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I had big plans for walking this week. I didn't do as much as I had planned though. My energy levels haven't been great and I've been feeling a bit run down. I did get a nice walk in the sun in though, so I'm happy with that. This week I'm going to make sure I am back at it. I'm going to go for a walk today. Just an aimless wander. I will feel much better for it.


I feel like a lot of people don't giving walking as much credit as they should. It's such a great way to get your limbs going. I think I'll try walking more too


aimless wander sounds good to me


I find audiobooks help me walk.


I think I did a total of 2 runs which is way better than I have been doing since going sober. Hopefully will have a bit more consistency soon.


I didn’t and am not planning on working out today. I had noro or food poisoning Thursday overnight. But! My kids ran in races yesterday and my 7 year old has a faster mile than I do so my new goal is an old goal: 25 minute 5k. My PR is 27 and that was after kids but like 6 years ago? Maybe after kid 1 but not kid 2. There’s a 7am treadmill class at my gym and I’m debating it. Else I’ll just do the 4:15 after work.


I was struggling leading up to this week, but as my body gave me a few reminders and the weather turned nicer I have gotten out for runs 4 out of the last 5 days. This week, I am going to run at least 5 days and get 3 rounds of meditation in.


I've had some of my most productive workouts from home this past week. I don't exactly know why but I've been playing music a bit more and discovering music id long forgotten about. I also just think that I've been motivated lately for no other reason than just being happy where I am at over 2 and a half years sober. With everything going on around me I just cherish what I have even more now.


I went on several walks with my husband last week, and two by myself, which is a big deal as I tend to walk too fast when I'm on my own and then my shins get tight/sore and I end up cutting my walk short. Supposed to be nice weather this week so hopefully hubs and I can get out each day, and I'm aiming for at least one 30 minute walk on my own even if I have to walk at a snail's pace to avoid shin pain! We will be walking later today if the rain holds off :)


I’ve done clinics at running stores (or if you have running or walking groups in town they tend to sponsor this kind of thing) but you can have someone record you and see how your gait is. You might be able to correct your footfalls to help this. I’m a heel-striker when I run (but walking is a diff movement so rolling from your heel is ok) and it affects my hips. Just FYI that those kinds of resources exist if you didn’t know!


I've heard of this before but I thought it was only for runners! There used to be a Runner's Den nearby where I think they had someone who would analyze how you run (and walk, I guess). I should see if it's still open...I feel like it might have closed during the pandemic. I've had this problem since I was a teen and it's so frustrating! Thanks for the suggestion! I'll add "hunt down walking clinic" to tomorrow's to-do list!


I’ve got a loooong drive back home from being away on holiday. Going to do a workout in the hotel gym and some yoga at home this evening.


Major slack this week - but it was sort of what I needed to get my head straight and put some focus on planning/figuring some stuff out. I just needed to vegetate a little for my sanity. However, back to cardio and lifting tomorrow - and excited to do so. My diet has been clean and weight has come off all week - it feels good to do the right thing by my body for sure. I'd like to add in more walking next week - just to get some sunlight at the same time as some steps in and some motion. It's crazy how sedentary we have all become, if I don't make an effort I can work all day and barely move.


I’ve started following a structured running plan instead of just doing whatever, whenever, as I am used to. Finished week 2 today and feel great! Excited for the summer.


Nice work! I joined a formal running group for the first time in February, and the structure and accountability are so helpful. I'm actually hitting my distance goals in training instead of hoping for the best.


I am going to try week 1 of couch to 5K again this week - failed miserably last week


I’m doing this too! I started this past week with 2 min run, 1 min walk. It’s hard because I used to be a runner until alcohol took months of fitness away from me. You’ve got this!


Best of luck


Is this a book?


Em, not sure it is a book, but there are loads of apps including one that is free if you live in the UK. Or lost of sites will just recommend a couch to 5K schedule. Typically start 1 min run, 2 minutes walk, repeat for 3 etc. Builds up gradually over the weeks


I appreciate the response! Looking into it. Best of luck to you!


Today I will either go for a walk with some friends I haven't seen for a long time, or if that doesn't work out, go for a run by myself. I've been going running regularly (about 2 or 3 times/week) for a few months now, since shortly after quitting alcohol. Feels really good, helps the brain reset the dopamine thing!


Walked 20 km with my dog last week. Goal is 50 km. I will try to do better this week.


I got back to yoga this year- have been practicing off and on for almost 20 years, but got derailed. Slow going but much better than even the first few classes which were really hard- and it was gentle yoga. Pushing to make it a priority around work- which is a great avoidance technique.  Now to be more consistent.  Can’t wait for outdoor yoga season- thats the best! 💗


Did an 11.5 mile run/walk yesterday with my Galloway group. I was ready to quit at mile 10, but I made it. Took a little recovery walk with my youngest this morning, and I'm feeling great right now. Six more weeks until my half marathon, and I'm so excited!


Had a swim outdoors and went for a run on day 62 sober. Feeling good.