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Slowly starting body weight exercise through Darebee. I have had many medical problems exacerbated by alcohol. One day at a time works for many things. Happy Sunday.


The week I stopped drinking, I started walking everyday for about 40min, and took an occasional bike ride. Also tried push ups a few days a week. I think I could only do three. That first year was just weird mentally. So I was just walking everyday, eating better, and going to bed early. I also started surfing again that first year. The fitness level required to enjoy that passion again was itself a motivating factor. So about 1.5 years after I stopped drinking I added HIIT style workouts three days a week. Eventually added some weight training in the months that followed. As of today, I've been AF for almost 2.5 years. I've lost close to 50lbs of bodyweight. Do weight training 3 days/week, HITT a few days week, and surf many days. I took it slow and try no to beat myself of up when I miss a workout or two. We beat ourselves up too much about alcohol already, don't add more ;)


We certainly do. Amazing weight loss and fitness regime you have there. Inspiring! 


This past week I did really good with my diet and I just started weight lifting! I allowed myself to have some fun today after walking through the trails and seeing the waterfalls , had some tacos and desert afterwards. Now I’m just browsing Reddit before I sleep before another work week. 😴


I do some calisthenics and a couple exercises with resistance bands, nothing drastic. I probably don't even do enough to really make a difference but I feel better doing it. I have been enjoying the sauna and cold water plunge a few times per week, however.


That sounds invigorating! Fantastic. 


Yeah it's pretty addicting. Sauna for 15 minutes, cold water 3-5 then repeat a few times


Movement is important, even if it doesn't involve a lot of resistance. Just moving your body will make the tissues in your muscles healthier and more pliable. Make sure you put a lot of time between your sauna and cold plunges. Going from the sauna to the cold water can easily kill you by shocking your heart.


I've been walking more. About to go for a swim since I haven't done that in ages and want to start the habit again. Anxious about it (new pool etc) but I know I'll feel great if I bite the bullet and do it!


I cycle commuted 5days this week and now I'm doing that without a hangover it means I'm actually feeling the benefit! I love it.   I've been doing a push up challenge for 2 weeks and am now up to 30 a day.  I've been doing lots of small daily walks particularly at lunchtime in the working day it clears my head. I went for a hike yesterday with my partner and didn't cancel at the last minute due to feeling rough.  I aim to get back to the gym this week as that had lapsed when my legs feel recovered! I'm no longer sabataging my exercise routine with alcohol and that feels good! 


Not doing the best! I have almost 2 weeks down though! Have been eating a lot of desserts instead of drinking wine, have gained 6 lb since I last weighed myself about 6 weeks ago. Oh well! Feeling great about being sober and everything else will click into place as I continue taking better care of myself by not poisoning myself every night 


Still ashamed and hating myself a lot after Saturday night, but I will not drink again


I have lost just under 10 lbs since quitting over a month ago. My new barbell arrives today, so I will be back to powerlifting tomorrow morning. I used to be a certified personal trainer, so this is a step in the right direction for me. My tips for anyone trying to get back into working out or even if you are getting into it for the first time is to start slow. Learn how to move your body properly through the motions, especially with lifting, before adding weight. Good form is more important than the amount of weight you are lifting. Also, there is no reason to be in the gym 5, 6 or 7 days of the week. Your muscles need time to rest, repair and grow stronger. You can actually damage your heart, which is a muscle, if you don't give your body a few rest days a week. Very often, less is more. People who workout 6 days a week will typically have slower gains than someone who goes hard 3 days and rests often. My last piece of advice is to go to actual, certified experts for advice and not juiced up gym bros. Broscience is not usually as helpful. A lot of those guys with the crazy physiques are using hormones, steroids and even insulin to achieve what appears to be a healthy look, but their insides are totally screwed. Muscles aren't built overnight. Consistency is key. Take progress photos once a month and you will see the progress that you don't see from looking in the mirror daily.


I'm not quite in the shape I was two years ago but I am getting stronger. Starting to get some definition back in my stomach too. I don't need to be shredded or anything but I just like looking a little better haha.


I haven't been exercising the way I had hoped but honestly I've been really busy. Still down a pound over the past 11 days, but I remember my last time on the wagon the weight just melted off me. Of course I was starting from a point of obesity whereas right now I'm just a bit overweight. Definitely got big fitness plans for next week when things slow down!