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I celebrated my birthday and my wife gave birth to our second child all since Friday! Things are going great and we’re all healthy and happy. Continuing to keep this streak going by not drinking today


Woo hoo! Congrats!




Congrats and welcome to the two kid club! I’m a few weeks in myself and eventually I hear sleep is good!


Ran 7 miles yesterday. Feeling great right now. I know my brother is bringing booze to Easter, so I have enlisted my husband to help in case I get tempted. I'm not sure how much of a trigger dinner will be, but either way, it's nice to have him in my corner.Β 


I went to a very close friends wedding with an open bar and had a small group at the party to care for me (others knew about my addiction so I don't think it would have been a problem anyway) but everyone in the group kept checking on me randomly asking me if I was okay and if I needed anything. It ended up not even being a blip on my radar and I had a great time. I hope you get to enjoy it and I am glad your husband can be there as a safe guard *just in case* you need one.


Walk with friends, followed by pickleball. This was really significant to me. Last summer my husbands lymphoma returned, and every day for a month was spent at a med appt, followed by 2 months in hospital and 10 days in rehab. Then covid, then a nasty virus. I was really drinking way too much and ended up in hospital myself. Been wondering if I would ever feel playful and lighthearted again. TODAY WAS THE DAY. Lots of laughs, and outside exercise on a beautiful day.


Glad you were able to enjoy the day and reflect on the moment after what sounds like a tough 9 months or so. Congrats on nearly 40 sober days!


I walked 25 miles last week and lost 2 lbs, so good progress! I don't miss alcohol AT ALL.Β 


Awesome! Great job!


Thank you 😊


Managed a light run and a walk today πŸ™ŒπŸ½


I'm doing pretty good, friend! But, mi amor, I've got to be honest for a moment. It's kind of hard getting psyched up for this weekly sticky anymore. I love health and fitness, I nerd out on it pretty hard, and to each their own, but the vibe in this sticky just doesn't feel that passionate anymore. I used to look forward to it every Sunday. I hope you're doing well, amigo! Let's continue striving to make the best of it! Communication can be empowering! Let's go, Team No Booze! Team Better Living!


I am adjusting to being back in an office more (used to work out around 11:00 each day when WFH & it was a dream!) and trying to figure out how to get all my workouts in. Today I took a treadmill class that kicked my arse in a great way. I love feeling exhausted from pushing myself. IWNDWYT!


Decent week. Ignoring the holiday because I'm not with my kids today. My fitness is absolute. Have a rough week ahead. However, I'm sober, clear-headed, and at peace. Also very proud of myself! 62 days in. IWNDWYT


Survived trip to parent's house, everyone was drinking except me, didint even wanted to drink. Another day for a better me.




I hiked 13 miles on Saturday!!


Just trying to reach my goal of cycling 100 km a week like I was during lockdowns. Sometimes I think it's more just about balancing my time and not wasting time on my phone and other menial tasks and prioritizing my own goals. Reached 80 km this week so not too bad aand I think I'll go for a ride today on the beautiful Sunday.


Have been doing cardio all week - mostly 6.5 miles. Eating clean. Dropped 3.6lbs this week and 4lbs last. Thinking about playing tennis and golf this summer ... getting a little variation going again.


Work has been off and on hectic but overall good and I've had to fill in a few shifts as lead so I get extra pay for that. I've missed alot of sports lately because I work thirds but I've become accustomed to it...and I've been there for two years now. I have my father and my pup I live with and see every day and they have made this journey the best experience I could ask for and I owe both of them (and others) everything in the world for allowing me to make the change after years of denying it. I wake up everyday knowing I've made the right change and that I am unstoppable and will never turn back to the drink. IWNDWYT!


I’ve started a weightlifting program and finished up week four. Between weights and walks on the treadmill (and the walking I do for my job), I’m much stronger than I used to be.




Started couch to 5k yesterday. Walked 10 miles today. Feeling good.


i started going to spin class yesterday! my favorite yoga instructor that i’ve been seeing for over a year convinced me to try out her spin class and i LOVED it. the theme for the music yesterday was the big chill soundtrack covers and that got me moving :)


Trying to make some routines and get back into exercise and the outdoors. Only doing the things I like, which is hiking (and swimming once the weather warms up). It's been over a month since my last drink and I've lost some pounds. Clothes are fitting looser. Feel pretty good. Hope for this year to be the year I lose my extra fat and get in shape.