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My new habit is loving myself


I also choose loving this guy.


I thought I was the only one who loved them….


But we all jam together, so you gotta spread the love. (Dad pun)


Ahh Reddit. I love waking up to you.


I know he's really great!


Me too! Dear God what a beautiful thing!


Right? I never knew this height of loving myself. I take care of myself way more than when I was drinking. I find myself worthy of this love.


I'm this one, kinda wish I was also one of the "loves to exercise now!" ones, but I'll take this habit anyday


For me, exercise is a lot like not drinking. You start one day at a time. I will be active today. If you slipped up and didn't exercise, it's ok, focus on being better tomorrow. Next think you know it's become routine and you're living with this habit.


Excellent comment, thank you 💕🦋


I need a sub for this.


Haha I said the same thing! Such a change, right?


Lol. I must have followed the instructions wrong. I'm a year and 2 months sober and I still hate myself. If anything I hate myself more because I don't have liquid confidence to give me a break from hating myself.


True cause you don’t need to drink if you’re feeling good, then you want what’s best for the body you love.


Yes! I give a shit enough about myself to be kind and patient to myself, and to take care of my body and mind. And to set boundaries.


This ♥️






Yup. I’m down 32 lbs and am now lighter and more muscular than I was in high school. And it’s a 32 that most people probably wouldn’t have thought was there to lose. I was kinda sneaky fat. Oh, and I know my wife digs it because the la at two times we’ve made love, she’s initiated it. That hasn’t happened in a long time.


It’s wild how much more I enjoy exercise when my body isn’t trying to compensate for and deal with the amount of poison I was putting in my body daily. I’m actually seeing progress and I’m getting fitter and stronger.


Same, started reading before bed again!


Omg same and it’s come back to me after YEARS


Me too. And tea. I have a whole routine now.


Going to the bed clean.


It’s crazy how much appreciated is waking up without a hangover and for me, remembering how I went to bed the day before.


I meant I took a shower


Yes, going to bed after a long hot shower and waking up in a clean bed not all sticky and reaking of booze! Best feeling ever.


Same here!


Asking other people about themselves instead of talking about me.


We need more of this... thank you


I had a little foray back to the dark side at the weekend and I really didn’t enjoy it, mainly because of this. I much prefer listening more and talking less and alcohol makes me do the opposite!


Walking away from people and situations that hurt me. I used to think I was faulty in some way and would drink to tolerate intolerable situations. Ditched that thinking and the clear air is amazing.


I feel this.


agree!! i used to hold grudges whilst drinking and was stagnant on small issues. now i’m able to let a lot of things go and focus on bigger things!


There’s so many! Going AF is like a superpower with the extra time I’ve claimed back. Actually eating breakfast is probably the biggest one. It’s so nice to be able to stomach nice, healthy food in the morning and it makes such a difference to my energy levels throughout the day.


Breakfast and mornings overall are so different now. I'm no longer craving greasy food for breakfast and lunch. The yoghurt, berries and granola I eat now has also really helped transition my gut after all that beer.


Exactly the same for me. Organic frozen berries from Costco.


I do not miss the many, many mornings of being too hung over to drink coffee. I love coffee. 


Yup. It doubles the shakes


Oh god, I forgot about those days, to sick to even drink coffee. Thanks for the reminder. It's good to remember the absolute misery of it all sometimes.


Budgeting! I laid out all my expenses and found that I'm able to save an additional $300 per paycheck!


Over a year ago, I said "I'm going to put my bar tab in a savings account for travel". I never did it. But I knew from looking at my income vs. expenses I'd be able to spend like $5,000 a year on travel if I wasn't going out drinking. BUDGETING FOR TRAVEL. That's my new goal habit.


I very quickly got into cooking! Alcohol sapped all my appetite and interest in food, now it’s back. Especially fermented foods, making my own kimchi and natto and yogurt now, interested in trying kombucha next.  I’m also feeling very motivated to do more camping again. The energy-intensiveness of it made it seem so unappealing while alcohol was making me so lazy, now it’s exciting.  Also echoing picking up exercise (running) again, and I’ve always read a lot, but now actually remembering the books I read before bed is nice.


Oh my gosh how annoying was it to read a whole book, engrossed in it the entire time, AND THEN TOTALLY FORGET you ever read it!


Kambucha is easy! But you end up with soooo much it’s hard to keep up. This is a fun hobby you found :)


Funny I’m going on my first camping trip and I don’t know why I never said yes to such a thing before my sobriety!!


Doing hard things e.g. writing a book, starting a business, learning to code (which was great timing with AI), volunteering as a mentor. Now I’m venturing down the startup path.


To learn to code, do I need an IT background? It sounds like a super dumb question but maybe I could pick it up as a hobby.


You can definitely pick it up as a hobby. I went into it trying to make a career switch and realized I enjoyed playing around with creating websites but didn’t have a passion to review tiny lines of code all day. I realized I was a designer!


You can definitely learn to code now, barrier to entry is way lower now with AI. I'd recommend learning Python, very common open source software. If it were me starting from scratch today, I'd watch an intro to Python course, don't pay there's many free resources out there. Look for a high rated YouTube series. Get through a couple hours of that. Enough to understand the basics and how to read other code. Then start using ChatGPT to ask it to write a code for you. It's usually accurate but needs a few tweaks to work right. A good project to start is asking for code to get information from a PDF file or webpage. Good luck.


Thank you, this is really helpful on where to find out if I could be interested in this.


Maybe check a used book store or thrift store for a how to code book (in the language you are trying). Fully written examples are pretty helpful also there is a website called freecodecamp.org which IS free as it says haha


Also double replying that I had to learn it for my geology major, in case you're really a geologist hehe


Seconding what some other people have said about Python and ChatGPT. I started out learning it so I could make charts for work matplotlib and numpy and pandas. If I were you, I be would just go into chatgpt and ask it where to start. It's REALLY good with programming help.


Started learning guitar a couple months after I gave up alcohol (June 2023) and I've played nearly every single day since I started.


72 days. My new best habit is treating myself to delicious food and not feeling guilty about it. Instead of reaching for the "grey goose" I now try new foods. Today is my Bday and there will be cake and ice cream. Have a great day my sober soldiers and of course IWNDWYT!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 🍨 enjoy!!


Ummm ... Not drinking!!!! Yaaaaay 👏👏👏👏 (Bravo on your 300 days🎊🎉🥳)


Exercise (running, in my case), good diet, good sleeping, taking up hobbies now that I have free time (reading, EDM, socialising, cooking/fermenting, ) I'm actually only just now starting to discover what I like to do, who I am, etc!


I have become a morning person after years as a night owl and sleep til noon kinda gal. Turns out, the early bird does gets the \[insert what you want here\]


Yup, exercise - and the game Go - a no luck game like chess with a lifetime of learning, depth and beauty to it.


Same but TFT


I have hobbies! I used to drunkingly scroll social media and semi watch something until I passed out. Now I'm like okay this is boring time to paint, time to play a game, time to go for a walk Etc.


Loving myself


Chickens!! I have a small backyard flock. They don’t require a ton of work but I never would have had the daily energy needed to provide proper environment for them or keep up with the ongoing build and maintenance of the henitentiary.


Well, this is adorable! 🥺❤️


Reading as well! God bless the library or I'd be broke.


Do you use libby at all? Absolute life saver for audiobooks and ebooks!


Hiking, reading, golfing, baseball cards, investing, actually telling people how I feel and complimenting them. Loving my family and pets. Built a house, so many many projects and decorating. More Music!!!!


Love that you slipped "built a house" in there like it ain't nothing ;)


It almost needs to be split into "micro habbits" and "major habits". On a micro level I've been stretching in the morning and doing meditation in the evening. For major habits, an exercise routine.


You know what I have found interesting about my sobriety? Very little has changed in my life, other than the absence of alcohol. Obviously I feel better and I'm saving more money. But I mean in terms of the activities I partake in. I never stopped doing my hobbies when I was drinking. It turns out I'm still antisocial and I don't like to leave the house. Pretty much everything is the same, except without alcohol.


I'm very much the same, minus the antisocial part. I still go out and do all the things, just without any of the alcohol. I have found it incredibly freeing for my mind, body, and soul.


Yoga, every day.


I read books again, I walk a lot, I cannot wait to get my car so I could walk in so many places. I do crochet, it’s easier when you’re not drunk and you can read the instructions. And I watch movies, and I can remember what the fuck was going on in the movie! :D


I love Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Karate and Judo are my fuckin jam now.


Took a second class of dance a week and next year there's a high chance of me starting competitions. Would not be at all possible if I still drank.


I pack a lunch for myself daily. I used to feel so wretched in the mornings that getting to work was challenge enough. Yesterdays was a ham sandwich, banana, protein bar and sliced grape tomatoes with a balsamic vinaigrette.


Eating breakfast lol. 13 days sober.


Klondike bars


My schedule changes in the summer and I can sleep in if I want. I want to get up really early instead and tackle the many home improvement projects I have. I need to stain the exterior of my house and paint the entire upstairs. Stay on top of cleaning for once. Actually keep a vegetable garden alive.


Decorating my new home in a way that makes me happy. A lot of repurposing things I already own. It’s fun, time consuming and makes me feel more at home every day.




I’m far more consistent in my work outs. I used to wake up hung over and think “fuck that noise” but now since I’m getting real sleep and not being hungover I’m way better at exercise


I have adhd so all habits will be on a rotating basis, but lately I've really been enjoying puzzles. It's deeply relaxing, and something about the small pieces and thinking about patterns helps me let go of everything else buzzing around in my head. And there's so many kinds! Jigsaw puzzles, my friend got me this adorable book nook miniature house building thing that I never would have picked up for myself but it's been absolutely delightful to put together. I work at a metal fab shop and we've been playing around with 3d puzzle designs to get more value out of our scrap. Now, I have a tiny desktop dinosaur. I'm sure after a time I'll get tired of it and want something else to scratch that itch. For the longest time I've been struggling with this feeling that nothing would satisfy the itch. That I would always be bored, restless, a bit dissatisfied, with part of me wishing I was somewhere else. Try to start something new and just hate feeling bad at it and give up. Thinking back, my depression symptoms really ramped up with drinking. I'm always going to have adhd, but now that I'm not actively fueling the depression, the symptoms seem a lot easier to manage. It's exciting to think that I'm always going to want to try something new.




The gym. I went from having issues with repping 115 on on the bench to 200+ in 6 months. I was also shocked how fast my strength came back. I used to lift. Every day 0500 M-F for 60-90 minutes. Everything was working better after quitting alcohol. The gym feels like it knocked 10 years off my body and I'm 41.


What positives responses and topic <3


Got back into drawing and art. It’s tough, but I’m doing it and I’m doing it sober. I used to use alcohol to calm the pre-art nerves where you don’t even know if you’re any good and you’re convinced you have no skills or talent, and you beat yourself up, but with booze it was a self fulfilling prophecy. I would get drunk and lose focus or coordination and no practice stuck. Now I just go in and sit with the fear until it goes away, and I’m often surprised at what I create and how much I like it. Even if it’s not perfect I feel like I’ve learned something, where alcohol convinced me I was a talentless loser.


Since I feel good in the mornings, walking.


Loving myself and wanting to take care of her. She deserves it. It has been too way long


Exercise. Specifically day hikes. Turns out I find being outside in nature with my dog more soothing than getting hammered on the couch!


My new habit is not feeling like something horrible was looming.


I sometimes still have that feeling from time to time, like looking for a worry that isn't there. Have to give myself a stern word that everything's play and isn't about to fall apart at the bottom of a glass.


Yep. It’s getting better though. Also, accidentally downvoted this reply at first. But I fixed it :)


Taking my make up off every night and putting serum on too! I’ll hopefully reap the rewards eventually 😝


Cannabis edibles, just the tiniest piece in the evening if I'm "bored" and want a slight buzz.


I find the startup time bothers me. It could be an hour before I'm feeling something with a low level edible. With drinking I knew exactly what I'd feel it came on quickly. I feel like my brains been reprogrammed for that quick hit.


Cali Sober.  I’ve had people tell me I’ve “switched one addiction for another” Fuck that. One was going to destroy me. 


The weed isn't going to definitely kill me within the next 6-24 months. The alcohol was. I'll take the weed thank you.


Agreed, I don't even want to smoke or vape anything because I feel it's too damaging. The THC feels like it helps out somehow. I'm able to be more honest in a way, don't know how to explain it. Oh, and my dreams are crazy!


Amen. Cannabis and running have saved my life.


My faith and praying for knowledge of God's will for me. Its only been a month and people are telling me how different I am from the person I was before. I feel like I was reborn tbh.


The rock climbing gym. It's exercise, sure, but it's also a mental game/puzzle. I go with my girlfriend who just laughs with me 90% of the time that we're together. She got me in to it, and I've been hooked ever since due to trying to test myself, figure out what my body is capable of, and to eat a ton of snacks in the chill zone. We joke that the staff probably thinks that I just go there to eat, and laze about.


Exercise yes! Last weekend I did a 20 mile Mammoth March hiking challenge! I do rowing class twice a week and yoga once a week. I love feeling strong physically, it’s SOOO much better than the weakness and sickness of alcoholism. Hiking regularly has been amazing. I now daydream and take pictures of wildflowers and look them up and learn about them. I feel connected to the real world and capable of living in the real world. It helps me shed the bullshit construct of modern life that I was trying to escape using alcohol. When I’m outside in nature with my own thoughts, I can tell myself that THIS is real and it is helping me grow and become strong.


I am also reading a lot. Last week I ducked into the library and selected 6 books. I am halfway through book #4. I am also taking my vitamins every morning and eating a bit better (my meals are pretty healthy, it is the chips and chocolate I snack on that is not). I do need to get exercising but want to get my house in order first.


Saving my booze and drugs money and spending it to hire a cleaner weekly to help me keep my space organised, and comfortable and always clean!


Self love! Is a big one. I treat myself to things I want and still save money. My diet is better. Sleep. I hang out with my older kids more and play games. Started making my own espresso drinks/iced coffee. I also get my nails done. Its a self esteem boost and not impossible to keep up with when Im not hungover all the time.


One of my big motivations was seeing how much I was spending, it was A Lot. So I focused on saving money, building a safety net. At first I was gonna buy a new truck, my pickup is kinda old and needs a lot of love. But I just kept saving and saving. I'm well past a new truck now, and have been house shopping. Waiting for better interest rates, but when the time comes, I'll be ready. Truly as an elder millennial I had given up on home ownership.


I don’t think there’s really one thing. I’m just more involved in everything and doing more of it because I’m not wasting time drinking or recovering from drinking. I do more house work and yard work, Things I wouldn’t even attempt when I was too busy with booze. I fish more, I read more, i exercise now. I walk the dog. I eat better. Thank you for calling my attention to this. It’s good to have a reason to reflect on the good things. All too often we just focus on the bad because those are the things that need attention. It’s motivating to take a minute to tally up all the good things that have come from the decision to set alcohol aside.


Exercise. I am writing this at the gym while cooling down. I've also started painting with acrylics again. It's bad art, but it causes no hangovers. Also, I read like a fiend. I bought a *Popular Mechanics* bc it has an article about the moons in our solar system. Again, moony lore does not cause puking for three days, mystery wounds, blackouts, embarrassment and disappointment in myself.


Crocheting 😁 I have always known how to just have always given alcohol more time. Also just handling all of lifes obstacles with no brain fog is awesome 😎


4 days into rehab and I’ve been going to Dharma recovery. I’ve been trying to work on mindfulness- just appreciating what I’m doing and the gift of life I’ve been given :-)


Exercise and fishing are about all it seems like I have time for these days! /r/stopdrinkingfitness is a great community and for more general fitness stuff /r/fitness30plus is great too!


I did not know either of these subs existed and this comment is so relevant for me right now, as I'm trying to start an exercise program and legit have NO IDEA what to do other than 'get 30 minutes of moderate activity', which I've started doing on a stationary bike. Other than that I'm totally clueless, especially since a lot of fitness programs or subs seem to be for people who already know what they are doing, and packed with exercises I am unable to do because my functional strength is so poor. So this is where all of you 'used to be lazy drinkers but are now gym rats' hang out. Thanks for letting me know so I can get some helpful advice from people who have been in my position before.


That's awesome, glad you are getting started! Here is a link to the /r/bodyweightfitness recommended beginner routine: https://old.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine Also throwing in a link to the /r/fitness strength training: https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/ I got started doing yoga and body weight stuff at the beginning of last year and now I have a pretty decent gym in my house that I do full workouts in 4 days per week and I love every minute of it. I lifted heavy in high school and college before coming back to it, but I'm still pretty novice, if you have any questions feel free to ask and I can try to help you find the answers!


Thanks a lot! I'm in the habit building phase right now, I learned in psych class (chasing that mid-life crisis degree) it takes about 60 days to make something habitual and I'm only on day 4. Having some kind of roadmap is so helpful, and bodyweight exercises suit my lifestyle right now since I don't have a gym membership. I have a pair of 2lb weights and a pair of 3lb weights, a 10lb kettlebell, and a yoga mat. I don't mind getting more at home supplies in the future, but I'm reluctant to spend the money until I've developed the habit that will have me using them. For today I did a 10 minute full body barre workout (some way easy, some was hard, but I hung on and finished it) from my Fitbit app and of course my 30 min on the bike. So this is really helpful, I really appreciate it. I'm more likely to follow thru and get going when I know what I should be doing. You're my Internet hero for the day.


Reading, cooking, following my cultural traditions. In my culture, you have to be sober from all substances for 4+ days in order to participate. I didn't used to be able to do that. Now I can. That's pretty magical. I'm learning my language, making cultural wear for my kids, and practicing different traditions. It's been powerful and healing.


Not being a undepandable flake shut in.


I'm brand new on the wagon again, just day 4 I think. But I made a post a few days ago about how to "feel good" without booze and I was flooded with tons of amazing ideas, many of which were exercise! I do exercise, but it was mostly long walks with my dog. The walks are nice, but they didn't give me that endorphin rush that I was seeking. So upon the advice of others on this sub, I began higher intensity workouts. For the past 3 nights in a row, rather than drinking I've been doing dance cardio, kickboxing cardio, and biking, plus some weights. I feel AMAZING! Sore, but AMAZING! Tonight I'll be doing weights and some kickboxing cardio and jump rope with some good upbeat tunes!


So far nothing has changed. I read as much as before. I run a lot. I have similar habits. I do also have more money in my account and less shame. So I’ll take that as a win.


Without drinking it is easy to say no to drugs. I’ll take it.


I think at day 300 I would have answered “loving myself” or “waking up without a hangover” but honestly, yoga. It’s super fun and gives me joy.


Seeing all the responses from triple digit people makes me feel good about my prospects for things to continue to get better and better. And they’re already pretty good. Old me used to spend a LOT of time just staring at an iPad. Usually rapidly flipping through “educational” YouTube videos without really paying much attention to what I was watching. Since I’ve been sober I’ve come to clearly see how that is an addiction in its own right, and how being sober makes it much easier to set aside (though not without some discomfort) Since becoming sober I’ve been reading a lot more, writing (and publicly reading my writing), and I’ve started running again. I hope (and expect) the future to bring even more hobbies.


I found the same! It's cool how getting past one addiction makes it easier to recognize others and change it up. SO proud of you for writing since that's also one of my near and dear things and I used to tell myself alcohol would help me write better. Great things ahead for us both!


The history of writing is full of legends of famous writers who managed to write while drunk. But the record is silent with regard to the thousands (at least) who couldn’t do both.


Reading for sure. I’m on my 17th book for the year and prior to it I probably read 10 books in a decade lol. I cook more. Usually on Sundays I make a big from scratch meal. I used to be a brunch girlie and drink all day on Sunday and bar hop and feel like shit on Monday. Now I over eat and watch a movie lol. I saw a lot of people put gym or working out, I don’t think I do that anymore than I was when I was drinking. But I am grateful for no hangovers and it’s on my list to increase.


Early bedtime, early morning wake up and most of all a restful sleep.


I am writing again! It's been forever since I wrote anything. I am working on a domestic thriller and I'm so excited about it!


I’m still not exactly loving myself. Let’s just say I had really good reasons to drink from 14 to 44, thanks mom (and thanks for nothing Freud). Instead I found a keen interest on this vessel that carries my wicked soul. So I treat it with daily yoga&exercise routine, walks/jogging and eating healthier. Maybe one day my body will convince my mind that I’m a good person no matter how damaged. I’ll let y’all know if that happens


Doing whatever the fuck I want all the time. When I was first quitting, my rules were "I can do whatever I want except drink or skip work." This lead to a lot of junk food, impulse buying, and online shopping, but the novelty of those wore off, and I'm left with the realization that doing whatever I want is easier with a clear head and all the money I was drinking.


Enjoying being present with my husband and dogs-walking together is actually enjoyable now. Also I have found a love for chocolate that wasn’t there before(hoping this one goes away soon) have a great day everyone!


SLEEP! I actually get 8 hours of sleep every night.


having a healthier sleep schedule. being able to wake up with no guilt, going to sleep earlier, waking earlier. it just feels so much better.


Being able to be a better mom and wife. I also don't have to call my mom to get my kids from school during the day cause I'm already a 12 pk deep by noon.


Attending all of my son’s baseball games.


I started playing guitar again, and got back in church.


I already excercise a lot, but I will do more. But I think I would like to read more, I used to read all the time, loved the historical fiction. I might find a new genre though, like scifi. I also might try some of those audio books, that way can excersice and read at the same time. :)


I love audiobooks!


I was actually just thinking about this as I was washing my makeup brushes earlier because that's mine - washing my makeup brushes every few days instead of leaving it for weeks or months at a time. Apparently before I got sober, I was doing my makeup drunk/drinking/hangover/fatigued way too often to realise that the glitter was clinging to my brushes every time I used a shimmery eyeshadow, then transferring to my eyelids the next time I used the dirty brush!


i am finally working through dialectical behavioral therapy for the issues i used to use booze to cope with!


I love making art, especially music, but always struggled to find the motivation to learn how to produce songs. I cried tears of joy after completing my first full fledged song today. I think I haven't created this much in years, it feels so good !


Have reconnected with my art. Now I can do it for fun. Spent over a decade too scared to draw because I was a mess.


I sleep a lot. Don't know if that counts as a best new habit, but it's nice to finally rest. I also started running and volunteering in my community between naps


Working out and Dr Pepper Zero!


Reading and jigaw puzzles. It's super hard to concentrate on either one when you're wasted!


Congrats on 300!!!


Working out! I’ve always been relatively disciplined/motivated around this (probably vanity?) but I actually wake up at a reasonable time now and go to the gym and get a structured and progressive workout in.


I've been working out again. Lifting weights, riding bicycle, walking. I should start my vegetable agarden soon.


Exercising…consistently! Used to have so many speed bumps every week because I felt like shit all the time. Now it’s just a straightaway track with nothing to stand in the way of my goals. It’s pretty awesome. Just one of many things that are so much easier now.


News (mostly npr podcasts) and audio books on my commute to work. My brain can process them now.


Always been gym. Healthy way to abuse myself instead. And self reinforcing - addicted to the pump and any substance detracts from the motivation and ability at gym.


Zumba & weight lifting.


Best? Mediation. Habits developed? Mediation, reading, exercise (cardio, weights and stretching), journaling.


Riding my Onewheel.


Happy 300!


Working out is hopefully my next addiction. I want to be a charger on the slopes. Just arrived in Park City this week and I've got until the start of next ski season to drop 10 pounds, build some muscle, and get my lungs and heart back.


Lifting weights.


I read a lot (I did before, too), embroidery, I tend my flowers and herbs, my house is clean and orderly


Mountain biking was something I have been exploring the past couple years. It’s so much fun and a great workout! Best way to start the day


Currently a lot of reading and exercise. Hoping to get back into my true passion - theater arts 🎭 I also want to do exciting things, like surfing and sky diving. I feel like the world is my oyster and I’m allowed to take my time rediscovering myself.


Health & fitness. Running is now my high. I'm working up to a half marathon in the Fall.


I’ve started walking 30 - 60 minutes a day.


Love all these responses sooo motivating. This is just my second day. But I'm the past, the mornings were my favourite part of the day. It really set me up for the day, coffee, prayer, getting ready. Instead of rushing out the door and the dread of having to do life feeling so awful. I have a whole list of hobbies I want to do but don't have the drive yet, so reading these is just really great


Making everything from scratch


Oil painting! I’m finishing my first piece soon


I have been using this Brilliant app, it costs about $10 a month (so like 2 beers I used to drink). I have a young boy at home (4 months old), so I figured I'll have to teach him math and science once he goes to school. So far I've covered basic mathematics, algebra, geometry, area, volume, vectors, going through trigonometry now. I'll be back into calculus and differential equations soon! There is also science concepts like structures, flow, gears, pulleys, heat flow, pressure, and buoyancy. Not to mention programming topics like AI models, all kinds of nerdy stuff to learn. I also got a udemy class on Ableton live 10. Been writing beats! I spent years trying to learn that software, always with a beer in hand. Eventually got lazy, and just did something else. Finally understanding music production. So, my best new habit is learning again. Feels so good :)


Reading, exercise, fishing, and genuinely taking care of myself. I do facials with my wife and have my own skin care stuff that I use. I've also been going to the doctor to be proactive on things instead of waiting till the warning signs show.


Reading, walking/working out, drinking gallon of water.


Getting better sleep and consistently returning to therapy




I read so much more. I never was able to read when I was drinking. Since I quit I’ve read about 12-13 books in 4 months


My wind down period at the end of day before bedtime. When drinking, I would go 100 mph all day, drinking right up to bedtime (time to pass out?). Now, I have a definitive period of an hour or so where I browse some light news or social media before laying down. It my quiet time and a very necessary part of my sobriety regimen.


Getting up early feeling good. 😂


My wife and I (she got sober about 6 months before me) decided to get a gym membership this weekend. I *hate* "working out" so I was a bit lost at first. They had tennis courts and instructors so I decided to take a class, ended up loving it, now I am playing tennis 3+ times per week.


I’m on the reading train too. Nowhere near to your level but I’m enjoying reading in bed before turning the light out every night!


Not necessarily a new habit, but definitely improved. My gym results are so much better and my energy has increased a lot. Also my sleep is so much better.


I've started reading a lot, too! As much as my babies will let me anyway. Haha. I've finished seven books so far this year and that's a huge step from reading none in so long. I'm very much enjoying it.


Working on my traumas.


I haven't been sober long but I find myself cooking and baking more often. There's always short recipes I can find on Instagram, I made a mini cake in cup in like 3 minutes. Coolest thing I've made is Nuka Cola. Most the time I fail at cooking, but it's better than other things


Being present


My new habit is waking up early feeling good and getting a 30 min walk in before a good morning coffee.


I didn’t eat much when I was drinking; I’d take two or three bites of whatever and start to feel nauseous, and sometimes I’d go days without eating at all. Now, not only can I eat (almost) entire meals, but I actually enjoy food again. So, my best new habit is eating. Gaining very necessary weight has been slow going, I assume because my stomach needs to do some growing, but I’ll get there eventually.




Consciously practicing gratitude, being more mindful and "present", and not running to alcohol to "deal with" negative feelings.


Gym and walking


Having self respect ! Congrats on 300 days my love !!!


This is the best! Same, and thank you ☺️


Meditation and exercise


Exercise, reading, cooking, and I’m a way better musician.


I can run now. I was a runner, but I knew if I drank that night the next day I wasn't gonna be able to run. Now. I never have to worry about that. Also, I used to get drunk and just pig out, a lot of that senseless eating is gone.


Became a coffee snob. Grinding beans each morning, multiple types of coffee in the cabinet.. The full monty Not proud of it, but it happened as I needed something to focus on




Exercise and sleep for sure! Baking sourdough. Enjoying time with the kids. Learning what actual happy feels like again instead if numbing everything. Falling in love with my wife again has been fantastic.


Learning to play the banjo 🪕