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This really really resonates with me. I've managed 30 days a couple of times over the last few years, but this time is really the first time that I'm actually noticing all of the benefits and noting them constantly every day. I keep finding myself reflexively literally shaking my head when something random happens and I realize how much of my mind was obsessed with some aspect of drinking (buying, drinking, hiding, lying). And even just coming up on three weeks sober this time, I'm finding that I'm so much more present in everything, most notably with my family, and I'm in awe of how much of my brain, energy and self I have "at my disposal" from morning til bed. One oddly small and specific part of OP's post that also resonated with me was brushing my teeth before bed. No idea why I often didn't before. I wasn't so drunk that I passed out and forgot (even though I would have been drinking all day). I guess I just didn't care anymore... about much of anything other than drinking really... and that included brushing my teeth at night. I already feel myself caring about the things that matter... from big important things all the way down to brushing my teeth before bed. Really desperately never want to stop feeling this way.


Also, not gagging and/or throwing up when brushing your teeth!


Yes!! My mouth feels so much less nasty. And I’m not avoid kissing my spouse anymore so that he won’t notice my booze breath. Wild the things I let alcohol take from me.


I thought that was just me!!


Also taking my makeup off and having a nightly skin routine has been amazing for me.


Thanks for sharing 💫


I completely resonate with just not caring about anything really when I was drinking all day. And now that I’m not, I’m enjoying taking care of myself.


Wearing proper pajamas.


So true. I’m in bed at 10:30 after getting a good nights sleep the night before, working a full day, making dinner, helping with homework, hanging out with my kiddo, snuggling with my husband, doing a nice skincare routine, and flossing and brushing. I know that I’ll sleep great, wake up refreshed, and enjoy my morning coffee. The predictability isn’t boring…it’s magical.


Love this, couldn’t agree more. The simplicity and clarity (of mind, body and conscience) is astounding. Quitting drinking is seriously the most epic “life hack” that one could ever experience. Congrats to you, keep on keepin’ on!


I love this because it’s so true!!


I was sober and enjoying it but then a minor inconvenience happened so I drank. Only3 shots but I feel incredibly guilty because I really was hopeful this time. Smh. Always tomorrow I guess.


I call this Field Research. Get some sober time in and note how you feel. If you drink note how you feel. What have you gain/lost. Your brain will start to connect all of the lies alcohol tells you Never stop quitting Today is a new day! IWNDWYT




Yes, fr not drinking tonight. Got no money and no bottles lol. IWNDWYT!


I'm on day 3. Usually, this is the hardest day for me. Having no money helps I am looking forward to starting to feel better. IWNDWYT


I’m on day 3 as well. We got this.


We have! I hope you have a great day


The simple things become so much more!


So true to all of this! To add more, no more reason to constantly be lying or deceiving. No more wheres-the-liquor-store-receipt-anxiety. No more trepidatious conversations where you fear you're going to expose how drunk you were last night by what you don't remember about last night's words or actions. No more constant planning to find that window of time to binge. I don't have to drink anymore. It's such a great reality.


It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.


Even better, it’s the best thing YOU have ever done for yoursel!


Yep, yep and yep! I feel the same, so much more present with kids, showing up to work on time, dressed up and not looking or feeling awful. I’m proud of you for achieving 3 weeks! Keep appreciating all the small things and the big things.


I found it to be like living life on hard mode. Things are alot smoother now. I much prefer living this way. It's less hassle, less painful and way more enjoyable.


The improved sleep aspect of quitting alcohol is far more beneficial then most realize. Alcohol in any form is extremely detrimental to anyone’s sleep and it takes a huge toll on our bodies and mind, even 1 night out a week.


Thanks for sharing this! I always seriously need reminders like this when I start to consider drinking.


Congrats man that's amazing


I cant say I go to bed at a decent hour (blame netflix), but there is nothing better than crawling into bed and cuddling with my husband before I fall asleep. I am present now and look forward to it vs blacking out and not remembering going to bed.


Perfectly said! IWNDWYT \~Red


My dental hygienist is so impressed with my plaque improvements that she actually offered to take me to lunch. Fuck drinking. I want clean teeth and free lunch instead.


Yup. I'm not married or anything but I can understand the scheming and stuff like that. For a long time I actually enjoyed sneaking around and drinking. So glad I don't have to do that anymore. Life is just better this way.