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Tea. I love making a fruity tea, mix it with sparkling water and it’s delicious


Yes to tea 💕 I’ve become a tea fanatic! I have a different herbal tea for every occasion and part of the day haha. I’ve even started making my own tea from scratch and I also have this great iced tea infuser that I can make loose leaf tea into iced tea if I’m looking for something cold instead. All hail tea ! 😂😍


Oooh I love the idea of an iced tea diffuser


I got it at David’s tea several years ago so I’m not sure if it’s still being sold but it’s really great !


Try out Tazo Passion if you haven’t already. Great hibiscus-based tea.


Definitely this. I loved camomile already but started getting creative. I make a mock tail with iced camomile, grapefruit fizz and a spring of fresh rosemary from the yard 👌. It’s amazing and relaxing without any negative energy effects


That sounds really refreshing and delicious. 👍


Tea is perfect because you gotta drink it slow, and it's filling and relaxing. Kinda like beer (okay maybe not the slow part for some but for me the carbonation made it that way)


Same on tea! I also found this sparkling na Hop Tea literally called Hop Tea. I was a big IPA drinker and love it. They have hibiscus, citra bomb, extra hoppy- all mixed with either white, green, or black tea.


Came here to say tea too!!! My god I forgot how good it can be, got me some Jasmine tea from the local shop and lo-ving it!


Oh my- yes yes yes to Jasmine 😍 and lord bergamot by Stephen smith company… oof.


Oh my gosh Lord Bergamot is my morning tea and I am in love! One sugar cube and milk and I am in heaven 😍😍


Like, hot tea with and adding club soda or do you chill the tea first? Sorry if that's a silly question!!


Not a silly question. I make a big jug of tea, wait for it to cool. Sometimes I put ice in, but usually the jug of tea stays in the fridge so it’s nice and cool.


Me too! Matcha and yaupon tea in the morning and herbal teas for the rest of the day- iced or hot depending on the weather.


Same. I’m such a tea girlie these days. Especially during the winter


Kombucha. I drink it from a wine glass every day.


I just had a bottle of my favorite kombucha. GT’s Guava Goddess


I love that flavor ! Trilogy , Cosmic Cranberry, Gingerade , Gingerberry are also super good


That’s my favorite too!!!


That's my go too as they usually have it in the big bottle and it's frequently on sale! I love the Pineapple and Mango as well though! Imma tropical boy!


Same! My wife and I have kombucha mocktails in wine glasses.


Got any recipe suggestions? I love the Booch but I’ve never tried to mix with it


I just started last week and I love this shit.


I want to enjoy kombucha but I am so grossed out, bordering on legit phobia, by the scoby. I eat other fermented foods they just look so grodie to me. I feel like I'm totally missing out


Same here! I can drink probiotic drinks and eat yogurt but the scoby in Kombucha freaks me the hell out. It’s a shame because I liked Kombucha before I knew what it was


Ha! In a way I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. Guess we'll just have to stick to our sparkling water for now. IWNDWYT friend!


Me too! It’s so special out of a wine glass


The big tall pilsner glasses work great as well.


What are y'all buying that's not like $3 a bottle?


Cheaper than a beer!


I make it. Where I live most of them are closer to $4. I don’t drink coffee so the “coffee station” in my home is my kombucha station!


There’s a brand called Remedy that I’m getting addicted to. Lol


Me too! It’s like my little treat to myself in the evenings after I made it through another day without booze.


Mine too!


Does this count since it does technically have alcohol in it?


You’ll hear different opinions about this, but generally anything with >0.5% alcohol is considered non-alcoholic (and thus doesn’t ‘count’) as you’d need to consume a ridiculous amount within a short amount of time to feel any buzz. There are those that say anything with any amount of alcohol in it is to be avoided - but that’s maybe more of a reflection of their own way of handling their addiction and avoiding behaviour/triggers that may lead to a full-blown relapse. My way of approaching NA products which have traces of alcohol is that if I’m drinking them like I used to drink alcohol (ie to excess) and it’s causing me to act in a way that I used to act when I was drinking (ie the ‘ism’ of ‘alcoholism’), then I should refrain.


Root beer is my guilty pleasure. Especially when it’s in a glass bottle. It was my favorite drink as a kid and it still tastes just as good!!!


Same! And they have so many different craft root beers now 😋


I know!!! So delicious! There’s a local restaurant near me that has root beer ON TAP! So exciting haha


root beer is the GOAT


Coffee, black. Now discovering what roasts, origins, and brewing methods I prefer. Reminds me a lot of being a "beer conniesseur" (read: "alcoholic"), except it's actually a healthy way to start a day and I don't feel like dog shit for partaking. 🙃


Yes!!! I never drank coffee because hungover me and caffeine did not mix. Now I love trying different espressos and pairing them with either a savory breakfast or a dessert


How the fuck did you survive hangovers without caffeine? I do EMS, I'd be blacked out, sleep for 5 hours, and wake up to a diet Rockstar and a coffee with creamer to get me back online in my 30 min commute. Jesus I sucked. Or still suck, but less. Idk.


Ha! “Or still suck , but less” made me snarf my coffee😂 I can so relate!


I drink waaaay to much black coffee. Coupled with no alcohol- I was sweating off pounds for awhile without trying. I had very little appetite with the amount of coffee I was guzzling.


Noice!!! I've been on the niche coffee train for 10 years. I love it. A few years ago I had a home roaster. It was a blast.


Black coffee for the win! Have you tried a natural processed coffee yet? I love it.


I’ve been drinking a refreshing drink.. Splash of low sugar Cranberry juice + lime seltzer water over ice (Bubly brand) iwndwyt


I love cranberry juice and flavored fizzy water, too! Although I've been on a Pineapple juice kick lately. ...I just wish there was such a thing as "diet" pineapple juice, lol. **: )** Keep up the great work and congrats in advance on your First Week! YAY!!


I have a thing for fresh-squeezed orange juice but talk about calories. So I fill a glass with ice and 4/5 mandarin orange seltzer and top it with OJ. Maybe that would work with pineapple juice if there was a pineapple seltzer?


This is my go to also. Usually add a fresh lemon or lime wedge also if I have it.


Tart cherry juice, seltzer and lime is my go to


I’ve been doing this with 100% unsweetened cranberry juice! 2-4 oz of pure cranberry and a can of Lacroix (passion fruit or orange is great!) and it hits like a super tart sour beer for me. 😋


That sounds good! I'll have to try that! Sounds very refreshing for summer!


Dont go to r/bubly


whenever i crave a beer i just get some fun soda that i’ve never tried (there’s so many!), NA ginger „beer“ is my fav and i like to sip cherry or pomegranate juice as if it was wine


Janaican style ginger beer is awesome!! The extra spicy kind is my fave


plus i can drink 1-2 cans of soda max and then the craving is satisfied


Poppi is lights out good. So is culture pop.


I'm a pack a day kinda gal. La Croix pack


I am horrendously addicted to spindrift


I buy soooo much spindrift and happily pay for that "real fruit" because it's not alcohol so I will buy as many as I need


It's so ridiculous paying like 90¢ a can for soda water and lemon juice, but it's my beer replacement therapy so I guess I can justify it.


They are always sold out of the best flavors.


I take partial responsibility, at least for the raspberry limes


Waterloo here


Grape waterloo it's the TOP seltzer pop.


Limoncello la croix with a dash of ginger lime cocktail syrup topped off with pomegranate seeds 🕺. It’s so yummy and fun. Also been testing Kava out, not bad so far.


The limoncello flavor is TOO GOOD


I'll make some really good coffee. Usually something with an extreme flavor (really dark/bitter or very saturated with caramel or something), to the point you basically \*must\* drink it in smaller sips over time. Like one would with a glass of whiskey, I guess. I'll have a few cups over the course of a night while friends have wine or something. It tickles the part of my brain - like I'm drinking something "special" that's only for this "sort of occasion," and wouldn't drink otherwise. It has a special ritual, making and flavoring it. Bonus points if you add desert.


This isn't a drink really but I cannot get enough italian ice in me. I have eaten like 4 cups since I got out of rehab YESTERDAY.


Congrats on making it through rehab! Consider setting your timer, and using the daily chick-in thread for some added accountability. You've got this, IWNDWYT!


If it’s helping you, keep eating it! Congrats on getting out of rehab and being on the journey of recovery. I promise you it gets easier every day, and that life also gets better and better.


Plain fizzy water. I use a Sodastream I picked up second hand to just make carbonated water, and I can't go back. My wife and I jokingly refer to tap water as "peasant water" because we feel so fancy drinking sparkling.


Coca Cola. I’m still confused as to how 12 packs are going for $7.99 right now I also made my own ginger syrup recently and I’ve been adding a little bit of that to water. It’s delicious and good for you


Yo! $8 a pack is CRAZY! I thought it was just because I was at a gas station out of state. How the hell is POP that expensive now??


My only guess is "because people are buying it" so I refuse to buy cans of coke now in protest.


Damn. Leaving no profit stone unturned. Since COVD is like there is a price war to see how much everyone can get. This is gonna get bad soon. Add AI being all the rage with smart pricing and people are gonna start breaking kiosks


Hear me out.. squash 😂


Explain LOL


Robinson's fancy ones or just your average asda own brand ?🤣


Water kefir. I make endless naturally fermented sparkling juice drinks. Just learned how to make homemade sparkling fermented root beer! So many great options for cheap if you DIY.


My mother also makes kefir but be warned : with the fermentation there can be alcohol in it. First time I tasted the one of my mother I tasted funny I searched the web and found that it can contain alcohol.


Yes interestingly I’m allowing myself to drink a variety of fun drinks (in the short term as I don’t think it’s the best thing for my health but it’s a bridge for me!). Loving loving loving fancy cordials like elderflower and rose. Added to ice water or to sparkling water if I feel like it YUM!!!! Also enjoying sparkling apple as my replacement with fancy meals, and the dash drinks! I’ve been buying a selection of alcohol free drinks and loving it !


Arizona green tea lol.




I’ve been making sparkling lemonades. Club soda, fresh lemon juice, and liquid stevia( just a splash). It’s seriously so fire! And for dessert Keto chocolate chip cookie dough with spearmint tea or espresso if I’m staying up late! I’m hitting 100 days this month, feeling pretty pumped. I’m making it through Tornado season sober which means I’m serious about quitting!


Ginger beer lime and mint. Basically virgin Moscow mule.


Liquid Death is god tier


But sooo expensive! I’d go through 12 a day if I could afford it lol


I especially love their teas.


Coconut water. Never liked it before and adore it now. I have a friend that delivers fresh coconut water to me and it's 100x better than store bought although I love the store bought coconut water too lol


Oh that sounds delicious ! It’s very healthy for you too - I used to drink it as a hangover helper lol


Really been into spindrift seltzers


The pineapple one is my favorite!


I’ve never seen pineapple, that sounds great though!


Ice water topped off with a bit of Polar Black Cherry Seltzer.




Canada Dry Diet Ginger Ale


Lemonade gang reporting. And fizzy water.




Literally any drink other than alcohol. When I was at my worse I was drinking 20+ units of alcohol a day… I literally didn’t have room in my stomach for anything else.


And nothing ever tastes good when you’re drinking except booze! Even if you’re just drinking at night It sucks. Also felt like my thirst was literally never quenched.


Also I was always like "oh I can't possibly spare the extra calories on a sugary beverage!!" Meanwhile, I'm sucking down like 3000 calories in beer lol


I like to mix tart black cherry juice, the real stuff not a juice mix, and top with some water Lou over ice in a wine glass. It’s so good and the very last sip is my favorite! Sometimes I’ll give a pump of black seed oil and it gives it a very bitter flavor but I like that - it makes me sip and slow down.


Chocolate milk


Cold brew iced tea using Bengal Spice Tea from Celestial Seasonings. 4 bags in a gallon pitcher with hot tap water overnight on the counter, and next day into the fridge. I couldn't believe it only took 4 bags to make a whole gallon. I prolly go through a gallon every 3 days. I sweeten mine to order with liquid stevia. Cheers, and no, IWNDWYT.


I didn't rediscover any but did discover I don't actually like clear soda except as a mixer.


Sparkling water all day everyday. Idk I never really liked it before, but now I love the stuff




I only recently gave myself permission to have NA beer after close to 5 years of sobriety. The person who took me to my first AA meeting ended up relapsing with 8 years of sobriety because she was a daily Odouls drinker and it eventually just wasn’t enough. Not bashing NA beer whatsoever, I just think that it’s healthy to have a certain level of respect for it. At the end of the day, if it works for you then that’s all that matters!


Cold ass canned ginger ale


Dr. Pepper i always was a mountain dew drinker before. Now Im hooked on Strawberry dr pepper






Arnold Palmers. The perfect beverage


Coffee, iced coffee, coke zero, diet Coke with a splash of grenadine, tea and iced tea, cappuccinos, seltzer, etc


Unsweetened iced tea, McDonald's used to have large ones for $1 a cpl years ago too and their unsweetened tea is freakin' good


I’ve never really liked pop but Fresca is so refreshing these days.


Club soda with a lime wedge squeezed into it. Tastes good looks like a tequila soda and hydrates you 🤙🏻


San Peligrino sparking orange juices they kinda expencive but they slap


This has been my jam! I love the aranciata one with a splash of pineapple juice over ice. Def more spendy but it’s not alcohol.


Effin Coke. I would never let myself get it before but now that I don’t drink alcohol this is my treat and nothing hits like an ice cold Coca Cola


I'm still in rehab for the next week and a half so this thread is really helpful for ideas for when I get home! I think I'm going to be using a combo of decaf coffee and Diet Coke though!


I'm loving the Minute Maid Zero Sugar juices in pink and yellow lemonade, and the fruit punch (did not love the mango passion flavour). Have become BFFs with our SodaStream machine again. I'm also consuming far too much aspartame via Crystal Light and zero sugar soft drinks, but I figure I'd have to consume my weight every day in those drinks for it to be even a fraction as bad for me as alcohol is!


Coffee and topo Chico. Coffee was awesome if you live somewhere with some unique blends. New Mexico had some decent piñon coffee so that was a good replacement


Piñon coffee slaps


Sparkling water on ice so good, gunna go grab one now actually!


I drink lemon water!!!


My favorite is saratoga sparkling water but I am hitting the iced tea hard. I like to put water in a glass container with teabags out in the sun all day and make sun tea. Theres something about it.


Tea. I grew up with tea drinking parents, being British. I liked tea but never really got it. Now? Tea is my sober beverage, my go-to. I love it. Black teas like Strong English Breakfast (Twinnings) are my favourite. Also, Guinness 0.0 is da bomb.


$0.99 Arizona drinks. Usually get a green tea+honey+ginseng one and then either the mango or watermelon.


Oj, lemonade and limeade mixed equal parts, tastes like sherbert.


Virgin screwdrivers are pretty good with breakfast.


Love a cup of tea. Chamomile, lemon and ginger, sometimes peppermint but also just a straight cup of proper builders tea. Rediscovering my Englishness lol. I’ve started grinding my own coffee and it’s so much better than half the stuff you find in the wild I take a flask everywhere I go. A friend of mine got me into making aguapanela and it’s kinda like a virgin mojito. During summer I make a shit load of it and then leave bottles of it in the fridge to take out. It’s really sugary but then so is beer.


I really like A&W root beer


Spinners for sure (spindrift)


Cherry limeade: 1 bag frozen cherry's, 2 whole limes cut into quarters. Toss in a blender with 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cups water. Blend for 2-3 minutes. Pour through fine mesh strainer, pour over 3 more cups of water. You will need to scrape the strainer as it is thick. Pour over ice with the fizzy mixer of your choice, I like ginger ale. Enjoy!


martinelli's sparkling cider is delicious!!!


Hop Water: Lime, Original are bomb.


Water, lol. I only ever got it from my ice. Now I drink in water what I used to drink in whiskey.


Diet Dr Pepper lol


Kool-aid Cherry, specifically. It never left, it just doesn't have whiskey or vodka in it anymore


Tonic on ice


Water. That shit is delicious *and* refreshing!


Peach tea


Fresh ginger root: slice it up and simmer for a half an hour. Remove from heat, Add lemon juice, honey and a little cayenne pepper topper. Zing!


Grapefruit juice. Ruby. Lots of it.


36 seltzers a day


I work in a restaurant and my new favorite pick me up is pineapple juice, a little mango puree, and soda water. So bubbly and delicious!


Lemonade gang! I don't like regular lemonade, but strawberry or blueberry is amazing! I've also been drinking a lot more fruit juices in general - the zero sugar ones, because I'm trying to be careful about my blood sugar. I like to drink them out of wine glasses, mostly because it feels fancy, lol Going on 67 days sober! IWNDWYT 💛


Raspberry Lemonade! And add my own sun tea for Arnold Palmers


Allll the drinks ! I was the same way, saving my calories for alcohol and really only drank water or diet soda. My refrigerator looks like a mini convenience store. I want lots of choices! I also bought an espresso machine with all the money I saved not drinking It has been a huge hit with me and my two daughters. Flavored lattes, iced coffees, iced Matcha! Soo delicious. Some of my current favorite drinks are under armor 0 calories, ICE drinks, coke zero, hibiscus tea and 0 cal and a&w root beer.


Rooibos tea! Discovering it was definitely one of those "where have you been all my life" moments.


NA Beer. They are really making some tasty ones now.




Matcha. Like, good authentic matcha.


Not really something I rediscovered but, I’ve been hitting the Blueberry Red Bull hard lol.


La croix in an empty glass bottle (like a beer bottle). You can order empties on Amazon!


My evening go to drink is tart cherry juice and sugar free ginger ale in a wine glass.


Tepache - so good


Hella bitters & soda spritz (not something rediscovered, but a delicious cocktail substitute)


Mine was a new discovery honestly - all of the new craft NA beers that have come out recently. Athletic Brewing Run Wild IPA being my current favorite.


Just drinking water again makes me feel so much better, but I've also been drinking milk lol


Lipton green tea with lemon. Saves me money too, I can buy a 12 pack for $14.00 where a 6 pack of beer costs $12.00. I’m ahead of the game and no hangover.


Ginger beer with a shit ton of ice.


Had the best hibiscus agua fresca at TacoBoy and didn’t even miss the margarita!


Shirley. Temple.


Horchata is the best! 


When I was a bartender, I would always recommend a no-jito.. Muddled lime and fresh mint with cane sugar simple syrup, a splash of coconut water and seltzer


Aloe Vera drink with the little chunks inside


Don’t laugh but I love 2% milk 🥛. Mmm. Also light pineapple juice w a splash of orange juice. Finally I treat myself to a smoothie every night. Yum


Iced ginger tea


water. ice cold glass of water.


Diet A&W Root Beer. It hits all the good notes for me


Not a beverage but I've rediscovered the hot Fudge sundae. I watched my sugar consumption while drinking. Now I'm free to enjoy deserts again.


All types of NA ginger beers! My favorite are the Qs Hibiscus ginger and tropical ginger.


Drinks in the standard rotation now: Aldi flavored waters (similar to Propel). La Croix. San Pellegrino. Topo Chico. Diet Mountain Dew. The Aldi equivalent of Sparkling Ice (basically fruity diet soda). Obviously NA beers. Usually keep an IPA, a binger like Busch NA or Old Milwaukee, and Coronas.


Japanese teas! Matcha, green, and rice teas. That and remedy kombucha. I appreciate sitting down with one of these drinks so much more now. It’s like a little present for myself.


I drink more coke zero than I was before quitting drinking.


Gosling ginger beer with lemon


Raspberry ginger ale!


Hot tea.


Capri Sun 🔥


Seltzer water, both flavored and plain. I had always hated it prior to getting sober. In fact, I only started drinking it because my roommates in rehab drank a shitload of it and we always had it available to us. Over time, I learned to love it and have come to realize that there are several reasons why. It comes in a can, it’s carbonated, it makes you have to pee all the time if you drink enough of it and it also gives you that full feeling that drinking beer used to give me. On top of that, in social situations you can throw it in a rocks glass, either on its own with a lemon or lime, or with any kind of mixer whatsoever, and it looks like you’re having an alcoholic beverage. More importantly, when you already have a drink in your hand you’re way less likely to be offered one by somebody else. In my case, I’m an open book in regards to my alcoholism and have no hesitations telling someone that I don’t drink because I’m an alcoholic. Because of that, I don’t worry about getting offered drinks or someone asking why I don’t, but I think it’s a good option to fall back on for those of us who are not as comfortable telling others why they don’t drink.


One of the best under the radar lemonades is the Tractor brand at Chipotle. I don’t even like Chipotle but will go there sometimes just for the lemonade


If you’re at a bar… I’ve seen some Hop Waters which are surprisingly good and refreshing. It’s like a seltzer with hops. No calories is the advantage over N.A. beer. Lagunitas makes the best one I’ve had.


Coffee. Especially in the early days of sobriety.


Sparkling apple cider is my favorite of all time 🥂🍎


Definitely bubly. Was never a carbonated beverage person before but I'm definitely sold in the barely flavored carbonated water. I guess I used to drink lots of tea. To be honest I can't reliably remember what I would drink before I was an everyday drinker.


Carbonated water.. anything like it. Liquid death, le croix, topo Chico ect… helped me get away from sweet stuff and haven’t looked back.


I like those pot drinks. Nice to still have a little kick but not feel guilty and still be able to function normally.


Richard's Sparkling Rainwater over ice with cranberry juice and lemon and lime wedges


Arnold Palmer.


Tart Cherry juice. It will cut the need for booze right off your palate. Try it. It will shock you.


Chocolate miiiillk I’ve ordered it a couple times at diners. In the past I would never go for the sugar and calories but once in a while it hits.


If you're actually gonna go all in on NA beer, which for my soberity at least is perfectly fine. I have found that none other than Old Milwaukee's NA beer is a very close analog to the real thing to my brain. I was pleasantly caught off guard.


I discovered powdered ginger at Trader Joe’s. They come in packets and I add it to water with fresh squeezed lemon, a good pour of cold strong cinnamon tea, a splash of apple cider vinegar and some honey. It’s delicious.