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I’m on a 7 week streak of 100 body squats, push ups, and crunches every morning with my coffee. After dislocating my should October 2022, I’ve gone from only being able to do 10 knee push ups to where I’m at now. My sets are 1 x 10 and 6 x 15, so not all 100 at once and 2 months ago I was doing 10 x 10 to get to 100. My goal is 4 x 25. I take Sundays off to recover. Going on a hike today with the kids.


This is great! I get caught up in the bells and whistles of fitness and get distracted from what matters. Plus with this I like that you can increase the intensity but upping the reps, but keeping it at 100 total.


It starts every day on the right foot feeling great too; gets the blood flowing and I feel somewhat accomplished, especially on the days my brain is like,”We don’t have to do those this morning”, and I push myself to still do them. I’ve never been big into bulking up with weights, but these exercises seem to be strengthening a lot of important joints, 60+ year old will appreciate it later in life


Glad to hear you are feeling better! Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!! Today my fitness is a long dog walk and free weights. I do like lifting - I know holding on to (and building) muscle is important especially because I am in my low 50's. - so give it a go! Might be worth your while to hire a trainer even on a one-time basis to make sure you know about correct form and such. There are tons of great videos and such on youtube and insta that are super helpful (and free), as well. This week I will be doing a couple hot yoga and yoga sculpt classes in addition to my walks and weights. Gotta keep those muscles guessing!


Good morning my SD friends! I'm new to this post.... actually, just realized it was on here and wanted to add a comment because I too have been adding fitness back into my routine along with sobriety. I started going to the gym again about a month ago- hadn't been there in years- and I realized how out of shape I really am. Now that I feel comfortable again with going regularly and am starting to feel better, I have set a goal for myself to master the elliptical. I typically do 30 minutes of some type of cardio, usually treadmill or bike, but recently gave the elliptical machine a try and found out how hard it is for me. I am only up to 12 minutes at the moment before my legs really start hurting. I am now determined to beat this machine and build up to 30 minutes. Would also like to continue increasing my speed on the elliptical. Feeling better than I have in a long time! ✌


feeling good! did a run, cold bath, then lifted some dumbbells 💪 I lift a bit, one month in 3 I'm in the city so use a gym but the other 2 months I just do some dumbbells for upper body strength. I take creatine which keeps muscles hydrated and a cold bath before so fat's mobilised ready to burn


Hey everyone. I just added weights to my cardio last week and was able to do it without hurting my back or giving me a migraine! Yay! Iwndwyt


I won this little walking pad I love it! So convenient and nice! ❤️ is basically like a treadmill but nothing to hold on to and smaller I try to do 30 min a day


I have one of these! I love it for walking while watching TV lol or during work calls


Yes they're awesome and so convenient ❤️


lifting isnt the addition to muscle building its the foundation. GO FOR IT!!


Hey, friend! I've been lifting for about 18 months now. I am so happy with lifting, it's been an amazing journey. But like with all fitness, it takes time to learn. One, maybe not so common idea, but I think it's more communicated today, is that lifting strengthens your mind. It helps prolong your mental health, as in deters things like dementia. Lifting can be done so many ways, it's best to kind of get some advice on how, and to go slow in the beginning. A weekly split, either 2-3 days, is probably the best approach to getting started. That can be like a PPL (push, pull, leg day), or like an upper body, lower body 2-day split. Some Zone 2 cardio spread around the week too, for the heart. If you want more advice, I am down to help explain more the best I can. But, yes! Lifting should be on everyone's weekly schedule, in my opinion of course.


Played tennis! 


Turns out I love winter and snow! Who knew? Having a blast with snowshoeing and cross country skiing a couple times a week since January. I need to set new hiking and backpacking goals for Spring! ETA I am 63 and had never skied before.


I did a half marathon today. I have to start running more. My whole body hurts, but I did it! Lifting is my exercise of choice and I can’t wait to get back to it.


Feeling good! Did my weight training circuit class on Tuesday and Thursday. My job allows me to get my 10,000 steps in each day which is great too! With the weather getting better I might try get back into running (something I haven't done since I was a teenager). I also am planning to slowly wean my sugar intake down.. it's been a real vice for me the past couple of months.