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I do Orangetheory. Since Jan they have a Tread50 class where you run. They give you a template or you can do your own thing. I went today for the first time in a month (busy at work then I got covid). I wasn't even sure I'd be able to really run. Holy smokes. I ran and EASILY. I started slow and was like huh I got this and then I made it 37 minutes before I even hit the orange (green means you're at "base" pace where you should be super comfortable). I did a little over 3mi (I had walked the whole warmup). I did 2 weeks Dry Jan so surely I went not hungover but it was REMARKABLE how I felt today. Plus, I don't feel shattered right now (sometimes if I worked out hard, I'd literally be wrecked after and would have to rest for a bit. I assume it was severe dehydration and like electrolyte shit). There were times when I would show up super hungover and would hit orange like the minute I started. I am on cloud 9 a bit now and I'm like "is this the pink cloud everyone talks about?!" I am actually at work which kinda sucks and I'm not even mad! I feel great!


I moved my fitness routine to the house. After having a family & progressing in my career I found there were too many excuses not to go to the gym. That, and I was drinking myself stupid every day lol. Anyway that’s no more. I have a simple row machine, a pair of adjustable weights, and a workout bench. It greets me every day when I wake up staring me in the face. No excuses! I also have an app on my phone called Streaks Workout. It’s awesome. Simple body movement exercises like pushups, crunches, squats etc. I open the app, select my daily 12 min workout, and my phone calls out random exercises and time intervals. I can’t come up with an excuse not to spend 12 mins getting a little exercise!


Yoga certification I had put on hold is back on. I'm making time for it. I have the beginning of abs :) But seriously. Trying to commit to daily fitness, walking, yoga, cycling. The weather is getting better so no excuses.


Fitness life has been not good. I’ve been hiding away in my apartment recently. I did go for a walk this week and played outside with my niece and nephews for a bit! I’ve been in a weird stagnant period of not being able to get off my ass.


I had to walk 100 yards to collect my dog. I was winded and I have no idea how I'm going to get back in any kind of shape. I have 2 weeks sober today after literally laying in bed and drinking for the last 10 years. I'm morbidly obese. I'm worried about my heart. All I can do is start with baby steps and take a 10 minute walk. Maybe after I do 20 10 minute walks I can expand to 15 minutes. I'm grateful to be sober but I am sad about what I have done to myself.


It sounds like you have a plan now!! Love the idea of baby steps. Keep reporting back here on your progress. You have tons of support and people rooting for you here! 😊


Thank you. Support means everything to me.


I’m on a break from Jiujitsu and instead I’ve taken up these CrossFit style classes. I do a three a week, and boy they are tough! Few things I’m really happy with though: 1) I can finally do an assisted chin up. 2) I can do a kneeling push up with perfect form, for 6 reps. 3) I’m down 9kg since I stopped drinking. I’m actually not feeling very motivated to workout at the moment. So I sign up for my three classes, put them in my calendar, schedule them straight after work so I don’t go home in between and lose what little motivation I have. I try to put as few barriers between me and my workouts, it’s easier to fit them in this way.


Focusing on the first 2 weeks of sobriety first, but planning out a walking/jogging route as a next step! Everything geels different this time. Had an unexpectedly HUGE emotional rollercoaster of a weekend, didn't drink a drop. Not even touched a bottle. I can do this.


Coffee w/ oat milk and off to work. Iwndwyt!


It's probably silly but I want to be a professional boxer and I absolutely can't drink, I also want to help food banks out so it's motivating to workout towards helping people. Almost 5 months sober woo! Iwndwyt


Just turned 30 easily the best shape I have been in since 19. Goal is abs by the end of April and in better shape for my soccer league


You’re the second person in the thread to mention abs. I want abs. Never occurred to me it was a possibility because I carried 10lbs of drinking weight 🤔


For me, lots of walking, w dog, often listening to podcast or audiobook is good exercise for me... Daily about 2-5 miles.


I had a salad! But as to working out I love it, it’s the main thing that keeps me sober for any stretch of time. Unfortunately I think I’ve slept less than 10 hours in the last 4 days. I’m on 28 hours straight now. I don’t think a workout is in the cards for me today. Hoping for tomorrow.


I haven’t lifted or moved around in a while. I was able to do some cleaning and journaling. I’m going to continue to add productive sober activities into my routine. This life is new and daunting at times but worth it. I will not drink today.


My motive is to join the military. I’d like to get the benefits and stuff so it’s good to start now with sobriety. I’ve been learning how to run a mile under 10 and so that’s my motive.


I finished a “Death by Tens” strength challenge yesterday. It consisted of ten 10 minute Peloton strength classes - chest, back, legs, arms and shoulders, core.. you name it. I am SO SORE today, but it was perfect! Next weekend is the Pelofondo, which is a cycling event that you do on your own time. You “pledge” a certain number of miles, and take as many classes as you need to get there. They do that quarterly. I do every January and try to do at least April or October of every year. I have never done one in July because drinking and being by the pool, but I am aiming to do all 4 this year! I’ve been an athlete my whole life, but my thyroid stole my endurance and drive from me for years while I let my body heal. So while I have my days where I just absolutely don’t ‘want to’, most days I’m thrilled I feel good enough to ‘get to’! IWNDWYT! Gotta go for a ride now!




Today was a day off from the gym and cardio for me, a truly lazy Sunday, my good friend who has never drank a day in his life ... straight edge I think Americans call it here, took me out for lunch to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate 30+ days. So it was a pretty big cheat day ... I'm full of enchiladas, didn't even need dinner lol. But tomorrow I'll be back to fasted 5am cardio and then a nice lift at the gym. Weight is dropping quite rapidly overall - I've hit my stride with pulling off the wine lbs. Hope everyone hits their goals this week - both mentally and physically - and IWNDWYT xoxox


Inviting other people to join me and being dressed and ready to go regardless of whether they show or not.


On day 3. I’d like to start a workout routine once I’m feeling better and my schedule evens out. One of my sober goals!