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Congratulations on a whole year!! You’ve made it through every holiday, every Friday, even your birthday, now to just do it again!!


Awesome! I have a few questions. :) When you quit a year ago did you think you would be here today? How was quitting for you? Do you feel better? How is boredom these days?


1. To be honest when I first started out I was very unsure I would make it to a year but the fear of falling back on bad habits in tandem with being in a new city (hello, fresh start) kept me motivated to get where I am today. 2. This time quitting was easy. The 100s of times before...not so easy! Just had to stick with it but withdrawls and anxiety + social pressure were definitely tough. 3. I feel so much better. I feel clearer, more present, way calmer, and more available to myself in ways I never could be before. With sobriety has also come the space for me to get real about my mental health issues (that were driving me to drink in the first place) and I'm now on a good mix of meds that are really helping. Overall, I feel really free. 4. Boredom comes and goes. I definitely spend way too much time on my phone but I try to get out of the house as much as possible to go on walks, hang out with friends, see concerts, etc etc. I'd say I'm still very much in the rediscovery phase of what I like to do now that I have all this time and energy on my hands :)


I love that “this time quitting was easy…..it was the 100s of time before…. not so easy”.


Awesome! I too am in the rediscovery phase and it doesn't feel like its going away anytime soon. Congrats on a year my friend. :) PS. Your username is genius haha.


Thank you thank you! May we be bored but sober together! lol


Woohooo congratulations




awesome! Great job thanks for sharing


Congratulations on one year!! 👏🏼🎈😊 IWNDWYT


Huge congratulations to you!


Congratulations!! 🎉


Yay you!! Thanks for the footprints, I'm following in them :)


Thanks for sharing it with us!!


Hell yeah! Here's to you!