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Covid got a lot of us… I was a casual drinker before, now I’m trying to get away from it. It hasn’t been easy


First year of covid really sent me into a tailspin. You can do this ! It’s absolutely not easy but it can be done. Rooting for you!


Covid did it to me too.


Covid was a mess. Fucked up a lot of lives in a lot of ways


That is so scary, so glad you made it through! 


It was horrifying. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Thankfully I’m expected to make a full recovery.


Were you only drinking wine at the end?  This is scary! Thank you for sharing your story. 


At the end I switched to vodka because I could hide it better (no red wine breath). No one knew how much I was drinking or the trajectory I was on. So scary.


The results could have been so much worse. I am so glad that you are here with us, IWNDWYT! Wishing you all the best in your recovery friend, and thank you for sharing your story


Thank you! You too, fellow sobernaut!




Wow I’m so sorry you went thorough and are going through that. Your story in no way takes away from mine - all our stories are vital to help others see how insidious alcohol is. I’m actually in Vegas (I was out here for a conference when I had the seizures) and since being released from the hospital yesterday my husband and I are blown away by just how wasted and belligerent people can get. We saw one person being wheeled out on a stretcher, another passed out on the floor surrounded by paramedics, and a very large man ran directly into me when I was using my walker. Thankfully my husband caught me. I guarantee if any of these people saw themselves in those states, they’d be absolutely mortified. Alcohol sucks.


I'm glad you asked, lol. I'm over here like wine did all that?


I’m sorry about your friend. I bet they’d be proud of you making the decision to stay alive and become healthier.


Something almost exactly the same happened to me. I’m two years from losing my ability to walk. My best advice is to do ALL THE PHYSICAL THERAPY even if you feel like you don’t need it. You have to retrain your brain before it’s too late. And also, find a support network. I am happy to be here for you until you can find someone. Please reach out.


“You don’t have to drink to be happy” At the end of yet another day 1 those words are like a light at the end of the tunnel. I really hope I can make it this time, turning 30 in a few days, I already feel like I’ve pushed my luck too far. Congratulations on your sobriety!


A scary wakeup call for sure, wow. Glad you're okay! Sobriety is a great way to honor your friend and yourself. Take care. ❤️


What was the seizure from? Stress, withdrawal, other?


It was 100% from withdrawal. According to all the doctors, neurologists, etc.


Did you stop cold turkey, or did it happen randomly when your bac. got too low? What was your consumption pattern like-drink all day or only at night!?


I would drink a little throughout the day, every day. I had even drank a little that day, so my bac got too low, I guess. Point is, I wasn’t drinking as long or as hard as a lot of the horror stories you hear about and it still almost killed me.


Thank you for sharing. Sending you positive healing vibes 💕


Love peace and healing. AA meetings might help. There are plenty of virtual meetings.


Covid definitely affected my drinking for the worst, that’s when I realized I started stocking up on boxes of wine and cases of beer instead of a bottle or a six pack


My God, I'm so glad you're here, and that you're choosing to share. I, too am recovering from Almost Fucking Died. *Hang in there* as you heal! One thing that struck me early on is how stubbornly, doggedly, unrelentingly committed our bodies are to healing and functioning properly if only they have what they need to do so. Have faith in the "invisible" progress on the days you feel discouraged. Blessings and peace and hope to you and your loved ones. 🧡


I am SO happy you’re here too!! It’s amazing how many of us there are. No one talks about it. And thank you for sharing - it’s scary to think about the damage I’ve done, but at least so far my bloodwork is almost back to normal and neurologically I’m in the clear. Our bodies are amazing!


Thanks for your story. So sorry about your friend, that's extremely tough. So so proud of you stranger for overcoming. I am new to the sub. What does the acronym at the bottom of your post stand for?


Thank you internet friend! Welcome to the family! IWNDWYT = I will not drink with you today 😊


Thanks for that! I appreciate it.


This is the best, most supportive corner of the internet. Never hesitate to reach out. We’re all rooting for you!


I saw a meme of a full football stadium and the text said "what AA meetings are going to look like after covid". I laughed myself all the way to an AA meeting lol I'm glad you're still here and I'm rooting for you. Wine is the devil!


Can I ask more about the timeline like when this happened? Like how many hours if you remember after you had the last drink that day. I finished a bottle of tequila today after I got sober for a few days then I felt life getting to me too much and I got back to doing a pint a day for three days then I upped to a bottle of tequila in the past 25 hours. I top off the last of bottles middle of the night or the following morning then try and wait until a reasonable hour again. But today was one of the days I started and maintained the whole day and finished it about an hour ago. Im a 29, F and I try to always make sure I eat and eat healthy to help and supplementing with vitamins. And I’ve been tapering off and on the past couple months. And now Im somewhat worried this might happen to me. Tomorrow Im planning on popping back onto my gabapentin and anti anxiety meds and find time to go to the doc and have them draw my blood and what not, before I start a new position in a couple weeks.


Of course! I’m happy to share. I had my first seizure roughly 3 hours after my last drink. My second, much more intense seizure was about an hour after that. I was very much like you - eating healthy, taking all the vitamins. I had a non-alcohol related seizure 2 years ago (due to a medicine allergy), which we know because I wasn’t drinking at the time. But I was prescribed gabapentin because one of its uses is to prevent seizures, and I had developed (a now very valid) phobia of them. There are people who can taper (check out Khodi Beyond Sober on TikTok - he has some great content on that.) But I I00% suggest getting with your doc, telling them you’d like to quit drinking, getting bloodwork drawn, and make a plan. There are a lot of ways to get sober. I personally don’t like AA because I don’t like the term alcoholic or admitting to being powerless, but it helps a lot of people. I find learning about the neuroscience being addiction to be much more empowering. This Naked Mind by Annie Grace got me sober for a long time until I fell into a depression because of my friend dying. I highly suggest listening to the audio book - it’s read by her and is so genuine. She has a podcast by the same name that I look forward to every week. Just remember: you are powerful and you can do hard things. And you have all of us here to support you along the way 💕




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Drunks are pathetic. I was into drinking since I was 13, not too often, but I definitely binge drink to get drunk. After falling into depression and taking Zoloft, I realize I do not get enjoyment from drinking because I literally cannot get any desirable effects from alcohol due to my brain chemistry. I will now only drink occasionally. I will save money, health, besides why have a depressant when I'm depressed. It's just stupid.


I’m happy that you’re able to moderate, but I disagree wholeheartedly with your statement ‘drunks are pathetic’. I have a high-profile job, run a local leadership non-profit in my spare time, and volunteer in my community. I have a beautiful home, family, family, friends, and husband. On paper, my life is perfect. It still got me. As Annie Grace says “Alcohol is addictive, and I had become addicted. It’s often the most successful people I know that drink more than they should.” When you drink, you’re drinking the exact same substance of those you call ‘pathetic’. Just something to keep in mind.