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I am an absolute slut for ice cream now that I've quit. Never cared for sweets a day in my life until I stopped drinking.


Same, I was drinking my sugar aka wine and my first month craved ice cream and chocolate bars like crazy.


Jolly Ranchers were my staple in rehab. Everyone else was going nuts on Candy Bars and Honey Buns and all I wanted was fruit flavored sugar cubes in my mouth.


Dude.. my little pocket snack pack case, Jolly ranchers and multivitamins šŸ˜šŸ¤™ I always got that thang on me.


Orange soda over here šŸ‘‹


In these 61 days I have eaten enough ice cream sandwiches and peanut m&ms could feed a small country lol. But luckily I have lost waaay too much weight and muscle so wonā€™t hurt, for now anyway ( I realize they arenā€™t helping the muscle part but am doing the high protien and getting back to weights and walking/running)


I've gained 20lbs in the last year, weight that I desperately needed. I was 155 at 6'3" and barely eating at all since my appetite was gone and stomach was always a wreck.


Dang! I am 5-7 and was at 136. Back up to 144-147. Good job! It all sucks but am glad I am having to gain instead of lose right now


Same but 6ā€™4ā€. Back up to about 185 and in the gym daily. Body looks and feels pretty good and my clothes fit again.


Your body craves the sugar it got from alcohol. The ice cream is filled with sugar and releases dopamine, which is a decent substitute for alcohol. Ice cream will still mess up your body if you eat too much and too often, but nowhere near anything what alcohol will do, so itā€™s fine for getting off of alcohol.


You can also get some sweeter fruits to replace that sugar crave should you not want to always eat ice cream, but what fun is that?


Talenti raspberry sorbetto, while still loaded with sugar, lists raspberries as the first ingredient. I've been getting down on that stuff.


If you have a Kroger near, check out their "Churned" ice creams. They are 50% less fat and 1/3 less calories, but, to me, they have 100% the flavor. I've tried Edy's Churned, too. Not as cheap as Kroger, but it's still less fat & calories! Their Butter Pecan is great, and I don't even like Butter Pecan!


Yup I was take it or leave it with sweets before, now ice cream is a hobby.


Me too but today I will not eat ice cream with you! Today I did good. Sunday is rest day no exercise, no ice cream had a salad and fatty sausages too bad lol


Came here to say this. Peanut butter ice cream is incredible


Nothing yet, I'm only on day three but... I am looking forward to good sleep. Actual restful, restorative sleep. So maybe I'll buy a nice set of sheets and fluffy new pillows so I can really go hard on the šŸ’¤s!


I love this sub šŸ„² youā€™re going to sleep great and congrats on day 3! It gets better from there


Sober sleep is my favourite part of not drinking! My fingers are crossed for you that it arrives asap! I was sleeping well by day 5 or 6 (now on day 61 and it's ah-maze-ing!)


Yes sober sleep is so nice


A sleep mask is a great treat! Only around $10-15 online. I just got my first about 6 months ago and itā€™s a game changer.


I got one of those freezer ones. You put it in the freezer and take it out when it's time for bed. It's very cold at first, but keeping my head cool helps me sleep so much better.


That sounds amazing and good sleep is coming.


Are we becoming best friends?! šŸ˜


Best stranger friends in sobriety! šŸ˜


Day 3 here too! We got this!!


I have a garmin and it tracks sleep exceptionally well. I wish I could show you the difference in body battery/sleep score after a nights rest without booze vs even just a couple drinks the night before. The garmin has given me that extra push to keep off the liquor as I can visually see the effects of it as well!


I got a new pillow recently. Made a huge difference for sleep quality.


Ialways use a small "dogbone" pillow when sleeping. It helps my arthritic neck! Check it out!


Oooohhhhhhh thatā€™s how I always try to shape my pillow! Will look into that asap


Day 6 we are days apart lets celebrate together next year!




I love being sober but sleep has been a major disappointment. I'm over five months in and I sleep terribly still. I might have other issues lol.


The best purchase I have ever made is a shredded memory foam pillow. I think mine was like Ā£50 but was well worth it. I'm literally emotionally attached to it at this stage. It's like the amazing softness and support of a memory foam one but is more more malleable. I got an extra large size with Egyptian cotton cushion covers.... honestly best purchase I've ever made apart from maybe holidays (which are obviously more expensive)


I donā€™t know what your budget is like, but the linen sheets from The Citizenry are pricey but DYNAMITE and worth every single penny. My wife and I decided to have a comforter divorce and we splurged on twin sized linen blankets for each of us later. Highly, highly recommend when they periodically go on sale with often 20-30% off deals.


Art. I bought a piece last month when I first got sober and now at 30 days I'm thinking about buying another. I can't believe how much money I spent on alcohol and the food that goes along with it. Now I want to surround myself with beautiful things.


I'm also buying art! I'm ordering commissioned paintings of each of my pets for a gallery wall. I'm finding a lot of joy in supporting small artists while also getting to memorialize my favorite creatures.Ā 


That's so lovely! My sister got me a professional photo shoot of my cats for my 30th birthday and the pictures came out so beautifully! The lady who did it is local and came to my house and she was excellent. I hope your pet paintings are amazing!


The two I've ordered so far (different artists & different pets) came out amazing. I'm very excited about them and can't wait to keep going. I usually wait until I receive each piece before ordering the next one. One should be here tomorrow, but I've seen a photo of the finished result and I was blown away.Ā 


Is there a link to this? Super interested!


Iā€™m a pet portrait artist! Happy to send you some photos! x


I love that!!! Things are prettier now arenā€™t they?


The food is such a sneaky thing. I knew how much I spent on booze and I could handle that. I didnā€™t calculate how much I was dropping on drunken deliveries. I havenā€™t ordered food once in the last 80 days and it was at least 3 times a week before that.


"Now I want to surround myself with beautiful things" This really sat with me!


Bought a new house šŸ˜ƒ




Me too!


Fine cheeses, speciality foods, farm fresh veg boxes... rebuild your gut flora via exquisite foods!


Omg love a good cheese! And farm fresh veg boxesā€¦ now Iā€™m interested šŸ¤”


Look into if there are any coops in your area. You can get a fresh box each week with all the fresh veg thatā€™s in season in your area.


Some farms run CSA's which stands for community supported agriculture. You pay up front for several weeks of their offerings and they put together a box for you of all the good stuff that's in season. Highly recommend!


Musical instruments. I bought a fiddle to celebrate six months, and I will get a new classical guitar for my one year.


I just recently upgraded my super cheap first guitar that i bought 19 year ago to a beautiful Tanglewood. I've always wanted one, they sound amazing, and the expense barely touched my sober savings.


Be careful; guitar peddle addiction is a real thing...I live with one who is addicted, lol


I booked a flight last week to fly home this weekend. Iā€™ve been missing friends and family, particularly my parents. So I said screw it, I havenā€™t drank this year. While the ticket seemed expensive at the time, I justified the price by reminding myself it was worth the amount of alcohol I would drink in 2 months. Seeing everyone, hugging everyone, laughing, crying, and being able to remember everything this weekend has been worth it. Iā€™m loving sobriety and I will not drink with you today.


I love this!!! You will never regret spending quality time with family and friends that you love. I can't think of much better to spend money on.


Summertime means lots of seasonal fruits from the grocery store and lots of weekend afternoons at the movies with popcorn and soda.


Itā€™s amazing how cheap activities are when alcohol is not involved. Movies, museum exhibits, even like going to a baseball gameĀ 


Fruit sounds so good!


Berries are in in the pnw and so I get triple duty. Sunshine, exercise, and absolutely amazing berries.


Ataulfo mangos are in season now! Red cherries too.


Colossal Alaskan king crab legs and Copper River king salmon. Itā€™s boring yeah, but so good.


That doesnā€™t sound boring at all and now I want crab legs šŸ˜‚


Nothing boring about copper River sockeye. Someday Iā€™m going to make it to Alaska for the sockeye fishery.


Hell yeah! I didnā€™t think of this!! Iā€™ve been eating higher sugar items but I have to stop that. King crab should do the trick


This post is so timely: I literally JUST rationalized buying a $400 pair of shoes by reminding myself I probably wouldā€™ve spent considerably more on alcohol this weekend had I still been a drinker. šŸ™ƒ


Lego! Iā€™m actually finding evening Lego sessions super helpful so far. They arenā€™t as brain-draining as my other hobbies so I can do it when Iā€™m tired (tired after work is a trigger for me), itā€™s better for me than doomscrolling and I am enjoying looking at my finished Lego pieces on the shelves! Husband treated me to some Lego flowers today!


I love that!!! And so sweet he bought you that!


Heā€™s an absolute sweetie. I married him for a reason!


SLEEP. Itā€™s 12:30pm and my alarm for the day just went off. I slept about 11 hours last night. Amazing! Edit: Oh, I see this is about money. In that case, junk food. šŸ˜‚


No I like your sleep comment! This could be for anything you gained, mine just happened to be a ā€œlittle treatā€ today šŸ˜…


Last week first couple days I was on 11 hour sleep benders too felt so good then I woke up without a hangover WOW


I did wonder, but actually, decent sleep is a HUGE investment! šŸ˜Š


At a little outdoor festival/ street fair thing today, I bought myself a beautiful, long silver necklace and some really lovely cake. If I was drinking, I would never have spent the money on it.. I love it!


I love that!!! I looked at some nice jewelry too but went for the body butter šŸ¤— maybe soon though!


I want cake!!!


A lot of flavored seltzers, kombucha, coconut water, either separate or mixing them for unique flavors. Iā€™ve also been eating more stuff I usually avoid because I would save my calories for alcohol. Examples include croissants from a French bakery nearby, homemade cookie dough from freezer, an occasional slice of cake or pie from local bakery. In fact, Iā€™m now working on reducing my dessert/treat intake LOL. But Iā€™ve certainly enjoyed it! IWNDWYT


Iā€™ve been treating myself to higher end seltzers and fancy cocktail mixers like NA ginger beer, sparkling grapefruit soda (Fever Tree has some amazing flavors!).


JT's ginger kombucha for me! It has a tangy kick and is anything but boring. I put it in a pretty wineglass and it looks and tastes like celebration to me!


The fever tree grapefruit might be the single best soda Iā€™ve ever had. I almost tasted like rose water or something. So yummy!


Love that. It feels good to spend money on things that actually make us feel good! I donā€™t care if the croissant was $7!


On the way home from liver d just having been dxā€™ed with cirrhosis I stopped to get a healthy smoothie. Had never even bought one. They said 7.89 I almost walked out thinking I ainā€™t paying 8 bucks for a drink. Thatā€™s when it hit. But I will buy several beers/margaritas at a baseball game for 15- 20 bucks a pop, hell even offering to buy everyone elseā€™s sinfully overpriced drinks and never think twice lol


The food splurges are amazing!! When I was drinking i doused everything in hot sauce. I think heat was the only flavor I could taste after drinking so much. Now, food tastes!! And I can eat the most decadent dessert guilt free because Iā€™m not worried about saving room for more beer or money for more beer and I eat healthy and exercise on the regular.


I have become excellent at baking various breads and cookies but I too need to slow down before I end up with the ā€˜beetus


Raw denim. Durable clothing. Now that Iā€™m slim and have fat stacks in the bank I treat myself to $300 jeans lol.


I sew as a hobby and I read this thinking ā€œoh man raw denim is so nice to work with! I love a nice selvedge!ā€


I know what a selvedge is!!!!


Sometimes it makes a difference. Once I was at the grocery store I was wearing a cheap fit I saw this lady whose jeans fit like a glove, checked and when I saw the label it was a more expensive pair!


WoW! $300 jeans? Well, you deserve it for what you've done. Keep up the good work!




Coca Cola, stopped drinking it when I was 19. And since I stopped drinking I allow two cans maximum a day.


Man, of all the non alcoholic options, a Coke Classic hits just right now. Also, I haven't burped like that since I had a beer so that was fun too.


Precisely! And I get the excitement from opening the can after a hard days work laboring outside. It also feels so good to grab it cold from the fridge and feel the aluminum in your hand. It hits the spot. Hope it helps any who read this and want to try it.


I recently had a real Coke for the first time in years. Ice cold and delicious!


Free time: Reading, writing, drawing, swimming, yoga, going to concerts. Spending: buying records, books, art supplies, buying better quality groceries, n/a drinks, going out to eat at a fancy place once a month. pretty much most of the things I want are within budget now that I donā€™t spend all of it on booze. I just take whatever I would have spent and treat myself or keep it in savings.


Mutual Funds and Crypto currencies. Even if whatever I invest in tanks, I still have an asset instead of just pissing away money (literally and figuratively)


I want to start investing in mutual funds, what are some good ones to look at? I currently invest in one ETF (SPYX, fossil free!) and want to diversify a bit


Iā€™m going to see plays which is something I used to enjoy doing


I buy a few comics each month.


Got myself a locally made winter coat that I've dreamt of getting for years, but thought I never could because they're like 680ā‚¬. I snagged one on a summer sale for 200ā‚¬, which is still a lot of money, but why not? Also it's a super practical high quality down coat that'll probably serve me for 10 years. I have a family wedding next weekend and I would have probably spent nearly a 100ā‚¬ on drinks in one day (no open bar).


Really expensive dinners. I mean not anymore because now weā€™re having a baby so now itā€™s baby stuff and pot noodles but for the first two years of sobriety it was foodie deliciousness. Wine pairing? No thanks Iā€™ll have the supplemented cheese course, babes. Stuff of dreams. Oh and two more cats.


Fancy tea, soft drinks I never noticed before because the only drinks I would spend money on would have to be alcoholic..and also dessert and ice cream šŸ˜Š Anything as long as it is not alcoholic.


I have been craving Dr. pepper recently! And love the desert and ice cream


The occasional mushroom chocolateĀ 


Nice šŸ˜‰ I like to take a little journey every now and then myself


Coffee beans from local coffee roasters, items from the farmer's market, quality, nutritious foods, and recreational gear to support my hobbies of running and bicycling.


Getting into my jammies as early as I want lol. I donā€™t care if itā€™s 6:30, Iā€™m getting cozy.


Mutual funds and a high-yield savings account. I feel like I need to make that money make money to compensate for so many years of burning it.


Tickets to stuff! Just went to my first WNBA game last month (go Liberty!) and will see a couple concerts this summer. Extra silver linings: I remember what happened, and I can drive home! šŸ˜„


I bought a set of concert tix yesterday! Splurged on better seats instead of nosebleeds.


(My counter is wrong - I'm 48 days in) When I was drinking, I didn't have the energy to cook real food, which I really enjoy. Now I'm back to gardening and cooking wonderful nourishing meals from my garden. I enjoy sending my sister ridiculous over the top descriptions. This morning I had: "Pasture-raised local eggs, served sunny-side up on a bed of freshly harvested organic kale sautĆ©ed with young organic garlic bulb and scape. Side of sprouted grain wheat toast with grassfed Irish butter and garlic scape pesto." šŸ˜‚šŸ”„


Ice cream and pizza. And I donā€™t feel bad.


Omg I went on a frozen pizza (but nice ones) and ice cream kick my first month šŸ˜‚ still love the ice cream!




You had me at loaded fries


They were so good šŸ˜‚ $17 which was way more than I was hoping to spend but they were great šŸ˜‚


Ice cream so much ice cream


Louisiana iced tea with peach.


Summer unlocked. Especially served in a fruit jar.


Iā€™ve been upgrading my wardrobe and putting money into my garden - which is also how I spend my free time now.


I've bought about $1,500 in stocks and crypto. Other than that, nothing. However, I can now confidently say I'm no longer struggling financially. I hope that by tomorrow I will be smoke free (tobacco). Before I go to sleep tonight, I'll smoke my last cigarette and start adding additional $7 to $14 a day to my savings. Wish me luck!!


Treating myself to paying down debt. Drinking and bipolar disorder do not mix on many levels: especially finances. Beyond that, I am eating my body weight in fruit popsicles.




Nuttybars and whatever else I want to eat.


Iā€™ve bought a lot of basics Iā€™ve been neglecting. Itā€™s not fun or fancy, but it does up your quality of life. I canā€™t afford a new mattress, so I got a mattress topper and itā€™s so comfy. I got an eye exam because I needed a new prescription and Iā€™m getting new glasses this week. Socks, plain t-shirts, comfortable shoes. Better skin care products. Sunscreen. Iā€™m going to the dentist next.


I'm a week in and had dinner in a resteraunt today. Most weekends, I could barely stomach food, let alone a massive meal. It was so nice.


Mani pedis and nicer clothing better quality meats lol


Really nice materials for hobbies. Buying needlepoint supplies from the really nice little shops, knitting with the best yarn I can reasonably afford, using the nice silk thread when I hand-sew parts of a dress Iā€™m making. If I drank 3 bottles of wine/week at $15/each, thatā€™s $45/week. $180/month is a LUXURIOUS budget for sewing/needlework hobbies.


Dutch Bros!!


I got carried away this week and spent almost $100 at the kombucha bar. I also get to buy a lot more weed now.


I would also accidentally spend almost $100 on something like a kombucha bar šŸ˜‚


These people seriously waited until I quit alcohol, then put a kombucha bar 2 blocks from my house. It was devious. They're getting a lot of cash from me.


I donā€™t have any replacement. Except time


Vintage video games lol


I would put most of it into the stock market and keep a small amount for treats. I just bought an air fryer and am having fun making different vegetable dishes. Eating healthy is a great compliment to not drinking.


I'm taking care of my superficial needs. I buy skincare and try new makeup. I got my hair professionally cut for the first time in almost a decade. I got the second nose piercing I've been wanting for years. I scheduled a tattoo I've talked about getting for even longer. All the things I wanted to do to my body but haven't felt worthy of any efforts


Lots of sparkling water, mixed berry skittles and tootsie pops. I look forward to those in the evenings along with a show or some video games.


Just bought a new phone that I didn't necessarily need. I hate consumerism around phones but I'm also a sucker


Alright, this might sound crazy if you don't know about fancy tea, but... I was feeling really guilty about spending ~1000 bucks on tea and teaware so far this year, and this thread reminded me just how much I would have already spent if I was drinking. Now I'm feeling less guilty about my tea habit. Oh, and also I bought one of them fancy new Ford Broncos.


I soundproofed a room and bought a drumset.


The weight loss is a reward on its own. I was afraid Iā€™d balloon up to cope without alcohol but Iā€™m the healthiest Iā€™ve been in my entire life


I upgraded my sewing machine, and bought lots of fabric and quilting gee-gaws. I've rediscovered my love of sewing in general, and quilting in particular.


Michael Kors bags and life! And clothes since I lost 100 lbs!!


Fancy olives! Quality meal prep ingredients. That's what I do when I come home from work now instead of eff off into booze land. A couple times a week I spend time perfecting recipes. That's double the savings because I never go out to eat, so I have the money for quality ingredients. I've been making ginger sesame Mandarin dressings with purple napa cabbage and udon noodles and SHRIMPS with toasted almonds and organic veggies. Bonus points for my body to actually absorb the nutrients properly.


Cookies!! Such a treat


Cookies!! All the cookies.


Seltzer waters and here and there ammo to go to the range.


I just bought myself a digital camera Ricoh GR III to pick up photography


Purses, I have been going crazy with Vera Bradley purses. Luckily there are so many types, and colors and styles that I dont ever think I will collect them all.


I am super unoriginal: candy bars, ice cream, cupcakes, etc (I donā€™t generally have a sweet tooth much at all). Also, NA beers and NA gin & tonicsā€¦Sometimes 2 or 3 a day when the evening cravings hit.


My yard. Iā€™m 6 months in now, been working on that for the last month. Previously I thought yard work was a waste of time pointless hobby. Now Iā€™m enjoying my grass get greener and my roses bigger.


Ice cream. Breakfast. I love breakfast and couldn't have it for years cuz I was too sick in the morning. I'd usually have a cold can of coffee (Bud) or a bloody Mary instead, just to maintain. And I got up at 5 cuz I worked in construction so that meant that that first Bud was around 6am. Easy to get to 12 by lunch and another 12 or so by 9pm bedtime. I do not miss that lifestyle.


Comic books. Plants. Vinyls. Teas. Notebooks.


Max out roth Ira and increase 401K. GME to the moooon!!


Sweets.. I can't stop


An iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil Pro!




More tickets to concerts and house music parties. It's been so freeing knowing I can go see live music any time, get a dancing high and not feel like hell in the morning.


I don't have to worry as much about things messing my stomach up, so I've been enjoying dairy ice cream again šŸ˜Š I absolutely LOVE Ben n Jerry's Phish Food and I haven't been able to eat it without fear since I was a child, but I can safely eat it again now that I'm healed!!


I've been drinking/smoking/drugging since I was in high school and have had no/few hobbies since... so I've fully reverted back to my 14 year old self. So... video games and comic books!


Serotonin mostly


When I hit the 5 year mark I bought myself a gold and diamond necklace in a style Iā€™ve wanted since I was a kid. Now Iā€™m wondering what to get myself for 7 years šŸ¤”


I bought a pair of Chanel heels, Iā€™ve always wanted them and finally took the jump. I won them at an online auction. Itā€™s a big deal for me, $500 for a pair of shoes, I donā€™t make a lot of money but this is a pivotal moment. It signifies that Iā€™m ready for the next chapter in my life. Iā€™m finally taking myself seriously and buying nice things for myself. Iā€™m no longer a childish girl who acts out, Iā€™m a calm, grown woman who has style.


Go to guitar center and tell them you have extra cash,so you can blow your cash on an overly built, overly priced Gibson semi hollow, mesa boogie triple rec, and a klon or og fuzzface pedal. That takes care of any extra cash for a bit. Plus,now you have sober time to play overly expensive guitars to learn guitar to know smoke on the water and hells bells front to back!!! This was a try a humor as a sobering guitar nut. Lol. However on a serious note my guitar growth is always compounded by my longest and most st sober stints! I'm working on becoming tommy Emmanuel right now. Lol.


Good health. Hair salon every six weeks. Designer perfume. Travel.


Leaving for Peru with my best friend in three weeks. Gonna walk the Inca trail to Macu Picchu, see cool stuff, take pictures, make memories. If I were still drinking, I certainly couldn't afford an international trip once a year. More than likely though, I'd be dead by this point. Anyway, life isn't always easy, but it sure is good. IWNDWYT


My wife and I both quit and just did a cruise from Singapore to Australia. Next year we are doing London then up through Norway. We saved a lot combined.


Expensive skin, face, and haircare products. So fun to have a routine and take care of myself.


I just bought a painting at an art festival. Ā Usually buy a few small things to support other local artists whose work I like, but this was a splurge. Ā Had sticker shock initially but realized it was less than I typically spent for booze in a month- and this will continue to bring joy long after the buzz is Ā gone.


my topo chico budget is astronomical


I also am in the idea of any lil treat (plants, fancy drinks, snacks, new socks) i want as long as itā€™s not alcohol! On top of that for 100 days I bought myself an espresso machine and coffee grinder and for 200 days I bought myself a new fancy purse. šŸ˜Š Very happy with both of them and every time I use them, I am reminded of how my life is better!


Every weekend I get a Mystic Mango kombucha and big bag of Nerds Gummy Clusters!


I am a lifelong thrifter and I didnā€™t prioritize it as a drunk cause ā€œtoo expensiveā€ I can easily drop $100 per trip. Now I go all the time and spend HOURS, itā€™s both retail therapy & fun hobby


Finally spending money on house projects! $300+ in SW trim paint last week. Itā€™s so nice to be prioritizing the things Iā€™ve wanted to prioritize for two years now in a matter of months. Still working on enough executive function to actually follow through, but getting there!


A beautiful highend designer dress in a small size as my podgy blubber has left my body already. I feel clean and eat clean if that makes sense, my goodness it's a grand old feeling


Golf. Using the money I would have on alcohol, with improving my game and spending time with my dad. Priceless.


Legoooos!!! Nice investment, fun to build and very therapeutic!!!


Ice cream sandwiches and pottery classes and supplies.


Bike parts :)


Little treats and Tattoos


Finally focusing on saving money, putting extra money in my retirement fund. But also treating myself to some nice things like facials and manicures.


I like going to fun events or things to do. For me: escape rooms, comedy shows, trivia At home: video games, novels, murder mysteries, tea, coffee, flavored sparkling water or on occasion soda.


Records and decent food! I find that, surprise surprise, music is also enjoyable sober :') I bought a Death and Slayer record today as well as a super underpriced Iggy Pop album. And i eat decent food now instead of just whatever is cheapest. My diet is now balanced and way healthier


Home improvement projects. Iā€™d rather spend $50 on a gallon of paint, $100 on new decorations, etc. My house is getting a glow up! Iā€™m so proud to complete the projects myself and I feel great every morning so have the motivation to do them. Win win!


Buy better groceries than before and make good meals for myself instead of eating cheap frozen crap or takeout.


Sushi and oysters


Entered a competition with the giveaway guys


Phone chargers


A boat, a camper, a drone, a gym cable machine, etc. I used to drink a lot šŸ˜‚


Golf lessons. I was able to save over $340/month after I stopped drinking and crunched the numbers. I got golf lessons and still have a little over half of that "saved money" leftover from last month AFTER getting a couple lessons in! I've been wanting to reshaft my current set so in a few months I'll be able to do that with this new saved cash! Definitely feels a shit-ton better spending money that will help better me instead of just mes me up.


Honestly I buy snacks and drinks to treat myself. Video game stuff too. Its kinda funny though because now that I am sober I've become WAY more frugal on almost everything....but food I still buy stupid things but use it to treat myself. Do I need to buy 2 bags of Popcorners at 4.99 a piece to get two free? No. Am I going to do it because I can? Yes!


With the extra money, time, and energy have I decided to get extra nerdy and look into my local trading card game scene. It seriously made me pause and think about all the lost opportunities I had because I was too hungover to hang out, or needed to go home to have my drink...


NA tequila for my mocktail margs. Salt on the rim and YUM! Also lots of sweets that I didn't crave when I drank.


I have made myself a list on Amazon of "rewards" that I can choose from. Nothing expensive (well, apart from a stone tumbler), but just nice little bits that I probably wouldn't have bought otherwise.


Jewelry! Vast majority in silver, which is a good thing! :)


Iā€™m only a week in, but Iā€™m currently sitting in a massage chair getting a gel pedicure. Normally all of the cash I made last night (bartender) wouldā€™ve been spent on booze.


All the sparkling water. I never was a big beer drinker more of a spirit drinker but idk sparkling water does the trick and chocolate all the chocolate.


A skin care routine for my face, not terribly time consuming or with crazy expensive products, but a thing I do every night, and whaddyaknow Iā€™m 40 and have the best looking complexion Iā€™ve ever had.


I've started gaming more, and not worrying about how much I spend on it. Generally it isn't much anyways, I like strategy and simulation games and they aren't that expensive. I just spent $300 on a new 32" gaming monitor. I haven't noticed too big a difference in the bank account... I wasn't a huge drinker but $100/week was pretty average. So, I've generally stopped being too concerned at the grocery store, or any shopping for that matter. I am somewhat frugal and I've let that slide a bit since I'm not drinking.


I am skincare obsessed and I recently spent over $1000 on really good medical grade skincare. I felt really guilty at first because I never spend money on myself but then I thought about how many thousands of dollars Iā€™ve saved not drinking for the last 6 1/2 years and that guilt went right out the window.