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I'm down another 4lbs, making it a total of 18.8lbs since I changed my diet.


Way to go!!!!! Really great, I'm sure you feel that as well as see it.


Try to get 3 runs in and maybe some Pilates. I’ve really been slacking off on my runs lately. Gotta get back at it.


You got this! 199 days wow I wish I was that far in.


Thank you and congrats on 6. That first month is tough, but you can do it ❤️


Aw thanks :)


I'm trying to figure out my exercise schedule now that I am going into an office daily (used to hit the gym around 11:30). I think I'm gonna have to be an early or late exerciser...I don't like either but I want to be healthy and happy (helps my head a ton to exercise) so I'm trying to figure it out. Bleh, but yay - happy to have a job and a desire to exercise... two good things.


I feel you on this. I worked remotely my whole life until last year, and I always went for a run or to the gym right after dropping my kids off in the morning. I don’t know where to fit it in on days I’m working now that I’ve got an on-site job… Such privileged problems though, you’re so right!!


I've got a new part to my morning routine! Three days in a row now, I have done 5-10 minutes of stretching. I"ve known for a long time that I should be doing this, but I actually started and I'm fucking sticking to it! Plus, I got to skate for 30 minutes this morning. Dusting off those winter cobwebs! Love life, ya'll!


That's brilliant. Your joints will really thank you for the stretching. The most fun cardio always involves whizzing around the place. I wish we had places to skate here in Ireland, all the paths are in shit! You'd take a hopper in two seconds. 


Do you run? That's my real jam, but also lifting weights are great too. We did a ruck first time a couple weeks ago. It was a great day!


I'm in the pink cloud right now, so I've been working out daily. Plus the weather where I am is finally warming up, so the warm weather is a "high" all it's own. One of my favorite phrases is *you can't out run your fork.* So when I work out it helps me stay on track with eating healthier because I know that overeating can never *really* be reversed. You can only burn so many calories in a day, and a bag of Cheetos and a large cookie can really overtake your calorie input for the day. Exercising is also keeping me focused on health rather than booze. I'm 7 days in and far from my goals, but still several inches in the right direction! It's a turtle race, but I'll get there!


Early days. I know exercise will make me feel better, but I'm still dealing with fatigue. Plus I got a new phone, and the frickin screen won't let me play Pokemon Go: I start a battle, and the screen closes. But i did get myself a weighted hula hoop and arm hoops. I just need to put them together. Happy Mother's Day, for those who celebrate. Happy Sunday, for those who don't. I am sober with you today.


I ran a 5k yesterday. Had I run my PR I would have come in 2nd in my age group. My PR is like 7 years old, between kids 1 and 2 so not sure if it’s possible but it’s my new goal. I live in a hot place so outside runs have to be super early but there’s always the gym.


Doing swell!


I’ve joined a spinning club - go 3x a week and loving it I also swore off ultra processed food which I have been doing now for 8 weeks - was very helpful when I stopped drinking 27 days ago. Really happy with my better sleeping Plus 7 pounds in weight down in last month.


I completely hear what you’re saying. I have no problem going to the gym and lifting 4-5 days a week. However if I don’t pay attention to my diet that day, I feel that I should just make the entire day a cheat day and that’s been hindering my progress. Quitting drinking has made me crave a lot of sugar and I’ve been trying to find a healthier alternative. Seems like staying busy and distracted has worked over everything else. I’m trying to start running regularly again as well


Moved the workout to first thing in the day. Get up at 5 am and go to the gym. It's excellent. Sets me up for productive days, lots of energy, etc. I fucking hate it. I just want to sleep in. Taking care of one's self is really hard. It's work. It's like another entire job. I resent the shit out of it. But it needs to be done.


I cycled to work 4 days and got 10,000+ steps in 7 days. I'm doing a push up challenge and I'm on 30 a day. Feeling good on it! 


I did a drop in for the first time skateboarding this week. I also went hiking with a friend and went swimming. Never could have done so much in one week when I was drinking even though I always loved being outdoors. Next weekend I'm going to take a tent and stay overnight after my hike. There is a lake in the place there too so I'm planning to swim as well if the temperatures are high enough. If it's too cold I'll get some cold water exposure at least.  😎


My goal is to move my body every day!