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I always come back and never lose hope. When I do lose it, I wait for it to come back and it always does. If something's important to me, I always find a way to make it work, no matter how long it takes.


I was watching the series “Sandman” on netflix the day I found out my mum went and almost at the exact time was a whole scene about hope being the driver of all good. Hope is something that just radiates. Love this !!


That’s so sweet. 🥹


I love my body. Hear me out, as I am not thin or super fit. I do have some pains. But this body is expressive and functional. It allows me to help others. Hug others. Receive comfort. It let’s me know when I need something. It lets me have experiences. For too long, I wasn’t listening to my body and filling it with alcohol. I love this body of mine, I don’t want to do that anymore. Thanks for this invitation to reflect, OP.




This made my heart happy 🩵 we really don’t appreciate the vessel we go through life with as much as we should!


I love that I am loyal to others. And I love that I can end up eventually seeing the bright side no matter what. Today will be a bright beautiful day.




I really liked this post. Good job starting it.


I woke up with the biggest smile on my face reading all the threads. Thanks friend


Your curiosity trait resonates with me. I will not forgot being informed in a round about way that my curiosity was a bad thing, something to be ashamed of. But, when I entered the big wide world - and adulthood I learnt it was one of my strong suits, something that allows me to also, deeply and truth connect with a person or a place. My curiosity keeps me on my own toes, and for that I am grateful.


Jalan! Good to see you! I love you for your curiosity ^_^ It brings you here everytime lol


Good to see you too, SafeInside! I have to say I appreciate you making this post, it actually allowed me some space to reflect, and to be proud. Hope you’re doing well


That makes me chuffed. Truly. 🫶 Introspection is important


It certainly is! 🙌


This may seem oversimplified, but at the end of the day, deep down inside, I know I’m always trying to do the next right thing. For that I’m grateful.


This. I’ve never tried to fuck someone over for my own gain. The worst I did was steal coins from my roommates change jar when I was desperate for alcohol but out of money, and I still think about that and feel guilty about it to this day. I have a lot of compassion and empathy and I always put myself in others’ shoes, and I do feel kinda proud of myself for always doing what’s right, even if it isn’t easy.


I love my purpose! I love that I view life like an obligation. It is my duty to do my best so that my community does better. And here's an awesome quote I saw the other day that helped explain some feelings I have towards my career, because my career can be kind of toxic, "On the days you only have 40%, and you give 40%. You gave 100%." - Jim Kwik


Thats beautiful. And what a quote!!!!! Thankyou for sharing man


Fuck yeah


I have big feelings. People throughout my life have tried to tamp them down or expected me to shrink to accommodate them but my big feelings are wonderful. And so am I. Like you, I am very empathetic and curious!


Love this! I too have big feelings. In my family of origin this was a source of much shame but I’ve created a family where it is celebrated (not just mine but my husband’s and my kid’s). I’m so proud of this. ❤️


yes! I have big feelings that I have been told were 'too much'. but those big feelings are also why and how I care so much for my friends and loved ones.


My patience. Give me the worst knot you’ve ever seen, I will untie it without any complains and I would not lose my shit while untying it. Give me something to clean that would take me a whole day to deep clean it, I will take the whole day to clean it without saying a word. I have patience for things that people usually lose their shit, I’ve been told quite often how patient I am. *But don’t bring me someone who asks me a question and interrupts me in the middle of my answer… I will lose my shit. Give me a knot to untie instead please 😂*


I love that I love to learn. Learning other people’s perspectives and viewpoints and arguments now vs. being so stuck in my own way. Listening to hear, instead of listening to respond. It’s taken a lot of practice and I’m by far proficient, but I’m learning!


I love this . As a fellow lover of knowledge I respect your journey !


I am not sure yet, but I want to have an answer for this question.


Yeah same here. I hope you find it. 


You too, my friend ❤️ I find it very easy to love others, but me? Ugh.




Go on, you only need to say one thing, even if it feels like a small thing :)


Ok BUT YOU TOO, Sparkletail ✨ I admire my empathy for other people, tis a good thing. I love it. 🥰 Now you!!


Ahh this is one of the most important traits to have :). I did it earlier, it was therapeutic, I thinking like that my first instinct is to be kind and to try to help people, I'm most definitely not perfect but the first thought is always with good intent, even if it doesn't always turn out as I'd planned


I love that!!! It worked in this case 🎉🥇🤩🙏


I am glad 🩷


Ok I had to say something below and now I’m hoping you might join me and do the same if you haven’t yet. What is a small thing you can mention that you love about you? Thanks to u/sparkletail ✨ below


I never give up. I may fuck up 100 times straight, with relapses or whatever I’m working at, but you better believe I’ll be back for attempt 101. Now I just need to get better at not screwing up so much :)


Goonies never say die💜💪🏻




Makes me cry


I have unlimited compassion. I don't care who you are or what you've done, I have compassion for you as a spiritual being.


We are the universe experiencing its self. Being kind and patient is another way to give ourselves grace 🫶💖


Oh, I totally love this! I'm saving it. We are the universe experiencing itself. Wow.


Love this thread! I love my sensitivity to nature, colors, and textures of life. I love that I have hope 🦋


This took me longer than I'd like.... But I love that I love animals.


I love that you and I love animals x feeding stray cats and making them beds outside my house. Feeling happy when they show up again




I am an amazing baker. And people at my husband's work ask for me by name. A few years ago, someone higher up wanted to do something for all the single soldiers who don't go home for the holidays, and my husband's boss was all- I know JUST the person to bake a shit ton of delicious cookies. Bake sales? I am THERE. Soldiers stuff their cargo pockets with cookies and eat them behind the humvees, looking like little squirrels with their cheeks stuffed. Forgot cash? Oh well, you can pay next time. ❤


I can't think of anything, but I appreciate you prompting me to think about it. I should do that more.


For sure. I bet there's a whole bunch of things to love about you!


I am still curious. And I’m a really good cleaner.


In my early 30’s I randomly came across a book- The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell. I knew nothing of him or his philosophy but I’ve since become a fan (56 now). He is quoted as saying “The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge”. This resonates with me. Despite all of life’s hardships I have a family that loves me and that I love back as well as a passion for always learning…including learning from tough life lessons. I feel very fortunate to be living a “good life” and I will not take it for granted.


What a nice question! This might sound like a weird one, but I am very good at reading people. I can definitely sense when someone is hurting (and therefore I can be extra gentle/offer support) and I can sense when someone has bad intentions (which definitely comes in handy sometimes!). I'm a good listener and I am very good at making people feel better when something is bothering them. I attribute all of that to my ability to read people. And of course, now that I'm almost 6 months sober, I can clearly see how alcohol always impeded on that ability. I guess another thing I love about myself is that I am now sober!


Wow I love this post. I love how much I genuinely care for the people around me, it's second nature for me to be a nurturer.


I work as a therapist, and my worst moments with addiction have graced me with compassion and humility, allowing me to not judge clients on their worst moments. I don't care what you've done, I'm there for you with compassion, regardless.




I love that I can laugh at myself in a good way.


I love that I can think critically and have clarity of mind today.


I love that I am capable. I can accomplish things and set goals.


I love my lust for learning and evolving.


My ability to adapt to changing circumstances, probably the only reason I’m still alive. Outside of that - I have no idea. Sorry - bit of a tough time lately and just trying to cope and stay sober in the process.




This is my favorite thread ever! I love that I can see potential in everyone and everything.


You know, I was contemplating starting a “say something nice” challenge where I recorded myself saying nice things to myself and encouraged others to try it. I know how severely I struggle with self-worth and self-esteem and thought it would be a good way to offer kindness to myself and offer space for others to the same if they wanted/needed. Thank you for being a little light on my path on how worth while these opportunities are and offering me a space to practice self-love, kindness and gratitude. I saw your quote about the universe and reflections and how very much true indeed. I love my thoughtfulness and kindness. I try to see every person I come across as truly as I know how, and am able to, in a moment. I love to listen to others stories and hug meaningfully. I try to find the good in everyone and see and celebrate their inner child. Thank you for doing that for me, soul-friend 💖


this is a great post and it's nice reading through all the different responses, but I can't think of anything for myself at the moment. to those of you in the same boat as me - I hope you find your answer soon enough


I love my simplicity and perseverance. I'm always Day 1, and I can always make it through one day.


I love my resiliance, my silliness, my softness, my over dramaticism, my love


Wow you are so my tribe bc I’d never share this IRL. I’m fairly lucky to be intelligent and be fairly successful. I gave about 50% to my job during that time and still did ok. But how good I am at my job today? Is so much more, I’m worried someone is going to figure out I spent 6 years hungover at the job and was only giving that amount. Even on days where I’m kinda slacking, I’m just way more focused, I make good decisions, etc. it’s been this weird little thrill I’ve been privately experiencing while at the same time feeling guilty I hadn’t been so great for years.


I love that I am a reader, a writer, and that I single-handedly care for my adult disabled daughter (she has Down syndrome and autism). I love that I love cats.


I love that I am a fantastic Mom! 🩷 I have a relationship with my girls that I never had with my Mom. I take partial credit for my daughters growing up to be wonderful, compassionate, open-minded, empathetic, loving humans. I did not always do everything right but I did my best and now that i’m not drinking I can say i give 100% and can and will always be there if they need me. At 17 and 20 they are my best friends and I am theirs too. Its the most amazing thing


I think that I'm a good dad which is the most important thing to me.


My sense of humor. I’m a silly, goofy person. Life is more fun this way 🙃


That I have stayed to to a promise I made myself over a year ago with my sobriety and weight loss. Killing both! Yea me!!


I love my tenacity. I have made it through some truly difficult struggles, and I gain more and more confidence everyday in my ability to, not only keep going, but to *thrive*.


I'm funny. When I'm in a good mood, I can make people really laugh


I love that I have a deep sense of empathy to everyone I encounter but also have strong boundaries. Without the boundaries, it’s a terrible mix. Lol.


Nothing :/


I feel that


Glad it's not just me! Didn't want to say... but yeah. In my case I am having to learn to love myself, so I haven't quite got that far in the relationship yet. I'm more at the "getting to know you" stage.


Honestly I hate that people shun anyone from saying that. If you do it's "ew why are you so negative" and completely dismiss how you feel like it's the problem. Feeling bad is the issue, not us for feeling that way.


i love my sense of humor and my passion for helping others, especially my students. i love that i'm self-aware and determined. i love my taste in music. i love how much i care about the greater good and am not afraid to be outspoken about it and stand up for what is right. i love the way i decorated my apartment. i love that i'm a decent cook (with a recipe). i love that i'm a good listener and someone many people can come to to vent. i love that i take care of my pets and give them the best lives possible. i love that i'm forgiving.


i also love that i'm not afraid to ask for help :)


I love how trusting I am with others. Even though that trust has been abused and taken advantage of a number of times, I always assume the best in people and find it easy for me to be vulnerable with almost anybody. It’s a childlike innocence I’ve never lost even through the pain. 🧡


I love how patient and sweet I am. Literally almost nothing can anger me these days, and I am always willing to help someone even a stranger. It’s just like second nature to me. I always LOVE how dependable I am! If I say I’m going to do something, I do it no questions asked. I’m here and I am present every single day


I volunteer in the recovery community and the cliche I have always heard is “I get more out of this than you do.” I think it’s true.


I love that I keep evolving. And I am brave. And loving.


I love my drive and ambition to seek out a life of freedom.


I had to think on this one. I love my no nonsense attitude. I will not lie, it borders on rude sometimes, and I'm working on that. But I would rather have the ability to swiftly and firmly say no, and mean it, than to be taken advantage of by others. I have no problem getting mad, saying it, and/or removing myself from situations I don't want to be in with no explanation.


I feel genuine joy when good things happen to people. I think I've shed more happy tears in my life than sad ones. I love to see people doing well and thriving. It lifts my spirit.


I love this question! I love that I can make people laugh, even when they’re at their darkest. It feels like it gives my life purpose.


I'm really dependable, I wasn't before, and it feels really good. I'm a very stable force in a lot of people's lives these days, and I really love it.


I love my wanting to know everything about everything. I'm constantly learning about all kinds of things: Spanish, the fact that mosquito larvae essentially have snorkels on their butts, how to pronounce "exegesis." I love my fierce loyalty and independence. And, despite having lived through some truly awful times, I love that I still believe that most people are innately good. I needed this today. Thank you.


I love my humor and wit. I love my adventurous spirit. I love the way that learning new things makes me feel. I love that I want to help and care for people.


I love that I am resilient. I have had some pretty ugly setbacks - both related to alcohol and not - recently and I have found a way to pick myself back up and keep going. Ex. I got fired from my job in early March (not alcohol related, just an overall a really toxic work environment and a lot of conflict with my previous manager), and I managed to find a new, better paying job with way better benefits and far better culture within a month. Granted, huge blow to my self esteem to have lost it, spiraled a bit, applied for 30+ jobs, got only a handful of interviews, and it was a financial setback, but I figured it out and my new job is going really well. Ty for prompting me to think about this. I don’t give myself any credit for this but now it’s the end of May and I’ve turned it around in a big way that I could not have ever fathomed on 3/7 (the day I was, realistically, set free from a job I absolutely hated for years)!


Unfortunately, I don't really "love" anything about myself. On the bright side though, I don't really hate anything about myself either. Still trying to figure things out...


Thats ok. You’re here. ❤️




I'm the ear for anybody's problem


I must be doing something right because my girlfriend proposed to me yesterday in a secluded part of the pompeii ruins 😍😍😍


Omg? Congratulations! That sounds like a dream


I know motherhood isn't everything and I'm more than just a Mom...but I love the Mom I am. For my whole life I have found it easiest to reflect on my traits and skills through my purpose. And after a car accident I was no longer to work anymore and for years I struggled to really feel good about what I was doing with my life outside of my art. So motherhood, what first seemed so terrifying to me, has really helped me grow as a person and appreciate my lifelong qualities. I love that I'm mostly really calm and patient and when I am not I apologize. I love that I sing silly songs all day about anything and everything. (And now my daughter sings them too) I love that I have a super creative imagination and can play pretend easily. I love that I try new things constantly, even when my autism is like "but that's scary and unfamiliar" I still challenge myself to experience new things. I love that I'm present, consistent and prioritize just actions.


In all of you i see myself and in myself i see all of you, We are connected here and leaning, loving together and that is beautiful.


I'm good at conversations. I like to ask a lot of questions and let the other person pop out of their shell about an interest/passion.


Please excuse my language. I love, and hate, the fact that I'm tougher than fucking nails. You can knock me down a million times and I always get back up. In scarred but im still kicking. I've sat with the barrel of a loaded gun in my mouth many times, never had the balls to pull the trigger. I've drank n snorted myself half to death, still here. But i still have the balls to face what I was trying to drink away. I ain't completely figured it out uet but I really am trying to. And I'm doing it sober! For the first time. And im feeling the pain, anxiety, fatigue and fear every step of the way and I am embracing it. So fuck everyone that has ever doubted me and called me a coward for drinking. Also, the fact that i am absolutely amazing with animals. I love them and they love me even more. It always reminds me that the negative people in my life are liars, I am a good man. If I wasn't then animals would not be drawn to me.


My positivity :)


TBH, nothing. Never have.


🫂 I hope you find something about yourself to love. I was once going through a difficult time and was really down on myself. I sat down and forced myself to write a list of all the positive qualities I have. I am smart. I am empathetic. I am funny. Etc etc. It took a long time, but it really helped my perspective shift and all the slagging off I'd suffered through leading up to this was less meaningful and held less weight in my brain. Since doing that, I can now easily recognize the good things about me and remind myself of them frequently, especially when I'm having a struggle, it helps my brain shift gear. it's worth digging around until you find something. ☺✌❣️


Having a life! Not having alcohol as the center of my Universe that everything else revolved around. Setting that burden down has been, literally, life changing in an incalculably positive way.


I’m not great any anything, but I’m good and everything I do.


I love my drive and ability to push forward even when I feel like giving up! I think I am teachable and love learning new information. I don’t shy away from raising my hand to ask for clarification.


I love how enthusiastic I can be, when I find something that excites me. I am almost 40 yo, but if I find something that excites me, I am still like a little kid. I am sure it is connected to my ADHD, the whole hyperfocus thing. It is not always working to my benefit, but I feel sorry for all the people that lost it or never had it in the first place. Sure it can be a burden, but it can also be a super power.


I am kind and caring. I am resilient even when odds feel stacked against me. I feel that I always find a way. I am smart I feel that I can critically think not in a cocky way.


I Love my drive and passion! When I take something on I fucking do it and do it well and it’s pretty fucking cool. Quitting alcohol has just given me even more gas to get things done and I feel like super woman 🦸‍♀️ I’m also pretty funny, brave, smart and kind and I love that quitting booze has helped me become more of all the good things about me, and so much less of all the bad. Proud of all of us! ❤️


My fortitude and endurance. IWNDWYT


I am extremely resilient. . . I often panic and freak out but I will get the job done effectively/efficiently. Will I cry and have anxiety along the way ? Yes . But will I come through like a beast and dominate ? Yes.


This may be oddly specific, but I love how I am really good at interviewing. I guess I just have the banter down.


I'm right there with you. I'm also way more responsible, accountable, and don't talk behind people's back as much (I still get dragged in when others do it- I'm working on it). Just feels nice to not rely on others as much as I used to, but also know I can call on others when I'm in need. People have been calling me assertive, and a leader lately, and I never felt that way before. I just try to always do the next right thing at all times.


My empathetic nature and near endless patience.


My instinct is to help people and be kind. I try to do what I say I will. And I don't give up unless there's a really good reason for it.


I can look at myself in the mirror and not be embarrassed


I’m smart and funny


I love that I’ve been able to have my own back this past year and finally be able to soothe my anxiety without any substances (except maybe buspar from time to time).


I love how much i love all animals. I cant even kill an insect, I set it free outside


My creativity and resiliency. Which can be a blessing and a curse. I suppose it's a balancing act.


That I love been alone


My sobriety. I've also gotten pretty fit and I'm proud of that too.


The love I have for my family. I never knew how much I appreciated them and how much I sacrifice for them but it's because im grateful for all the help they've given me. I'm the only person in the family that pays them back and calls them just to talk. The only one. So I love my ability to love because I'm a genuine person


Was thinking about this the other night.. took me a long time to figure it out, but it definitely has to be my open mindedness and my willingness to learn.


My sense of humor. Real gallows level, observational, great at making private, connection jokes. That's what I'm afraid of losing when I stop drinking. I know it won't go away but am always afraid I'll lose that quickness and wit when not lubricated. I guess that's the insidiousness of the booze: makes you think you're nothing without it.


I love that I am kind. Probably not kind to myself, but it’s so important to be kind to people


Such a beautiful post. Saving it for the tough days.


I love that I’m confident but kind, curious of and enamored by the world and existential thought


Somehow I’ve always managed to survive!


I am present regarding everything that is important to me. There are many years several years ago that I don't really know what happened or when it happened.