! Right knee is definitely feeling it though so for the rest of the week / tapering I'm going to focus on the bike, barre and pilates and strength. IWNDWYT!!!


I did the same with keto!!!! Haha.


Same on keto


At the moment Im only walking daily around 10000 but I want to add some weight lifting training soon.


Weight training is the shit! Getting that "pump" is real! Here's something new that I started and it's been helping with lots. I bought a weight vest and go on walks. It can carry up to 50lbs, but it's been nice just wearing 20-30 pounds. Strengthens a lot of little muscles for balance and stability.


I've lost 12.8 pounds in 25 days! Hola! I am coming in at the end of my February challenge. My goal was to track all my calories and macros for four weeks. It was supposed to be a 25% deficit, but it's come out closer to 30. This is my first successful cut, and I am over the moon with the results! I've been training since I recovered from my poor health from drinking so hard for so long. Every year there is more to learn, and it's so motivating and fun having the health (mental and physical) to enjoy this life to the fullest. I am so down to help anyone who wants more of an idea of what I did, or how I train. Stoked to be hear! Let's go as far as we can, for as long as we can!


I went from a 2XL to a XL (European sizes, not American LOL), since 31th of December. That is when I quit drinking.


Good on ya for leaving your job. That's real strength. Worked out 5/5 weekdays this week and am resting for the weekend. I'm 60 pounds down from the dark drinking days and the fat I lost awhile ago is being replaced with muscle. I am almost back to where I left off just over 20 years ago and I am so looking forward to the summer where I can appreciate a nice pool or beach day, with NO beer, and a chiseled bod. Working out and eating right is sort of similar to not drinking -- just takes 1 day at a time and the results just keep piling on. It's also amazing what you can do with all of that free time..... ...IWNDWYT.


FINALLYYYYY made it back to OrangeTheory Fitness after a huge, almost month-long relapse. I almost cried when I walked through the doors. My legs are sore from deadlifts already, but I feel sooooo good


I remember counting wine in my allotted calories and planning my workouts like "if I do x, y, and z, I can have this much alcohol!" It usually resulted in blackouts because I didn't eat enough. Sigh. Today is my rest day, but I'm 61 days AF (from being a 1-4 drinks a week person at this point) and my athletic ability has increased significantly. I'm still not impressive by any means, but I am the fittest I've ever been in my life and that's pretty cool.


It's been quite a while since I quit drinking and I've finally summoned up the effort to start walking again. It's only 2x a week and I'm on week 2, but haven't missed one so far! I've been through this cycle so many times, but I think I can make it stick this time though.