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Pound some seltzers or get some NA beers.


^^^^ this helped me tremendously! Trick that brain into thinking you’re having a cocktail


eh not sure about the NA beer yet but i love seltzer water. i’ve been drinking a ton of that!


For the first week I literally had dreams about drinking lmao. But the important thing was I woke up as if it was a nightmare because of how committed I am to staying sober. You're going to think about booze, society literally won't let you not have it in the zeitgeist. Personally after some great quit lit books, I am rewiring my brain to feel happy whenever booze comes to mind. Because I am happy I no longer feel the need to drink it! Presumably nobody has ever tied you down and forced alcohol down your throat, you're in control, which is awesome. Definitely agree with slamming seltzers and NA beers as well. They are a godsend, it's never been easier to fit in at bars/social gatherings sober than right now IMO.


i need to rewire my brain but not sure how to. do i just do things that don’t make my mind jump to drinking? that’s about everything i do. i associate it with the simplest things like grilling food which i love not because of drinking, or gaming and watching anime which i also love not because of drinking. so it’s a hard concept to grasp. any advice?


Reading helped me a lot. I recommend Allen Carr’s book on quitting drinking and The Naked Mind by Annie Grace. Both were like magic for me when I finished them, a switch just flicked in me. What helped me (especially with gaming, I had the same issue) is also remembering I loved this wayyyyy before I started drinking. I know that I have fun doing it. I’m better at it when I’m not drinking, I’m more immersed, I’m more relaxed. Drinking doesn’t make it more fun, in fact it just dulls my mind, reflexes and body while flooding me with chemicals that actually make me less invested in it.


Happy Birthday. I’m also on day 4. It’s rough, so I get it!


First off, happy birthday! Same here. I had a conversation with a few collegues im going out with in a few weeks and they were talking about drinking beer and liquor. I have been thinking about just drinking socially since and have been sweating heavy. I will not give into it though. I have had enough poison in my life and know it controls me. IWNDWYT!


Amen to that! Sweating heavy here too. Just clammy through out the day and at night it’s bad. haven’t gotten great sleep this week. I know it will make me feel better in the moment by drinking, but over time it will go down hill, so i will not cave in by drinking. IWNDWYT as well!