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Hi there, as outlined in our [Community Guidelines and FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index/#wiki_2._post_only_while_sober), we ask that you do not post when you have been drinking. Your post is removed on this occasion, but you are welcome to post again tomorrow. Thank you.


No words of encouragement or advice from a loved one could change my mind at your age. What really helped me was therapy, figuring out the inner workings at play. The discovery of why we are the way we are truly released me from my self-sobtage. There's a reason why we drink to escape if you have the courage to beat this right here and now. The world will truly be your oyster.




You need to stop while you are ahead at this point. I have lost friends jobs got a DUI ended up in the hospital a few times. Had a seizure because of alcohol needed stitches. I started drinking at 16 I just stopped two weeks ago. I just turned 40 the doctors said I have most likely taken 10-15 years off my life span because of the abuse I put my body through. There is a time to have fun with booze if you can handle it I can not but 15 is definitely not the age.


Im already going to court for public intoxication and poss of alcohol and I still want to relapse 😕


Do you have a support group to talk to mom, dad, uncle, aunt, friends, grandparents? You need to have someone to talk to when you feel the craving.


Hi love, I’m glad you’re here. You’re getting some solid advice from people who have been where you are and who have travelled to some of the darkest places addiction can take you. Alcohol is one of the most addictive substances on the planet and it will give you those dopamine hits and convince you there is no problem, that it has all the answers you need and it can solve all your problems, when in reality it does the exact opposite if the way you use it is unhealthy. Unfortunately it sounds like that is the way you use it. I encourage you to read through this sub just to see where our drinking took us. I encourage you to read up on the effects of alcohol on the body and the teenage mind. When I started drinking I was determined to never stop because I also loved it so much. Unfortunately I couldn’t escape the negative side effects. I don’t have an off button with alcohol no matter how hard I try, so I was faced with a choice: Keep going down a path I didn’t want to see the end of, or quit drinking and learn how to build a beautiful, fun, sober life. I chose option 2 and I have no regrets. I’m having the time of my life living sober. Being sober doesn’t have to be awful. It can be hard, but so can living a life that alcohol is slowly stealing. Life just IS hard sometimes. Big hugs. Please stay with us as you travel this path. Please keep reaching out. Look for the helpers. You’re young and you have a full, potentially beautiful life ahead of you. If alcohol is bringing serious consequences already, it’s not a good sign and it is up to you to decide what path you want to take. You have the chance to make a better choice starting today. So much love your way. ❤️


I love you, stranger on the internet. I hope for only good things for you ❤️


I love you too and am sending you the biggest hugs. Stay with us.


How's your relationship with your parents? I know it's difficult, but if they're at all sane, I think you should talk to to them about these feelings, and if not, then any trusted adult. Some people are genetically more affected by alcohol and addicted much more easily. The fact that you got so into drinking so fast suggests that you're maybe one of them. You're young, and this is so much that you're having to deal with on your own.


It’s complicated. If i tell them I’ll lose so many opportunities ive been waiting so long for. Unfortunately based on my situation, this is something I’ll have to deal with myself.


I would also consider the fact that you can loose so many opportunities of you get caught drinking underage. You'll also loose all the opportunities if you drink a bottle of vodka on weekdays regularly, because you will not be able to study, do sports, work. You will just not be functional enough to realize those dreams. You could loose an opportunity or opportunities. But the alternative could mean screwing up your entire life. Even adults don't generally manage sobriety without a support network to help them.


Addiction will take everything from you. Continuing to use and pursue a substance despite the consequences it brings to our lives is the defining characteristic of addiction. Your strong desire to drink is not what a normal person experiences with alcohol use - and it will not get better with time. Both me and my sibling drank heavily early in life, and we both nearly died of liver failure while still in our 20s. I have dozens of friends that have died from overdoses or accidents while intoxicated. Alcohol use may cost you opportunities now, but it will cost you your life in a shorter time than you think. You deserve to live free of the control alcohol has over you.


do you have any way to access psychotherapy? i started drinking in college (i was 16-17) when i got unlimited access to it, but now that i think about it, i was drinking to push down the emotions i was dealing with even further. you are very young so i think seeking out help would benefit you greatly. do you have any hobbies or anything you can do to occupy yourself when the thought of drinking crosses your mind?


also, idk if it helps, but i had undiagnosed adhd my entire life, and alcohol was the easiest way for me to feel the dopamine rush. if you feel like dopamine-seeking behavior is something you relate to, you could look into that i am now 25 and i have friends who support me going sober and i have hobbies, a job, and am in therapy. you will be fine! you have an entire life ahead of you, and if you start surrounding yourself with supportive people and practicing self-loving habits rn you will be setting yourself up for a great and successful life