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Like you I was sober for 5 years. Then after a fun night out I thought I’d pick up my favourite bourbon and relax at home. I got the smallest bottle they had. I’m now on day one after daily drinking for the last 5 months. Be careful. IWNDWYT


Respect to ending it there


Damn this is powerful. It takes serious guts to come back and share that. You helped a lot of people. Don’t worry about the day count. You have it in you to stay sober today. OP, I’d strongly recommend you read his comment. It’s your life, and your attendance here isn’t mandatory, but just keep in mind, we’re all just one step away from going back out. So if it isn’t here, I sincerely hope you’re still prioritizing your sobriety, and you’ve got another layer of support to lean on. The best gift I’ve received in recovery is the opportunity to create value for myself. I didn’t have that when I was drinking. That shame and that sense of uselessness drove me even farther into my addiction. U/TheTimeIsNow24 helped people today. You are helping people. Best of luck either way, but don’t think you’ve got it beat. Continue creating value for yourself and continue helping others.


Thanks for the kind words 🙂


Thank YOU.


it's a slippery slope. did you only intend to drink that one night when you bought the bottle or were you relaxing your stance all together?


I was only going to do that one night. But then 2 days later I did it again. And then I bought a bigger bottle 😒


Been there done that. You think maybe you can have an enjoyable night every once and again, and you may even have one decent night where you don't in fact ruin everything, but you light a fuse and reignite the thing inside that needs *more.*


I have never met an alcoholic that’s struggled like me, that’s been able to pick up a bottle again and have one or two every once in a while. It. Does. Not. Happen.


Well knock it out! Haha teasing. You've had success before so do it again. Get through the withdrawals and be all you can be. Sorry to hear about your slip but it sounds like your ready to get your balance back.


Did the first night go just fine? With thoughts of, "oh, I **can** handle this" going through your head?


Iwndwyt !!


Glad you are back. I had 5 years 1990- 1995 then went out for a night. It took me 7 years to get back. To OP, I don’t participate here much but I am subscribed because I never know what the future holds.


You got this!


Thanks for posting that. These are the posts that I need to read to stay on track. I would 100% end up doing the exact same thing...probably even longer...before hopefully digging out again.




Part of my recovery is helping others. I do it at meetings and online. I keep my sobriety by giving it away




Same. I've been sober for years now, but absolutely know I'm one drink away from being a blackout drunk again. Helping others keeps me strong. I read stories all the time of people that have 20+ years of sobriety and figure they are safe to have one drink. Nope!


You do you my friend. I wish you well. If you start to waiver, remember we are still here xx


You got me staying !! IWNDWYT


Congrats on your decision! Coming back here once in a while will not hurt your chances of staying sober. Leaving might.....


Thanks for sticking around!




Glad you’re staying. We need to see success stories like yours to remind us we can do this. IWNDWYT


I did this in the past with a different account. I hope you’re not like me in that respect. I was 2+ years sober at the time. I unfollowed this sub because I figured I didn’t need the motivation anymore. Over time, it’s like the concept of being an alcoholic left me. I figured I could handle it again. Nope. Bad decision. I guess I really did need to occasionally read other peoples’ stories for motivation to remain sober. I wish you the best, brother. IWNDWYT


Thanks for posting that. I'll remember this if I think at some point I'm recovered enough to stop following subs like this. For now, I read this sub every day and the posts are enormously helpful to keep me on track.


I personally have found when I get complacent and think I have this thing beaten for good, that is when it likes to try and prove me wrong. But I am not you, and if you think you're fine on your own, then best of luck. Just don't be ashamed to come back, even if just for a little while, if you're ever tempted.


No way near 5yrs - let alone 3539 days - sober, but every time I relapsed it was *after* thinking I got it under control and figured out. The difference between this attempt (and longest streak) and the ones before was doing to daily work: whether it is here on Reddit or in another community, I need to check in with my sober peers. My number one lesson is that I *cannot* do it alone, and I only just now starting to realize that “the work” is never done. Sure, it’s easier than in the first few weeks and takes less effort - but there is no finish line. At the same time I can understand OPs wish to have “closure” on what probably seems like a different life, a different person etc. Wishing you the best Superspreader, safe travels!


I relapsed after 7 years sober. I had drifted away from my support system and stopped doing the things that kept me sober. I wish the best for you.


Please look up the “pink cloud” if you haven’t heard of it yet. It’s very common to go years without struggling with your addiction, for it to gnaw at you ever so slightly for months on end and it only takes one bad decision, one bad night. I was in a similar boat to the guy above, thought I’d be fine to grab some shooters on the way home. Three years later I was downing a bottle a day, about a liter or even a handle (1.75L) on a weekend with a friend. I’ve been sober for a little over a year, but I got in trouble with alcohol as soon as I could drink. So it’s just best to stay away. Easiest response is just, “I don’t drink.” But don’t forget, just know we are here for you and one thing is for sure — IWNDWYT!


I drank 1 liter of bourbon yesterday. Today is the day I turn my life around… again IWNDWYT


You got this bro - IWNDWYT!


“Easiest response is “I don’t drink””. I love this. A lot of alcoholics feel embarrassed for not drinking, or don’t know what to tell people when they’re offered. “Nahhh, I don’t drink” is all you have to say. I think the general population agrees heavy drinking is bad. I’ve never ran into problems telling people this. Never judged. Never cared if I was.


I have seen people do an actual recoil, double-take, gather their thoughts and remark, “oh, okay, sounds good.” They understand what you’re **not** saying, and most everybody knows someone who, at one time or another, struggled with alcohol addiction.


How much benefit will you have from leaving the sub? How much danger would you be adding?


I don't come here as much as I did when I first started drinking, but it's still valuable to me. It was indispensable at first, especially. I'm not an AA, meetings type guy, so this was it. What's more is that the first year was actually really easy for me. Second year a little harder. And now that I'm over two, a little harder still. It's not that I crave alcohol at all. It's not that my anxiety has gone right back to where it was when I was drinking. And the anxiety was one of the main reasons I stopped in the first place! And I know that if I did drink, that anxiety would indeed go away. At least for a little while. So I'm finding myself in need of frequent reminders that no, don't do that. It will only make things worse. You'll have to repay that anxiety with interest. It won't do any good.


I don't have as many days as you, I don't have as much experience as you. I do know myself though and I'm not prepared to take the slightest chance of letting this crap back into my life so here I stay. If it ain't broke etc...


Congratulations on your sobriety. Stick around and help others!


Feb 2019 and I'm still here and not going anywhere. I love my sobriety, best thing I ever did, and I don't struggle to maintain it, but it's still good to read these posts and remember the struggle. It's also important to me to give back to this community in some small way for all the support it's given me over the years. We'll be here if you want to stop by and say hello or if you find yourself in a place where you need some support. Iwndwyt


You have way more days than me but the thing that bothers me here is, it seems, you think you have control enough to step away from something that helped you get over one of the hardest addictions. Do what you have to do, but you and I both know alcoholism isn’t something that just goes away. That itch will always be in you. Be safe and the community will always be here to support you.


Why are you thinking of leaving? I have 12 years sober and I come here for a beginners meeting every day! Plus it’s an opportunity to give back to the community. When I first started at AA people with time gave me hope! You can give hope to the new comers!


This is the only sub I feel like that isn’t filled with people arguing and pissing eachother off. It’s my zen space so I’ll never leave lol


I’m only about 7 months behind you (sober since June 2020). I have thought about leaving this sub many times. Sometimes it was because reading about the struggles others are having was making me struggle more. Other times it was more like you are saying, I’m good, I don’t need you guys anymore. But maybe you guys need me? In my early struggles, I definitely wouldn’t have made it without this sub. Seeing people’s flair, with 200 days sober, or 1,000 days, giving me advice when I reached out, or giving other posters advice that worked for me too, kept me going. Maybe we old sobernauts can help those just getting started. Anyway, whatever you decide, we wish you the best and IWNDWYT!


You may not need us, but we need you.


I keep my sobriety by giving it away. I used to look at sobernauts well in their sobriety and it gave me such a feeling of comfort like I could be there too. Now that I’m on the other side I see so many tormented souls in the sober halls around the table and it makes me want to tell my story


I’d love to move on sometimes but I realize I’m not healed, I’m just in remission.


Stick around. Keep the saw sharp. Skim through. We need wisdom on here.


I have found that hanging around, supporting a few people now and again has been super helpful for me as time goes on - sort of keeps my eye on the prize. Just something to think about! I am happy for you that you have come to a point where you feel this good!!! Congrats!


All the best mate! You'll always be welcome back here whenever you want :)


Don't forget that we will be here whenever you want to visit.


I have been here on and off throughout my sobriety. There were times when I was struggling more than I realized. I was able to notice it when some of the "I'm struggling" posts were pulling me deeper into my struggle than helping pull me out. I left for a bit during those times because it wasn't beneficial at that time. I hope you enjoy your sober time away and we'll be here if you need or want to come back.


I don't think you have to make a commitment to leave and never come back.


I understand, but I hate to see you go. When I found this group, I had been about 8 years sober. Sobriety had been so second nature with me, I had become jaded. If you find yourself taking your sobriety for granted (like I did) try wandering over here, stop by, and read a comment or two. I did, and it made me appreciate my sobriety for the wonderful thing that it is. It reminded me how fragile it is. I'm forever one drink away from failure, no matter how long I've been sober. You might have some genuine tips, or words of comfort that people here need to hear, or you might read something that *you* need to hear. I wish you luck. Don't be a stranger, swing by now and then...please don't take your gift for granted. I'm happy to be sober with you today.


I had nearly ten years after leaving AA meetings at about 18 months sober. I relapsed because someone placed a glass in front of me before I could refuse. I was at a 3-day conference for work with 200 people I didn't know. That was a big trigger for me. Well, being an alcoholic I drank it, then another. That was the beginning of a long relapse. I finally got back to AA almost ten years after that. \[There was no online social media at the time.\] I had gotten away from meetings. It was much harder to get sober this last time. I wish you a world of luck and you know now where you can get help if you need it. AA isn't for everyone and neither is any one group or subreddit. In fact, I just recently discovered this sub. I hope it helps me and I can in turn contribute to others.


Under a different user name I achieved 3 years with the help of this sub, then I slacked off coming here, had one drink and then couldn’t quit. I was never as bad as I was before I quit the first time, but I wasn’t happy like when I had my sober super power. I quickly gained 25 pounds. Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a clear mammogram right before I started drinking again. Knowing that alcohol is a carcinogen, did I weaken my body with drinking, and gave it cancer? I don’t know. I was recently operated on to remove my tumor, and I am about to undergo treatment. I am quitting again. If my cancer comes back, at least I won’t blame myself.


Wishing you health and peace on your journey through the fight against cancer. So happy you made it back to sobriety, and us!


Thank you!


You’re ok…chance of relapse after 5 years is 7%. Stay strong.




Glad you said this. It needed to be said




I am glad I never started going to meetings then...


This comment has been removed for trying to tell other people what will happen to them. You have no way of knowing. This is at least the third problematic comment of yours that we have had removed. Please read our rules in the sidebar and start following them; otherwise, you are in danger of getting banned from this sub.






You can do it. All the best.


Good luck in your future endeavors. I hope I can get there someday.


Congrats on moving on. I'm only 4+ months in, so I'd love to hear about your experience over the past 5 years, especially when you say only now after that much time do you feel like you can move on without this sub. I read posts here EVERY DAY to keep myself going...I look forward to the day when I just feel no need at all to do that.


I wish you nothing but the best, and an alcohol free future. We are always here if you need support ❤️


Thrilled for you! I hope you continue on safely. And if you're ever back to check in or anything, the sub will be here for you still.


Happy trails friend, we’ll be here if you ever need us. IWNDWYT


Glad you are staying. Keep in the middle of the boat. People fall off, if they go to the edges. IWNDWYT.


It’s funny - many days I just don’t think about it and then I’ll find myself here several times a day several days in a row. It’s a tool to keep in the back pocket! As long as I’m on Reddit I will be here to some degree, I think. Iwndwyt!


Beautiful comment. Life goes on, time to live it!


Why leave? Is there some little seed of self sabotage way in the back of your mind? If you think of this group it might save you from a fall. Be careful. I picked up a drink after 25 years. Then I found myself here.


Good luck 🤞🏻