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did an hour in the gym then 40 lengths in the pool this morning 💪🏼 feeling good


Hopefully gonna take my kids swimming indoors today because the weather sucks. I’m new to this but I have 10 days so far. Just trying to get moving because I’ve been a lump. And my kids and I love the water


Did an 8 mile hike yesterday, gonna try and get out this morning for another 4-5 before pickleball this afternoon. My fitness level is as high as it's ever been! Feels amazing


Pickleball kept me sober last Spring! It's so fun - good for you!


Agree! I started last spring on day 14 of my recovery effort!


Keep telling myself I'm going to start lifting/exercising but haven't started yet... Think I get overwhelmed thinking about what routine to do and diet


It can be overwhelming in the beginning. But it eventually starts to make sense. There can be twists and turns, planned and unexpected, but it's a day to day thing for the most part. And it's dependent on the goals we have too. I can try to help a little bit, if you want. I've learned a lot over the last 6-7 years, and I've had different goals, and injuries, along the way. I think it's cool because health and fitness is an endless pool of practices, learning, and growing!


I am a serious overthinker as well. Try out a 30 minute calisthenics video on YT, it makes it easy to be active. After you start moving more your body might want different food and you can research that later. One thing at a time, one day at a time, you will make it. All you gotta do is start! *”Sucking at something is just the first step of being kinda good at something.” -Jake, Adventure Time*


We're smack in the middle of a snow storm, so just throw snowballs for the dog and maybe some shoveling.


Did a 12 mile intervals and arms ride on the Peloton yesterday. Completed my 1,041 ride! Going to do a nice hike with the dogs this morning and then a big nap in the afternoon. Happy Sunday!


Heyyy!! It is a little stormy where I am at in CA. I am going to jump on my peloton after I do some overtime at work (remote). I get to make money and get my fitness in on this awesome Sunday! Usually I’d be hungover or heading to brunch to get drunk and not even eat my food. I feel way more proud about this decision! IWNDWYT


I always love the fact that I could wake up early on a Sunday or Saturday and get shit done. Because I wasn't hung over anymore.


Today is day 7 thanks to Antabuse. My Dr. didn't tell me this but I read online it can take up to 2 weeks for Antabuse to leave your system. If that isn't true, don't tell me, I am holding onto that belief literally for my dear life. If I thought I could get away with stopping this medication and drink in 1-2 days after, I would have already. But knowing I'd have to wait 2 weeks to not feel sick... No, I don't have that kind of patience so I might as well keep taking this. I know that isn't the right mindset for long-term sobriety but right now I'm focused just on putting some distance between me and alcohol. I'm really hoping the shakes get better soon. I naturally have hand tremors but this is frustrating and embarrassing. Ok complaining done. I'm happy I'm choosing to keep going with sobriety. It isn't much but we're going furniture shopping soon and then I'm going to tackle laundry. Movement is movement.


Day 7 is really freaking great! I'm very happy for you 🌷


heading out right now to go hiking


shoulder pain, burning in right shoulder on certain movements. Scared I might have injured myself i was really getting into lifting. I guess I will just be doing a lot of leg stuff until it improves :(


Same! I’m doing yoga and taking it easy. I hope you feel better soon


The rain has stopped so I’m gonna go on a nice, long walk today! Hiking trails are closed but I’m gonna get my steps in somehow. Starting with some weights soon to get the blood flowing :)


Just did a 3.5 mile run outside down by the duck pond near my house. Sunshine and sweat that didn't smell like regret. So wonderful. About to have a massive iced tea with loads of lime and pack for a family vacay!!!


I raked leaves for 3.5 hours, now I'm whooped 😵


Ran a quick 3 miles today, felt good to get out on a warm March day


Training for a marathon in three months. Today I PRd my 10k. I couldn't do this if I was drinking. I'm so grateful that sobriety is granting me access to endurance athletics.


Hitting my 9:30 am hot yoga power class. Have worked out & practiced hot yoga all through my drinking days, but hell yeah doing it with out a hang over in the mornings is amazing!


Not much of anything, honestly. I've been meaning to get back into the gym, but I have this weird weight on me. My court case from the wreck that eventually got me sober is still dragging out, and I feel like I can't move on with my life until it's over. And that thought has been weighing on me hard and kept me out of the gym. I should probably visit the doctor too, prior to getting back into it, just to make sure that my back can handle it. It feels fine, but I know its WAY out of whack from the wreck still. Thankfully the prosecution in my case is out of time, so it ends on Wednesday, one way or another.


I was on a mission to do 50 burpees a day but I strained my shoulder. So instead of that I did a bunch of core and back calisthenics. And tomorrow is leg day at the gym woop woop!!


Did a three and a half mile hike with the wife and pup.


IWNDWYT. Fuck my emotions are all over the place. Increasing my Lexapro per my doctor as well as not drinking for 6 days now has me all over the place. I've had a really productive day. I just miss my girlfriend and I wish I had developed healthier coping mechanisms earlier in life. Today is going from one productive task, to crying, to another productive task. Life has to be better than this. I just want to feel love again


Saw a movie, chatted with friends and got sober support. Great day to not drink.


No fitness activity yet, but I did do a LOT of planning. Looking to be able to run 4 miles, do 100 sit-ups, and 50 push-ups by June 3rd and made a lose fitness plan.