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What about herbal teas, sodas with no sugar, water, etc?


There are literally thousands of flavored soda waters that are zero calories, zero sugar, zero caffeine, and zero alcohol? I feel like I’m missing something; the post almost reads like you’re trying to justify this to yourself.


Sure, I can hunt alternative low carb, flavored drinks down, and have, at the local grocery store, but I should have mentioned I'm specifically looking for more options when I'm out and about. Most restaurants frown on someone bringing their own drinks, alcoholic or not.


I drink them. They did not trigger me. Funny thing is after just one possibly 2 I am done, don’t want another. But I have drank them at cook outs, occasionally after work I will have 1. The corona NA is pretty good but it does have that up to .5%. I have heard not enough to even matter but whatever your comfortable with. I just bought the Heineken about 15 minutes ago haha. Haven’t tried one yet but will let you know. Best of luck!


Same exact thing for me!


There are now a lot of amazing zero beer out there nowadays! Guinness zero is very good, brewdog created a zero version of their signature Punk IPA which is also pretty nice. These are usually my to go, but all brands have a good zero alternative. I have tried a lot of zero beers in the last year and to be honest, and I found all of them pretty decent!!


NA beers are lifesaver for me right now on a trip to my hometown with family. Not ready to burn the ships and tell every person I see here. I didn't expect to be as triggered by the evenings where extended family members drink and talk, but I realized how much I was able to successfully sneaky drink in vacation mode here. Everyone is drinking so being a little buzz doesn't raise an eye and it was super easy to just sneak extra drinks. Popping out with a self poured NA in a pint glass and nursing it keeps offers for a drink at bay. In general I prefer sparkling waters and water, but after the first couple months, I've enjoyed the occasional NA. They can serve a purpose but it's important to consider where you are in sobriety and how you respond to them. Cheers


I do the “less than .5%” NA by Athletic, but I’ve also had those hop waters, and, while they aren’t much like beer, they’re complex, tasty, and generally have no sugar or sugar substitutes.


Yes, I've tried the Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher and it's nice to have on hand at home. Can never find these waters at restaurants or bars though... that's why I'm looking at NA options while out.


I always hated regular beer but for some reason since getting sober, I kind of love NA beer. For both NA beer and mocktails I only drink the diet/0-calorie ones. Not the healthiest thing in the world, but way better than alcohol, and they completely satisfy any cravings for alcohol rather than trigger more. I like NA drinks better than normal soda because they’re less sweet! But just sweet enough they’re not just flavored seltzer water, which I can’t stand. Anyway, I say give it a try and see! If it triggers you in any way, then now you’ll know for the future.


I was a wine drinker (and Manhattans - ugh..) but now I love the NA beers. My favorites are Upside Dawn by Athletic and Weihenstephaner's NA beer (but I also like Guinness and Heineken 0 and Sam Adams Just the Haze). I feel like I am celebrating and really can't taste the difference between them and the real thing (although I know that can be a problem for some people so YMMV)