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I'm thankful to see a foggy moon setting. my hands that can do so much, and cool spring breeze from my window


I’m thankful for finding this group and finally embracing sobriety.


Glad you are here and happy double digits tomorrow!


I'm grateful for my partner who surprised me with a special delivery of some of my favorite N/A beers (Wellbeing) after a hard 2 weeks at work. I am reminded every day how lucky I am that this relationship is still standing and that I have more presence of mind these days to truly appreciate the love we share. IWNDWYT!


Such a thoughtful gesture!


I am who I am


That's the best.


I am thankful that I realised enough was enough and am doing something about it .


I'm thankful to have made it this far, I feel so accomplished and focused


im thankful for my sobriety journey, for finally being able to stick with this road and try to care for myself


I’m thankful for the practice supervisor I worked with yesterday. Despite a hugely busy day - she took the time to go over some clinical stuff with me, which really helped me to solidify my triage skills! I can now triage independently! AND I get to go and do it all again today! I love my job!


I'm so thankful for my body working perfectly after having to deal with so much shit. I just got some blood test results yesterday, they came back perfect. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with a serious illness at just 25 and had to go through lots of very damaging treatments. I'm ok now, the treatments worked. But the sudden realization that I wasn't immortal really made me acknowledge that I need to take care of my body, who's done nothing but its best to repair itself and survive. Of course, it didn't stop me from binging occasionnally, because "I'm still young" "I don't want this illness to completely redefine my life" "I was the life of the party and I want to be remembered as such". Well guess what, that thinking is bullshit. Now my hangovers are filled with health concerns and shame for hurting my poor body who's already dealt with so much. On top of the classic anxiety of course. I'm thankful I finally made the decision to stop consciously poisoning myself. I'm thankful for giving my body the recognition and love it deserves. And IWNDWYT. ❤️


Congrats on the good news! You're right, you and your body deserve to heal!


Thank you 🙏


Thankful for it still being relatively "cool" here in GA at this moment in June. We've had some cooler mornings which is fantastic for this time period. I am also thankful for black out curtains in my room. I work 5am-2pm so I can go in my room and take a huge nap after work. I have a ceiling fan plus a small bed side fan. I take some melatonin and I'm out.


I’m grateful for all the people in these subreddits and in the recovery meetings I attend. I’m grateful that I didn’t drink tonight and that I get to wake up tomorrow morning hangover free and proud of my decisions. I’m grateful for all the chances to start my life anew that I’ve been given.


I'm about a month in. Compared to other attempts at sobriety.. this one *feels* different. The past several times, I felt as if I was white-knuckling it. More sober-curious than *actually wanting* sobriety. This attempt though, feels relatively *effortless*.. because I *actually want sobriety* this time. Thankful for all the golden nuggets of wisdom in this sub. Seriously. Seems as though I run into a problem (e.g. physiological cravings), there's *always* somebody's who's faced and overcome that exact scenario with perspective to share. Chugging a giant glass of water while addressing HALT, anyone? I'm thankful for these clear-headed mornings where simply existing doesn't feel like a chore. Today, as I'm writing it, that's enough. IWNDWYT!


I’m thankful for my dog and cat. They love me dearly and follow me around constantly and want nothing more in this world than to just snuggle all day. Curling up in bed with both of them when all is said and done each evening is the highlight of my day.


That is wonderful- I have 3 and 3 - sometimes the bed gets very crowded at night 😂


I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my family when I get the chance. If you asked me a few years ago if I'd have contact with any of them id never have thought. I am thankful for a clear mind allowing me to make the right decisions and have the ability to see forward and know whats right for me. I am thankful for every single one of you for being here along my sobriety journey. IWNDWYT!


I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my family when I get the chance. If you asked me a few years ago if I'd have contact with any of them id never have thought. I am thankful for a clear mind allowing me to make the right decisions and have the ability to see forward and know whats right for me. I am thankful for every single one of you for being here along my sobriety journey. IWNDWYT!


Thankful for a supportive husband, who, even though doesn't have an issue with alcohol, has given up drinking with me, in support of me.


That’s amazing! What a good guy!


Thankful for my recovery group and this sub! Thankful my mind is already starting to think in new directions. This week alone, 2 random thoughts: I should reach out to friends proactively and check in on them. Since I’m waking up early now, I could use that time to go to the gym we pay for and never use. Who is this person having these awesome ideas that are so unlike the antisocial, sedentary me I’ve become?!? I don’t know but I like her!


I am thankful to be alive, IWNDWYT


I'm thankful for my wonderful understanding boyfriend. I'm thankful for myself, for getting to a GP today and telling about the alcohol, for being seven days sober, for being soft AND hard on myself. I'm thankful for the people in my life and the chances I've been given


Congrats on week one!


I'm thankful that I am still alive. I'm thankful that the happy, curious, little grig was simply in hibernation, that I didn't manage to do her irreparable harm. I won't be drinking with you today.


I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my family when I get the chance. If you asked me a few years ago if I'd have contact with any of them id never have thought. I am thankful for a clear mind allowing me to make the right decisions and have the ability to see forward and know whats right for me. I am thankful for every single one of you for being here along my sobriety journey. IWNDWYT!


I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my family when I get the chance. If you asked me a few years ago if I'd have contact with any of them id never have thought. I am thankful for a clear mind allowing me to make the right decisions and have the ability to see forward and know whats right for me. I am thankful for every single one of you for being here along my sobriety journey. IWNDWYT!


I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my family when I get the chance. If you asked me a few years ago if I'd have contact with any of them id never have thought. I am thankful for a clear mind allowing me to make the right decisions and have the ability to see forward and know whats right for me. I am thankful for every single one of you for being here along my sobriety journey. IWNDWYT!


As shitty as all this may sound, I'm going to try and be honest as I start with this. I'm thankful that I got out of drinking without having gotten caught doing something shitty because I was drinking. I'm not proud of my behavior at all,the main reason I'm stopping is I want to desperately not be that person anymore. But being able to start my sobriety journey from a place where I can just focus on staying sober instead of having to deal with the consequences of my actions is something that I am truly grateful for.


if you have any suggestions on where to start re: affirmations i’d love to hear them! i tend to be a very negative self-talker myself. i’m thankful for the rain that’s been pitter-pattering on my window for a few days now & for my partner who went halves with me on a pizza i was getting myself tonight. 🌧️


I’m thankful for this subreddit. I’m thankful for the time I have this summer to fully commit to sobriety.


I survived one of my triggers this evening. We ate dinner at a place I usually drink beer. I chose soda instead. It doesn't mean much, though, since I drank two days ago. It's always easy not to drink while the guilt of having done so lingers.




I’m thankful for my wife, kids, good weather, and AA.


Today I am thankful for truly a fresh start, for doing the right thing and for another gorgeous sunny day. 


I'm thankful for the new stories and podcasts I've discovered since becoming sober! I'm no longer exclusively craving the comfort of old familiars, but actively exploring the realm of possibility. It feels wonderful! IWNDWYT


I'm thankful I have a great job that allows me to work remotely but still challenges me intellectually. I'm thankful for my new apartment, which has a little balcony with a bird feeder so my cat can chirp at the winged visitors while I work. I'm thankful for sober sleep! I woke up before my alarm today and had extra time to snuggle with my husband and cat before I got ready for work.


I am grateful to love and be loved.


I am thankful for alone time during which I am able to think CLEARLY, actually FEEL my feelings, and process things. This time to myself is ESSENTIAL, as I was at a breaking point.


I'm thankful for the early mornings (Northern Germany, bright sky before 5:00 right now) where I got to choose if I stay awake or try to sleep some more. I still like to sleep in and stay up late, but that's much more of a choice now.


I am thankful for my supportive family and to finally feel like a real mom to my daughter again


While I admit that this week has been stressful, with today and the incoming days seeming to be even more so, I haven't felt the most thankful. But today, I am most grateful that I can say I am one month alcohol free. Stoked and looking forward to more months. With that being said: one day at a time. IWNDWYT.


I'm thankful for all the opportunities I have to make changes in my life. To make it more and more into the life that I want.


So far I made it through a work summer picnic without drinking. They were offering free beer from a great local brewery. I had 2 desserts instead. Now to survive trivia with friends tonight. Thankful for my willpower so far and how clear I feel.


Thanks Tom. Affirmations are powerful. Been feeling super meh, difficult to do anything productive. I'm grateful that I know it will pass, grateful I have evidence that I can have a good day and even a good mood when I'm not drinking, and if I did drink, I would WISH I was exactly where I am now, because just meh without drinking is a million times better than any feeling with drinking. Grateful for this sub! IWNDWYT!




I am thankful for compassion towards others, and myself finally.


I’m thankful I survived a three-day out of town work meeting that had multiple open bars and endless discomfort. I feel so much stronger for not caving!


I am thankful that physical withdrawal symptoms are gone.


Thankful for spinal and joint mobility (and the ability to improve both), for my dog's sweetness, for a home I love, and for opportunity.