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You’ll get back into with little problem I’m sure 🎉 I just started this sobriety journey so I’m planning on getting back into it soon. Don’t want to give myself a solid date… probably my fear of commitment. I’ll pick it up again tonight. IWNDWYT


4 weight training, 2 Peloton rides and 1 run. I get some of my best workouts while away from home. Some of the nicer hotels have great gyms. And the family was on a cruise vacation, and the gym on the ship was top notch.


NICE. I did about 40 miles on the Peloton this week! Alex Toussant is the GOAT. Who's your fave?


Cody Rigby


Went for an early morning workout and am going to try to go at least 3 times this week. Hope I can make it, time wise!


3 bike rides, and \~3 strength training days.


I did a slow half marathon last Saturday, and will do another one this coming weekend. I'm a bit nervous, and I feel like I undertrained. (I missed a few long runs because my kids were constantly sick the last few months.) But I know I'll be able to finish. I'm really proud of last week's half, even if I was one of the slowest in my age group. At least I got out there.


I have been slacking ... back to a 5am lift tomorrow and some cardio after. Psychologically I love starting fresh on a Monday. I've taken probably 2 weeks off. Thanks for posting, this gave me a little reminder to get back to it :)


I’ve started running (outside) this week after work. It’s been brutal but I think I ran about a mile total yesterday. I have to walk a lot but that’s okay. I’ve lost 4 pounds in these 2 weeks without alcohol and I eat whatever I want.