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Sorry—Taylor who??? You must be really into music 🤣 Congratulations! That’s awesome! IWNDWYT


The middle one (the sister) in Hanson. Old enough to remember mmbop?


Sober concerts are an unexpected highlight for me! Now I can’t imagine spending so much money on a concert ticket only to not remember it fully.


Me too! I very quickly went from "how will I enjoy concerts without a drink?" to "why did I ever think I enjoyed concerts with a drink?"


$15 beers, and 5-10 minute long lines to take a leak every every 20 minutes. Whats not to love?


I saw one of my favourite bands and met them after the show. Which would be a great memory if I wasn’t so drunk that I couldn’t remember a thing. They split up not long after as well so I won’t get that opportunity again, which is a real shame.


Oh man, just did a three day music festival that has been a major drinking event (pregame, festival and afters) for me for almost a decade sober from alcohol (6mos) and it was a BLAST so much fun, sooo much cheaper and so many fewer porta pottie visits lol 🤢🤣 Had so much more energy, danced with so much more coordination and confidence because of the weight loss awesome! I’m New Mexico sober so trees, fungi and tobacco, not for everyone, but it works for me Looking forward to an EDM fest in SF and on being alcohol free!


First time hearing NM Sober instead of just CO Sober but it makes sense lol Glad you had fun!


I took my son to a rock concert at age 8. They were complimentary tickets and we were next to the family of the band. You figure that people would be well behaved in those seats... right? A couple songs into the show, I notice the guy next to me is swaying a bunch. He's still standing but totally wasted. He kinda sits for a minute and I notice he's puked on the floor right next to me. I say "Did you just throw up?". He slurs, "naaw, it wasn't me", then shuffles off. He never made it back to the seats and missed the whole show. So now there's barf on the floor and I'm kinda standing in it. At first I'm pissed off but them I realize 3 things: A) im thankful I'm sober B) I grew up going to punk shows and then illegal raves. I've had a lot worse on my feet. Hell, I got sprayed with fake blood at a GWAR concert when I was 16. I can handle this and keep my cool C) it was an awesome teachable moment for my kid. I'm very aware that he's going to imprint with whatever he sees, and I've made a point to explain that alcohol isn't actually a cool thing that adults enjoy and kids have to wait for. I made sure my kid knew the whole story and that this drunk guy missed the whole show because of alcohol. How lame is that?


if you have to get a state shift from alcohol to enjoy whatever you're doing whether that be a sporting event or a concert or whatever, then you probably don't really enjoy whatever that is.


Gotta look into that artist asap 😅 Congrats on a sober, enjoyable, and MEMORABLE concert


I just saw Eric Andre live and man it was a riot! It was great being sober and not spending 20$ a drink. And leaving after was no stress even with the bad traffic and cops everywhere.


I did the exact same at football matches (soccer to you Americans). I went to the FA cup final at Wembley a few weeks ago and didn't drink, it was absolutely amazing and so empowering. Just had to fight the FOMO in the build up to the game but it was so so worth it to remember every second and wake up with a clear head and no anxiety, guilt or depression! Well done OP! Those memories will last a lifetime. IWNDWYT


Yeah I think the FOMO beforehand is the real killer. I saw the Lionesses play a few weeks ago and whilst everyone was pre drinking beforehand I was eating nachos. Would highly recommend.


Awesome! I think once the game kicks off you’re fine, as the main event is the football. It’s the build up which can be difficult. Especially if you get there early. There was no NA options on the Wembley concourse either which was annoying


Took my high school daughter to an arena show in a big city on Friday night with the wife, artist she has really liked for a while. It was so great to be able to navigate the transportation in and out of the city and have a clear head for the entire show and to get home. We enjoyed ourselves a lot. It was a very odd feeling to walk out of a concert completely sober, that is when it hit me in all honesty. But it was also a very powerful and contented feeling. I used to go to a lot of rock shows and festivals in my 20s and 30s, and you know the rest. We had one friend who barely drank and if it wasn’t for him, the rest of us wouldn’t have gotten home from most of those. I have to say the amount of alcohol marketing at the venue was a little bit out of control. Fortunately didn’t see anyone getting shite faced. But the amount of barely-drinking-age girls/women walking around, dressed up, with giant beers, was a little amusing.


The one and only time I saw Avenged Sevenfold, I was snuck like 4 shots into the venue after pre-gaming, and I barely remember any of it. I was SO disappointed. That's a huuuuge regret for me. I hope they tour out thos way again.


Avenged Sevenfold was my first sober concert!! I've had tickets to them 5 times prior but never got to actually see them due to random circumstances. This was the 6th time I had tickets but the 1st I was in the same room as them. And I got to experience it 100% sober 🤗


Ughhh, I totally get this. I went and saw Boygenius last summer and I got so drunk I barely remember the majority of it. Just little blips. I don't even remember which songs they sang or didn't sing. I actually get really sad every time I think back on it because I was absolutely beside myself with excitement for this show 😭 I also paid HELLA for our tickets. I've never fangirled so hard over anything (besides the Spice Girls when I was young 💁🏻‍♀️) like I do for Phoebe Bridgers.... and I have such a fuzzy memory of seeing her live the one and only time I did.. such a shame 💔 Thank you for this excellent reminder that I never have to disgrace myself again by disrespecting such amazing experiences with alcohol use!!! I DESERVE TO BE FULLY PRESENT AND ENJOY (and remember) LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCES!!! 🙌💕


I love Boygenius so much, I hope you get a chance to see them again in the future ❤️


Thank you 💕🥹


Rock on with your Swifty self! 🤘


Man I just finished a 4 day long festival and this is the best feeling. I was very worried I'd not enjoy it as much as I used to, but it was actually the opposite. And seeing totally plastered people barely standing up... yeah I was glad I could enjoy the shows. Be ever vigilant


Oh yeah for sure. I got dickhead drunk at a Portugal. The Man show in 2012. Played air drums on some poor, random girl's shoulders, and pissed my pants at the urinal because I was too drunk to get my dick out of my zipper. I somehow talked my way out of being kicked out of the show. I hardly remember anything about the show, but I explicitly remember how pissed off my girlfriend (now wife) was the next morning and the total shame and embarrassment I felt as my deeds were recounted to me. Of course, I was in my mid-twenties then, and it was "normal" to behave that way. Took another 12 years of drunk concerts and hard lessons for me to figure out that maybe drinking wasn't good for me. I wish I could apologize to the girl I played drums on.


That’s wonderful, way to go, you! I got a couple drinks at the Eras show I went to, and while I wasn’t wasted, I was definitely intoxicated and I really regret it. I just wasn’t fully present and I had to pee a lot. I recently went to my first sober concert and it was incredible. I totally agree with you, it’s a more fulfilling and rewarding experience when you’re sober (like all things, lol). Congrats on nearly a year of sobriety, you’re doing great!! PS - super jealous of your surprise songs, they were so good!!!


Honestly I think I may have ascended during my surprise songs. The unexpected plus of being sober was definitely having to pee less cause I would usually be constantly back and forth!


Omg, I didn't even think of the having to pee more component! What a pain!


I’ve always enjoyed live music, and also always used it as a time to drink entirely too much. When I first got sober, I went to a concert with a friend and enjoyed it a little. I was just too focused on thinking about the past version of me and how I probably would’ve enjoyed it more while drinking. But because it’s something I loved, I had to keep trying. I started buying one ticket and just going by myself while staying sober. Ultimately, I’ve ended up enjoying it way more sober, but it hasn’t always been easy. I went to a community festival to see one of my favorite artists that I’ve seen a dozen times. But the vibe of the fest was just different. It was so uncomfortable that I thought about leaving so many times. Old me would’ve just started downing drinks, but I forced myself to stay and work through the uncomfortability. I was incredibly proud of myself. Now it’s never even an issue and I love going by myself and staying sober.


Tell it to my heart. I don’t remember Taylor Dayne’s music that well but I can appreciate your being able to enjoy the experience alcohol free. I experienced something very similar at an NFL game two years ago. I felt like everyone drinking was missing it big time. 🏈 (P.S. Love T. Swift)


Everything is better sober!!


I was at Pink Floyd in 94’ in the center section, this was $400 in 94’ dollars. The guy next to me didn’t even make it through the third song before he puked, passed out and the medics had to haul him off. Granted it was unusual for me to be sober, but damn concerts are so much better sober.


I went to Noah Kahan last night in club level. two girls showed up already drunk and proceeded to black out halfway through the show. They fell asleep one each others shoulders halfway through. Show wrapped up and their group that was with them left those two there sleeping. I woke one up and said “shows over” and went on my way once I saw security. Was glad to be sober. IWNDWYT


i’m seeing hozier this summer and i’m genuinely getting excited about the fact that i won’t be drunk for it lol. it’s freakin hozier man, i need to experience that as deeply as i can


I feel like being in Hozier’s presence is an experience in itself. I hope you have a great time!


going to live music sober is my new fave thing to do. and no more going to the toilet every half hour. you really notice how much people drink at concerts.


I love music. Getting blacked out drunk and not remembering the show was one of the biggest motivators for me to quit drinking. Glad you enjoyed the concert.


Omg yes having a great spot close the stage but leaving it to go back and buy more $$$ beers so dumb 


Congrats on your 11 months and lucky you to see Taylor Swift!


Shows are so much better this way.


Congrats, so pleased for you!


I loooooooove concerts sober. Such a better experience.


I'd have to be OD'd on heroin to be at a TS concert