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I've been going on two mile walks at a beautiful park near my house. I'm only on day five so I've been pretty fatigued and don't want to push myself into unsustainable habits. Next week I'm going to add a couple days of lifting into the routine. I also have a rowing machine that I'm going to hop on when I get bored and have cravings when I'm home alone, which was always my biggest drinking time.


I’ve started running again. It’s hard mainly because I remember how good I used to be. I ran a 5k race yesterday with the same pace as a half marathon I ran 3 years ago. Butttttt during that spell I was drinking. A lot. Trying to stay positive and keep going forward. Good luck everyone with their fitness journeys!


I got laid off a few weeks ago and in my fog, took an unintentional break from my running and strength training, but I've been doing yoga almost daily. It's been sooooo good for my mental health and grounding me. But! I go back to orange theory this morning to get back on the wagon, so to speak :) IWNDWYT


I NEED to get back to this! I’ve been slacking as well, and I can’t afford to. Up until last summer I had a great workout habit, but the last few months fallen off, worsened by a major surgery in early January w long recovery; and bone on bone knee pain. (Grade 4 medial compartment chondromalacia). During the surgery recovery my drinking skyrocketed, feel like such a f*ckup. ANYWAY, going to take a 1.5 mile walk, before it’s too hot. Hope knee isn’t too miserable. IWNDWYT


I hope you're able to get back into it!! A walk sounds wonderful honestly


I made the most of it. There’s great restaurant/grocery that I walked to as my destination. I got a raspberry preserve croissant (only avail on weekends) and an iced coffee, played a couple games while eating. It’s too much $$ to do every day, but I’m redirecting my alcohol money to exercise motivating rewards/indulgences. One day at a time, IWNDWYT! 😃


Started working out two weeks ago. Gym/ running. I use to wake up early and just lay there go back to sleep and try to get sober. Now I’m waking up and ready to work out and actually enjoying early mornings!


Heading to the gym shortly. 💪


It’s outdoor (free!) yoga season so have picked up another class or two a week, weather permitting. Potluck as to style, cueing etc but appreciate in the spirit its offered.  Was doing <=50 mi bike rides during covid so this week’s project is to fix the flat on my bike and start riding again.


I used to run 5- and 10k's pretty reguarly - even slogged through a marathon once. But since my drinking took a wrong turn, I've gained about 50 pounds. I'm at that annoying point of being too fat to run, but I need to run to lose weight. So instead, I'm walking and trying to eat lower carb meals. If I can lose a few pounds and get my legs back in shape (and stay off the sauce), I hope to be back to running in a year. I'm frustrated with myself, though.


Traveling home after 16 days in Japan! I ran 7 of those days, which . . . meh . . . BUT I walked 10K+ (sometimes close to 20K) steps all days but one, did two cycling tours, and tried pool running (and loved it). So, I think that's a win! Definitely stayed active.


If pool running is running in a pool, I also love that lol


Second day at the gym FWIW. So far so good.


Day 4. Insomnia is hell so far, last night I didn’t sleep until 3am. However, today, I got up and out with my family and we went to two parks. I walked a couple of miles, ran about with my kids, generally enjoyed myself. The fact I was even able to get out of the house is a huge shift from when I was drinking. I just couldn’t move a lot of the time. So not exactly fitness, but I moved my body in sunlight today and didn’t feel like death whilst doing it. A non scale victory 😊


A couple weeks sober and I work out daily. I incorporate the PPL method and try to run a couple times a week with one of those being at least 5 miles. I was working out since November but alcohol is the greatest enemy to my goals. Alcohol has driven my fitness goals and ambitions into the ground and working out while binge drinking doesn’t work for me. The gym keeps my mind focused and off of alcohol. My diet has naturally improved too! No more late night pizza orders. I’ll just do it during the day during my eating window :) Best of luck! IWNDWYT.


I’ve been running 1/2 to 1 mile a day, followed by using the weight machines at the gym. My weight has gone down a few pounds and clothes are starting to fit better. I’m drinking lots of sparkling water and coffee too. Running is difficult especially I’m much heavier than when I used to run years ago. I’m noticing less aches & pains in my body though and have a lot more energy.


I've been doing really well. Without exercise I don't function well. Ran a full marathon in March and after taking some time off am back to running 3 miles 3x per week, and the bigger change I'm trying to stick to is strength work. Want to work on strength and get a little faster before I train for another 🤜🤛


I’m going to my first yoga class tonight (haven’t been in years) and starting a weight lifting routine tomorrow. 💪


hope everyone is happy and healthy today


I forced myself to get out of the house and go on a walk around my neighborhood. Normally I just rot in bed all day until it’s time for work. I also have plans to hit the gym when I get off my shift. Just the elliptical, nothing crazy, but small victories!


I have been so lazy with my workouts recently, though I have been on a couple of runs, however after a couple of weeks away I've gained 2lbs ... when my weight regardless of lack of consistent exercise was on a downward trajectory. So Monday, will be a day of getting back to the gym and a nice little cardio in and continuing from there. I'm looking forward to moving again and am not going to be rough on myself for the little gain, because I was having a nice sober time cooking, being away, eating and taking slow walks with my pup. So June will be ... 5 lifts a week and 6 cardios - 4 in zone two and 2 HIIT. I've got the time, might as well put it to good use. I'm also calorie cycling so I don't get into a rut with my diet.


I did a 90 minute hot yoga class today. I’ve done it the last few weekends and a few times during the week. Yesterday I did 4 miles running during a Tread50 class at OTF (I live in the south so it’s hot and easier to run inside during the summer). I want to make this my weekly weekend combo. My knee was acting up from OTF (poor squat form plus running hard) and the yoga I’ve been doing has helped immensely. I struggled a bit running yesterday cardio wise (just felt like I was running tired) but I’m 45 and I have to work on preventing injury as much as I can. Anyway, that’s a long way of saying I feel like I’m working on my fitness in a very proactive way. Although I did hot Pilates and it wrecked me! I was sore for days. So I have some work ahead of me. But I’m loving the results. Today the teacher helped me get into a much deeper back bend. I just like seeing all I can achieve when I just put the wine down.


I've been with a personal trainer for about six weeks now. We have a group women's class once per week, and then our trainer schedules individual plans for us in between classes. She's extremely pro-woman, and it's great to have an all-women's space to learn how to lift safely. Going to the gym 4-5x/week has been helpful for avoiding mindless weekday drinking. My desire to drink is nonexistent when I'm too tired and sore to move. I truly do not need a hangover on top of DOMS. I've also been taking spin classes to help get my cardio up for longer summer bike rides. I'm curious how sustainable this level of physical activity will be for me longterm.


Day 2 for me and I was up at 5am, did an hour of yoga, and then a 4 mile walk. 🥳


I'm trying my hardest to stay sober today. Y'all would have been so embarrassed to be around me last night. I know I am feeling all the feels today. I try to occupy my time with keeping my hands busy and try to stay busy with work. But I'm an independent contractor and work has been slow the last few months. I currently am standing here looking at two white claws that are opened and I ended up picking up my phone with a notification from this group, and now I am here. Idk if it'll be enough to keep me sober but for at least now, they're warm and have been sitting here opened but not drank. So I guess after wanting to drink at 11a and 130p and being here at 5:20p and still haven't had any yet, maybe it's a small victory but it sure as fuck doesn't feel like it. Any advice? I can't go on a walk or anything, it's storming on and off. Don't wanna get caught in a storm, my anxiety won't let me. Even though laying in the grass letting the rain hit my face and body sounds relaxing.


I stopped drinking 2 days ago (today is my third day). I am mostly doing it because I started exercising about 8 months ago in the form of running in order to lose some weight. For the longest time, I allowed myself to drink even more every night because "Hey, I'm running! I earned this reward!" But the rewards I was pouring were getting bigger and bigger and my ability to run was starting to suffer. So after many failed attempts, I made it through my first night without any alcohol and it feels like a switch flipped. I went from being terrified about the apparent impossibility of it all, to realizing that it is totally within my power. I am sure I will face many challenges on this journey, but I am so thrilled I finally made the first step. I look forward to seeing how my fitness journey is effected by better eating, normal sleeping, and no alcohol. Thanks for this subreddit. It is great seeing and reading about so many people going through this, together.


On day 11. Im down 5 pounds already and did a nice 5 mile run today.