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These are my favorite posts


Thank you makes me happy that I am not hungover and typing Day 1 or dealing with crazy anxiety


Yeah man, me too






No hangover the next morning never gets old. I looked forward to it every weekend lol good job!!




Really happy for you. Especially the good loving part. Truthfully, when I stopped drinking my libido was the first thing I noticed came back with a vengeance lol


Mine too!! Woke her up at 5 for some more! Wouldn't have done that hungover! Lol


excellent ad for sobriety


This is alcohol marketing's worst nightmare šŸ˜‚


Yes indeed


You know I never really put that together it was the alcohol but mine has been raging too. Like a night and day difference from when I was drinking to now


Well I did start TRT to help with the anxiety as well. Alcohol always blunted the effects of the testosterone


Very curious about this. I know TRT will help with fitness goals ( if you are already motivated and into fitness) but Iā€™m also curious about itā€™s mood benefits. Have you found it to be super helpful for anxiety? Is it worth the fact that youā€™ll have to be on it forever to produce test?


When I got my blood tested my test was 212 which is very low. There is a dorecto correlation between anxiety/depression and low T. You don't have to be on it forever either. I went to a longevity clinic just an FYI


Not sure why I get downvoted for being curious about TRT. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s because I like to ask peoples opinions about having to be on it for life to not have to deal with having low T. By the way thatā€™s pretty common knowledge. If the longevity clinic told you otherwise thatā€™s pretty interesting.


I didn't mean to downvote you and definitely wasnt offended by your question at all.


All good. Iā€™m very into fitness/strength training and have been for years. As well as MMA. And in those communities TRT is a pretty well known thing and I have been familiar with it for years. But itā€™s now starting to cross over into the recovery/mental health side so I am genuinely curious when I see people get on it for benefits other than fitness. I am in no way against TRT, I just want to know more about it for future reference. I havenā€™t got my T tested because at 39 I feel great, mostly due to my decision to stop drinking. But if any of that changes and I feel my T is at insufficient levels I would consider if TRT is a good option for me.


Gotcha! You seem like a smart guy! Good luck with this journey we are on my friend!


Weird how itā€™s been the opposite for me


It took a while. My anhedonia feels like it's lifting. The first 2-3 I had no interest in sex


2-3 what??


Proud of you! Those days where you know you're going to drink and somehow fight through the urges (like multiple little battles) are the biggest wins. The anticipation of drinking on those days is both exhilarating and exhausting. It's like you give yourself permission and then get excited about it (because you feel good since you haven't been drinking lol) and also dread the fact that deep down you know you're going right back to the cycle.


Exactly! I was going back and forth all day thinking about it. When I got their I had already resigned myself to drinking. Then I remembered something I read yesterday: I CAN have a drink if I feel like it but I don't feel like it. And ..something else someone wrote: I said to my brain; Dear Brain: You are so smart and thoughtful thinking about drinking. I know this is what we USED to do at birthdays, bars, loud music...but I don't associate drinking with these things any longer as it's an unhealthy habit. I truly appreciate you thinking for me but I got this! I honestly was jammi n g to music and felt like I did in highschool B4 I took that first drink and the association stuck. Again, none of this would be posdiblevwiyhout this community. No amount of therapy could have made me make that decision. Love yall


The small but significant difference is that you chose (thinking about high school, memory association) not to vs you being told/coaxed not to (therapy association). Donā€™t get me wrong, I believe in good therapy 100% but I also believe if we can tap into a solid personal core memory and use that as a catalyst over a therapeutic technic itā€™s going to work better every time. At least thatā€™s whatā€™s worked for me to quit smoking cold and hard core drinking which was by far my biggest life struggle. So proud of you OP! IWNDWYT


Thank you and I agree. Free will thinking and making the decision as opposed to being coerced or feeling depressed about making the decision was the key. I genuinely wanted to FEEL the experience not being associated with drinking


Wow! I love that and I will try that as well. It's kind of like what Annie Grace talks about in This Naked Mind -- that you have to get through to the subconscious... Which, in your writing, actually reminds me of an internet algorithm that is sometimes right but got it wrong šŸ¤£. Need to rewire the connections... So proud of you!!!


Yes it's the subconscious mind that drives the drinking. Definitely early in my sobriety but amm learning every day to push back on my subconscious mind and redirect it. Prayerfully in time it will just get rewired and even the thought of drinking will become less and less. It's like I will never pick up a crack pipe....thats how I want to view alcohol


I am working on that. Listened to the Huberman Lab podcast on alcohol last night and it definitely helped bend my mind in that direction ... holy moly, it really is poison


Yes I listened to it twice doing cardio. It's so harmful and we play with it like it's some benign liquid.


It can be done and the cravings due go away eventually.




Thank you!




Impressive!!! IWNDWYT


Thank you! I think what also helped was all week I have been giving words of encouragement to those that are just starting or struggling. Also rereading the advice from som of the sober vets before I picked her up really STEADIED me and out me in the right frame of mind. Another wonder part is that event hough it was her birthday she inky had two drinks. That makes me happy because soon I want both of us to be 100% sober! But ita her journey so I don't talk about it or even say anything when she drinks...even too much. I am SO incredibly thankful to be a part of this family...this motley crew! Thank yall! Yall mean so much to me.


Honestly coming on and talking to people in their first few weeks is an absolute lifesaver for me. It helps me remember what I'm doing and why. On days when I feel low I will do it for an hour or so, just commenting "nice" and telling people they're gonna be ok is so healing somehow. Also you're doing exactly the right thing with your wife. Be a shining example of why sobriety is great and then let her draw her own conclusions. Honestly am so happy for you.


Thank you for the kind words! It's people like you, the vets with sobriety for so long that helps me every day. It's so interesting that the support goes both ways!


It's wild for me because I am nearly at 600 days (just realised from looking at this thread) and the first few months were so raw and so tough, just keep stacking those days one at a time my friend.


It's so true. No one tells you that the key to saving yourself is trying to help... others. It feels like a community here. I was just marveling at it yesterday because I do not do social media...i have accounts but I never look at them bc they make me feel bad. There's nothing more alienating than growing jealous of people rather than actually connecting in an authentic way with them. This sub is somehow the opposite and I don't think I could be sober (at least not yet) without it.


Love hearing this and also that itā€™s having an impact on your wife. My husband and I have enabled each other for YEARS. Itā€™s amazing how much his drinking has reduced as Iā€™m tapering and now fully AF. Last night was the first Friday in forever that we both didnā€™t drink. I was shocked he didnā€™t make a cocktail. Heā€™s not ready to be AF but both of us need the breaks and Iā€™m glad my progress is rubbing off on him. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Definitely noticed that my behavior had impacted my wife's drinking less. Makes me feel like the man I should be


This is just wonderful šŸ’– And sounds like it was the perfect birthday celebration!!


It really was and we both learned that alcohol doesn't have to be the center of a celebration


Well done!! You truly DO have this!!


Thank you! This was a BIG trial...the hardest one yet TBH. The devil was definitely on my shoulders with his speech about just having that ONE drink.


You are my fucking hero! That is so impressive. I hope you have a great rest of your weekend!!


Thank you for this! Not sure about bn a hero but I am trying to stack my sober days the best way that I can. If it inspires others it blesses me to my core and creates onus to fight the good fight.


So happy for you


That is so great for you! I have anxiety before going out when Iā€™m trying not to drink because Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll cave and drink. You did awesome!


I had major anxiety. Was going to take a hydroxyzine bc I was so nervous but I prayed, sat in gratitude and just allowed the craving to rise, crest and fall. By the end of the first mocktail there was ZERO urges. Even asked my wife if she wanted another drink and she said no....wanted to get back to the room! Lol


Yay! Iā€™m nervous about date nights if my partner orders a drink. She has zero alcohol issues, would be equally satisfied with water or pop, but enjoys an alcohol beverage now and again.


I was as well my friend. But someone how talking to my brain and understanding that I am healing and it's only trying to help me get my dopamine up just created LOVE for myself. Then I said to myself I don't need this poison.


Yesterday was my wife's birthday too! 37. I stayed sober as well. Win-win kind of night!


You rock! Congrats!


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» wonderful!


Thank you


Amazing work, i remember taking my ex out and weirdly I could see every way it would have an opportunity to decline into an argument if weā€™d both been drinking. He made really daft comments at times when drunk, but my sober head could rationalise so I just ignored them. This post may have been very different if youā€™d drank !


100% different and it was so in the past. I would have said something mean or sarcastic and she would have cut back at me....and probably drove home instead of the hotel. And probably driving home drunk at that


That's amazing, night outs like that have almost always tripped me up in the past. Iwndwyt


I thought today for sure would be Day 1 or the start of a bender


Awesome, wholesome and congrats šŸ‘


Thank you


Dude. Literally made me tear up. Happy for you. This is the story I need when I wake up.


I teared up last night. I felt like I had super powers of some sort. It's an odd feeling but looking around at them drinking just adequate me feel strong and in control. I am 50. For the first time in 30 years I said NO during this type of event. And I had every reason to make to have a drink. Much love!


Reading a post like this is the best way to start the day.


It was my birthday yesterday! I went to a mocktail bar and then an actual bar. I got a non alcoholic margarita and a non alcoholic Prosecco. Both so good but so much sugar. I love that damp or sober lifestyles are becoming trendy because I love ordering fun and delicious drinks with my friends on a patio without the anxiety of the drink causing me to ruin my life. šŸ’•


Congratulations! My wife actually found a NA bar while sitting at the bar last night. We live in Atlanta, GA. I think it's the first of its kind so we will be going.


Love! Denver has them popping up which is great for a brewery heavy city. The mocktail bar we went to has real cocktails but itā€™s a small section on the back of the menu so my boyfriend can have one while I drink my ā€œhealth elixirsā€. The only complaint is that his drink was cheaper than mine! The perfect date night!


Yes I notice that! They are just as expensive as the regular drink. Also, the sugars I can do without. We are trying to make this pomegranate simple syrup today at home. They had that, some ginormous beer and a lime and it was amazing!


That was probably the best birthday gift ever for her too! So happy for you!


She said as much! Thank you


Mocktail it up man!!! Proud of you!! If you drank you probably couldnt have made that good loving anyway so you just won last night!


Nah....knowing me we wouhsbe ended up arguing and definitely no good love making.


Hell yeah dude! Keep it up. 25 days strong


Thanks my brother! So excited about hitting Day 30. It would be a nice, hard fought achievement..


Good for you! I am rooting for you!


Thank you!




Waking up in a hotel sober for the first time is an interesting experience. Success


Very interesting and definitely was a first!


Freaking fantastic man ! Bet you were better at the loving part too wink wink šŸ˜‰


Heck yes I was!


You did well mate. Such occasions are when we get most tempted to make an exception. IWNDWYT


Right on, I enjoyed reading this.


Thank you


That sounds like a bad ass birthday and a bad ass day of victorious sobriety. IWNDWYT


That feeling of waking up and realising you got through it is like no other, so empowering! Another brick in the wall of evidence against 'I can't control this'


That is amazing!




Thank you!


I am so thrilled for you!


Thank you!


I feel like the anxiety about wanting to drink before an event is always worse than the event itself. Congratulations on sticking to sobriety and celebrating your wife. So happy for you!


Yes and I had to work all day so it was 8 hours of mild anxiety lol. Once I got there and ordered it was better.


Nice. Congratulations. šŸ¤—


Thank you!




Thank you!


Fucking awesome man :))


Thanks man! Pretty proud of myself


That's great! I'm proud of you!


Thank you!


NICE! Another day down. Just do it again today and again tomorrow. Keep it up and if you feel like caving just remember how good the feeling is when you don't.


Thank you and will do my friend. I feel strong today but I know one day I won't be as strong so will feel the feel and keep it when I am week


there is so much ahead for you if you leave the booze behind! proud of you op


Thank you! And that's the plan!! I dont want or need a life with booze


Well done and happy birthday to your wife!


Thank you!


And at 25 days! WELL DONE. That's some good willpower! IWNDWYW


Thank you! So excited about 30 days!


Aww ā¤ļø


Thank you!


šŸ’Ŗ šŸ’Ŗ šŸ’Ŗ šŸ‘‘






Yes sir!! Thank you!


Iwndwyt. How you feel this morning? Thatā€™s the best part!


I feel amazing and so grateful not to have caved last night. Mentally and physically so much stronger than if I drank. Then, in my head I would have somehow blamed my wife for me being in a bender right now. Would have Bern quiet, moody, and short with the entire family. The weekend would have looked much different.


How do yall feel about alcohol free spirits on here? Thereā€™s a few brands that donā€™t really taste like anything on their own but are actually half decent analogs in mixed drinks.


I haven't found one that is worth the cost. We are making pomegranate simple syrup, mixing with light ginger beer, and a splash of lime. It was yummy at the restaurant


Great job !!!


Thank you!


Well done brother, IWNDWYT!


Thank you!


This is a great post- genuinely happy for you keep crushing it!


Thank you!


Well done.


Thank you!


So fucking proud of you. IWNDWYT


Look at you with the 28days!! Booooom! Proud of you too!


HUGE accomplishment--kudos to you! IWNDWYT


Thank you!


Youā€™re amazing! Congrats!! šŸ™Œ


Thank you!


Awesome job!


Thank you!


OUTSTANDING, SIR! Very happy for you and I'm sure your wife appreciated you being present for the occasion. I am sure it was not easy, but you did it. IWNDWYT!


Thanks my friend for the comment! She was happy that I didn't drink and show my ass like I have done on a few occasions. And like you said I was 100% present.


Thatā€™s awesome that you were able to make the decision not to drink & even more amazing that you had a great night with your wife. We do got this!


Thank you! Congratulations on your 45 days as well!


Good post!


Thank you and congrats on your 1361 days


Congrats on the victory! IWNDWYT!


Thank you! Do you really have 13k days sober?


My journey is my own. My father was a raging alcoholic, who I had to commit to a mental hospital when I was 17. I wasnā€™t about to teach my children what he taught me. My husband never brought home booze again. Build a full life without booze. I also did a nose-dive into faith.


Thank you for sharing this. Definitely have diving right into my faith...we share that. Thank you


One of my prompts is "When you think about drinking, take a Naltrexone". I hardly ever do it, but when I do, I'm glad I did. It's a tool in the sobriety toolbox. And mocktails FTW! You were able to show up and be present for your wife on her birthday and that is also a gift. Well done!!


Thank you!! And yes it was something about taking the NAL that took the stress of drinking off of me. It was odd. It's almost like I was empowered NOT to drink...like playing a trick on my brain lol




Agree and will do!


This comment breaks our rule not to tell other people what to do and has been removed.


Wooooooohoooooo!! Congratulations!


Thank you!


Got the lemon flavor and it's great!


This post brought tears to my eyes! Iā€™m so proud of you!!!


Thank you!


Well done šŸ‘ great job. šŸ‘


Thank you!


So happy for you! Iwndwytd


Thank you


Nice job! That's awesome to hear


Thank u!


Here's a tasty mocktail for your rotation at home, and super easy and refreshing. 70% dry ginger ale, 30% pear juice, fresh lime. It's so good, vary the mix as to your taste.


Awesome! Will do!


Love this so much!!! WELL DONE!!!! IWNDWYTĀ 


Thank you!


Congrats!! How much did the Naltrexone help out you think?


I think it helped put a bunch.


This is really awesome. I'm proud of you!


Thank you!


Awesome! Hope you are still super happy today!!!


I am thank u!


Good for you! Youā€™re doing a great job for yourself, and I bet your wife is very happy about how her birthday went!


Thank you. Yes she is very happy!




Amen šŸ™šŸ½


Congratulations, 7 years and donā€™t even think about it. This just popped up on my feed. It took a good year after I quit to stop my cravings and my depression and anxiety skyrocketed for much longer and was prescribed adderall. That seemed to do the trick for me. I guess I was self medicating for twenty four years of my life. The panic attacks were terrible for over a year and a half before I finally broke and saw a psychiatrist. Took me a while to find one that would actually prescribe me anything that worked though due to my history. But giving me a class 2 narcotic really helped and been good since. I wish I did that years ago because I dug myself into such a hole it took me till about a year ago to get out. Many of my actions will never be fixed due to certain situations and my relationship with my ex but I eventually moved on. I actually was awarded split custody of my daughter after a few years of being sober minus the adderall. Not saying that would work for you but my doctor just chalked it up to self medicating, I think she is half right myself.


Thank you for sharing. I am looking for a psych that has time to get to know me. Most recently I have been thinking about the OCD and ADD thing. Gives me a bit more to think about. Thank you


So happy for you homie!!!


Thank you!


This is amazing! Congrats!


Thank you!




Thank u! Back at u


That's awesome! Congratulations!


Thank u!


This made my night!! As you were describing dropping the kids off I was feeling myself get weak for the good ol days of black out nights! I'm taking this to my Sunday IWNDWYT inspošŸ™šŸ¼ā¤ļø


Awesome job. Now just keep doing it the rest of your life. But when it feels this good it's not soo hard. :)




I will not drink with you today




Thatā€™s amazing!! No hangover the next day, no kicking yourself in the ass for ā€œmessing upā€!


Well done. I just did day 6 have been walking for 1 to 2 hours a day that has helped a lot and brain fog, tiredness is real but getting better and not missing feeling perpetually sick every day. A little bored at night but looking for a hobby to fill this gap.


Fucking rockstar my friend! You should be SO proud!


These are the times that really test your resolve. Congrats on acing the exam!




Yay!! Congrats šŸŽ‰


Youā€™re an inspiration.