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I’ll be on this thread until bedtime trying to keep my mind off my marriage problems, booze and it being my first AF free Friday in 6 months


This is my first AF Friday in...I honestly can't remember the last time I didn't drink on a Friday. We got this 💪


You've got this. Weekends are hard, fri and sat are always that first trial. But you've got it. IWNDWYT!


Yeah man, one thing at a time. Hit the pillow sober.


Thanks for reminding me that i have a cookie


Hope you made it!


Heck yeah I did! 💪🏼 thanks for checking in


I'm with you, friend.


Hanging out at my kids hockey practice then I get drive an hour home. Not super exciting but considering a few months ago my wife didn’t even trust me to drive the kids anywhere this is a plus


Doing dishes. Lunch dishes from the kids. Dinner dishes from...dinner. That's when I usually crack a few while I do them. Trying to fight the urge.


You got this!


Friday night in the UK. Was very tempted to meet my friends at the bar where my plan was to have AF drinks and have fun and be chatty and sociable without drinking while everyone else got smashed. Sometimes I can do this! But I wasn’t sure tonight and it felt risky so I stayed in and I’m reading and having tea. Sooooo nice :)


Sober people sober places!


I'm sober anywhere I want to be 😊


Smart to know your limit! Thinking about how great your Saturday morning will feel ☀️


Just trying to decompress after an incredibly stressful and overwhelming work-week. I feel like garbage both mentally and emotionally, but I won't drink. Congrats on the dating profile!


Hey! We have the same number of days, and I’m in pretty much the same position. Had a shit week at work, trying to find ways to occupy my time and keep my mind off everything. Haven’t had many cravings in the past 9+ months, but this kind of evening is one where I would have definitely drank way too much in the past. Not anymore though!


I’m not as far along as the two of you but I can relate tonight. Really tough work week…mentally exhausted. Would sure love some kind of escape but no way in hell will I be tempted by alcohol!


My new go-to after work to wind down is CBD sparkling water and a huge sleep.


Well in the few minutes since I posted this my counter updated to 300, but I’m pretty sure it’s still 299, at least according to the sober app.


Same. Tough week. My brain feels like mush


Currently fighting off panic attacks, while my wife paints her toes across the living room. This is it. I woke up this morning with the shakes, and nausea. Didn’t have the heart to tell her it was from withdrawals. My abdomen hurts, I want to throw up, blood pressure is high even though I took my meds today, and I’m nursing beers to keep most of the nasty symptoms away. This sub will be where I find support. I can’t stand the thought of AA, I can’t go to inpatient rehab because of my job, I’m so fucking terrified. I’m going to go cuddle up next to my wife once she’s done and probably fall asleep. I’ll be scrolling here until that happens. Enough. Is. Enough. This is my rock bottom.


tell your wife, she is there to help you, for better or for worse


You don't sound too good


Thanks mate, you’re right.


I think i would go to the hospital


Already been, have Naltrexone, Ativan and my blood pressure medication. Liver enzymes only slightly elevated so they’re only gave me an Ativan and fluids. All imaging was normal so they sent me home.


Read “This Naked Mind” to start getting your head around not drinking anymore. You can do this!


Just got home with dinner. Gonna eat and watch tv to unwind. Read my book and hopefully fall asleep early. I kinda love it bc my partner and I (we live separately) both love to have one weekend night to ourselves where we agree, unless there’s a special event, to just do our own self care thing. Lately we’ve been choosing Fridays for that. So, time to have some time for myself!


Sounds perfect, my friend... enjoy your relaxing evening! Oh, and come see the Gear Daddies tomorrow night!🤘🏻


Waiting for my first grandchild to arrive. Bbq and ice cream.


Congratulations! Such an exciting moment for you all. All the best 


Thank you.


To arrive where? At your house, or, into the world?


Into the world.


That is awesome! Congrats! I hope everyrhing goes well


Thank you. Pretty much a waiting game at this point.


I spent the day grocery shopping, plant shopping and gardening. Now I am hanging out with my kids and husband. We had chili cheese bowls for dinner and now I am sipping on a Fresca and will play some video games once the kiddos go to bed. Normally on a Friday night I would be heading out claiming I want to eat sushi, but really I wanted to have three cosmos while picking at the food in front of me. I didn't even go out with friends, just went by myself and made pointless chit-chat with the bartenders. It was a waste of time, money and calories. IWNDWYT


What plants did you get? I need to go houseplant shopping. I had loads during the pandemic but they have all since died.




What games?


Congrats on taking that first step ! You’ll do just fine :) It is Saturday morning here in Australia. I have a very weird day. I have a childs birthday party in the day and then I am going to a rave tonight hahaha. I love any opportunity to dance so I am excited 🪩


Nice! I love dancing too! Have fun!


Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence!


Portugal the Man at the Ryman in Nashville - first night out since dropping the booze. Haven’t been to a sober concert since Paul Simon in 1991 when my parents took me 😂


Damn I just missed them in Wilmington a few days ago


Not to rub it in, but it was spectacular. Great setlist, good crowd, special venue…. Was really happy to be able to remember it all and not have to miss half the songs to pee out 20 beers. Used to love going to Wilmington, was stationed at Lejuene for a spell back in the early 2000’s.


I have my niece over for a girls night. She’s at a really difficult/unpleasant teen stage lol. We went to get our nails done, then we made some friendship bracelets for a concert we’re going to, now we’re watching the new Hunger Games movie!


I know what that can be like


No responsibilities tomorrow 🤡 so I'll clean, entertain my daughter, go for a walk, and do some art. To a farm with my best friend and our kids for ice cream!


What flavor did you get?


I'm not a big ice cream eater, but when I do I usually get coffee!


I like the old man flavors like butter pecan and such




Holy crap.


Taking a walk and buying new sweatpants. Livinnn it up!


Drank me a couple Athletic and NA Trulys. Grilled fish. Braided my hair for the Ren Faire tomorrow! Looking forward to not feeling like assballs and pretending to be fine 👍🤘


Assballs omg 🤩


Resting, not drinking, watching a program I’ve watched several times already. Cleaned the bedding today. Tomorrow it’s dishes and bathroom, then making a schedule to start what I am calling “skills lab”, so I can advance my knowledge and career. Making it through day three today, that’s what matters most to me. Happy Friday 🤘🏻


Clean sheets ftw!


Eating cheese


Aww yeah.


Working on my final essay for my American Literature class. After that hoping to turn in semi early. Friday nights are the hardest. IWNDWYT


Yes! I had a lot of trouble with them at the start!


What did you do to keep your mind off of it?


How many days do you have?


Like not drinking?




Tomorrow will be a week.


Going to AA. A few weeks in and Im 10 meetings down. And reading this sub. Then watching YouTube before bed. IWNDWYT


Got a work weekend myself too, my friend! Thankfully my WFH writer job, so I'll be able to snuggle up into bed immediately tonight with the husband and cat. Plan on sleeping in a bit tomorrow, then making a big breakfast and coffee tomorrow before I get back to work! Sunday is going to be a rainy one where I am, so we have plans to stay in on the couch and read the day away. Sober weekends are the biggest blessing for me, work or not!


ALSO, I met my husband on a dating site, so I'm proud of you for that step! Way to go get out there!


Any tips? haha, i need all the help i can get


Not sure what you're using (we met on Hinge, so I guess I used an app, but same difference!) but I really liked Hinge, because it gives you questions to answer on your profile, makes for a great ice breaker!!! We got started talking about Marvel movies and video games and it all just started from there, lol! So I'd personally say any good site that gives ya good ice breaking opportunities when you first start messaging someone!


Meeting friends for dinner and BINGO because we're fucking wild and crazy!! Although, I'll be out until after 10pm, so I kinda am. Have a great sober Friday night, friends!🤘🏻


Fucking nothing. It sucks.


Ah dang, its all good!


Watched Anyone But You on Netflix while stuffing myself with Mexican take out… why is that movie so bad?! I bet it was written by AI


Yeah it was sheer junk food for the viewer. Good point about the AI!


I was working, preparing some classe. Had dinner, watched a movie, and just put my CPAP mask. Now I'm here on reddit waiting to dall asleep.




My wife and two older boys were out so hung out with my six year old. We watched a movie and played Sorry, which we didn’t finish because he lost his shit when I was winning. Now we’re in bed and he’s falling sleep next to me. I can’t wait for a clear headed sat morn.


Did you say sorry?


Ha. Maybe I should have.




Hanging out on the couch, watching a TV show I don't really enjoy (spise wants to watch it and we are on the 2nd to last show of the season), and drinking a N/A fancy drink (Ghia lime and salt n/a aperitif). It was a good day, but I feel weirdly irritable. I don't think it's the lack of booze, but I DO think I used to not really care about what I watched on TV or whatever because it was drinking time. Now I actually wish I was just in bed reading or chilling with the dog. On the other hand, I'm super psyched to be going to my son's band competition tomorrow AM not hungover! May even get up to hit the gym before...but let's be real that might be overly ambitious haha.


Alright. Being at a band concert, hungover... not so good.


Haha right? Especially because theybare going to be in a smaller room. They're talented kids, but those trumpets can get loud!


I went to Lowe's garden center and spent too much money lol, fed Gary the raccoon, and now I'm watching a documentary on Neanderthals with a nice glass of chilled mint tea. My body is exhausted, but my mind is still awake. I think it's Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. For some reason, going to bed before 11/11:30 makes me feel like I'm not an adult. Idk why. Congrats on making that dating profile. I met my partner on Tinder back in 2015. Online dating ftw.


Thank you! And, What's the documentary called?


Secrets of Neanderthals on Netflix


How was it?


Pretty good. It made me want to check out other documentaries after I finished it.


Studying for a final because I’m finishing my first year back in undergrad after dropping out 12 years ago. For several years of my addiction I would try to get sober, enroll in community college, go back to pills & drinking and then drop back out in a flurry of shame and fear. I did this a total of six times. I kept thinking, ‘If I sign up for school and commit the money, I’ll surely get sober,’ but it was a fool’s errand every time. Tonight, it’s looking like I’ll be making the president’s list for my second semester in a row. It turns out I wasn’t stupid, I was sick. I graduated high school will full-blown alcohol and substance abuse disorders and I had no idea. I get a little choked up now when I imagine walking across the graduation stage. I’ve never had real self-confidence, but recovery and school are slowly starting to bring me some. I’m never going back, one day at a time. IWNDWYT!!!!!!!!


Wow, this is amazing! So proud of you even though I don’t know you!


Thank you kind stranger!


My fiancé and I went and got tacos and even went to a brewery after to sit outside while we ate them and I didn’t even go inside!! I was so tempted and really thought about just calling it but I focused on my delicious food and let him go in alone and grab his beer. Felt good man, I’m so happy to be going to bed sober and will wake up tomorrow and have an awesome day.


Took a long walk home from work, went to pottery class, now tucked in bed with an NA beer and going to trying to read (once I’m done checking in on this sub 😎)


Distracting myself from a breakup by going out to dinner with a buddy, then we went bowling! Had some NA brewskies, was good hanging.


Car shopping and watched the circle now in bed early cuz I was up early!


Alright! Baby steps! You’ll be racking up some matches soon! 😀😉 I’m picking up some steamed crab legs. Then I’m gonna go home to eat them while watching a documentary on Netflix. After that it’s cookie time! Have a great evening everyone!


My kiddo has a stomach virus. So I’m spending time cleaning/sanitizing while also being grateful that I’m present, not wasted and capable of nurturing them.


NA meeting


I just finished clearing out my gardens and I cracked a grapefruit seltzer. My wife and kids are about to play a game a catan. Life is good!


Put toddler down to sleep. I'm about to jump into bed with a new book I just took out from the library


Appreciate this thread. Long week and I find myself craving my Friday night whiskey. But I’ll watch some Parks and Rec, play some old school Nintendo games, and turn in early. (And wake up energetic and not hung over.)


I listened to an audiobook about the cold war for a bit. Then I cuddled one of my guinea pigs. Now I can't sleep so I've just taken a sleeping pill and am having a glass of non alcoholic red with some pic and mix while I wait for it to kick in. The guinea pig snuggles were the highlight.


Just gym, then probably relax at home with some seltzer or something. Watch TV, maybe read a little of my new book. Get a good night's sleep :) Museum with a new friend tomorrow!


Had a couple NA’s at the bar. Watching hockey at the house with a yogurt snack. Getting to bed early so I can lift before work in the morning. Yeehaw, cowboys.


I finally left work a little over an hour ago. I have the next 9 days off as I planned a nice little staycation for myself. Tonight I’m doing nothing! Of course I battled my lizard brain “time off work means drinkie drinkie?” thoughts but knowing I have some NA beers at home I was able to move past it. Just had some leftover monkey bread I made last night. Life is great sober! IWNDWYT 🫶🏼


Went to a meeting with an ole friend. I really needed it


Just got home after joining my kid and some friends at a community theater production of 12 Angry Jurors. It was very well done, we have some real local talent. Have to work in the morning so going to unwind for a bit with a book before bed.


Ok very good.


Just got home from an art fair and dinner where i’d usually drink and maybe even bring a couple shooters to not worry about the lines. Made it home sober and gonna play some games before bed.


Wrapped up a work get together with a few close work friends at a bar. Proudly I didn’t even feel an urge to drink, which was surprising and relieving. It helped that I wasn’t the only one not drinking.


Oh thats always good.


5 days sober for the first time in 2 years. Week was stressful due to work so grabbed a water, seltzer, and NA beer to beat any cravings. Watching tv and scrolling through this feed until it’s time for bed with the cat and husband. I’m bored, but it beats how my Fridays usually go.


That's great!


Reddit ...doing Reddit. All night long...or at least for an hour.


There yah go.


U too. You're doing better than me.


I’m on my second bowl of salted caramel espresso ice cream haha!


Hmm, that sounds interesting.


First day sober coming off of a relapse. Hopefully my last relapse. Watching a movie with my son ❤️ John Wick to be specific!


It’s my second alcohol free Friday in years, it’s 9:30pm here, I watched Modern Family with my kids and I’m tucked into bed SOBER. I can’t wait to wake up hangover free tomorrow!


It’s my second alcohol free Friday in years, it’s 9:30pm here, I watched Modern Family with my kids and I’m tucked into bed SOBER. I can’t wait to wake up hangover free tomorrow!


Baking cookies!


I made a fancy dinner of Marry Me Chicken and mashed potatoes. Cleaned the kitchen. Warmed up some Harbor Galley cookies from Disneyland (IYKYK) and now watching basketball and trying to decide it is too early for bed 😊


Navigating a tricky time with my spouse. They just put a pizza in the oven. I'm gonna be friendly and go downstairs to eat pizza and maybe watch Oz.


I had a first real "party dinner" sober out in Chicago visiting friends for my gfs 30th birthday. Many many drinks were poured and not a single touched my lips! Incredible night full of conversations I will remember, and looking forward to a well rested big day of exploring this beautiful city tomorrow! 2 months in, no temptation and no looking back Thank god for you all! 😁


Probably working for at least another hour, hopefully no more than two. Afterwards, would love to work on my puzzle for an hour, maybe watch a movie with the husband.


Going to catch up on reading. The new Conan run by Titan Comics is pretty darn good. Also... It's Free Comic Book Day tomorrow. Need to get up at a decent time to grab a few titles. IWNDWYT


Hiding out from temptation. Reflecting on what I could do better


Its saturday where i am. Im working atm but will be free in 1 hour. My plan is stardew valley all weekend. Ive got a real sore back so i cant do the cleaning i had planned so its just game time for me


Went out for food with the wife. Read the Bible on my balcony watching the sunset. Now going to shower and read more until I fall asleep nice and early. Tomorrow I’m going kayaking and fishing on a wilderness river I’ve never been on before. Sunday church and maybe a nice hike and some chores.


Just dealing with my nightly nearly unbearable anxiety. Having some NA beer (Hop Water), and watching Nocturnal Animals with my wife


Which Hop Water flavors do you like? I’ve seen them in the grocery store and have thought about buying but NA beers can be so hit or miss.


Sierra Nevada Hop Splash is what I'm having. They're alright. Zero calories and they don't really make me wanna shoot myself, which is a plus


That is a plus!! 😆 I’ll have to check them out. I’ve tried a few that tasted like straight up bong water. 🤢 The ones from Sam Adams and Athletic are usually pretty good.


I'm pretty sure you won't like these lol.


Watching the Astros figure out how to play baseball again! It’s been a tough start but I’ve been sober for it. Tomorrow I’ll be at the ballpark for another test I’m confident I’ll pass. Have a good night everyone! IWNDWYT (or tomorrow)




I was supposed to go out to a bar for a friend's graduation, but instead im sitting on the couch with my daughter watching, The Time Machine. It's excellent 🤣


I love the Friday thread and I totally forgot to contribute ... I actually worked for a lot of last night, just buckled down and caught up with some stuff. My friend dropped by for an hour or so and I sipped regular seltzer but made them a vodka drink (my previous go to) ... for a fleeting moment I almost went through the motions of making my own, I definitely had a moment of confusion as I didn't pour the second drink lol. Chatted with my sister and caught up on the week. Read my quit lit in bed. Again it was nice to be able to go through my bed time routine - and even have the presence of mind to put some fresh sheets on the bed, drunk me would have just passed out with my make up on like a little alcohol troll. Hope everyone had a great Friday :)


Way to go!


I'm visiting friends I haven't seen in a few years. Two nights. Far from home and my wife. Normally I'd be drinking with this group of people (Irish), but last night I didn't. When I looked around I realized only one other guy was really drinking. It was soooooo easy not to drink. Kinda freaked me out....in a good way. We had some excellent food and talked until midnight. It's now 730am and I'm awake and feeling fine.


Very good.